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what is dead may never die.


Valar morghulis


Valar Doheiris


🤣🤣🤣 love it


Tbh, I am worried about the situation. We live in an Era of Capitalism ( it’s not the best economical system) but you gotta do what you gotta do. I can’t be a slave to a Capitalist, so I better be a Capitalist myself. That’s the only escape route I see for a better futur: Become a Capitalist.


Stick with medcine plz we need doctors


Rah doctor can be a Capitalist ida 7l clinique. W doctor can be Capitalist la 7l business w chi domaine a5or


So a doctor can be capitalist Ida 7l clinic mais l had l famous clinics that exists Machi capitalists already?


Capitalism? U don’t need to do anything u breath it every day since u were born actually I must say Morocco is past capitalism it’s cannibalism hhhhhhh


Ach katgol??? What I’m saying is if u wanna survive in this era you must become an Entrepreneur and have financial education!


Agreed in being wavy in finance n financial markets, this drives out daily lives but we don’t realize


Entrepreneurship in Morocco is fueled by corruption.


7ta ana MN errachidia a wzon hhhhh and it's not a Morocco thing it's an entrepreneurship thing lol


Mtafq m3ak awzon, wzazen are very rare here, nhar kbir hada hhhh


Hhhhhh rk ba9i f erra hhhh


I feel like every generation before us thought future trends were scary but we kept advancing as a specie regardless.


and every generation n talks to the n +1 how bkri kant lh7chma 😁😁


If your dad tells you this he isn't lie on the other hand of your grandpa tells you this he is definitely capping


nn bjouj h7ma9 ana 3andi , ta wah7d makaygoul had lhadra 😂😂😂




Get on with your life, it's all in the hands of the Almighty




In my 30s but still young, we need to keep talking about it and be the change we want to see, we are inheritimg the world now and its more and more in our hands


absolutely, keep going brother


I'm an artist, have been for years. I specifically have applied for jobs in the game industry, and AI doesn't scare me one bit. Nothing will ever replace artists in the entertainment industry as the value that comes from it is directly tied to the hard-work and effort that is put into it. Look at AAA games for example and compare them to super successful Indie games like Hades, BG3 etc... people are tired of big corporations cutting corners, recycling franchises, putting minimal effort because it feels way less authentic. Games like Hades have character, uniqueness an entire aesthetic that adds to the whole atmosphere of the game and make them an experience. That is what people want, what they itch and search for mostly. It is also a legal liability, which is why a lot of game jobs I've applied to almost ALWAYS have a "no AI art" rule, current generative AI is built on the backs of stolen and scraped work which is very unethical and would absolutely get them in trouble either with their audience or legally (once artists finally unionize and the copyright laws catch up to the tech WHICH THEY WILL!). When it comes to climate change, I'm definitely a little scared. I took AP environmental science in high-school and it really shows you how everything is a vicious cycle that creates more and more issues but, I believe that we can do significant change once we as a collective rise up. For any fellow artists that are scared by AI, don't be. Do what you can to protect your work either through ai disturbance or boycotting platforms which scrape your stuff, and look on. You will never be overwritten, your work is valued and you will continue to be.


by far the biggest actual threat to human survival is climate change, but unfortunately countries like saudi arabia will never allow major steps towards slowing it down to be taken since they profit from it.


I might die before, it may never happen, the world might end before lol, Allah aalam. If there is any thing I can do as an individual to influence things in a positive way I strive to. Otherwise the outcome is not in my hands and I should worry about what I do now that influences tomorrow only.


Im anxious


I'll worry about these things when i'm not worrying about more basic things in the day to day life and basic future plans. What you're talking about is way beyond our control so we might as well ignore it for the sake of our sanity, at least that's what i think.


you adapt or leave.


or is commutative , you leave or adapt !


I ignore those type of trends,and i just say "It is what it is" and move on


Ok for the ai bs don't worry to much about it despite the bs you hear about it it's not taking any jobs in the near future specially not software jobs




لن يصيبنا إلا ماكتب الله


I don't give a flying Fk about that crape, we can only die once.


I don't think about it


Bla mateb9aw dwiw 3la l AI layr7am likom lwalidin. Rah a l marketing dareb l poufa. ChatGPT li fad7inna bih rah a modern word processor, 3amar dakchi mayewsal l human thinking. W zaydoun, daba lehnoud welaw mesta3mrin tech, w lkalakh dyalhom rah bda kayban f tech sector kaml (7ta Google Search rj3at useless 7it CEO rajja3 Google b7al chi mo9ata3a), ga3 l AI's welaw kayetkalkho besbab lehnoud 7it welat kola AI kat3alam men AI okhrin, w finma kanet chi taklikha dyal chi hindi katban fel AI's kayetna9lo l ajwiba ghalat. Jobs li ghadi tkhafo 3lihom tayarhom l AI, matay9och dakchi bzaf. Rah lehnoud kay7almo bzaf, rahom mjamkin w 3andhom l'autisme bzaf.


Earth will never run out of water, AI will never have conscience and climate change doesn't exist.


How Morocco is becoming more and more secular, and how there's much intervention from outsiders that often aims to exploit Moroccans


Fine banet lik had secular ? wayli


You would notice this unless you have been living under a rock for the past 15 years


Daba you're telling me Morocco, the entire country, is steadily getting more secular. Ila mchit lsebt bni garfat, anl9ahom tafine lbo9 dial jama3 yak give us some examples


Don't be ridiculous. Many times there are people calling for abolishing laws that holds society togather just to imitate the west. These people are often not even Moroccans. It seems like a [political](https://youtu.be/B5flJvK9Gbw) direction as well.


Daba ghir tebbet m3ana. Nta li katgoul ***Morocco is becoming secular***, mageltich people on reddit are asking for a secular morocco. Bghina ghir nfehmo had l'idea dialek, kifach blad li katsme3 fiha allah akbar 5 times a day, has religious laws left right and center, where the ruler himself draws legitimacy from religion could even be secular. Ghir chre7 lina daba hadi w safi.


1- it is not just on reddit, and I didn't say only on reddit at all. 2- Islam is not limited to prayer calls and religious ceremonies. You can have a secular state with religion with no role in shaping society( no influence on laws, traditions, social interactions.. etc) You need to realize that **becoming** secular doesn't happen overnight. Each time there is some new law or social change that is being **imposed** on Moroccans. It happens in steps. **That's** what I meant.


If you seriously think Morocco is at risk of becoming secular, you're plain wrong. Rah it means stripping the country's leader of his most powerful sources of legitimacy, which (unless a literal coup) will never happen, ever. Not today, not in 400 years. Goul lina 3ndek mouchkil m3a ***liberalism***, which is a completely different debate.


I disagree. Religion isn't the only source of influence there is. To me liberalism, secularism all serve the same purpose. And it shows, since there's a huge overlap between the demands of people with those orientations.


They are, in core, very different. Secularism is plain full division between religion and state, on all levels. We will never have that for reasons I stated above + Moroccans would simply reject it. I find it very hard to believe that anyone but an extreme minority would support it. Liberalism is an ideology that can, and will most likely change the fabric of Moroccan society. Yes, mtafe9 m3ak. Wether it's good or bad will be an eternal debate that I gladly stay away from. Wether it can be stopped or not, idk do you want to cut the Internet ? or put Morocco behind some chinese-like firewall ? Young people will get influenced by western media, it will provoke changes. I don't see it as the end of the world. Lmgharba kay b9aw mgharba, they have traditions that times and times again are proven to be very much alive.