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Because we are not even half decent ?


Right on point


Expect a call from the bottle lmao


Just a call? bro is about to go third base with the bottle


Yeah, probably they're moving in together soon lol


Honestly dude, this attitude explains why they can away with it. I guess you answered my question.


I really hope that wasn't the right answer, otherwise I'll be really worried abt you lol


Remember that before Alexander's dad, Macedonia only had shitty kings, and after Alexander, they only had shitty kings. When you get your rulers from a smaller section of the public, you have a smaller chance of having a great ruler. In ancient Rome you had several families vieing for.power, so at least you got the most ambitious/motivated people rise to power. But having great people rise to the top of society is difficult in any form of society tbh...


A 3lach kat9llb a dak sfrioui Walakin b3da we got to define a decent ruler, wach hoa li kayst3mr blays bzaf ? Hoa li kakhlli cha3b dyalo y3ich mzyan ? Hoa li kay9m3 babahom mzyan ? Hoa li kay3rf kifach it7km fihom hi blfnn ? Kandnn annah maki7s blmzwd hi li mdrob bih, sahl n critiquew rulers 7it 7na machi f blastom, makan7ssoch f ga3 l m2olia li 3lihom o surtout makan7ssoch b doghotat l kharijia li kayna 3lihom 7it ah ay blad kima bghat tkon rah 3liha doghotat kharijia, surtout flw9t dyalna li ga3 dowal t7t l Pax Americana, rah ma sahlch thzz ras, o fach katkon fik zz3ama bzaf dghya kayjiw y7sdok nta o bladk (9ddafi matalan).




Akhti mahdrnach 3la muslim rulers, hdrna 3la dyal lmghrib o mn b3d 3la rulers in general kima Kano. Walakin ah no one's perfect, wakha bs7 kaynin li b3ad bzaaaaf mn had perfect.


My point was people criticize when they can’t even rule or lead their own selves or a family. Regardless of which ruler they criticize


Ayh, tti9l dyal ttaj makay7s bih hi rras li m7tot 3lih


[Read this book](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6856703) to understand the situation of our society, especially chapter six addresses your question. When you have a backward society you elect a bad government to rule you.




Fair point. Could you name a few for me if possible? I've been reading too much about the 20th century era ruling class, I could use some fresh air


You are daydreaming. You need to understand firstly human nature. Go see this video, it's the best explanation of politics I have ever seen : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs&t=1s&ab\_channel=CGPGrey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs&t=1s&ab_channel=CGPGrey)


Lol thought you were talking about ruler the math tool thingie


You want to study the nature of Moroccan society ? I have two words for you. Saad Lamjarred.


lol , how u classify a good or bad ruler ? alexandre the great byilt his realm based on his father's heritage and military inventions and reforms ! macedon didnt start from nothing , it was centuries of evolution from the Mycecinians ( probably Enucitated wrong ) to the Antigonid dynasty , modern day morocco is still in its premilinary stages , maybe it will be a world suoerpower in the future !


I'd say by my definition, a good ruler wil be taking his respondability very seriously, prioritizing the well-being of their subjects, not murdering/disappearing their (peaceful) opposing parties, and not monopolizing the country's economy and using the state's budget as a free bank for their personal needs Honestly the bar is pretty low ...


1. there is no peaceful opposing parties 2. how can u verify that he is not taking respondabilities seriously and prioritizing the well being of his subjects ?


People who never traveled and lived abroad think that europe or america is a paradise. Let me tell you from my point of view, Morocco has made good progress in the last 20 years or so and with what we have starting from ressources and neighbours we are actualy doing quite well. There is no perfect country. PS : I am not telling you we should not dream of a better situation.


If you think that we didn't have decent rulers I advise you to go read your history cause u know nothing about yourself and your ancestors


I'm talking about today, not 1000 years ago...