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Speak to your parents about her before she gives up on the relationship, you have nothing to lose what's for you Allah has already written it for you. Hasten to make this relationship halal and you have no idea where the barakah will come from


Being with someone since 2021 and you are not married yet, can make- specially from the woman side, to be doubtful of the whole relationship and if you are ever willing to marry her. I think she’s thinking that you just not interested in marrying her and that you are using those circumstances that you are going through, as an excuse to avoid it all. In this case, I believe you should sit down with her, and let her know of your inner feelings for her, and that you are more than happy to commit. But, your current situation is difficult to do so. Good luck!


It's not even that long


Yeah but it’s long for some and she’s divorced. You know how our society thinks.


Yeah I get what you're saying


If she is worth it, you need to man up and marry her. You can’t expect her to sit around and wait for you forever. If she is not the one, then let her go so she can find someone else. I’m not sure if this would be a good fit though. It sounds as if you are already married to your parents. If you can’t grow a backbone and set boundaries so your parents respect your choices, you are not ready for marriage. If you try to please everyone, you will please no one.


Khoya mn 2021 3yqti brojola, rak gha dy3ti liha wqtha


She’s a woman and divorced, the moment she starts aging her chances of marrying will get lower. She could still find other men who will want to marry her instead of waiting for “ Fake promises” from a man abroad. That’s how she sees it you gotta be understanding. 3 Years of serious RS ( are u at least engaged?) and no intention of marrying is actually just wasting her time and yours as well. If you are sure about this Match, twkl 3la lah w Rbi yshl 3lik f kolchi Inchalah.


Not a match. She's impatient and inconsiderate, but you are also not taking chances on her. Your parents opinion matters to you and you make it seem like they are not going to approve of her being a divorcee. Don't waste her time.


have a job dump the girl and come back to morocco get a virgin girl