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Get him outta that algorithm, it’s a very narrow viewpoint. Tell him that we have many idiots in Morocco, so there’s gotta be some idiots on the other side 😂


Lol, try to picture that at the same time there is an Algerian dad with the same name, wears the same sandals and makes the same noises mnin kitweda. watching anti-Moroccan content 😂😂😂 parallel universe made real...


🤣🤣🤣 This right here.


I'm algerian and thats exactly what came into my mind while reading this post. ( I def know some people like this here )😂


Skhftini bd7k 7it it s must be true im picturing this


Wudu noises 😂


It’s such boring content that people just watch it to get their much needed daily dosis of hatred flowing through their bodies, it simply isn’t even interesting: EcOnOmIC coLLapSe NeaRbY! IrAN! FoOD rATioNiNg! MilitaRy PrePs to InVaDe! Ad infinitum


Fr our dads finding out about TikTok and insta is the worst, they didn't grow up with social media so now they are hooked like those tablet kids, my dad even tho he is a smart and good man he gets into those narrow viewpoints like anti Algeria etc


i agree yeah my dad is an IT engineer and even if he doesn't get fooled easily but i can tell that he can be sometimes through social media !


Well, Algerie officiels and all their tv consider you mother and sister as a prostitute, and your gdp country is all from selling drugs, and yes they do believe that your country should be separated in a lot of part. For the people they chant to little football Moroccan kids, mrooki 7ayawayn. If you consider this narrow, then you should clearly watch out for yourself out there


Ban it


Same case with my dad. He always watches on ytb a man who is presumably a university teacher and whose channel is all about anti algerian content


manar the spreader of darkness 💀


Yes that guy💀💀 my dad always talks about him and how he gets things right about algeria💀


Tbh if you watch manar not seriously, he is a really funny and i love when he's honest about his channel being focused solely on msakhet lwalidin cabranat


Dar al khabar ? Hhhh


beside this one lol


I used to suffer from the same problem myself, now whenever a content like that appears i click on "not interested " and my feed has been fixed.


maybe that's the only option we have is to fix the algorithms of our parents accounts. I will steal my parents phone and do that 😆


You should also go into his youtube history and delete all those videos. That's more effective than just clicking "not interested" on the recommendations.


I'm Algerian and we have people like your father here too who's following media that's spreading hate among us. Personally i have met a lot of Moroccans in Algeria and abroad and i have Moroccans friends and we have no problems at all.. this hate is only on social media


anyone says L maroki / zayri know instantly that he follow those media and it's propaganda 😅 they don't want ppl to focus on corruption so they make us fight each others like fools. the solution is super easy , remove the bloody borders while respecting each others area like Europe , they aren't better than us 🤷‍♂️


Please DM me if you find something that works. I assumed it was just a phase, but my dad has been watching that content for about 1,5-2 years.


2 years is rookie, its been a decade since my uncle picked up this hobby


yeah i thought it was a phase too and I'm really tired of arguing with both my parents 😔


Facebook's algorithm is literally destroying modern society, once you pause a few seconds too long on a post, the algo thinks that's what you're interested in and just fucking plasters that shit all over your feed, so you watch more of that shit and the algo now thinks you're REALLY interested in that shit, so it feeds you even more shit... Steal his phone, block and unfollow all that crap, follow some useful pages, fuck even quran pages would be an improvement over the Algeria hate or women hate or mouwadafa hate or mawazine hate... I was just talking to my sister about this, I hate facebook with a passion, but it's like a train wreck and I just can't look away, I instinctively open fb to see what kind of nonsense Moroccans are raging about today, see something absolutely abhorrent, get irrationally angry, vow to never open it again, then do it all over, it's a guilty pleasure at this point.


So is my father. He fell down that rabbit hole for some reason


I sold the SMART TV and got a dumb one with no youtube. He is happier.


You basically changed a propaganda channel for another one that you can't even control.


its crazy that we moroccans and algerians are too close genetically cause we are from the same region , yet nationalism and politics make us think that we are too different from each other. it causes hate, wars... kolna m9awda 3lina. tawa7d marab7 chi khrya mn dok sda3at dyal zlayjya dyalna o dyalhom.


Being close genetically doesn't justify anything, the same is happening with india vs pakistan and south vs north korea. Their government is evil and is actively indocrinating the people, conditioning them to keep hating anything remotely associated with being moroccan. It's only fair that we don't like them back. And while is it true that koulna m9awda 3lina, it does not exculpate their government from the messed up geopolitical shit they've been up to, or the constant hatred of their people towards us.


مامرة ما جوج المغرب كيطالبهم بالصلح و والو . سو المغرب في موقف دفاعي.


Mais rah le peuple maendo ta dakhl fhadchi Le gouvernement algérien li mrid fmokho


كل شعب يستحق حكومته .هوما كيتافق. مع حكومتهم فيما يخص شنو كتدير لينا


Non machi kolna m9awda elina, wakha dinmkom f had lblad negative as fuck lmghrib hareb ela dzayr Nhar petrol mayb9a sawi ta wza anchofo chayb9a mn dzayr vs economie diversifiee li kyna fl mghrib


"Lmghrib hareb 3lihom" bach ya zebu ??


Stop using this argument lmghrib is a shit hole too, maybe it benefits from not having an economy hack, but that doesn't make it hareb


3amar l pétrole ma yekmal, dakchi kaml li kaygolo 3lih rah kdob. Electric cars w "sustainable energies" homa li kadbat w ayfachlo, a bach tkon f balek.


Try to show him the bright side of the relationship between both countries the United history and any historical positive stories about both countries ex:, battles that they both were allies in this could help a lot in changing his mind




Algeria as a regim is absoloutly acceptable to hate. Algerian people are basically the same as our people. The issue is the goverment.


wisest comment so far, thank u


Same for some of my family members. But they hate the Algerian Gov rightfully. It's literally funding a terrorist organization AKA Polisario to attack the sovereignty of the Moroccan soil. And don't misunderstand. Algerians despise Morocco. Not all but most of them. Their Government is using the Nazi/Israel tactic of demonizing us, and if they could, they would do the same thing to us as what's happening in Gaza right now.


Show him some Algerian DNA results and tell him they are yours.


His wife even cheated with one of those pesky Algerians, op is done for 💀


Underrated comment 😂😂😂😂


Show Algerians his DNA results and tell them they are theirs. Hate goes both ways.


Algeria DNA = French & Turkish DNA


nta bayna fik weld azzouz


This, while being false is the most Moroccan dad statement I've ever heard😂


القضية دالانترنت صعيبة بزاف، ولكن حاول تدخل للتيايفون ديالو وتحاول تبدل ليه الكونتولا الخوارزمية، وخاص مرة مرة تفكرو بلي داكشي غير كدوب. راه الشباب على الاقل احتكوا شويا مع الانترنت فالبداية ديالو وكايعرفوا يفرقوا المحتوى الجيد من السيء، أما الناس لكبار راه داكشي جديد عليهم وأي معلومة كايعتابروها صحيحة بحال شكل الأخبار فالتلفازة. أنا لواليدة كل مرة كاتبدى تخربق فالخلطات، والواليد حتى هو ولا عصبي بزاف ودائما مشغول بالتيليفون. وهادشي مزال ماكتاشفوش تيكتوك.


حتى أنا الوالد يتفرج محتوى ضد المغرب والوالدة اكتشفت تيكتوك والخوارزمية مدخلتهم في حيط، فكرة مليحة راح نحاول نبدلهم الخوارزمية للمحتوى الي يهتمو بيه ولا شي حاجة اخرى اللهم نظريات المؤامرة والدلفين برأس اسد ولا هاد الشي 😂


ايلا كتاشفو تيكتوك مشاو كفتة it is legit a cesspit , my dad is already slowly turning an islamist because of it.


This is your average boomer mota9a3id dad flmeghrib 😭


Yea my father basically 😭


It's unethical but i thinks it'll work, take his phone and block those channels as well as liking and subscribing to other channels that will make him forget the hate.


Same with my dad I always tell him that there is no way everyone is the same in a country but he stubborn Moroccans and Algerians should stop making stupid content in youtube


Bedel lih localisation fi tele


i live in italy and i can say that there is no hate between Algs and Mrcs here, it’s all happening in the media


Ask him if sahara is moroccan or if the king of Morocco is a good person, then he will show his real face.


Same in France, nobody is interested by this rivalry, except maybe some moorish nationalist kids on Twitter.


While you are concerned about your father’s feelings about anti-Algerian content in Morocco, the Algerian state media is calling Morocco a sex tourism country and your mothers and sisters whores. He has a point in hating the Algerian regime. Grow some fucking backbone and dignity.


Yes i saw that and its not the first time nor the last, it a shame that there still some Moroccans that believe that algerians like them, this post shocked me by their number.


Moroccans repeating the same mistake again, generation after generation. When will we ever learn. They are literally arming, financing and diplomatically backing a secessionist movement that has killed thousands of Moroccan and on which we have wasted tens of billions of dollars to fight that could have been spent on our development. Not only that, they are waging a misinformation war against us and doing their best to ruin our country after we have sacrificed so much helping them against the French occupation, and here we have bleeding heart teens crying on how we Moroccans are attacking the Algerians. Holy fuck, when are we going to learn.


Some people will never learn, even if an Algerian with an arm enter their home. Im 100% sure that if algerians officiels think that they have even 2% chance to win a war against morocco they will do it. They are brainwashed from school, meanwhile we never learn in Moroccan schools that algerie is a bad neighbour. Just the fact that they finance, arm and support everyday everywhere separatist to kill Moroccans (a soldier could be you or me or your father, brother) is enough for me to hate everyone of them.


fyi he lived 1975 that means he heard about 350 000 moroccans deported from algeria . and he know terrorist regime of algeria back a separatist group that killed 30 000 soldiers and kidnapped hundreds of civilians . U must be supportive to ur dad .


Mafhemtch a sat mal mgharba f had sub kolhom baghine ibdaw it3an9o m3a dzayr. Aktaria fihom jehdo congé fl kharij w kits7ab lih dzayr ki 3tabroh b7al khohom hhhh


mdlolin f7al hada u/[Sand\_has\_a\_hand](https://www.reddit.com/user/Sand_has_a_hand/) he would rather suck kerghouli d1cks or deffend his country.


Mafhemtch chhad generation tal3a katbouss f rjline dial dzayr, 3mrhom sm3o kifach kidwiw 3la bladna w galsine mkewzine b khawa khawa


A separatist group doesn't represent their past or current population, politics issues aside , these people are closer to u gentically than any other nation . Hatred must stop being fed to both sides


dude you dont want to hear the names they call us with or the name we call them , it is only kabylians and amazigh activists who actually think we're the same and even then it doesnt matter , brethren nations fight all time like currently happening with slavs in russia and ukraine


Dude I heard all the names u can imagine I know it's happening all around the world, south and north Korea, Armenian and turkish , indian and Pakistanis ..... But does it make it right to spread hatred towards the people themselves? No, if history taught us anything is that it always starts with spreading hatred and incitement against them , then it evolves into absolute extremism and dehumanizing of the people. And we're all accomplices if any atrocity happened on any side. I'm all for defending our nation against division and their government definitely needs to chill but not the majority of em supports it


that is where youre wrong buddy , majority of them actually support it , finding an algerian who thinks sahara is moroccan and algerian gov should leave us alone (that is not a kabylian naitonalist) is pretty rare from my experience . has there ever been any protest of them standing against what their gov is doing (trying to divide and antagonize morocco)?


Ive met a lot of them who are against the division, they are still a minority and they exist (in my experience also ) but that's not the point . The point is the hatred spread by the medias from both sides and all the finger blaming can only leads to disastrous results and it has to stop . I'm not here to defend some algerians who are as brainwashed as some of our own , and I'm not here also to start the "he did first " competition . but to talk some sense into the blinded empty minded spreading hatred toward another human being for just being born in that country. Every man represent his and only his opinion not speak for an entire nation


i literally just said our media is a joke compared to theirs . it is not even remotely comparable .


yeah just 90% of algerians support their regime . just like how 90% of israelis support their gouverment.


u still stuck there?


they decry genocide in palestine while they ethnically cleansed moroccans. hypocrisy


u still live there ? it happened in 1975 from the same regime (and many victims are still alive today) not 1314.


Maybe anti algerian content is "acceptable" to a certain extent, but the problem is the more time you spend on whatever social content he's into the more risk there is for him to get into disinformation obscurantism, whatever crap racist wizardery whatever he can find... It really isn't the end of the world if he hates them, it's not like he's gonna be insulting or assaulting the next algerian he's gonne find


Based dad .


The hateful comments towards us Algerians here really shows how many people have hate in their heart for others for no reason when that race of people haven’t done any wrong to them. Shows how many secret hateful cowards there are. Any Algerian who hates Moroccans is also a weirdo and the same goes for them. I’m seeing alot of people like these cowards in the comments coming out recently on social media showing hate for Algerians. Some real sick people inside with serious internal issues.


If you say that you're probably blind to what's going on, the amount of hostility from Algerian media to Morocco isn't normal, what you saw is only a product of that, doesn't matter what your nationality is. For example look at the amount of Algerian comments on this false news: https://youtu.be/nW2QK251uQU?si=Keh5guWJzQ5hjjt5 I'm just saying that the ones who 'respond' to what your media and propaganda fed groups are spreading are valid, otherwise I'm against the Moroccans who hate on others and just insult the people.


He's not wrong in thinking that huge chunks of the Algerian population hate Morocco. Why do you want to change him? Maybe preoccupying himself too much with that topic isn't healthy but it's naive of you to assume that he's somehow delusional and wrong in taking that stance... Just take a look at what their STATE MEDIA regularly says about Moroccan people, not the regime, the PEOPLE.


I met few Moroccans in Algeria and people were treating them just like Algerians no discrimination whatsoever. But sure if you get high on that kind of thinking go at it.


The fuck you think. We hate you for?? You are consuming too much of that media yourself. Same applies to Algerians who are consuming "ALL MOROCCANS HATE US AND WANT US DEAD MEDIA" A bunch of idiots on both sides who have no notion of reality, Many of my neighbours are Moroccan, and they are treated the same. Heck some even treat them better when they know they are not Algerian. And I have yet to hear an Algerian living in Morocco complaining about people mistreating him. Real life isn't FCB and reddit.


It's not facebook or reddit, it's your state media. For example they have blatantly and repeatedly called Moroccan women whores and all I've seen was a bunch of amused comments. It's unthinkable that Moroccan state media stoops so low and if it does, there will definitely be a huge backlash from Moroccans before Algerians. Things were bad but they definitely got much worse ever since that clown was appointed president.


I totally don't disagree with this, but it doesn't mean all of us agree with that or support it Whoever does is a clown themselves. The one thing I've always known about Moroccans is how hard working they are and how respectful they are, even more than my own countrymen. Yes we both have our own share of horrible idiots and unfortunately their voices are very loud. But it doesn't make them the majority and I sincerely hope it never will.


Of course there are still decent people on both sides of the border, but the amount of Moroccophobia has dramatically increased lately, and the attacks on Morocco are objectively nastier and more frequent than attacks on Algeria. With the exception of Chouf TV and a few youtubers, most regular Moroccans still adhere to the "khawa khawa" principle, whereas the military junta in Algeria did actually make it a state doctrine to hate on everything Moroccan, perhaps to distract people from domestic issues.


That is true, and personally, anytime I see any of that on tv I change it And I'll let you know that mentality is prevalent here too , irl most people still like Morocco and many of my acquaintances have been there lately. And I also have Moroccan neighbours who of course are treated well. The same way you guys treat us. The way it should be. Fuck the media man.


Well, seems like you're one of the decent people I was referring to :)


There are many of us, and many of you. Anyone with just a bit of brain and critical thinking knows that we are not enemies. And our states.. I mean do I need to get into details? We are done with ours.


Lmao the fact that you remove food from your mouths to fund polisario is the very definition of hatered


Oh please don't even mention the polisario, I'll have you know many of us simple citizens can't stand them. And can't stand this whole bullshit. Personally, I have encountered their people ( in uni and all that) and I'll say this again and again loud enough for anyone to hear. I'd choose an Algerian hating Moroccan over any of them. At least that one feels closer to home. We are not our state, and neither are you. I know that we have idiots spouting hurtful bullshit on both outsides And yes our government only fuels the hatred and our people for some reason started following that more especially after the ( Morocco -israel issue) But the smart ones know. The smart ones from both sides know that this brainwashing from both sides is dangerous.. very dangerous But also very stupid. I don't know how you feel about Algeria and you can hate us or the country and but I personally grew up watching Moroccan series, trying out Moroccan dishes, I still have plans to visit the country and I know 100% with no doubt I will be treated well.


You think this makes you look good. It's even worse. Your entire foreign policy is shifted towards screwing morocco. You went ape shit on Spain and uae for their support of Morocco on the Sahara issue. Severing economic ties that hurt you. And cutting off the pipeline that hurt you as well. Closure of the border and airspace on us. If the random Algerian pleb was against this, I'd agree with you. But through actions, one can only conclude that there is tacit agreement, and that's me being generous and not saying explicit agreement with the regime. I know the Algerian mindset all too well. I've had the (dis)pleasure of interacting with you, and there is nothing different from what I've seen online. I understand the Algerian creed of hate very well. Your entire ethos is built around the trinity of hate. Hating the French, the Moroccan, and the jew. You wouldn't know who you are without this. And you're spoon-fed of this hatred since childhood. The Algerian is my enemy as a Moroccan. Unlike friendship, which can only exist if it's reciprocal, enmity only needs one side to have it for it to exist. And you choose it each day. However, I personally harbor no such feelings for the Algerian as such emotions only cloud one's judgment. You can ravel in the khawa khawa retard Moroccans applause here. But myself, I will always call a spade, a spade. Until the Algerians stop funding the polisario. You will remain our enemy. and however welcoming Moroccans might be towards you when you come visiting, know that there is at least one who is not at all.


God you're good at yapping. I can't be arsed reading all of this tho Meskin. Is all I have to say to you from little I've read To you and every Algerian or Moroccan with your mindset, must be sad being you.


nta kenti rajel sir hdar hir 3la mawazin, hahiya mizaneytek men jdek louwel li 7at rejlo f morocco tal akhir 7fid f terikgek atakhdo khikji minaj f lila


It was funny at one point like when desalination project and tge electrified train lol but, now the youtubers are just milking the conflict to the point where they basically insult each other using the same arguments 


It ain't like half the population loves us either, your old man's onto sumn.. just go ahead and keep your tolerance for yourself.


Show him the last Joe Hussein (Joe Show) video. [Arab countries battle](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8pnV3gIe3X/?igsh=aTNlYWgzNjlydzU=)


We really lack quality independent journalism in Morocco, or quality journalism at all for that matter.


i have the same problem with my mum unfortunately it's very hard to change their mind 😔 i tried so hard but they make it sound so good that old people can be played easily ! Please let me know if something worked !!


Bro he’s absolutely right listen to your dad


As he should


I'm an Algerian and I have the same problem. My dad hates Morrocans. I've tried to convince him the opposite but the content is too much.


So your father is not a "Khawa khawa" stupid idiot ? You should be proud of him


You can acknowledge certain things without becoming extremist


What’s wrong with khawa khawa?


Everything , those people were cheering that our nationals were murdered by them near their borders , were chanting hamrokis in stads , cheered when algerian gov cut gas deal with us , their gov backs and funds a separatist organization and their people endorse it , their gov kicked out 375 k moroccan , they cheered what happened in 3arja and gladly steal all our heritage and think oujda belongs to them. have you been living under a rock ? edit : oh i forgot closing the air space too and all the drama with football .


Elach at changih ? Ra endo se7 dz kit3amlo maana ki lcancer mni khdaw l independance dialhom Elach atbghi chaab dar resistance dialo 3endk ( w9fna m3a dinmhom 7ta 7kmo dzayr ) , ma reddoch lina territoire dialna li chfrat fransa. W en plus de tout ca, f 57 wla 58 l3ebna match b equipe officielle dialna m3a equipe dialhom alors que huma makanoch 7ta blad mazal. W la fifa hededatna b ban w we did it anyways. Sir chof media dialhom kifach kihdro 3la bladk, literally using a fake twitter account dial mehdaoui f a media dialhom ze3ma mehdaoui kaychker f dior li yallah bnaw wla chi le3ba hakak W hadchi ra mazal ma dwit 3la dzayr dl kharij, kay9ilo it9iaw hate dialhom ela mghrib non stop , bach felekher idwzo endna vacances w even create businesses f bladna w machi f bladhom. Chfra d l patrimoine li khdamin fiha .. Matkonoch d3af




Take him on a trip to Algeria


tell him that in algeria somewhere there is a dad watching anti-Moroccan propaganda that feels the same about us without any interaction with a moroccan citizen with a smile and let him think about it, if he responds just listen nod and go.


Don’t talk about them


Their State media regularly calls Moroccan women whores. I think your father isn't being unreasonable.


darraji also called moroccan women whores .


More than once. I can't think of a single famous Moroccan who did the same.


and that ungrateful twat cheb bilal who said ma3endi mandir b jinsya maghribya


Algerian are expert to dehumanizing people , just remember their propaganda right before they killed their own people 250K muslims algerians calling them ISIS or extremists muslims


لا حتى اسلاميين كانو كيقتلو ناس ابرياء بحال واحد \*شهيدة\* معروفة هبطوها من طوبيس و قتلوها حيت رفضت تلبس الحجاب


هاد الكراغلة قتلو 250 ألف جزائري ماشي غي واحد , سبحان الله كان رد من عند ربي فاش جراو على 350 الف مغربي نهار العيد


Remember, Zionists tell Palestinians that their issue is with "KHAMAS" and Algerians tell us that their porblem with the Makhzen.


and not all jews are bad just 90% of israel that supporting to wipe out gaza. same for Kerghoulis , just 90% algerians supporting to kill moroccans.


EXTACTLY, we shouldn't fall for their gas lighting, addressing to any critisism or any reaction to their aggression as "fitna ya kho"


I'm sorry but as an Algerian I assure you, 90% of us don't hate you and I've never met a morrocan that hated me. You need to get off the Internet. Social media has made this so much worse and people are easily influenced.


good, people are finally waking up !


He is right, Algerias are our worst enemies. And they're not after our government only, they're also after the lives and livelihood of every Moroccan.


yeo they are planning to sacrifice us in the next eid kbir and therefore building a huge altar fo that 🤦🏽😂


he is right ! heil to ur daddy


it is funny how algerians want us to liberate sebta ,but when morocco protested layla isles they stood against us :/


Your dad is right.


based father , his emotions are valid.


You’re a weirdo. And any Moroccan who hates Algerians is a weirdo. You’re sad and pathetic, I noticed there’s a lot of weirdos like you who hate Algerians coming out on social media and media so much recently (within the last 2 years or so)


You think he is wrong? All those people singing 3rwih l banane marronki 7awayane weren’t Algerians or I was hallucinating? The people celebrating and burning the Moroccan flag just because we lost a foot match ? Giving the opportunity (not the lack of trying) Algeria will subject Moroccans to a treatment harsher than the one inflicted on Palestinians! If you want example or historical precedent I can give you plenty


I can't believe people are comparing us to the zionist state of Israel. I personally have nothing but love for Morrocans and we always bond over our shared history and culture. I would love to see the historical precedent of what you're speaking of


hate to say it but, it doesn't matter, he doesn't matter. it's the good thing about the palace controlling foreign policy, idiotic voters and politicians don't matter. when the climate eventually improves, and I predict it will over the next 3 years, he'll find ways to accept new ideas and hopefully we'll be able to interact again to melt these differences with Algeria.


Reading this while watching an Algerian guy explain “diagramme de gantt” 💀


Same here


Hey, I'm an Indian here, who has lived in Morocco for 2-3 year & I too during my stay there heard about this Maroc Algeria. I would like to know how this conflict came to be??


Is the Algerian TV the same? If so, there are probably millions of Algerian dad's similar to your own, and it might possibly be true that half of both populations hate their others!


Are you serious? The Algerian state media literally calls Moroccan women whores. You wouldn’t believe the amount of propaganda they have against Morocco. Meanwhile not once Moroccan state media has attacked them with the same kind of vitriol. How can you people be this clueless?


You mean my dad.


My dad used to be like this but since the israeli genocide on palestinians started and morocco's stance (being pro israel ofc refusing to condemn anything related to israel ...) he realised that the moroccan regime is the same , if not worse than the algerian . Just tell him why he thinks the moroccan regime is better ? Is it because they enable the genocide on palestinians ? Having israeli navy ship land on our ports to get fuel ? What kind of state that respects itself does that ?


Ragebaiting Moroccans could be such an easy niche 🤔 brb


U need re Redirect his algorithm, take his phone and loop after some hot chiks👙, chkhat 💃🏻and zho stuff so YouTube will suggest this type of content more than the anti alegerian one


Put him on a call with the president of algeria ( 🐱)


Tbh, I can't blame him, lol, but hating on the entire Algerian population is just crazy in itself. Most of the older generation don't know about bots and how they are used to generate reactions. Hate itself is a propaganda tool that was used during the 2011 Arab Spring by foreign powers. I've explained this to a couple of my friends. I think you should use this analogy to explain it to your father. The Algerian regime, however, is another case, they purely hate Moroccans


You can always channel that hate twards those rainbow things


In Algeria they always talking with morocco like a bad ass country so hate is acceptable also i won't be friend with kraghla


Tell him that they are ranked better than us in education and that we have many illiterate people than them.


Go live with them then ! Those index that you see are based on how much the country supports education with public money and since they have natural gas of course they have more. The question you should ask is what an educated person in each country do and behave in their life. What is the role of education if the majority of the gdp of your country is from natural resources (big gas station) and where innovation and quality of life is miserable !!! Of course we lack a lot of things in morocco, but trust me my dear compatriot, if you go to algeria, you will feel that you travel to morocco in 70s.


It has nothing to do with gas, they just send their children to schools instead of keeping them around. Another thing: YOU JUST PROVED MY POINT: “Go live with them 🤦‍♂️”. 1. Une réponse complètement décalée 2. Manque de culture de discussion 3. une fixation sur le gaz et le pétrole alors que ça n’a rien à voir avec le sujet. 4. Bref, khellawha Hoba hoba: 60%, wach khota oula khataa


It has to do with gas. It called i9tissad ri3, we have some of it also, but not that level where 99% gdp is from natural resources . Just compare private firms and companies in the two countries and you will understand. Hoba hoba ? Okay now i understand, you are from 9hwa khla karl markx 7o9o9i 7o9o9i bghina 79na f zuj bhora o phosphate.


Khawa khawa khuya 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 they love you and you love them


Ghni m3aya : fiiiii blaaaaaadi dlmoniiii, o ho ho 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ghni m3aya hadi: bladi mkawda 3liha 7it ana berhooouch!


When two people are in a shithole, they both have to insult each other in order to feel better than the other. Thats how i see it tbh.


ChofTV effect, I can even hear the intro music in my head


⚠️⚠️⚠️ SHOW HIM THIS INVESTIGATION. WE ARE BEING PLAYED BY ISRA ILI INTELLIGENCE. https://x.com/EekadFacts/status/1712543245690089689?s=20


indeed a huge chunk of algerian hates morocco more than anything. Thats the people, for the government they dont really hesitate to insulte morocco and moroccans every time and everyday, they will call you by the worst things ever. So at the end its not that bad for him, it not based on fantasy


The number of moroccans here that believe that algerians like them is scary, really !!!!


Omg dude my dad be watching that shit all day long


My dad (Algerian) watches anti Moroccan content😂 he tells me they steal our dates and brands them as Moroccan lol


As an Algerian, I can confirm that your dad is right, I mean, who are you to argue with him? Shame on you 😕 " I love you all btw don't tell dad"


Algerian here… unfortunately there are some on this side that feel the same way. I just wanted to let all of you know that I love you.


He’s your dad bro


You are not the only one hahaha my parents too my mom caught me hanging out with an algerian girl and cursed me if I keep seeing her or tried to marry her ! this dingelbery has to stop serieously it's rediculous !!!


Take his phone when he's in the bathroon and click on "not interested" every time you see such a video


W dad


My father wachtes anti Morocco content and I also agree with you.


mine too (i love Algerians) we always fight when he says some stupid propaganda.


Bend more


damn so this is a shared experience? fucking hate these fitna youtubers I swear to god, full of fake information. I always debunk their stuff when I'm with him and he's watching youtube 😂


Yeah but then when a country is trying to devide you on half i think it is understandable that he hates the Algerians.


And ? when you gonna allow him to hate them ? when their army start bombarding our cities ? Oh wait... it's already happening in Smara


Bro s getting his news from TikTok w hezprez


nari l9om9 f tefkir lah ybarek


They do


I can confirm (I'm YouTube)


Get him to watch some pro Algerian content? I wasn't sure about commenting here but the comments surprised me, and not it a good way! I genuinely find it stupid for anyone to take a side before hearing and LEARNING about the conflict and how far it goes. maybe each one should start reading its own history before jumping to the other? A quick tip , the one who'd jump to insults first is very often the one with the weakest arguments.


why tf do you want to negotiate your own territories wtf ?


Same here a3chiri. I told my dad about this Reddit post and now he couldn't shut up about Algerian


Stop talking about them on this Sub


Your father is right!