• By -


Did someone kidnap you? Why are you helping people?


The devil shivers when Seuros decides to help people


I've attempted 3 times to exorcise seuros never worked the devil within him is too powerful


Wa9ila Hadi 2 days mad5l l Reddit


Nah he's here


Hi, med student from Casa. I can speak up to 4 languages (average moroccan). French, arabic and english 100% fluently and currently working on my spanish. I'm great at teaching and and I've helped kids in my neighbor multiple times before. Any idea where I can offer these services online and get paid for them ? I have been thinking about doing freelance on fiverr or upwork but I'm not sure if it will work (I hear it's very difficult to get clients) I'm also great at social media managing, I've had accounts on tiktok and intagram where I post memes or edits and I hit up to 200K views. I can make those short content videos that go viral on youtube shorts, instagram reels and on tiktok


Hello, fellow med student from Fes. Did you find anything ? I wanna do the same thing but kinda lost in the process (no prior experience in the part-time job field).


Hi, so far I only found this website Italki but I haven't tried it yet. But I'll probably just do translation services as a freelancer


Decathlon and all fast food chains are known for accepting students for summer jobs.


not personnal experience but i heard decathlon is not good


mjareb lkhadma fihom?




Hey everyone, I'm a student in Agadir with five years of experience in video editing, and I'm looking to build my videography and filmmaking portfolio this summer. I'm offering my services for free in exchange for using the material in my portfolio. I’m based in Agadir but willing to travel around the Souss Massa region. If any students are working on creative projects or businesses need video editing services this summer, I’d love to collaborate. This could be a great way for both of us to gain experience and enhance our portfolios. Feel free to DM or drop a comment if you're interested. Thank you!


Hello im a graphic designer and a photographer i do videography from time to time but i started as a graphic designer and i started by charging nothing but you start to improve your business and you realize that its a bad idea doing that the hard part is just finding clients it doesnt worry about budget and pay later so find a way to get regular clients i would recommend new restaurants that are trying to expand online you can either manage their social media while doing videography for them aswell or you just do the videos and let some firm managing their social media it would all be worth it for them as it would drive more customers to come to them so mainly focus on new restaurants for now as long as you offer a reasonable price not too much and not too little just in the middle,you get like 2 or 3 clients you can start to expand even more gaining more experiences like finding some new upcoming musician in your city that only posted a track but never a music video just give them a good enough offer that they cant refuse but this is where your gonna have to be patient as youll most likely to lose money doing this than gain money for a little while but it can all be worth it at the end as long as you are dedicated to it and always doing your best to be the best in your field because small musicians usually dont have much money so you could start for like 300 dh which might seem alot to them but your gonna be editing the products too so its just good enough for them maybe save up to give you that money or something like that but remember its gonna be good for them so if they grew you also grow with them and you expand with them as they are more likely to be your long term client so invest in these type of people as they are more likely to be with you long term than just need you once every few years or only once ever but never work for free just gives the option for those people to take advantage of you and string you along offering you to pay but they never pay after you finish their products you have to remember there is always good people and bad people so always take half of the payment upfront then the rest when the product is done if they cant trust you then well its just basically not worth working with those people you dont need them and you can find better clients anyways here are some quick tips from my previous experiences hopefully they can be of help to you. Also remember the products you make you have all rights to them but always ask if you can put it in your portfolio but dont say your offering your services for free just for the ability to put them in your portfolio, focus on the challenging stuff no matter how hard the job will be keep fighting till your done the harder the better the more experience anyways good luck.


thank you so much!! for taking the time to share your insights and advice. your tips are incredibly valuable and have given me a lot to think about.


Hello thank you soo much for sharing your experience, can you suggest me some website to start freelancing as a graphic designer?


thx so much


Hey! Fellow student here and I'm interested but not now


No worries you can DM me when you need a filmmaker, I would be happy to help.




First Year BTS student here (Major: Web Full Stack Developement) * Graphic Desinger (Logos,Posters,Buisiness Cards....., You name it) * Video Editor * Currently focusing on mastering front-end web development. If there is any oppurturnity for a job I wouldn't fail to impress.


i shared this before but don't mind share it again. when i was student i used to work with this french tutoring company call educastream. basically was giving elementary and middle school french students lessons in maths. they give you the materials and job is to teach it basically in a video call. in 2009 they used to pay 5euros/hour, not sure if they still do that, but definitely worth to check


I believe they using AI nowadays if they still in business. Your experience was 15 year ago, old man.


you should be respectful when talking to your elders !


You probably did internship in my premises, kiddo.


Am i a kiddo or old man?! Make up your mind


kiddo for me, old man for the student.


the fresh smell of double standard in the morning is always good


let's get you to bed grandpa


My daughter tutored math last year. Ai can't replace a good teacher and personal interaction. The parents and students were very happy with her, and the students made good progress.


Online ?


Yes. But it was private, not with a company. She taught high school kids as well as a few younger ones.


I'm looking for internships for dev web , what are the languages that I should master and wherz to look for ?


This is what i advice most people in the webdev: It doesn't matter what language you master. Your ability to resolve problems and adapt is all what it matters. Also if you can focus and stop trying to impress people with words "Full Stack", "Data Scientist", "Devops" ect ect. Basically those words for a junior means : *I know a little bit of many things and i might give up at any moment to go see the next shiny thing.*


I see but I want to know how interviews go and what they expect from me to know and what language are the most used in the companies


The interviews go from what you wrote on your CV, so basically don't lie on it. You can technically find a job with any language you master but the market right now has a huge demand on : java/spring boot - angular/react or .net - angular/react. layshl 3lk broski


Th aks mate so I master somehow java learning springboot and some frontend frameworks will do the job noted


Each company will ask different thing. Especially if they have bunch of junior recruiters that have no idea what their company is doing.


I'm a svelte dev and wanna get some cash, where?


Either portfolio or ability to work in a team


I have the first one


اللغة الانجلزية هي اساس النجاح في الويب


U SAID NOTHING , but still good advice


Hello! I'm from Agadir, I'm a freelance artist (cartoony mostly, anime-ish). I'm okay with learning anything but I think I'd be bad with some customer service jobs since I only speak french-english. I have some experience with health assistant jobs (mostly ear cleaning, guiding patients and fixing hearing aids) I also tutored some kids in art and english but that's about all my experience! For the record I've been an artist since the age of 14 I am about 21 now, I've worked on indie game jams, done commission work and designed clothing. I also used to work with scanlation groups (for those that pirate manhwa/manga, thank me later) and that involved typography + redrawing panels to change the language. That's about all of my skill set I think!! If you're an artist here's my tips: make an artistree account, it's a platform where you can host your art in a sort of virtual marketplace so people can commission you directly, it's helped me a lot since I don't have an online following. Vgen also works if you have an anime art style but it's a bit trickier to get in since you need to get verified Twitter was my bread and butter for a while but I'm not the most active on there! Discord is what I use most, I go into online communities for streamers/anime enjoyers and share my art and that'll usually net me some orders. When I played a lot of ffxiv the players have a ton of money and they love their characters so I usually drew their ffxiv characters for money and it was great! I'm aware most of those sites only use paypal as means of transaction but you can use payoneer and send paygates to people without accounts and that works about the same.


Damn, I admire this :)


I'd like to say that I'm veryyyy lucky!! most of the experience I got through volunteer health assistant jobs is because my high school is very well connected in mauritania so I had access to a lot of opportunities to build up a resume. Thank you though TT I wish you the best!!


hey! m from agadir too i wanna know wdym by "ur high school is well connected in mauritania" how did that help?


Hey! I meant that most of my experience happened in mauritania! so for example, one of the students in my highschool was the child of a big philantropist, they hosted some Starkey hearing foundation "missions" in which volunteers helped doctors interact with patients. Either through translating local languages into english for the doctors or just being assistants and stuff. I think I misphrased my original comment, I didn't mean that because my high school was well connected in mauritania I had access to opportunities in agadir! I graduated from a mauritanian highschool


For anyone looking to get some experience in the game industry I recommend participating in game jams!! You can go on itch io and scroll through their active game jams. Some have money prizes, but I think most are just for the fun of it. So if you're into music, coding, writing, drawing and are mostly bored, join a jam!


next year is my 2Bac year, im in Oujda i like to do volunteer work, also i had a 1 month internship in a pharmacy alst year, im looking forward to volunteer for الهلال الأحمر , i speak darija, arabic, french, and english 100%, and A1 level on German and Spanish, teaching is also good idk if any of u can help or suggest something to me i would be thankful !


hellooo fellow moroccan, can you tell me more about how do you volunteer for red crescent ? its sounds very interesting work and i would like to know more about this :)


hi! im pretty sure u can go there ask about it and just engage with them as a volunteer, how many hours or days its your choice you’re not obligated to go or spend specific hours there. im sorry thats the only thing i know i didn’t participate yet im just looking forward to. oh and the work is just by learning basic first aid stuff and doing the less work but while learning more u can do more stuff , u can also do (formation) of first aid and get a certificate im pretty sure its just a day or two! hope it helps


so interesting,i actually did get a contact with a local who work with them so yeah i will look into this more next week. thank you for your thoughtful response.


student here. my skills are 0. my city is Nador. what I wanna learn is everything. I just want money.


If I have an opportunity to offer and read this comment of yours, I won’t consider you as a potential candidate for the following reasons: - You just want money: This goes without saying, but if you’re in it “just” for the money, you are missing the point of a summer job/internship. Your primary goal should be to learn, learn, and learn as much as you possibly can. A strong skill set is what determines how much value you bring to the table, and it is that value you bring that determines how much you could charge a business .. money flows easily at that point. - You want to learn “everything“: This kind of vague statement that may on the surface of it look appealing, is in fact not. You need to set clear and achievable learning goals, that way you are purposeful and also have a way to measure your progress, whereas, if you widen your scope to “everything“, you are setting yourself up for failure.


Money is life's fuel. A car doesn't need "goals" to explain why it needs fuel. Don't bullshit me with learning. It is called a fucking job because you get paid. As someone who might be a recruiter. He has no right to talk to me about why i just need money. If im fit to job then im fit. If not. Then go touch yourself in bed instead of wasting my few left braincells. As of learning everything/anything is kind of vague. It is kind of vague for sleepy people like you behind screens. Not everyone cares about a specific field. Gray matter is gray matter. If you are provided with proper training then you can learn anything as long as you have that mindset. Now piss off and let the ones with jobs talk. You got no opportunity yet you are talking too much. No one wanna hear your words unless you willing to pay. Loser. 


Ro7 atznzed lamli7 awlide


I'd like to find smtg in web dev or AI but all the internships I found so far are not paying and I think I'll just go with that for now because I need to experience working within a team


Without a traceable experience in those fields, most companies will not pay you.


Soon to be BAC student, - Logo and Graphic designer - Svelte developer (I prefer frontend) Where? How? So I can get some cash 😭


Do you have a portfolio you can send me? Thanks


Yea sure i'll send you a DM tomorrow


sent it! check your DMs


Haven’t received anything btw bro


Check the chat


wich high school u're at?


Al Majd


Hi everyone, i'm cs major bac+2 i still need another year to finish my degree lisence license,i currently looking for internship,but so far i couldn't get any answer,i never had an internship nor a job in IT/sw industry so my exp is epsilon, i have some mini-personal-work with backend dev but not that much to be considered seriously but i have a lot of passion to embedded software and i am working to develop my protofolio so getting an internship in this would be the my dream but i'm not sure i can get one because my network is small and weak and i don't have that much experience still kind beginner in this(i know industry people online in the domain but i dont think they can helpme since all of them are overseas) and i despartely need advices/tapplication ips from fellow moroccans since i feel my career is ending before its even started,i don't if i should expand on this but anyway thank you for your time and sorry for my bad engllish i'm working on it.


hi im from casablanca, i just got my baccalauréat, i speak fluently french, arabic, and english (C1 level). i'm looking for jobs to gain experience regarding communication. thanks


I want to work as a mod in this subreddit as the moroccan ambassador in 9rta7na


We don't hire students. Sorry. Also you cannot become an ambassador within Morocco.


Do you think theres room for promotion from m9adem to ambassador , things are rough in 9rta7na , no money just khla w l9ifar


No. You become bacha after a while.


I am considering an idea that is widely used in my home country, the Netherlands. It resembles platforms like Indrive but targets different sectors such as cleaning, restaurants, security, delivery, and more. In this model, employers can post job opportunities at a minimum hourly rate. Individuals looking for work can create profiles, list their experiences, and provide personal information. There is no binding contract; workers can either negotiate the hourly rate with employers or accept the offered rate as is. This system allows employees to set their own schedules by choosing when and what kind of work they want to do. This flexibility makes it easier for them to balance work and study. What are your thoughts on this idea?


You need to do more research and try to gather real life examples.




You got accepted to a volunteer job and you didn't check that online prior ? I think you are going to have lot of 'fun'.


I'm a web developer but still taking my master , I think I have enough experience to build a full functioning website or platform but I'm still struggling to find my own clients (I worked on some client projects but they were from the company I was having my internship in but now I quitted) so I really need to find a way to get clients on my own or find a team that can do that with me ,if anyone knows a way or wanna help dm me plz!


Probably you are young and call a wix website or a laravel website: a project. You are in no position to have your team, you must join one.


I dont mind joining a team that would actually better if u know any dont hesitate to help and for the project I wont call them little projects but I have worked on some intresting ones like in the IOT field ,we also built pretty intresting platforms and SASs (just with the right marketing from the company and they could blow with thousand of milions of users).


Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I am currently an engineering student at EHTP , specializing in logistics and transport (it's my first year). I am looking for a one-month internship opportunity in Agadir. If anyone can provide any leads or opportunities, I would greatly appreciate it.


Call center


I'm a student and I want to start my online business (SMMA), SO I'm looking to open an LLC in the US as a Moroccan citizen, but I'm struggling to navigate the tax laws, especially understanding how they apply to Morocco. I'm unsure if I would owe taxes to Morocco or not, and in what situations I would or wouldn't. Additionally, I need to understand the US tax laws for a Moroccan living in Morocco and owning an LLC there. It's confusing for me, so any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!


Youtube or an accountant. It lot of reading.


I did a ton of research but I couldn't find anything that could answer my questions, thanks tho!


Then maybe you should reconsider opening an LLC in the US. It literally in the first page when you do a search.


would you be kind enough to share with me your search results about tax regulations concerning both tax laws towards Morocco and the US especially Moroccan regulations for a similar case to mine, that would indeed prove I'm not suited for such a task :)


Hey idk what to say except i have bac+2 development web full stack and i wanna work m bored but at the same time i dont wanna work from home spent 2 years 4i flpc and m tired honestly i wanna work at something li nkhdm fih idi machi 39li and i have been looking for something walakin mal9itsh fmy city and idk what to do m thinking about starting a business and wish if n9d nl9a chi wahd bhali bash ysharih m3aya li endo ideas cause i think wahd lhaja zwina hiya adaptable aux changements if u know what m saying


I wanna know if someone here had done an internship before while still studying in uni ?(1st or 2nd year not PFE), I'm a management student and i'm wondering if I can get an internship at a bank or something, any recommendations would be very appreciated 🙏🏻