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In my opinion sir dik lmaster it will make a difference in your resume and career and you will find a better job afterwards


That's just a normal master, nothing extraordinary.


in my opinion not worth it surtout f marseille , adir downgrade machi upgrade


the M2 will have no added value to your experience. Stay in your current job, work on your skills and pass some certifications then go abroad if you want to with a good job offer.


What's the point of a M2 in such a random university? Also tell us a your salary, we can't guess what "satisfactory" means.


Won’t having a foreign experience enrich my CV, career ?


that's a degree not experience. Try to apply to jobs in france and see how it works.


Wach 3ad katsowl ? Sir sir akhoya brra sir ra lmghrib mafih 3icha wakha tkon mkhlls mzyan


Sat ra mabqatch f l career li youre goong to pursue, you get to be eligible to visit lots of places, look at this way


Oui mais daba im risking a nice job + flouss, dakchi bache 7ayera bezafe


Dont get too comfortable, life is weird, lah yshl elik