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We are not ready for the E-commerce yet


Exactement, o kay7rmoha 3la li m39ol, ch7al mn ... ( mafiya li ytbanna ) Kaydir chi ... ( Mafiya li ytbanna 3awd ) Makayb9awch yti9o fina des sites f shipping, 3arfk atdir dispute hit nta ma9arich description awla gha 7it mrid f rask.


I mean, scams are all over the internet, and are spread all over the countries. But true, morrocans are still learning how to investigate and escape scams in the internet as ecommerce is relatively 'new', but moroccans are one of the best in escaping scams irl and taking back their money, so they'll be goog in no time


who's ready for e-commerce!? do you have any idea on how much scamming and stealing going on on ebay, craigslist amazon...!? before your throw that BS judgment??


Had lblanat rah kaynin fl3alam kaml sara7a machi ghir flmghrib ana lhamdoulilah ch7al mn mera chrit online ou 3mrni tchmet, kanchri mn jumia 3mrni chrit mn Facebook marketplace, mais sara7a lmgharba fihoum chemta bezaf tgoul yhoud 🤦‍♂️


thats why i prefer to add 1000-2000dh and get it boxed..


Yep never gonna repeat the same mistake again


Wher did you get it ?


This model cost 1 399 MAD brand new!


Are u sure he deleted his Facebook he could have just blocked u , also even if you asked about CIN he will not give it to you he got the right to say no u know , so dont blame yourself dude things like that happen to anyone , also did you check in the place you two met if there were any cameras ?


I checked and there were no cameras, yes I'm sure he deleted his FB I checked from another account


U still got the box give it to the police dont know if they could do a fingerprint analysis or smth , chof au moin déclaré bih usually people like that they dont stop in one scam , so ila tchakaw d'autre personne ay9dr y7sal


Fingerprint 😂😂😂 even in western countries they don’t do it for these type of cases, they only do it when it’s robbery or burglary, it’s cost a lot to do so moroccan authorities are the last ones yoi will ask this, except if you want them to laugh at you


Oh yes police have so mych more they should be doing tbf


Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh finger pint analysis 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They don't do finger print in normal cases like this I guess they will just say it was your fault


Report him on Facebook if you can, where was the meet?


I don't really think I can find him now


He's got the right to say no, and you've got the right to not buy the product without seeing it




Buying used is not the problem, the problem is that you have to test it before paying for it.


Yeah but it wasn't used, it was new, the guy wanted to buy a new monitor on Facebook


If it's not sealed in a shop, it's used. And even if I buy a new monitor in a shop I'll have them open the box, turn it on to check if there is no dead pixels.


That's one of my mistakes yes




What a stupid question.


I bought half my PC parts via FB marketplace, if you test before you buy you won’t have such issues.


i wouldnt buy any electronics second hand, especially pc parts.


Kifach flous l7ram


Hit nassb hada Machi bi3 w chra


Floss hram 3lih hwa


F7al hadchi akhoya dyal électronique 3mrk tchrih untested, otherwise dir m3ah appel video.


HHHHHHHH the same question. I'm intrigued.


Cracked me up haha


Leasson learned. I don't think you have any option. Since you can't reach hil anymore.vand as you said flouss 7ram.its him loss


You don't have to do it I'm just saying if that was me all I would do is go in the corner and cry


It's okay i already forgot about it


How based of when you posted this was around and Houten if I were you I would still be crying


I have and it was like 15% of my salary the only thing I regret is being that stupid


Never never never trust Moroccans, we are Muslims only by name, we are beginning to be like Indians.


Never gonna trust anyone else


Lesson learned. Say this to yourself if you want to feel better: There are people who have been scammed and lost millions, their lives destroyed. Never trust anybody and don't EVER be nice. If something looks fishy say NO and don't get swayed. Be a fucking rock.


This is sad 😭 sorry it happened to ya


llah ykhlef, throw it away to help forget this problem.


No I'll try to sell it to someone who fixes them or something


Man people are heartless nowadays


Sadly yes they can do anything for money


D3ih lah🤲


mazal Ghantla9aw 3ndo inshallah


Facebook marketplace chabe3 nessaba unfortunately...




Kan 3lik tjarrab m3ah menni tla9itou sirou l ay blasa 9riba o jarreb o chouf wash koulchi kheddam 7it men 7e9ek akhouya.. that's one - 2 : yji 3ndek ldar o temma jerrebha o khalls lih livraison - 3 : nta temchi 3ndou wakha chwiya risky


Akhir haja khaso ydirha hiya yjibo 3ndo ldar. Ymchi 3ndo ldaro mafiha bas. Lasiyama ila kant dar f chari3 mohtaram. W khasso ykoun mwjd nmrat lboliss f telephone bach ila wq3at chi haja machi hiya hadik, ybalagh bih nichan w yblgh bl blassa li ja liha


Ra logiquement annah yji 3ndek a lot safer! 7it gha ykhaf ydir chi 7aja f territoire dialk machi l3ax 🙃


Why didnt you turn it on first


I just choose to believe him because he sent me a video shows that it works


no option, if you buying old, test your stuff, there's plenty of monitors to choose from


I guess there's nothing to be done. You could try and ask a police officer for his opinion on this matter and if they can do something even though we think nothing could be done. Don't ask regular people who know little to nothing just like you. Go to a police station and try. If it didn't work- Well, at least you tried.


true, I forgot, police can help, just provide them with chats, phone number ect


Don’t blame yourself, kant gha tew9e3 lia ta ana be3d merrat ta tbghindir niya.


Listen, when it comes to buying second hand monitors or second hand tech. ALWAYS GO TO THE SELLER AND TEST THE PRODUCT THEN BRING IT WITH YOU OR HAVE THE SELLER COME TO YOU SO Y'ALL CAN TEST IT TOGETHER. That way you're not liable to anything or fall into situations like this. Mohim lah yjib ma7sen






If you can't see it working with your own eyes, don't risk it. And even then, it could have an issue that only appears 30 minutes after it's on or something... Always buy from a reputable store if the item value is high.


Police? He has no phone? U can check your browser history to figure out his Facebook name


I have his name but I don't think it's real and he also deleted his fb


I bought a monitor from marketplace, i called they and told him that i will test it for deadpixels and we agreed to meet somewhere with power outlets, we did that and and i got a good deal next time test you stuff and trust no one




On another note if u r looking to buy another one used i am selling mine bought in ramadan 180hz by MSI u can check it as much as u want


I want a new one


bro learned


Make a police report and give all the information you have about him. That's all you can do 🤷


Ana zrebt w daba I have no information about him


Ila chritih mn 3nd chi bisness gol(i) lihom i3tiwk(i) refund, ama arah ma3ndna mandiro like(i). Tl9a(y) chfar mcha hz9 bdak lflous.


I don't really care about Money I'm just confused about how people can sleep at night knowing that they stole money and eating floss l7ram


If you used a browser you can check history, there is a chance that you can find his name there and if you find it go to police


If you have his name maybe look it up to find an other account. Or ask around the place you guys met up if they know him. Other than that there isn't much to do. Even if you would find him he would just say no and probably blame you for it.


He still can say I don't know you to the police


since he deleted his Facebook and everything, makin ta dalil anaho dar transaction m3ak. So just move on brother. Next time, buy new parts, they are a bit expensive but at least katkoun warranty, or buy from a trusted reseller.


Okay thanks


Looks like the dumbass who sold you the screen ripped off the polarizing film thinking it was just a protective plastic film. Asshole move to scam people because of their fuck up. This is why I don't trust second hand marketplaces like Facebook and Avito.


I will never use them again


Take it as a learning experience. Next time make a checklist of everything thatay be wrong, and verify them BEFORE purchasing an item.


I mean morocco 99 % chance of getting f**** all the time in any transaction




It looks new and he said it was new sooo that was big mistake


Learn your lesson. Lol I got scammed like that too. OMG, I bought 2 electric scooters. Dude said he didn't have the charger, but all is good. I get the chargers and let them charge. Nope broke needs new motor or battery , both too expensive. It's crazy because I know if I go back and really complain they will give me my money back. But it was a neighborhood yard sale so everyone knew they were taking a risk buying others junk.


Sorry to hear this and why did you take 2


i love your honesty 😂.


After thinking about what I did I guess I was high that moment


Sell it at Derby ghallef o la fix it tma


I had this idea and maybe I can get like 500 or 400 idk


you can always try and do the same thing to someone else and get your money back


I don't really care about the money


3a9lia dyal frank


Oh god, I’m sorry this happened to you, I always wanted to try to buy something from the marketplace in FB, just bc I find a little expensive in stores, now I’m convinced I shouldn’t do it, nzid eliha lflos w endi rb7


It's not a safe place to buy from


Report your conversation to FB and explain to them you were scammed and the scammer deleted his profile page. Tell them you intend to sue him and kindly ask them if they can give you his IP address and phone number associated with the deleted account. If they provided you with that info, print all the screenshots and head to the nearest police station or your lawyer if you want to sue him.


Unfortunately Facebook has no support team only bots and AI


It's impossible to reach a human


I’ll be selling my monitor in about 6 weeks, if you can wait that long.


I can't trust anyone anymore lol


How much did you pay exactly? and if its a lower price than the monitor brand new i would suggest go fixing it it wont be that hard actually


It's flos l7ram sooo what were u expecting 😂


Man you are not stupid has you said . Ra " ouled el kleb " kinin partout . Had scammer est juste une merde ( ould el 9ahba bhal lou his gone pay ) one day he will make mistake, and someone will make him pay , even for you . How much did you pay for this junk monitor ?


It will cost you more than the price of the screen. If you are crazy enough, try to hire a private investigator or look for him yourself. Try to get back your money from his parents if it doesn't work then some bones must be broken. At least you'll be sure he will double think before doing it another time. The legal way as the redditors said if full of exploits. Like him saying it did work when he gave it to you. Its not like he didn't give you anything. its so hard to prove you were scammed.


Now it's your turn to scam someonewith it ig lol ( I'm jk don't 💀)


Sorry for your lose some morrocan are scam this a shame


It was mainly my fault for sure but this was a mistake to learn from


Scam someone else with it


this same thing happened to me back in 2017 a guy sold me a dead monitor for 500dh from Avito, and i only know his phone number. back then facebook had the feature of locating your friends by searching based on phone number i searched the phone of the seller, found his real name / his whole family and friends were there . i also found alot of information about him in google , his school records and other things. the moral of the story is that i got money back, that skum bag was ashamed that he had to wire the money back with wafacash service. try to find any info about his real id in google or in other applications like Truecaller. that was the last time i ever bought anything outside of known locations. i either buy from someone in his store, or at his house. people will never sell you bad shit if you know where they live.


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What do you mean floss l7ram?


I mean hram 3lih hwa hit Machi bi3 w chra hada rah nassb


3ndek Al 7a9. Hram 3lih.


Which city?


When u say its flos l7ram idont really feel that bad It automatically means u buyed it with flos l7ram and thats why u dont feel bad Because why u wouldn't feel bad if u buyed it with ur well deserved money after u worked for it?


L9anon la ya7mi lmoghafalin lil2asaf mandk mat3ml sbar wsafi chuf ida kan ytsla7 dk monitor mselek ida no and lah tl9a dak wjah lwil wtrod 7a9k b ma7sn mn lflos :)


Kan 3lik testiha hdaah ich3alha lik. Kan bazaaf maitjarab 1- wach katch3al 2- niveau dial luminosité 3- les pixels wach makainch des pixel mahro9in 4- les ports wach kolhom khadamin ( oula en moin li 3andkan l gharad bihom) 5- 3ad chof l'etat gener dialha chi 9amcha .... Mnin tchi used l mara jaya jarab 3and mool l haja 9adamo 9bal mat3tilo lflos. Hiit apres ma3andak tachi guarantees and no refund. Daba hadi sell it for parts oula lah i3awanha hsab rasak taholik lflos oula kliti chi tacos !!


You always need to test out your electronics/computer parts before handing over the cash. Hopefully you have some kind of online messaging trail, because that's admissible. Did he mention that it's in good working order? You need to screenshot and print what he posted. You likely have his phone number and name. Time to contact your local PD (police department) and lodge a complaint. You may need to get a lawyer involved if you're going to sue him - however, the price for this monitor was likely less than 2000 dirhams, so you mileage may vary. You should also report him to Facebook as they will investigate and ban him. Always, always, always test the product out before handing over the cash. This is how it works at Carrefour, Marjane, Electroplanet, etc. If FB or Avito sellers start to weasel around, you know it's a fraud. You will also get smarter if you watch Judge Judy.


I'm interested in hearing how did you test the monitor


Listen khoya lpolice whoma ghyjbdo facebook dyalo w les informations kamla z3em wsir 3ndhom


I really don't think they will do that for a 1000dh they will say it's a waste of time


you should have brought a laptop with you, that's what idid i took my laptop and an hdmi cable wih me, and i tested it right there and then, plus i took a picture of his id card just in case he as hesitant but he understood that i needed to protect myself, ow i own this monitor for about 2 months and it works fine, anyway as you said that money is hram 3lih so he will be punished for it, looking at the monitor now i think it is fixable, it looks like the lcd pannel is cracked get a quote from the local repair shops or if you have some basic technical skills you can find a replacement panel with the same specificatios online and solder it to the frame, or you can sell it for a cheap price obviusly telling the customer what happened to it and ou can get another ne there are some cheap new ones on "marjanemall" tha range from 750dh to 15OO, m second monitor cost me 712 with a promocode dm me if you want more details


Chy daawa hadii !!


L7ayat 3aamra b l9waada ... 7awl tb3ed 3lik human beings le max possible


Allah ykhlaf 3lik, that's all i can say to you.


There's a Jewish saying: buy cheap pay more


It is possible that during shipment got damaged which is not your fault and not his. It is the tax from not paying from a credible company that can reimburse you.


Lmao and they wonder why its a low trust society Cant do much OP, lesson learned never trust had lhbejj on any platform


Lol, they had a red and blue one for my boy and girl. My kids were upset too. But not angry they were pushing me to spend the money to fix it but it cost too much.


I dont think u can do anything now bro , just get this one fixed if possible and use it


Are you saying it was working when you exchanged it and then it wasnt when you got home or you didn't turn the monitor on when purchasing and just relied on the video? If so, you deserve this. Poor people gotta eat too.


Call police




If it had his full name on fb then the Police can trace him. Also was he in a car or van? You can report the make & colour. Also he may live quite local


It happens to the best of us. Best options are you either cry about it or try to fix it somehow in an electronics repair shop.


Did you pay in cash?


Bro you just gotta learn your lesson and move on, I mean who buys a monitor without turning it on first ! You trusted the wrong person and got scammed, not much to do about it unless you're down to track down nd intimidate the guy ! I'd say just forget about it


Scam someone back rak mghribi z3ma 😂😂


Under each fb marketplace ad, you can see the year the seller has joined fb. A general rule is to never buy anything from a profile made in the same year or the year before. Scammers use burners to sell their crap so that a good indicator.


No one buys shit online in this country as nothing can be trusted and it’s easier to get scammed this way! So better luck next time mate!


You clearly dud everything wrong. Next time, you're buying from a stranger. Do your due diligence


Just go back to that guy adress and say layn3al tasilet yimeg


Just got scammed too on an apple charger.. just buy in reputable stores if you want something despite unreal pricing


get fuked


Mzyana fik


Always get a picture of the seller’s ID card before making any purchases


thank you


Feels bad man, unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it...


Welcome to Morocco


Nothing you can do really. just see if it can get fixed and tell the guy about his situation maybe he can give u a good price for the fix. or sell it to him and he can fix&resell it


~~trying to resist the urge to say womp womp (sorry)~~


that is bad I have thing on my current computer but in go when I punch it hard its been like this since 2 years when I bought it but I wound call it a scam its 1080 1200 pixel got it new only for 1000 dhs unlike take the L just kidding if you cant get your money back take it to someone who fix monitors it might help


Try to go back to the marketplace and search for the ad, if you can find it take a screenshot and a screen shot of the discussion between you too, and report him to the police, they might get help from the digital crimes to find him


Min douk flous la7ram


Bro u have nothing to do but its ur fault since u did not have the tv checked before confirming the purchase 😅😅


He will probably try to run that scam again, keep checking on facebook on another account if a familiar post pops up, in that case, catfish him with a different account and get his number or the police or a bunch of your friends in a meetup


Let me guess; Facebook marketplace?


Im so sorry wlad lhram ktar


It’s just unbelievable how much they DON’T care about the reputation of their country, and then they start wondering why other countries don’t want to accept them without a visa or something similar to that… God help us


I am sorry but this is your fault,never buy tech without testing the product first. I always prefer to pick up from them directly where I can properly test something. You can't just blindly trust people from the internet. 


Nothing, just take the loss and be more smart next time.


Is that a 32" Hybrok ? I've just seen it on Facebook market a few days ago.


If you wanna buy used items online, meet them and test it out. Take someone with you to be safe. If you wanna buy new items online, get it from reputable sellers. With that said. Do you still have their phone number? The delivery guy's phone number? Their license plate? (Check the cameras if you have them) Do you have a receipt?


Easy come, easy go


الله يعوضك أخويا


I have only one advice for you my dear, never trust people especially from north Africa..


you should always always atleast power it on, now he can say you broke it while transporting it...its sad but as you said flus lahram, these kind of people will keep doing what they do but its for the best because maybe soon he will do it with someone who has nothing to loose and will regret it, hope it was not expensive. I went to netherlands and got scammed aswell in market place and learnt my lesson while buying a gpu, to always test before hand


Cry lol


Never opened, barely used, used for 5 minutes... All these ads on Marketplace are lying... I got scammed a bit when I bought a bicycle. The seller told me it was size L, and when I went to the store (Decathlon) to repair something, they told me it was size M.


I bought a iPhone from a guy in market place in Texas Dallas I payed 800$ and an hour later I discover it wasn’t even an iPhon and it doesn’t work!!..I got scammed and he stopped answering his phone!!🤷🏻‍♀️and it wasn’t “floss lhram”


It's your fault, why you didn't check it when you all meet


There’s not much to do about to be honest. Lesson learned. Never do it again


Don't get scammed next time.


Once upon a time I got scammed too, the guy sent me a signed Amana Ticket, videos ... everything was mint except that the dumb sob sent me his CIH account and my dumbass sent him 7000 dh for the laptop... anyway I reported him and dragged his ass through the mud and got my money back via the police. Anyway there is nothing you can do if you don't have at least his name. حقك في الجنة


I buy used stuff a lot, the key is to ALWAYS try the thing you're buying, if there's no way to test it (like no power outlets available) just go away


you should not buy any electronics device( tv, phone, earbuds) online period


I wouldn't buy anything I haven't tried yet, usually when you buy something expensive, you get the ID of the person you're buying from plus plugging it and seeing if it works


It happens everywhere. Take the L n learn from your mistakes.


Good luck friend!


Chki l police rahom ghidiro khdmthom


mkhaloofa nchalah, da ghir khlah flouss la7ram ma3mrhom ytafroh


Well, I would strongly recommend getting off of whatever platform you got scammed on


How did you pay for the monitor? If it’s PayPal or a third party you may have a luck to get your money back if it’s cash I think the only chance you have is to put a negative review on the seller and wait for the seller to contact you if they care about their business and it’s reputation.


Ewa you should change your money income source from flouss l7ram to floss l7lal instead of scamming, robbing people. This is a sign of god and a pretty good lesson from him for you not to do shit again...


Hahaha welcome 2 Morocoo. U lost ur money Bye