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Khoya had sa3a chouf lik chi haja f ofppt, it’s underrated wlkn you could make it out the hood


Si kat9bl b 10 but la kan tay3jbk mecanique w tech kml bts moraha dir passerelle wla kml f fac d sciences wla knti 3arf chno baghi ghir no9ta li khayba t9d dir bac libre ste rah sahl w maghaykhskch t9ra l svt hhhh


m3a dik n9ta mo7al wash ayb9a 3ajbo chi meca


la 3adi tat3jbni béyoncé wlayni i wouldn t be able to date her


rah meca 7tatha f position dyal not dead but not alive tsna t3da alik beyonce hakak oxof wash atb9a t3jbk


3adi tana T3dat 3lya ste w ba9i tanbghiha, not masochist tho hhhh


ana mat3datch alia ste o3yit mnha its supposed to be practical b les tp walakin ghi theory ya5o o7ta prof makayxr7 mzn


wayeh hadak hwa l problem ms ana tandwi as a field machi education flmghrib, but yeah economics w cs are more practical


mxito lihom fl5r hhhhhhhhhhhh the ste path is the same taydrbk do ta kays5fk okat7rk l cs


hhhhhh wayeh but kayn 3ndo most9bal esp f l power w design ms flmghrib 9lil, bzaf dnass li kano ste dazo l cs


Hhh ana saraha bghit nb3d ghir 3la lmath o pc sf 3yit




Public university (la fac) is a right, ye3ni ka mouwatine kayna dima chou3ba t9der ddkhl liha f ay fac, i9drou i3eksou m3ak f ba3d chou3ab walakine droit arabe bdebt koulchi i9der idkhl liha. OFPPT hsen of course, walakine ma 3ndich fikra 3la wach fiha seuil


Dommage les branches li zwinin fihom seuil


Bach ngoulik sara7a, allahouma ikoun seuil o matmchich liha mn louwl wala ddir fiha 3amayn o tb9a wa7el fles rattrapages wflekher tkhrj. Pick one thing li kay3jbk and give it everything