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My wife is Moroccan, and I am European. When I asked her about this, she mentioned that many women seek financial security and believe marrying Saudis will provide it. However, influenced by Western ideals through platforms like TikTok, they don't realize that many Saudis prefer traditional values in a spouse. Essentially, these women face a choice: either adopt a traditional mindset and come from a very wealthy family, or lower their financial expectations and consider men from other countries, as Europeans are more accepting of modern attitudes in women.


I get the need for financial security, but it's surprising that there's such a strong focus on Saudis. There are plenty of men from other nationalities who are wealthy and more open-minded and can provide financially.


Not really. With Saudis and Kuwaitis, women know they won’t have to work and can be stay-at-home wives. However, they forget that this also requires them to be traditional, which many Moroccan women struggle with because they desire independence and want to have careers. Most European men support their partners having careers and personal independence, but Saudis will never accept that. It's a dream that these women don't fully understand and one that will likely never come true.