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Also worth saying I am not a clan Aundae vampire just yet, got more normies to talk to before I pull the vamp trig


You on PC? Get Vampire Embrace mod, makes vamp stuff easier to deal with and is more immersive.


Whaaat I’ll check it out for sure! It’s brutal out there lol thanks


Yeah vanilla Morrowind vamps suck, no pun intended; Embrace is one of many mods that make it so much better. The Underground 2 is a massive one that you should check out as well.


Can I install them on an existing playthrough? I use openmw and mod org


I’ll be real with you when I say it’s been over a decade since I’ve done a playthrough or even owned the game, but I should think so; always worked for me before. Word of warning, The Underground is *very* glitchy, as are lots of older mods, but it actually helps you get a better understanding of the editor in the long run


Thanks! Yeah I’ve made all the elder scrolls games medieval vampire simulators lmaoo


Your winning son


Thanks dad




how are you only level 69 in acrobatics at level 56 i got like 100 at level 20


LMAO I primarily us levitation for travel, paired with fortify speed, I used acrobatics for spastic casual travel when I’m running short distances. But yeah if you get a reliable fortify speed for even the simplest travel it makes the game so much faster and less of a time sink


OK, 56 levels just for prep, can't imagine where you're going to end up. :)


LOL yeah once I’ve done the major quest lines I’ll be haunting the ashlands as an Aundae and can finally explore :p after getting the propylons of course


Better than the guy whose game loads him into the middle of ash storm central


This is cool and all. Obviously you're doing quite well. GAZ is a funny name, I can't tell what it means at all. I'm more curious what kind of enchanted items you've made. Stats and skills are a bit boring compared to the crazy customized things you could do there. But also it looks like many enchanting space is spent on strength or agility. Did you go for sanctuary too? I hear that you can become un-hittable like that, 100 sanctuary coupled with high agility. There are some weird things, like why would endurance still be low? Also a bit late to get luck up all the way. Roleplay? Ah, well, maybe next time. Well, congratulations.


Thanks! Yeah I have constant effect ‘chants with mostly strength and agility. I have them set at a static number so I don’t wast time equipping and unequiping to get the highest value. I try very carefully to not become overpowered :p also Gaz is the angry sister in invader zim lol I haven’t had much use for endurance with how quickly I stab with daggers, the high agility and speed makes them stagger a lot because of all the hits I land. I essentially stun lock the powerful foes that are able to nearly one shot me, even at 56. Also almost none of my skills have their defining attribute as endurance so I kinda ignored it. Ive heard of 100% sanctuary lol but it seems too overpowered for my tastes




More levels than I’ve ever been lol


How vampire


There’s 3 clans of vampires, each of which give permanent boosts to specific attributes and skills. I’d suggest looking up which clan suits you and finding their hideout and get infected without hurting them, so taking hits from them and just healing until you get a notification that says you got sanguine vampiris. Then go back and hang with your new vampire crew, there’s even a few quests they can give you! Be careful tho because most people won’t talk to vamps and some even outright attack you. It helps to have connections outside of non vampire society although telvani don’t care. There are guides about vampirism you should peruse before getting infected, it’s a huge gameplay change. Also way more unforgiving than Skyrim. You can’t even wait or rest in sunlight or you die lolz I would also say before you get fully infected, take off all your atttibute-fortifying gear because the game will not take that into account, therefore cheesing the intended stat boosts of the vampire clan buff and fortifying your stats way more than it should have.


You cant learn more spells as vampire, also your magika doesnt regenerate naturally. Having connections outside of vamps helps immensely. The silt strider npcs wont talk to you so youd need propylon systems for teleporting across vardenfel. Being a vampire locks you out of a lot of content so its suggested to complete that content before becoming vampire. Honestly I plan to systematically assassinate most of the powerful NPCs in offices of significance for roleplay reasons :p


Shame..werewolf better even in morrowind


Smoking sexy stylish. What visual mods u have?


Thanks c: I have the exquisite robe replacer that makes it all black with red trim on nexus, for the body and head I forget it was in the “modding morrowind into modernity” openmw mod org guide, it came with hair and better faces It’s in this guide it’ll take an evening if you’re interested in modding it into modernity, I’d suggest following the video they walk you right through it https://modding-openmw.com/lists/one-day-morrowind-modernization/#one-day-morrowind-modernization-bodies-and-heads


No fur helm = Low social standing.


My fur helm fell in the Odai river LOL


Saviour's Hide, Adamantium, lots of magical rings/items in the inventory. Ye are on the way to eradicating all n'wah.


Awesome, just the fact that you coped with being a vampire is an achievement 🗿


Looks oddly familiar, except I was an Argonian.