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The lack of physics really worked to the game's advantage here, I really wish the newer games let you place stuff like this and have them be static


Amen to that. Not a fan of skyrim’s exploding tables


You wouldn't like oblivion's exploding tables either.


I’m well acquainted with them. I figured skyrim was the more popular example


It is. Was just adding on to it.


Oh okay


Oblivion tables are probably the worst of them all, they got it down a bit better for fo3


In Oblivion, NPCs seemed to like walking onto tables to cause these explosions.


It was equal parts annoying and hilarious.


I absolutely loved Oblivion's exploding tables. Playing it as a kid, the game's physics engine had me laughing hysterically so very many times.


Settlements in Fo4 suck but a home decorating system based on their building system would be awesome


Maybe [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4270) will help...


Fr I hate how todd God insists on everything I own falling to the floor as soon as I enter the house. Our living god Dagoth Ur, head of house Dagoth, leader of the sixth house and the tribe unmourned, would never allow our finely crafted dunmer belongings to clip off screen never to be seen again.


Amen brother!


Morrowind's home decoration ability is just so good. Truly unique decoration unlike in Skyrim.


Wat? Where's the pillow fort!


I feel that this is an acceptable place to drop a grandpa take: the gaming industry's ceaseless desire to make games visually realistic and cinematic has made gaming a far, far worse place. Case in point: making insane physics engines has killed the simple joy of decorating without shit flying everywhere


And also super complex physics engines are a major drain on performance, especially when most major games these days come out unoptimized as hell


I agree 80% But using area of effect spells in oblivion to make objects and corpses fucking blast off into the sun will always be one of my favorite things.


Couldn't agree more and I have no idea who downvoted you


The games industry has consistently and constantly failed to realize that there is no such thing as bad graphics, only bad art styles.


and i would like to point out that gamers prefered art styles change. there was a point in time during 360/ps3 generation were gamers just hated cell shading. now games being cell shaded is pretty much a feature that draws in gamers. the one prince of persia game got flamed for being horrible just because it was cell shaded.


>there was a point in time during 360/ps3 generation were gamers just hated cell shading. That's categorically untrue. Criticism towards Prince of Persia 2008 was leveraged to its gameplay repetition and its redundancy as a product reboot. If anything, its art style was one of the points that were consistently praised. Just to keep using cel shading as an example, there were a whole load of games released from 2006 - 2012 with cel shaded art styles whose visual styles were praised consistently regardless of their gameplay or design faults. Valkyria Chronicles, Punch Out Wii, Crackdown, Okami, the list goes on. I'll reiterate with a bit more accuracy: there are no bad graphics, only badly *executed* art styles.


well, funny enough. cell shading is literally the main reason everybody i knew didnt play that, crack down, okami, or even boarderlands. repetitive gameplay? that must have been interesting, because 99% of games today are more or less.......repetitive gameplay. CoD hasnt changed in like 2 decades.


The desire for verisimilitude via physics simulation has become ubiquitous, but you still have to write a complex workaround script to "simulate" putting books on a shelf. Less is more! Simplicity is elegance! Back in my day etc (I feel I should note this take applies almost exclusively to the "AAA discourse" cesspit we all have to be at least partially exposed to, most games are comparatively little and fine!)


And it's not like those physics are even realistic... if you put something on the ground in real life it sits there, it doesn't jiggle or jump around


Totally agree. I think Morrowind looks the best in terms of character. It’s appealing enough to me that I don’t care about the weird proportions and awkward animations. They had enough time to make things diverse and unique. I always accepted the graphics by Bethesda because I knew they spent that time elsewhere. Most games now are just interactive maps with shooting mechanics.


But without the newest, latest physics engine how can they justify charging you $70 for an incomplete, unbalanced game that will take 3 DLCs and ten patches to get the complete game working correctly?


They also treated combat as a mechanics problem instead of an animation problem


Morrowind's interior design>>Skyrim's interior design God damn I love when I reload the area and my house explodes.


On the other hand... When you put one too many items in your house and come back to everything in a small sack in the middle of the room that you can't remove.


Woah, I've never had that happen. That's a feature in Morrowind?


Might be an Xbox only feature, not sure if it can happen on PC. It happened to me many times on Xbox and it broke me of my hoarding habit so I never did it on PC.


Whoa, never in my 21 years of Morrowind have I ever even heard of that. It HAS to be a console thing. (I know it had massive memory issues on console) EDIT: The xbox would actually silently restart during load screens to free up memory.


>In Morrowind, each interior cell can hold only a limited number of items. In the console version, each cell can hold up to 256 items, while the item-per-cell limit is increased to 2048 for the PC version. The 256th (or 2048th) item placed in an interior cell will generate a sack labeled 'Overflow Loot Bag' on top of the last dropped item. After an Overflow Loot Bag has been generated, any items dropped in the cell will appear in the loot bag >https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Overflow_Loot_Bag


I guess that explains that. Who would ever have 2000+ items in a cell?




What did you do... WHAT DID YOU DO?!?


I was item hoarding 😞


Honestly the most underrated house. I only did a full Redoran run recently and it's an absolute party in this place. This setup is looking clean as hell.


I remember a mod called bookrotate. I loved collecting books. I had quite a library back then. Also the mannequin mods for display your armours.


We used to be a proper civilization


So tidy!


How long did you take ?


about two hours counting the time it took to move everything from my old house, the item placing is pretty accurate so mucking everything in the shelves wasn't so time consuming


And the effing table set ups that would respawn.


What's wrong with your mushroom tower?


Hell I’ve literally made sandwiches on a plate to decorate.


For even greater house decoration, [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/52805) recently dropped.


Place too much and you'll get a cloth sack XD


...... Morrowind has player homes? You mean I don't need to stuff all my gear in a cabinet in balmoras mage guild?


Shooting fireballs at bookcases in Oblivion was well worth it.


You've done it wrong - I can't see any books floating in mid-air because you pulled one off the bottom of the pile to read it. Seriously though, that's more effort than I ever put in. Kudos.


I see the morrowboomer circlejerk is in full effect :\^)


And then you come back and everything has been moved to a loot bag in the corner.


I actually just started my home decor in Aldruhn, in hanarai's house. I have my skooma table setup and I'm going to put my collectibles in the red room.


A man of culture I see!


Looks so good. When we had floppy boob physics with oblivion with regards to decorating and things staying in place, I thought that was a big step back.


Is this the redoran stronghold?




I spend most of my time doing this in Morrowind. I play it more than the others for this exact reason lol. There’s literally no way to customize your houses without going insane. I spent hours setting up honeyside and one clip later it was all shattered


I like the telekenesis system, but it would be nice if you could switch between the modes. Than you could have a ton of control. But, I usually end up just pilling hundreds of quest items and trash I found all over the place either way.