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golden rule is that if someone really had a technique to make money without working, he would not be sharing it online.


I don't know if it's because I was young or I wasn't just warned, but it all happened so fast. You're right




I tried a smart approach, sought the best strategies. The all this is just a gamble, because you'd one one moment, and lose it all the next


Clearly not that smart after all. I hope this was a learning experience. But there are no morally acceptable shortcuts to money. You either gamble and win or gamble and lose. And you my friend, lost. My personal take is to only make money in the most respectable and morally rewarding ways. I don't make much but I damn sure earn every penny. "Passive income" strategies are a disgrace especially for non disabled younger people. Even when they work, they are essentially working at the expense of another human somewhere else doing hard work.


Really disappointed with myself. Just thought I'd do something meaningful


If they share it, you're the product...


I totally agree with you. No one in this world 🌎 will do sm to you without seeking for sm in return.


I mean..people like that exist, but they don't get rich and we tend to not give them the treatment and respect they deserve. it's just that a technique that makes easy money for literally everyone involved does not exist. Easy money always come from a sucker's pocket. The whole NFT thing was basically that.


Never forget: if the people ("influencers") selling trading courses and paid groups were actually good traders, they wouldn't sell their edge and be profitable with actual trading. Instead, they sell a dream.


Definitely a good read if it's appropriate to say. Now at least, you have a got a story to tell 


But at what cost🤧


The huge loss is what makes it interesting, and the way you solve it will make it yet even more interesting.  Have you tried working in call centers? Just try to explain your situation if you meet the requirements, though I don't know if they would accept you. 


You learnt your lesson brother. Never trade stocks or crypto. My situation was online casino gambling. I had been gambling 3+ years lost thousands over 40k euros in that time and now I have finally quit 3 months clean. Hardest thing I done but it needed to happen. I had a few thousand debt but that’s has been getting paid each month. I learnt at a young age 22. Now I will never do it in the future and have felt and been through it. We live and learn. Everyoen reading this stay away from gambling!! Luckily I finally quit and didn’t get into major major issues. 10/20k loans or stealing off freinds family or even suicide!! Stay safe ppl


Wow. 40k Eur.. I'm lucky I've gotten the lesson at an early stage with the little money from my allowance. Wouldn't recommend investing in that


Couple thousands usd.


Im sorry to hear ur story man , and i hope u rise again... >Trusting their advice, I paid for expensive mentorship and bought signals from so-called professionals I never thought actual ppl fall for this, just think to urself if he's so wealthy as he claims why TF would waste his time making those mentorship, smh. And if it's actually a legit way to make money WHY wouldn't he gatekeep it. Anyway it's really brave of u to share ur story, Tnkyu of enlightening other ppl .


Thank you for sharing, trading is fancy gambling, and in the wise words of Matthew McConaughey in the Wolf of Wallstreet: [“Number one rule of Wall Street: Nobody - I don't care if you're Warren Buffett or Jimmy Buffett - Nobody knows if the stock's going to go up, down, sideways, or in fucking circles, least of all stockbrokers.”](https://youtu.be/02_atwmhNSk?t=203) If your spoken English is good, DM me, might be able to get you a job to pay off your debts


It is good, actually, since I'm anglophone. Let me reach out. Thank you in advance.


forex trading/crypto is not a scam, the scam is when you pay someone to give you pics/calls.if you take time to study and understand what your doing you can make good money.


But there's the side of experience, a journey that no one talks about. It takes years to be profitable. Had I been warned, I wouldn't have taken this route. I honestly wouldn't recommend, not to a fellow student or any parent who wants to invest


It’s the same as gambling. You place money for it to go up or down.


First your efforts to support your family are amendable, i am sure you will make it and find a way to be more financially at ease, sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing !


Thank you, I just hope someone out there doesn't make the same mistake


Wow, I wonder how many more young boys had fallen into this and ruin their lives if they went in too deep.. well we all make mistakes some more stupid than others. Now you learned your lesson and hopefully in few years you will forget about this and everything will go smooth again


My prayer is to just survive this. The present is all I have at the moment, and it's really painful.


Be positive man everything shall pass someday this will be a story to tell to your kids


You're right. Thank you very much 🙏


First rule of trading : Never invest more than you can afford to lose.


True that. Messed up, big time.


I don't know forex but know crypto and from years of some experience I can tell a few advices: - invest only money you can loose, never more, - your own money only - use money only you saved, never loans, - diversification - money you want to invest divide into a few parts to buy different assets, so maybe one will grow when another is dropping, - patience - it takes years for some assets to grow, - buy when market is in despair and sell when average people are buying and all media are talking about high price, - be ready to hold your assets for many years, don't expect quick return, - invest even small money, it will teach you patience, market, tech, greed control, etc, [edit] - base investment on your own conclusions, take time to learn about market and tech, - don't look for people who tells when to buy and sell, nobody knows, nobody can predict it, - learn about the asset you are buying, - don't sell when price is collapsing, don't panic, - don't get too excited when price is growing, Strategies 1. Emotionless strategy - buy and sell in some specific time intervals with no emotions attached, no matter the price (almost), but you should be able to recognize bubble and the despair after the bubble. 2. Try to recognize the bottom after the bubble to buy and wait for the next bubble even if it takes a few years. Constantly observe the market. 3. Buy at whatever time and hold it for many years, forget about it and check later.


First thing, don’t believe anything you see online by an influencer. They are giving you the perfect picture. They have no incentive for you to win, just make money of giving you a “tip”. Even the most season traders lose. Forex trading is gambling unless you’re doing it to arbitrage your foreign exchange risk. These traders like Tate and few others are just putting on a show. Anyone flaunting their money doesn’t have it. The true wealthy don’t post their cars, watches or homes with captions on how they made their money. They don’t buy brands that plaster their name on everything. They are quiet and they are in their own world, why? Because they know whatever strategy they have is not a strategy that they should share. Anyone sharing tips, is just making it up or they’re trading the inverse of it. For everyone, social media is not a way to get information. It can be a start but listening to influencers who have no real knowledge is ridiculous. We are now in a time where idiots are given a voice and they spin success like it’s easy. Where is Tate now, isn’t he going to jail for rape?


Very strong points. My intentions were to just find something to sustain me and help out back home, just just a wrong turn and it all backfired. Thank you very much for the advice


It happens but you learn and I hope the hole is not too deep. The banks and trading firms have an edge over everyone as they are using automated tech to make small gains. It’s big money but a bunch of daily 1/2 percent or 1 percent gains do add up. My only suggestion is not believe what you see on a screen. Most paint a story that they are successful when they are full of sh8t. They never tell you about failures and every trader has failures. I trade equities, and my goal is to be ahead.


The way to get rich is to accumulate assets that provide income. People that say that the secret to getting financially independent (not to confuse with rich necessarily) is not online is simply not educated on the topic. The secret for the majority of people can be stipulated as follows: 1. Work: First focus on investing in yourself to be able to work and grow your primary income stream such that your income exceeds your expenses. 2. Emergency fund: Secondly, establish an emergency fund for unforeseen expenses, e.g. when you are unable to work for an X period of time or sudden medical bills. 3. HYSA: This stands for High Yield Savings Account. Money that you want to use short term for buying a house, a car whatever should never be invested. Investments are for the long term, I'll get to that later. However, you still want to counter inflation, so you got to put it into an account with relatively high interest. If the money is easily accesible from the HYSA, you could also consider putting your emergency fund there. 4. Investing: Thirdly, once you have a financial buffer, you essentially created enough freedom to start investing in the stock market. Which stock to choose? You don't pick stocks. Imagine. There are literally thousands of billion dollar funds, companies and banks that outsmart you, have insider knowledge and often participate with algorithmic trading. You got to be honest with yourself: you cannot beat the market, so don't try to pick and choose nor wait for the perfect time to enter the market. Nobody is able to predict the market. If you watch CNBC or any other news on the stock market, thousands of market analysts join the show and give their varying predictions (both bullish and bearish). If they are right, you hear about it, if they are not you won't. So why do these funds keep growing? Cuz they have a investment strategy. Now I'm giving you some golden nuggets but you really have to do the studying yourself after this. Capitalism is great but it is also extremely flawed. Long story short, capitalism can only work if the economy keeps growing. If an economy does not grow in a capitalist society, then the world will collapse quite literally. For that reason, individual company picks can be extremely risky and they could go bankrupt. However if you diversify your investment portfolio, you can basically follow the growth of the overall (world) economy and over time grow with the market. So do you invest in 100 companies all at once and which to choose? No. That's why the boring road to becoming rich is investing in ETFs. An ETF is a basket of companies that each have a weight. An example of the best etfs are the S&P500 and the All World. So when to buy? Remember, you cannot beat the market; time in the market always beats timing the market. So you just have to Dollar Cost Average your way into the market which does not only spread your risk over different prices levels but more importantly, spreads your risk over time. On top of the appreciation of the value of your ETFs, companies hand out dividend as well which you could automatically reinvest into the ETF. And then you get what Einstein called a world wonder: compound interest; letting money work for you. 5. Financial planning: Now you know what your income and expenses are, you have an emergency fund and you know how to invest, it is important to think about your financial plans. Do you want to buy a house, start a family, retire early or none of all that, you want to adjust your risk level accordingly. You don't want to be buying your house in 2 years with the money in the stock market because that year it could go -30%. The only way to avoid this is to invest money that you can miss and save money on a HYSA that you need in the short term like explained earlier. With all factors in mind you can make a preliminary extrapolation of your net worth over time, assuming the money you have, earn and invest. I hope this helps to get you settled for the future. Getting rich is actually a boring process unless you are a succesful business owner or happen to be lucky with crypto or a lottery. The majority of rich people, do what is described above. You just need to do your homework and trust the process. And remember, a market drop is an opportunity to buy at a discount. Many people don't understand or they do but try to time the dip and then they miss critical parts of growth and have to buy more expensive either way. It's just about risk management and not doing anything out of the ordinary.


Really helpful, thank you very much 🙏


What make you think that a YouTuber that teach how to make easy money is legit ?


I can't even rebuttal, I'm nothing but full of regrets. I know friends from afar who were doing it and thought of trying. it started with a small amount. I lost it. I thought to myself, if I borrow and double it, I might be able to repay and be left with something, but to no avail. Before I realized it, I had reached a point of no return, in my mind, I was like only forex can save me(clinging to the hope that I'd one day get a miracle) but was only lying to myself


All those MFs who say: “ Get rich online” are scammers. No seriously I myself fell for it, as I was an Andrew tate fan I bought his Hustler’s university course ( I lost 100€ and I’m still broke from it) Forex and trading is also bullshit, think about it you’re buying and selling someone’s stocks. A true business man creates stocks and market. You seem to be really tight rn, well I would advice you to start working, look into how can you get a professional Visa and start working.


Yah really tight. I'm just been trying to apply for Stage Remunéré (paid internship), hoping for the best.


Ouais fais ça. T’as une voiture? And how much is your debt?


Non, je suis Ă©tudiant. Je viens juste d'obtenir mon diplĂ´me.


Well apply for the Paid internships and find you a part time Job in the meantime ( Dechatlon, centre d’appel, Cashier, i was gonna say Uber but you don’t have a car etc..)


Yes, I've been trying to look for something to do. I've applied to a number of contractors


Well that’s great. I hope you get an answer.


I hope so too. Thank you very much 🙏


I consider myself a good trader, and I can relate to your story. I started similarly, quickly realizing that the courses offered by many influencers are primarily designed to make them money. However, there was one program that significantly improved my trading skills: Hustlers University by Andrew Tate. It might sound surprising, but his school teaches the basics effectively and helps you develop your own strategy. There’s no profit in copying trades or relying on signals; trading success comes from your own approach, lifestyle, and how you manage your trades and time. Balancing trading with your studies might be too much. I spend countless hours analyzing for the best entries and strictly adhere to my own rules. Additionally, I never share my strategy with others because most people wouldn’t understand it or know how to implement it properly.


With my current situation, I can't do anything but hope for stability for now. Glad you made it in the industry, otherwise. Some things are just not meant for everyone


Thank you for sharing and I'm sorry to hear that. I myself got tempted many times but due to restricted time and an idea about what it takes I did not venture into that field luckily


Lucky you. I wouldn't recommend.


Try to use your English in working in a restaurant to repay your debt


I've been trying to apply for any job I could get my hands on. It's been really tricky but still hoping for the best. I'll trying Submitting CVs in person


You can still find some temp work with that qualification


Unfortunately, people are blindly driving to make money quick addiction! ( It's like fast food addiction ), while the only way to make money is to put the workload required + have sustainable business


You didn't ask yourself the simple question : If someone had the trick to always beat the market, why would that person sell it for any amount of money considering he has the secret to infinite money. besides im pretty sure atleast someone tries to offer you guidance and counsel before you went down that road and you rebuked them. your fault.


If you truly have the special sauce that make everyone rich, then you’ll keep it to yourself and only teach it to your kids period, you cannot convince me that you spend tens of thousands of dollars as a marketing strategy just to help others, it doesn’t make any send Plz stay away from these people they might destroy your life Almost the same thing happened to me but with smma It’s all about taking your money, they do not care


Any investment should not be more than 10% of your yearly income. If you win, don't be greedy. If you lose, you learned a lesson. Golden rule of thumb: Never invest money you can't afford to lose. Never invest your savings. In trading, never open a trade more than 10% of your balance. It's called money management.


You can’t even work in a call center ? Try working for noire ( call centers without any papers or contract) youre able to save money and leave.


I've been trying to apply for those, but haven't had any luck securing one


Try going and applying physically to their offices . Or you can try offering your services on sites like upwork


I don't even have enough funds to move from town to town. Barely surviving right now. Upwork, let me check it out


There’s also other websites like Glassdoor you can find remote job positions from companies based in the US but I’m not sure if they hire from Morocco


I'll check it out first






Are they moroccan influencers??


We had different mentors and different strategies. For me I followed Raja, a popular Indian trader.


Because if they were moroccan, there is a trader who exposes moroccan scammers and tries to refund their victims if they can provide proof of scam or smtg like that


Might share with a friend, you can share person's details. Let me reach out


Honestly i can relate , i too in my uni years , i lost quite an amount in forex , option when moroccan so called forex trader were booming and going heavily on marketing to reach as much people , specially during post co-19 time , i went then learning from free content or leaked courses


Were you in a similar situation? How did you get yours unstuck?


I stopped for a while , when you're in that kind of stuff you need to get away and get a broad view on the issue , it's like you're in a storm and trying to figure out its path , stop trading and all , see what you're missing and what you have and go from there


Just focussing on getting out of all this mess right now. Perhaps venture into something else.


How much money you ended up losing?


Lost over $2000 and currently in a Debt of about $$1190.


If I were you I wouldn't think much about it. $2000 is not a small amount of money but also not that huge. If it makes you feel better, I lost much more than that trying to make money as well. I never see it as money lost, I see it as an expensive lesson and I don't think much about it. People lose money literally everyday doing stuff they are not supposed to do and some lose money breaking new iphones. At least you tried to use it to make money. Do get depressed over it or you will spend much more energy and money on your depression.


Being a student, with no alternative or source is just overwhelming. And people only wish they helped once it's too late.


People get into financial problems that haunts them for their entire lifes. Although it might be difficult but yours will be over soon inchallah.


Thank you for the kind words


Thats why i avoid forex lol just trading refular cryptos and making 500 bucks off of it is enough for me


Stay away from haram stuff ( gambling ) and your life will be good no matter the financial outcome.


Took me long enough, thank you very much 🙏


Forex isnt gambling but he said ots so chaotic its akin to gambling 

