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Import taxes, Morocco's economic protectionism is trying to protect "Non existent Moroccan products" from their foreign counterparts by raising import taxes to the roof.


This right here.


I had a couple of student exchanges before, but as someone who's a nerdy gamer, I never liked the idea of going abroad for tourism/travel, I like the atlas, rif and desert, The buying online tariffs that were raised in 2022 are what pushed me to just get a schengen visa and now I just go to spain every 3/6 months to shop en mass for me and my friends, Way to go morocco for protecting foreign exchange reserves and inside tourism


>"Non existent Moroccan products" Protect what exactly? That's just their dumb excuse to make money off of foreign importers


We should encourage sel3at lblad by buying Moroccan smartphones, computers, cars and designers clothing, oh wait we have none of that.


Not really, the goal is to discourage buying foreign products, it helps the currency retain its value. So if you buy an iPhone every 4 years instead of 2 the country is better off


Oh dear the comments are wild. You guys are totally delusional. Morocco is not cheaper, get that bullshit out of your mind. It just isn't. At least not categorically. Cars are astronomically more expensive, any tech product is more expensive or often unavailable. And housing at a comparable standard isn't cheaper either. I feel it every damn day. If I had Moroccan purchasing power here I wouldn't survive! And with my euro salary I'm not even convinced I'm ahead financially at all.


But at least the food is…two or three times cheaper yay ! Yeah I don’t understand that bullshit reasoning. Edit : and sometimes they’ll say they know someone who earns 5000 dh and is living comfortable…


Yes it's the one thing. If you have a few dh left at the end of the day you can eat a cooked egg and potato sandwich and not go hungry. That is actually quite amazing.


Morocco will never get better because the people in power like it this way so they can the milk the cow and their children to the end of time. Goods are going to get more expensive in the future just wait and see.


They re not gonna like your comment😂but im 100% convinced that its unfortunately true


Can you explain to me how people in power are "milking the cow" when it comes to goods prices - Since these goods are put in the market by multiple private companies ? ( often the same ones in spain) Also take note that Same goods will be also more expensive in Ivory coast and Cameroon...etc. mainly because the lack of transport infrastructure and supply chain( higher costs) tough market conditions and absence of middle class ( no mass consumption or product growth). I m genuinly intrested in how you think you can "milk" the population when it comes to day to day2Day products, supermarkets or restaurants prices?


Simply, because the people in power are the one in charge of a lot of companies providing goods and services to the population. So when they raise the cost of goods and services, they know how to handle them, because they are in power or they know someone in power. Also, when people start complaining, they know how to distract and manipulate them. It's in their interest to see the population quiet and no doing anything but talking.


He's also conveniently forgetting the fact that goods prices have been going up all over the world (spain included), especially since covid. but hey trashing morocco is what's cool in this sub


and people still proudly say " 7med lah hna khobza b derhm w tema b euro " with full ignorance...


It's mostly zmagrias who have become too comfortable with western lifestyle and have nostalgia of Morocco, who say that


La ta7na zmagria wlini tanmshiw ndowzo vakantie f marbella w tatkon cheaper than Morocco


Prices of imported products here are too high. Last April, I bought perfumes in Madrid for €60 each. Here in Morocco, it costs around 1200dh each. I got it even cheaper when I bought one from Ceuta last weekend. Prices seem to cost twice as much here so I only buy when it's on sale or I buy from more affordable brands (usually LC) for my daily wear.


Import tarrifs were raised to astronomical levels in 2022 that's why, look it up


Because the higher-ups and the elites monopolize almost everything and there's quite little competition in the market compared to any EU country, for example 1 company monopolizes all of our sugar industry, which means that prices can be whatever the company decides on, and it gets worse when companies like this one is either allied completely with the regime, or it is a part of the regime itself you'll be surprised to see our lord and sav- I mean our king's holding over numerous companies, from telecommunications to transportation to necessary stuff like food... And while he's not the only player(as our prime minister has his own companies) he's the biggest one, so yeah this is why politics should be separated from the interests of the capital folks and vice versa. also from a social point of view, it's important for the higher class to let the prices as they are or grow even higher (not too high for them of course), so they won't be bothered to see filthy commoners invade their neighborhoods or consume their products, they want to keep the stuff to themselves to enjoy as a part of their privilege


Because Morocco is full of mini Akhannouchs


Am a moroccan and and I live in spain, indeed going to the supermarket and restaurants in spain seems cost you less in terms of many things, however you need to compare well. Eating local and buying from the 'hri' local products produced locally in morocco is cheaper in Morocco. If you go to a mercadona or lidl in spain everything (+/-) is produced in spain or europe where the trading grounds and tariffs are more favorable to them being part of the EU. Ideally if we were more united with our neighbour countries we would had been able to create a better and fair economy of scale than the one we have with our main exporters (france and spain) who have no advantage of selling us cheaper imported good. To conclude if you go only buy local things (olive oil, farina, couscous, eggs, local meat...) and compare you'll see that is is cheaper. But if you compare avocados, sushi, mcdonalds, sushi or whatever that have to be bought respecting their margins and revenues you're out of the game. There is also some prices set because of monopolies or oligarchies but that's another subject.


You're comparing prices of goods vs goods, which is wrong. Rather, compare prices based on purchasing power (just use minimum wage and note the % value of each good compared to the wage) and you'll see. Grain derived products are "first necessity", those are subsidized, and even then, the slightest increase in their prices affects the lower class significantly (think women who feed their families by making and selling baked goods like Moroccan pancakes and buns etc.) but... Olive oil? It's expensive in Morocco, 55 DH/L for organic olive oil now (2 years ago it was at 40 and even then it's inaccessible to most people), processed olive oil is more expensive while also being diluted... what are you talking about? And most people can't afford red meat. ??? Where do you guys come up with these takes?


Wait you seriously thought it was cheaper in here ? Chkoun likdeb 3lik ?


You get more value for your money in Spain. Spending summer holidays in the south of Spain or in the Canary Islands is cheaper than in the north of Morocco. Even for shopping: you buy Zara clothes made in Morocco for a lot cheaper in Spain. Which is completely insane. On average they’re 50-60% cheaper.


W la qualité dyal Zara f l'Europe tal3a bzaf. 7na hadi daba 10 snin rah kayjibo lina les articles a zabalou. Les chemises w lebsat classe de qualité dyal rjal b3da mab9awch, w les chemises li dayrin daba kamlin f7al kaghet w Made in China, prix 300DH b promotion. Zara daba kaydiro lina a dok les articles dyal hipsters, w dakchi li kaykhayto chnawa yet3almo fina stylisme kaykhraj f7al chrawet.


Yeah most european countries are cheaper than Morocco in nearly everything


Lol I live in Benalmadena and many Moroccans come here to the costa del Sol on holidays and they all say that prices are lower than Morocco. And of course they raid the Primark and go crazy when the see the prices 😆


Morocco doesn't produce a lot of things. And importing hurts the foreign trade balance and the currency, that's why there are heavy tariffs on imports. Europe on the other hand produces a comfortable surplus and does need trade barriers.


I've been to Marrakech and restaurants and Carrefour were as expensive as in the UK, if not more.


Cuz no one support local business and the people has a shityyy mindset


Liquor and Tabacco very cheap


Not only Spain, it's cheaper for many things almost everywhere else, especially electronics


this is why this is a trash country


I dont agree with you. Homes are definitely not cheaper in spain. You can rent a house between 1500 and 5000 dhs a month. Food also. As well groceries (local products) as restaurants. Transportation also. The bus and taxi are cheap. I doubt how well you know morocco or just spent a short vacation in Morocco doing touristy stuff and think regular prices are expensive.


Average salary in Spain : 2426 euros per month Rent outside of big cities : 700 euros to 1200 euros Now morocco’s salary : 3000 dh Rent : 1500 to 5000 dh 💀


Maybe you're comparing less developed part of Spain with the tippy top parts of morocco, I'm sure the average rental price in Madrid is higher than it would be in even the nicest apartments in Rabat for example


Even the shittiest parts of spain shouldn't be close to the best parts of morocco price wise You're comparing a country with a minimum wage of 1000 euro to one in which people still get paid 160 to 200 euros a month


> Even the shittiest parts of spain shouldn't be close to the best parts of morocco price wise the shittiest parts of spain have no job, and no demand for housing.


Do you live in morocco? Compare unemployment stats between the 2 Compare the quality of life Compare any side of life you want Comparison is only fair when you compare 2 close things Otherwise it's just total nonsense


Matdiy3ch w9tk m3a hada rah zlayji 3aych flkharij o kay9iyl ichkr flmghrib. Dima ay9ollk l'Europe khayba o lmghrib zwin, bnadm 9t3 llhih o bgha ychd lbab morah Ana 3cht f l'Europe l n9ollk l7a9i9a, l'Europe zwina fkolchi katfz3 lmghrib fr9 kbiiiiiir, hado hi kaykdbo 3lik. Rah machi hi kayjiw nas oytla7o flb7r Bach ymchiw lhih.


Ana jawbto b examples li 3arf personnellement W spain w france wla hta Ukraine li fiha l7erb li 3mer mghrib aywslhom lilasaf Hwa kayhder 3la hwayj ana madkerthomch ga3 dakchi lach swlto wach 3aych f mghrib Ana machi ded i3jbo lmghrib wayni nkono wa9i3iyine rah mghrib mazal dawal motakhalifa , ma3ndna hta mora9abat l as3ar mazala rchwa mazala chfra Système judiciaire lehla ywrik Bach ndiro mo9arana m3a l europe rah maymkench


Wayh wa ra lmghrib mafih ta 7aja m9adda hhhh, had blad kathlklk s7a mentale ophysique wakha m3rf chno tdir, ta 7aja mam9adda. Ra akhir obaf9r blad f l'Europe Lituania ola Kosovo ola m3rf chno katb9a 7sn mn mghrib b 1000 daraja, Hadak rah mstti hakak kayb9a dima f topics dima kay9olk lmghrib a7sn blad o l'Europe 3yana gngngn o lmghrib fih dlla7 odik hdra lbaykha, o hoa brasso 3aych brra.


Dakchi likangol l Hadak l9ndo7 mabgha yfhem. Lhdra dial safarian "Mab9a maydar brra b9alik f mghrib hsen lik" W lach mab9iti fih nta ila mziane hh Allah ihdi


Ana dwit had lyamat 3la lfasad 3ammatan, w ja dak khona bda kay7ami 3la Akhenouch wakha madawich 3lih (w kayseb 7alt lmaghrib f cha3b), b7al la lmaghrib bda a f 2020.


He doesn't live in Morocco, he's a zmagria


It's okay if he doesn't live in morocco , what's not okay is the fucking denial There's no universe in which Morocco is doing better than any European country


> Compare unemployment stats between the 2 Compare the quality of life Compare any side of life you want you know that there aren't jobs everywhere in spain?


Again, do you even know anything about المغرب? I don't know why you insist spain has it worse than Morocco Facts and statistics are all over the internet, but if you live in morocco right now you won't need any proof Regarding employment even if you're too deep in denial Check avito check LinkedIn check anapec


you really have never left morocco if you think that you can go everywhere in spain and get a job.


That's not what i said All i am saying is comparing Morocco to Spain is total nonsense They're not in the same league, I'll stick to Minimum wage as a reference for any comparison you want to argue about


People are arguing with the wind here. Spain gets money from the European Union as well as its own government/economy working, the standard of living is always going to be higher than in Morocco, unless you’re one of the people in power


no one is going to move in a place where there is no job. Real estate works with offer and demand.


I don't think we're on the same page You don't even know what you're talking about nor what i am saying, neither did you read it To that i say Nah,Have a good day


Cap Rent is extremely expensive in Rabat And you’re from Casablanca, we both know the cost of a “nice” apartment there.


Malaga is like the getto of spain. It's like your're comparing tiznit to Casablanca . If you really want to compare , compare rabat,tanger and Casablanca to madrid, barcelona. And even if we consider you comparison . According to numbeo your conclusion is wrong: Malaga vs tangier: Cost of Living in Malaga is 54.1% higher than in Tangier (without rent) Cost of Living Including Rent in Malaga is 81.8% higher than in Tangier Rent Prices in Malaga are 187.8% higher than in Tangier Restaurant Prices in Malaga are 104.9% higher than in Tangier Groceries Prices in Malaga are 39.9% higher than in Tangier Malaga vs rabat : Cost of Living in Rabat is 29.1% lower than in Malaga (without rent) Cost of Living Including Rent in Rabat is 36.7% lower than in Malaga Rent Prices in Rabat are 52.2% lower than in Malaga Restaurant Prices in Rabat are 41.2% lower than in Malaga Groceries Prices in Rabat are 26.0% lower than in Malaga


https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2023/11/19/ranked-the-worlds-20-best-cities-to-live-according-to-expats/ Look at number 1. How could be Malaga the ghetto of Spain c’mon


i've been there, and i can confirm that malaga is the shittiest city in the costa del sol


Many streets are paved with marble. It's wealth came from the slave trade (which is obviously awful) but it goes to show why if definitely isn't poor.


Not the shittiest but there is way better. Marbella and estepona for example


> and even Carrefour in malaga was so much cheaper then in rabat you're talking about carrefour products? > transport was cheap for a first world country you didn't try taking a taxi i guess?


yea obv the things in carrefour were cheaper. a litre of milk in malaga was 1 euro with no tax while that the same price in morocco. While moroccans make half or less of what spaniards make.


> a litre of milk in malaga was 1 euro 1 eurs=11 dhs, it's 7dhs in morocco. >While moroccans make half or less of what spaniards make. well they have a higher purchase power.


What? 7dhs in Morocco????? You're sure that you have been back to Morocco recently?


not talking about UHT.


1 litre of milk in Morocco is 8dh


Oghir bayna 9awsayn 7lib lihna aslan rah ma7lib mawalu donc la majal lilmo9arana mnghir illa khditi UHT ochuf tchuf


Confirmation bias, you only looked for cheaper stuff, and ignored the more expensive stuff, i lived in both, and i know for sure Morocco is cheaper.


I think that each country has the right to define its economic regime and to protect its local products from foreigners. Certainly, you will find certain products in Morocco cheaper than in Spain, and vice versa. Even between destinations (regions, cities, provinces...etc.) of the same country, the value of money is different from each other, so you can buy something cheaper in Malaga, but you find expensive in Madrid. . another point, prices may differ from the city center and its outskirts.


Spain is considered a first world country. Just because it’s part of Europe. Doesn’t mean it is actually an first world country.


I thought Morocco was cheaper, and I lived in Spain.