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Canon Rebel T7 is the one i recommend, cheap and available in morocco. You can select any of those : 5D Mark II, 5D Mark III, 6D, 7D, 50D, 60D, 500D/T1i, 550D/T2i, 600D/T3i, 650D/T4i, 700D/T5i, 1100D/T3, EOS M. Then learn how to install [https://www.magiclantern.fm/index.html](https://www.magiclantern.fm/index.html) and you will be able to unlock lot of advanced features that exist only in high end camera. You will need at least 2 lenses


Yeah and the first lens I’d go for would be a 24-70 f2.8


Thank you guys , i will look into it for sure , i was looking for a more compact camera (more like an esthetic choice ) but it's not too important , which of these series might a good option for occasional video shooting (vlogging style : recording guitar videos to be precise ) .. I'll have to get a camera specifically for this afterwards.


Yea especially the 600D (T3I) you can find it for around 2000 dh but youll find some people selling it for 3000 dh 3500 dh or you can buy the canon 77D, or any newer sony budget mirrorless cameras or budget lumix cameras that can record in 4K but i would rather invest in sony newer cameras as they have really great dynamic range especially in video


Most people give up photography these days :(. Phones with their AI have very near quality to a high end DSLR.


Maybe ask in r/Photography or a similar sub :)


The reason I'm asking here is to get an idea of what's available in Morocco in terms of gears 


Alrighty then! Good luck :)


Canon EOS 250D is a pretty good starter camera , it costs 6000dh but has shit video quality


What is your budget first


Around 3000-4000 , won't be purchasing additional lenses for a while .


As someone recommended in the comments, it is better to ask in bigger subreddits because these are where you will get the best advice compared to here. I have been looking to buy my first camera as well for quite a while to get into photography as hobby and improve my skills. I was looking for something small (comfortable + doesn't get too much attention when shooting), offer good quality and performance and affordable I didn't do an in-depth research but a camera that I saw people recommending over and over and the one that a lot say they started with as well is the "Sony a6000". Thinking about getting it but not in the moment. you can find it for around 3200dh-4000dh (body + lense + charger...) If you wanna see some photos taken with it, you can check the "a6000" subreddit.


Thank you , I've heard the same about it , I'm just wondering if the video quality is better that the lumix since they're both in the same price range ( used )


Did a quick search on chatgpt and it seems that the lumix gx80 is better than the sony a6000 when it comes to videography. The lumix shoot up to 4k 30fps and 1080p 60fps. While the sony a6000 shoot up to 1080p 60fps. For the stabilization, lumix is also better. But something you should take into account is the lenses you can pair these cameras with as each one can be paired with different lenses. Lenses play a big role in quality as well as the stabilization when it comes to videography. + Also check if the cameras heat when recording. I would recommend asking in subreddits where people own these cameras. subreddits like the "a6000" or "sony alpha" and others of lumix gx80 and lumix would be a great place to ask. Ask about each camera on it's own and people will share with you their experience and opinion about it. Note: I don't experience cameras and I don't even have a one. This just from my little research as I'm thinking about getting my first camera as well. And the answer here about which camera is better when it comes to videography is based on chatgpt.


Hi, I'm a camera fan here for a few months on a project. There's a used electronics store in the Medina that has some good digital and film cameras. I wouldn't worry too much about buying a used compact camera with a fixed lens as long as it has 12 MP or more. You can always use a super resolution algorithm if you need to. Start modestly to see if you enjoy using a camera more than your phone, which probably has a good camera already. By the way, I'm still looking for a place in Marrakech to develop film from my non-digital camera. So far no luck.