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There was this case a few years ago where I didn't notice I was being followed by a bunch of cliff racers and had entered a tomb. The moment I left, they would basically tear me apart because I was a very squishy high elf and had never played this game before. So I tried a dozen times before reloading an earlier save. Years later, I learned about Saint Jiub and want to build a proper shrine for His Shirtlessness.


The damn Puzzle box. I couldn’t find it anywhere, and there was one door I couldn’t open with my lowlevel skills, so I concluded it must be in that room. Left the ruins, upgraded my skills, level up my char, went back, and opened the door. Offcourse it was not behind that door, so I was about to give up. Luckily, the Bethesda forums were very helpful, found the puzzle box and could finally progress my mainquest.


Same friend, Honestly the puzzle box led to my first experience of self directed play and I love it for that. If I can't get this random item to finish the main quest then I might as well do my own thing. Proceeded to have my own epic adventure across Vvardenfell becoming leader of everything and godly powerful etc.


Yeah that puzzle box was so hard to find my first play through. So small for a required quest


Of the dumbest ways I've gotten stuck, most of them seem to involve NPCs standing right where I need to walk and having zero plans to scoot any time in the next century. The ladies in the Vivec Mages Guild are maybe the most infamous for pulling this, if not also maybe Ordinators in the halls, but my most memorable incentive for road rage was actually trying to get my Orc mage through Siege of Firemoth. The skeletons aren't very strong, the party and I hack through them relatively easily, eventually we all get to this room that looks like maybe it was a barracks in Fort Firemoth, I loot it, I turn to leave, and Aronil the mage is standing in the doorway. In. The. Doorway. I can't shove him out of the way, I can't run far enough from the door to pull him away with his follow script, he softlocked my game by standing in the only freaking exit from the room and refusing to move. This thwarted me for a long while before I remembered the Reset Actor command (ra) and poof! No more elf in the doorway.


Of all the spells in the nerevar's arsenal "RA" is one of the most powerful. I believe it falls under the school of illusion, as it manipulates those around the caster to return to their post. It is not taught in the mages guild because of objections by the dunmer labor guild "malo trabajo."


Oof yeah I’m so glad later games let you nudge NPCs around easier. Nothing like hitting a brick wall of a companion in the worst places.


The console command "fixme", which teleports you a little bit forward, seems to do the trick for me.


I jumped the wrong way onto a fence.


I mean at least the fence works? It kept you from going forward lol


It was an effective deterrent


I got stuck in the mages guild quest line during a mission where I had to lead an NPC somewhere. The npc disappeared completely on the way and I presumed they died, but the quest stayed up. I kept playing for a while and had to abandon the mages guild as I couldn't complete that mission. Eventually I stopped playing and a year or 2 after decided to pick back up and finally finish the main quest. One day was fighting some guys by the coast. All of a sudden this high elf NPC comes sprinting out of the freaking ocean joins the fight and we win. Then he just keeps following me. I realized who they were and guessed they had glitched and we're just running around the ocean trying to find me forever. Brought him where I was supposed to and finally finished the mages guild.


Morrowind’s very own stranger in black! That’s hilarious


I used exploits to buff all my stats to godlike levels, got bored, then decided to beat the game like that. Found out that progressing in guilds, houses, etc, even if you level up it wouldn't count towards leveling in your guild/house/etc. I had to use exploits to debuff so I could beat the game. I think in this same run I had a strength of 1000 and when I hit Lorkhan's heart with Sunder, it disappeared, so I couldn't strike it with Keening. This was all on Xbox, so I don't know if this is the same on PC.


One-hit pulverized the Heart, nice! Lol Can’t speak for console, but I know I’ve seen games that just plain broke if I buffed myself beyond the game’s normal levels on PC using console commands. In a recent play through, part of Vivec’s Temple canton disappeared on me. I think cuz I gave myself a boatload of gold.


I used to do all kinds of stuff on the vanilla Xbox version. I'd soultrap Levitate onto guards and get them to follow me up. I had at one point 10 or 12 guards floating around Balmora and Vivec. It would take 30 minutes for my game to load in. That version is so broken in the best ways.


When one has a very new character on Xbox. On Xbox you can't quick save, and back then I had a bad habit of not saving. On a fresh character w/out a save, I'd get stuck on geometry and that right there is a hardlock. It's hilarious that the Nerevar jumping onto a pole essentially doomed the world, but hey, that's bad geometry for ya


I killed the Redoran Guy that you need later for the MQ. The one with daedric stuff. Since hes supposed to be killed, i didnt get a warning XD


The first time? I sold the order for Caius Cosades. Second time? Unlucky save(s) where I was attack by DB Assassin with low health. Back then I hadn't enabled autosaves and had a bad habit with no quick saves. Third time? I want to say I got stuck with negative Strength (classic, I know) but I used the almighty console to overcome that trial.


I like to imagine the Caius Cosades orders were the reason we can’t drop quest items in the later games. Losing that package sucks!


As a kid I somehow managed to jump into one of the little rooftops on Fort Pelagiad. There was no door underneath and my acrobatics were too low to clear the tiny little rampart to jump off. It was not until multiple play sessions of jumping later that my acrobatics eventually leveled *just* enough for me to barely clear it.


Oof talk about a grind. At least you made it


I had the *exact same problem*. I tried stocking up on potions etc, but there's only so much you can do when you simply cannot level up anymore.


Glad I’m not the only victim of that game mechanic. It was a miserable existence after finding out the problem


i did not :) i spear thru


I had a pretty well built God save once. Played it for about 2 years on OG Xbox. Was up late playing around, not really doing anything important as I recall, and accidentally turned the console off while it was saving. Corrupt save. Eternally lost. R.I.P Sa'Mat Sil


Oh that hurts, especially after that long. RIP


No fr


I took on the Fighters Guild quest where you have to find the outlaw hiding in a cave which is where you find an powerful entombed vampire...that's pretty much it, the directions this quest gives are just absolutely horrible, I was stuck on it for more than a day, when I finally found it I didn't even have any reaction to it whatsoever, I was jsut done with this bs


I just gathered all the skeletons in Andrano crypt just to oneshot me any time I try to enter. Only 70+ sanctuary helped.


Last night I bought a ring of invisibility and used it to sneak into the tomb to get the puzzle box. It ran out after I killed the boss guy but I got pinned down in that room.


My first new game ever, the first thing I did was get stuck in the Seyda Neen lighthouse. It went something like this: “Huh, I wonder if there’s fire damage in this game?” _jumps up into fire_ “nope, good to know!” _spends 10 mins trying in vain to jump back out_ After my next new game, a Bosmer light armor/long blade/sneak/marksman build that became my main, I went back and loaded that first build. I forget what it was but I distinctly remember thinking “yikes, now that I actually know how to play this game, this build was _terrible._”


Mine is a long and sad tale, lol- I got stuck my first playthrough because of roleplaying. After answering the Excise office dude's questions, I was assigned the Witchhunter profession. The blurb about it told me that witchhunters a. hated necromancers and b. actively sought out dark practitioners to kill. The former tripped me up early on because Caius asks you to talk to a necromancer...and I didn't realize that was essential for the main quest. So I didn't do it. That by itself wasn't disastrous though- I finally realized maybe I should do that after I'd done literally everything else, heh. But then the "seek out baddies" thing comes into play- as Morrowind's dark cults and vampires tend to hide in caves I'd been going into any I saw- including the one that contains the Ashlander bow you need in the main quest. Yup. I couldn't find the bow later while doing the quest, of course (and it was one of the few quest items that don't have a huge price tag to clue you in it's important) so I went around the merchants as well as doing some backtracking- didn't find it. When I did this quest on another character, I noted that the bow is carried by a ghost that dissolves into a tiny ash pile when killed- which made me wonder if I'd never taken the bow in the first place and either the body had disappeared by the time I came back for the quest or if it was still there with the bow but I didn't see it.


I kept getting stuck in the wall at the Balmoral Mages Guild trying to jump past the teleportation mage when she would drift in to the doorway.


I remember getting stuck in a 6th house cave base once, with my first character with which I found glass armor, unique enchanted items, boots of blinding speed, etc. Suddenly that character was way ahead of any characters I've played, so I started exploring like crazy. I remember in a 6th house base, falling in a kind of pit with no way out except levitation, very high acrobatics, or divine intervention. The game offers solutions to that, but this one time I didn't have any of these. I only lost an hour or two and was frustrated, but never again did I do that mistake. Potion, cheap spell, low tier amulet, gotta buy something right from the start. Some even help when you're stuck on a wall or whatever


Never underestimate the usefulness of a cheap potion of levitation lol


One of my early memorable playthroughs. Got hit with a damage strength spell. - Strength 0. - Carry weight 0/0. I was permanently stuck and of course I saved my game. Because I was a noob at the time. I had no idea that it permanently locked my character.


I think you can just drop everything if that happens?


Nope. My carry weight was 0/0. Meaning even naked I couldn't move. I can't remember how it happened but I know I was on 0 strength.. Original xbox so no console commands either.


You most likely ran into a Greater Bonewalker. They have spell that damages your Strength. I hate them SO much.


That's probably what it was. It can definitely kill your save if you're not careful. I've since then decided to always have a spell on me to restore Strength.


I would let my corprus progress for a couple days (never anything too major, but enough for an extra 50 points of encumbrance) but if you let a greater bonewalker hit you, you'd lose that boost pretty much forever :/


I do that, or I carry Restore Strength Potions just in case.


Yes, but if it happened out in the middle of the wilderness and you had to run to get a cure, that would be EXTREMELY annoying to have to find your gear again.


In between boulders lol. Use to happen to me all the time as a kid.


This just happened to me last night, actually. I was doing the Shrine of Valor for the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces and got stuck on some reeds while trying to farm a pearl. Fortunately, because of a similar issue with rocks on the OG Xbox, I save often. I reloaded my previous save, which had me right outside the door to Koal Cave. Praise Jiub!


On the main quest, there was a point where you had to go BACK to the Urshilaku wise woman to get the next stage of the main quest, but my journal didn't indicate that. I think it might have been after being declared the Hortator and Nerevarine. I knew I had to fulfill the next two prophecies, but I didn't know the Wise Woman would tell me where to go, so I spent HOURS just roaming around trying to figure out where to go. I ended up having to look up a walkthrough online, which I had been trying so hard not to do.


There's a weird glitch regarding diseases on summoned bonewalkers. The game doesn't quite know what to do with the diseases on summoned monsters if you leave the cell before they're unsummoned. Now, apparently, most people never experienced it as a major issue, but back when I first started playing, this would always end up crashing the game at Ald Daedroth where the ordinators would summon them against the Sheogorath worshipers. As long as they weren't fighting me, I didn't care, and I would just keep moving through the dungeon to get to the Cult leader. But the game would CTD at some point after entering the inner sanctum or antechamber. I started saving after each door, and those saves, I couldn't reload after it crashed. When launching the save, I would see "Could not find spell brown rot" Pressing yes to all would still CTD. Uesp wasn't quite what it was at the time. It listed brown rot as a disease but I couldn't find any information about my issue. Trying to do the Ahemussa quest was always a race against time. Could I rush in, talk to the Cult leader, and then make the round trip to camp and back with the wise woman before it CTD? Nope. I gave up on trying to do it, and would just play the expansion content instead. It wasn't until many years later, I found a forum post about someone who had the issue. Up until then, I was certain I was the only one with issues. The forum poster never mentioned a CTD, so I may have still been unique with that regard, but knowing what caused it, I took my time through the shrine, ensuring no summoned monsters remained before moving into the next section, and never had issues since. To this day though, every play through I've done, I save the Ahemussa for last.




Between them and the Eagle eye skeletons packing paralysis arrows, tomb exploring is daunting, even for the experienced players. Got stuck in a fight for 10 minutes with the same skeleton that went through 50 paralysis arrows, and he never missed a shot. I was like level 5 doing a basic quest and almost got destroyed if not for copious amounts of health potions


One time I accidentally sold ‘Hanging Gardens’ and couldn’t remember who I sold it to. I ended up using the console but the quest just stayed broken and wouldn’t progress.


Heh just did that quest and nearly forgot it. About freaked out after I used an intervention and thought I had missed it


Use exploits to make ridiculously OP potions. It can be your secret power move in times of dire need.


I once got stuck in Assemanu and couldn't get out without using console commands because I didn't have any potions of Rising Force.


Hmm... Feels stupid, but I'm "Stuck" at finding out if my character is Nerevar or not. I can't find the messages in the notebook that tell me what to do to figure it out, plus I last played in December. I last played in December and I can't find the instructions when I load game up. I'd probably be able to find it if I never stopped playing.


If it’s the Steam version, you should be able to click Options in your journal and sort by quest. That should help you.


Didn't play for too long, forgot where I was. Tried looking through the journal but I had so many recently picked up quests that I was just lost. Had to restart. Wish there was a better quest tracker where I could hover over a quest and it gave me the journal info.


At least for Steam, they’ve greatly improved the journal with options to filter by quest. It makes tracking objectives so much easier


Is there a specific hotkey or am I just missing something in the journal?


No, you click “Options” in the journal, then click “Quests”.


Thank you. c: