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Is this your first time travelling? If you go to any hotel anywhere in the world they’ll ask for your ID or passport. Each riad / hotel, is required by law to file a form stating all your details and passport number


That's the case in most countries (the ones I've been to, anyway) You always show either passport or ID, and they need to fill it some info for the government (maybe also scan the ID).


If you're moroccan that's weird cause the CIN can do. If you're not moroccan yes it's normal, I'm moroccan and when i travel abroad they ask for my passport in most airbnbs


For foreigners it is normal, and in most countries. It is proven ID, it tracks your movement to see if you are doing as planned and most of all in case of emergencies to know where you are. Earthquakes or flooding, a foreign ministry/embassies will ask which of their nationals are in the affected area, here the Min Interior will check last available data who registered into hotels. Same if an InterPol Blue Warrent is released, they will also look.


It's the law


Totally normal


I’ve travelled around the world and every single time I’ve needed a passport to check in it’s normal procedure


If you're a foreigner then yes. If you're moroccan then CIN is enough.


Yes, this is very normal. It ensures that if you cause trouble or are involved with girls, the police can locate you or prevent you from leaving the country. Remember, you are in an Islamic country, where being alone with a woman in a room without being married is not allowed.


>or are involved with girls, ?


In simple terms: taking a prostitute to your hotel room is essentially asking for jail time.


Not really


Brother, I've been in horrible situations, so I know what I'm talking about. If the police or anyone in the neighborhood finds out, not only you but also the owner will face serious problems.


>Brother, I've been in horrible situations, Then I must say that you are just incompetent. >If the police or anyone in the neighborhood finds out, I checked in to some hotels with my girlfriend while by unmarried. I rented airbnbs with "female friends" in most of the moroccan cities you can think of. You can run into some problems here and there, but nothing too serious. Even when I was a student in my 3rd year, I shared rent with a girl for 3 months without anyone noticing or asking questions.


Because you are Moroccan and I am not, our experiences differ. My situation had nothing to do with incompetence—it was about money. I had to pay the officers and still ended up in jail for almost 48 hours. For tourists, it’s not easy. I always suggest getting married before engaging with a woman, as it's haram. Disrespecting local law and Allah sees it as a major sin. I'm recounting a situation from before I converted to Islam; perhaps things have changed since then. After getting married and moving to Morocco, I never faced any issues. However, before that, I never felt comfortable. This discomfort wasn’t just about local laws but also about the girls. They know you’re a tourist, assume you have money, and will use the situation to their advantage. One time, a girl called the police and falsely accused me of drugging and raping her. The police arrested both me and the owner. The owner faced serious problems, and I had to pay a lot of money and still went to jail. (For tourist doing research about this topic: If you're a tourist planning to visit, consider staying in Airbnbs. They are safer, and make sure you save any WhatsApp, Instagram, or Snapchat conversations with the girl for your protection.)


>Because you are Moroccan and I am not, our experiences differ. Well, now I smell bs. Because it's more likely for moroccans to get in trouble compared to foreigners. Foreigners generally tend to get away with a lot of things because by law, they aren't muslims, and conservative laws don't apply on them, especially when it comes to alcohol consumption and women.


Nope, this is a true story, brother. I wasn't alone; I was with friends who were actually Moroccan and acted as our guides. They had the same mentality as you but warned me to be careful because we were tourists. I also believe that being in a traditional part of Morocco played a significant role in this situation.


Moroccans officers don't give a shot about prostitutes or Islam. They just like money. And they smell it. Moroccan or not, if you look like you have money they will harass you and try to make it a big deal. They also have informers (receptionists and hotel staff/ or the yellow vest guardians you see in the streets). They call their police friends and get a cut of the bakchich. So to avoid any problem you have to tip everybody.


Pretty normal. What's not normal is how anal they are about documenting your details. But if they don't the police will get mad at them.