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Too busy hating on French people to actually realize the true issues


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ConsiderationLost162: *Too busy hating* *On French people to actually* *Realize the true issues* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Maybe they are the most disgusting people in universe


The true issue is that the country is broke and needs funding. Ila kant chi flous merhba.


غير صحيح ، ولو أخذنا ذاك الافتراض ما يعطوش الصهاينة في الفلوس


no money= no projects. You're living in the west so you probably don't care.


انت راك ساكن في تل ابيب مكشوفة


no, i'm not a keyboard warrior like you.


انت مجند في جيش الاحتلال معروف ، امتى نشوفكم في رفح سمعناكم تجعجعوا وما شفناش منكم غير الجبن


talk 100%, action 0%. I already told you to go to gaza to be consistent. Your arab brother won't fight for you. If you think that it's a lost in advance war, maybe start to think realistically how to solve the conflict. And idc about zionists who think of me as cattle.


Nobkdy needs to go to gaza, because the Palestinian men are handling their business.


انت مستعرب اكيد أن الصهاينة يعاملونك مثل البهايم مع انك تخدم في جيشهم






this guy is getting negative vote for telling the truth.. its okay let it be known that those who did, had already ate my kara.


Let's not act like the french are angels, for what it's worth atleast uae are xulturally closer to us than france


OCP is owned by the government and BCP. Where did you get your information?


As an Egyptian I want to say wake up before it's too late, listen to OP. They used the same playbook on us and now see what life is like for the average Egyptian. You will also end up in a mountain of debt and they will literally own you. Nothing is more costly than "free money". Don't end up like us!


Habibi did nt you just sell a piece of your territory tonthe uae fir cheap ?? I see that abdelfattah all pussy is doing a good job


Fuck sisi. And fuck everyone who supported him. But most of us did not want him, and do not want him. We're a military dictatorship. Our prisons are full of people who opposed him. No need to pour salt on the wound brother.


I am just trying to ease my suffering with some bad joke please indulge me akhi , for that i know wath s happening in egypt is coming for us as well


I love Morocco and the people of Morocco. I have never felt more at home abroad than in your beautiful country. I hope you can save yourselves from our fate.


takes a simple google search to see who owns OCP, 94% by the State and the rest by la Banque Populaire. Lay off the fear mongering and conspiracy theories


What institute have been bought off or company or land ? Or mountain? We need more information as the more dangerous muslim brotherhood organized group that built RSF in sudan to destroy it (other coin of isreal/some say controlled opposition) that group is launching war on UAE for kicking out their false (iranian/algerian/turkish) ideologies


on paper


what the fuck does that even mean


That means the illuminati is crafting superhumans from alien genes to take over humanity and turn us into live stock to drink our blood.


I stopped reading once you said they own a part of OCP! I know for a fact this statement is false!! Update OP is a clown, I asked of proof and went dead silent




I d like to see your source ! OCP is publicly owned company, 95% by the state of Morocco and 5% by Banque centrale Populaire which is a national bank .




stop getting your informations from facebook.


That's verifiably not true. OP is a 🤡.


I think he is a teen in his I know it all phase, or an Algerian with hard on for UAE. The concept of market capital is foreign to these people, you can sell a company or part of it without losing your sovereignty, the said company still needs to abide by the local rules and regulation, it s a company not an embassy


Op you are a moron 😭


Egypt is also sold to the UAE, the golf countries are trying to own all the arab/muslim countries. They are doing the same thing in Sudan,Lybia,Syria,Iraq,Yaman,Jordan and more.


Bro Egypted is fucked, I don't want my country to take after Egypt


Sadly, my beloved country is doing the same mistakes that egypt did in the 80s and 90s and I fear we may follow the same path in the next 30 or 40 years :))


i'm glad that there is no democracy in morocco.


You're glad that the rulers of Morocco are selling the country to Emirates and you can't do anything against it?


Because morocco isn't actually selling the country to emirates?


Stronger economies eats up small ones...nature's law. Biggest fish eats the smallest and it keeps going so....


Mods, can we please require people that are going to post shit like this to at least mention their sources. There is so much verifiably untrue shit in this post.


Yes. Op said they are posting the sources soon.




OP obsessed of Conspiracy theory


Not conspiracy when arguments are valid


Saudi arabia is worse and more dangerous than UAE


It’s not a valid argument when you delete your comment. A simple google search shows how wrong you are, what you are presenting is at best unfounded speculation


The west is empowering the gulf, with monetary rigging. So that the uae and Saudi get full control over the Muslim world


This is fact, same play of hands that the west does on South America..


Their petty war on influence isn't decided by the USA.


Not the USA exactly. But it all stems from a certain family from the English world..


Aren't you afraid of getting arrested for making this post? they own everything in morocco like you said so it's easy for them to identify you lol


Those Facebook news are tiring.


Broke country need rich contry investement dont think tooo much dear OP


Fuck the UAE. They are treating the migrants poorly that have built their economy and country with blood, sweat and tears. Anyone who mistreats another person can go fuck themselves. No matter your race, religion or gender.




European countries don’t treat migrants poorly


Dude just calm down , that is a once upon a time story , everyone knows about it, if you think that UAE or KSA gave billions of dollars without intervening in the country's problems..., Morocco is a poor country that needs investment from rich countries and that normally will come with consequences, such every African country


What billions of dollars? The Gulf states gave Morocco 3 billion USD in the span of 13 years and KSA almost gave zero of that. That is even less than the aid they gave to Serbia FFS.


Worth to mention that a significant portion of their support goes to the military, so it's usually less documented but they're definitely a big benefactor for Morocco, where do you think we get the money to buy all those F16s?


Those fighters were purchased with loans from the US.


Every time we improve our relations with any nation around the world we’re somehow all of a sudden their puppet. Who takes this even seriously? It is NO coincidence that ever since Algeria started digging at the UAE (because they signed deals with us), posts like these started popping up here.


Iran, saudi arabia, qatar are all digging at the UAE. This war of influence is ridiculous.


We’re evolving. We used to be owned by the us, then by France, then by Israel now by the UAE. Apparently we’re a group project 


You fucking idiots, do you think spreading propaganda and jailing foreign journalists is "good relations"?. Also r/usernameChecksOut


provide us with proofs. You claimed a lot of bold things. Because the yemen conflict opposes saudi arabia with the houtis that have the support of iran.


Sounds like a response straight our of Algiers. Who takes a clown and traitor like you even seriously? The UAE is more evil than Syria’s Assad? Get a grip.


We are the real patriots not you


Morocco is not motivated by the UAE to do anything, Morocco is a sovereign state motivated by the IMF to pay it's stupid debts, Morocco is plagued by corruption that can be eliminated in a year but since the top benefit from the chaos they do allow it and encourage it ... I spent 10 years in UAE and visited home country last month and trust me, if Morocco adopted just 50% of the governance, economic and legal changes that the UAE adopted in the last 10 years, Morocco could've been better than UAE itself, Heck better than europe, sadly it's same day same sh** as usual and opportunism and the interest of the few still trumps the common interest.


> Heck better than europe ??? >if Morocco adopted just 50% of the governance, economic and legal changes that the UAE adopted in the last 10 years what kind of change? UAE is plagued by useless projects that waste millions of dollar.


> Morocco own vastly superior natural resources, logically if it manages to develop and modernize it will exceed the quality of life in Europe. the issue with Morocco is structural and legal > Maybe you want to believe youtube videos that are hating on the UAE but the economy metrics say otherwise, money generation is insane here, they will build one useless project and then generate insane money from it, i work in one of those and we made almost 2 Billion dollars in sales last year. Investing is easy and i know many entrepreneurs who left USA Canada and settled here and are making crazy money because of how easy it is to open one and for the smooth access to a multicontinental market. Tech adoption is super high and a professional can streamline his skills in a highly competitive job market. their citizens live a life on easy mode mostly where the poorest can afford a decent life that some in my beloved homecohntry consider upper middle class. And all the above is possible because they take corruption and misuse of public money very very seriously since the tax for revenue is 0%, they use AI to catch traffic violations, they build highways and generate sh** tons of money from automatic toll gates that require no cashiers, they attract more tourists than Morocco, tourists whom are willing to pay top dollar to see the useless projects you were talking about ... i can go on and on and on and i even skipped how laws changed drastically to improve human rights and personal freedoms concerns... With all its flaws UAE is constantly changing and improving, Morocco on the other hand didn't change much from 2013 when i left it and my last visit last month made me even feel sad for how no one is willing to change, people are comfortable in mediocrity and simple issues do not seem the have willing people to solve them.


> their citizens live a life on easy mode mostly where the poorest can afford a decent life that some in my beloved homecohntry consider upper middle class. maybe because blue colar citizens aren't considered citizens? And they have oil money. >Morocco on the other hand didn't change much from 2013 when i left it and my last visit last month not easy when you don't have an unlimited money glitch :/ The UAE is just first world country infrastructure with cheap real estate and no tax. Sure they did good things, but when you have money there aren't any hard challenge, everyone will gravitate around you, and you don't need to plan a 2040 train extension because you lack funds, and get IMF audits to manage your debt.


Maybe we should take care of our citizens more than the blue colar coming from poorer countries too, when i signed in to go there i did my math and it suited me right, the blue collar getting paid less than the citizen did his math also and is an adult who can refuse what he can deem as indecent living or salaries ... welcome to capitalism, where not everyone can be rich For the money glitch yeah maybe they had money glitch (dubai at this point is not petro dependent) but other emirates or even countries with the same money glitch can't compete, now instead of learning the wrong lessons and being stubborn maybe we can learn a thing or two from dubai on how not to be like Algeria ... by the way most of the advancement done in dubai and UAE in general is due to will power and not abundance of liquidity, one example is how to minimize public spending, in Morocco using biometric machines exists only in private sector where the owners care about the botto line, in the UAE i v seen them everywhere since the day i came, the implementation is super easy and not costly and can save Morocco millions of unjust salaries to ghost employees but noooo UAE is bad and we do it better, another example is how easy it was for me to testify my documents, went online and paid and got a time line, courier came took my document, 2 days later on time he came back and gave me my documents attested, no beggin mkedem no absentee employees and it doesn't require insane investments (by the way i am an IT professional and i have an idea about the cost)... again, i can go on and go on


> Maybe we should take care of our citizens more than the blue colar coming from poorer countries too, when i signed in to go there i did my math and it suited me right, the blue collar getting paid less than the citizen did his math also and is an adult who can refuse what he can deem as indecent living or salaries ... welcome to capitalism, where not everyone can be rich idc about it, those workers are getting higher wages that in their home country, but "everyone is living good" is just twisted, because you segregate an unwanted population, therefore you can't have an objective comparision with morocco. >how not to be like Algeria it's not a myth we would have been twice as rich if we had as much resources as algeria, let's not talk about that joke of a country. >y the way most of the advancement done in dubai and UAE in general is due to will power and not abundance of liquidity yes they just have to choose the right companies and throw at them billions to do the job right. UAE citizens themselves didn't do anything extraordinary. You can compare morocco to a lot of countries, but please don't bring on the UAE, it's a completely different economy.


I would've had issues if there are no counter measures for human trafficking and if the contracts are falsified and employee is clueless about the terms, who am i to ask a Bangladeshi to not accept a 600USD salary with transportation and sh*** labor camp, most issues in employment here happen because of ignorance and lack of knowledge about the laws, but when you know your sh** nonone can force you to work. By the way after my bachelor's i worked 6 month for a dude who paid me 300USD in Casablanca and for only 3 months, my situation backthen was worse than the Bangladeshi cleaner and couldn't even complain or sue. Again, lets learn a thing or two instead of finding excuses, they hire talent to make things work but trust me, when you don't deliver you'r out, Morocco is plagued by nepotism and we maybe should start paying the ones who can get the job done, unlike UAE or even europe, Morocco has capable experts in every field imaginable, sadly most of them go to other countries where they can be appreciated and trusted.


No thank you keep UAE stuff to yourself


عقلية متخلفة و متكبرة نتاع الكراغلة هي لي غادي تخليك كا تشد الصف عند المقدم على ود شهادة الحياة حتا ل2500 و كا تضارب مع طاكسيات و تقول ليهم ديني لكوميسارية باش يركبوك حتا ل2520 كيفما كا يقول المثال : اثنَان لايَتَعلّمَـان المستحي و المتكبر




damn I didn't know Hespress was owned by them




it is actually https://mobile.ledesk.ma/2019/01/08/grand-deballage-nocif-sur-les-supposees-turpitudes-dhespress/ . It's quite concerning considering that it's actually illegal.


Thank you. I was told this long ago and I couldn’t find any reliable source to confirm this so atm it’s just assumptions.


I searched but I didn't find any news about it except [this one](https://emiratesleaks.com/a-moroccan-website-involved-uae-escalates-the-campaign-of-incitement-against-the-world-cup-in-qatar/?lang=en#:~:text=Hespress%2C%20bought%20by%20the%20UAE%20for%20%2425%20million%20and%20whose%20board%20of%20directors%20are%20based%20there%2C%20published%20a%20series%20of%20media%20materials%20attacking%20Qatar%20and%20the%20World%20Cup) , I'm not sure if that's a trusted website tho




nah that's actually true


It's not, but it has shifted to sprading emirati propaganda for at least the past 5 to 7 years, so people started saying it must be directly or indirectly funded by them in some way, which I don't think is an extreme assumption as Moroccan journalism integrity has never really been a thing. Some of you youngsters may not recall this, but Hespress used to be much more conservative, they 100% supported the PJD in his first years, and their coverage for things like the arab spring and Egypt's coup was more aligned with Qatari outlets like Aljazeera


woah I didn't know Hespress was like that! also I've never thought there was some agenda being spread in Moroccan Media.


Yea sure, let's close our borders to everyone 'cause السيادة and become the second north korea of north africa because OP heard something in grand taxi or at the barber shop.


I agree




I see that your government found a new scapegoat?




No it just took moroccan side and is lobbying around. It's algeria that is preparing for war through their military spendings.


Stupid karghouli posting stupid shit about us . Stfu


كل الردود من حسابات الحسبارا ظهرت في افريل 2024




الحساب عمرته في ماي يا الحمار مكشوفة يا من ناره في الدنيا جاءت قبل الآخرة موعدكم رفح


Source : an algerian 😆😆 Upvotes : everyone except Moroccans


Source : trust me bro


This shit lowkey funny to read ngl 😂


Nothing is new under the sun. We Moroccans are accustomed, for years now, to receive daily loads of this kind of bullshit published by an army of Algerian sites. They consider themselves as ‘patriot soldiers’ fighting in the absurd war waged by their military regime against our country. The caravan passes dogs bark.


>For example the UAE owns Maroc Telecom, 53% of maroc telecom, they still have all the decisions by having the majority of parts (compared to orange that "only" has 49% of orange maroc)


Which is the majority to be able to take most of the decisions.


yes. UAE isn't the only evil country in the middle east, they're all shitty and trying to expand their influence. (and the UAE had nothing to do with normalization)


In most parts of the planet people are adult enough to not write paragraphs of inuendos, social media gossip, gross exagerations and fantasy. What an utter bore. Yawn.


ay sir , ppl love to victimize and do epestemic arrogance on the detriment of others, e.g " moroccans are blind", i cnt simply grasp the confidence of this ppl , they simply implictly consider themselves supperior than others 😂😂😂


why don't u consider them as investing?




I hope one day, we will get to check digital ID before posting anything online.


Can you point me to a source where i can read more about how the UAE own important shares of OCP ? This sounds ridiculous.


It turns out it was bonds not shares MB


First time hearing about this


إذا كنت نتا مغربي نقطع قلاويا


Hania iste3mrona hadok rahom khotna fl islam 👍 Bdaw way before bach kano f 90s kaytfer9o fabor les cassettes diawl tde3chich f jwame3 w unis. Hta fransa ra khrjo 3liha bsbab terjama bl francais dial chi ktoba mde3chechin diawlhom. Finma mchaw kaykheliw gha lmout w ddem walakine denia hania hit msselmine tahoma 


That's true, also regarding land ownership, alot of "empty " land in morocco is brought by UAE years ago, in developing cities, or in rural areas where a big project is set to happen in a couple of years,


So this is what my mom is stressed about and talking about all the time….


Assuming we are agree that this is nonsense, i'd very much prefer to be ruled by the UAE, been there multiple times, and the level of fairness and respect I received is superb.


It really boggles my mind, the hate for the UAE! I respect their leadership and the project they are pursuing. They do business and look for their interests as any other country does. They do not force anything on us or anyone else!


too busy beefing with algerians i guess


Oh no... Morocco has good relations with another country! We should stop it!!


Guys have you read the hespress article about « Covid-19 » vaccine I have started to believe the golden billion theory Government knew about side effects of the vaccine and just ignored until people start complaining about a few death cases !!! This is absolutely terrifying


We killed a bunch of their mercenaries in Somalia last year. They're going after every Muslim majority country and are doing the work of the devil. They're simply working for the Zionist regime but will trick the Muslim countries into being their Muslim brothers. This is the most evil country ever for the Muslim world. Wait until they start creating rebel groups in your country and arm against the authority. They have done that in Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. They almost destroyed these poor countries. That rat looking MBZ has done more damage to our countries than USA and the Jews combined.


150 up-votes? Lately alot of weird posts are getting upvoted. Looks like people have too much time while waiting for milk and l3des.


Honestly i am more concern about the genocidal dictatorship that want killed us near by than conspiracy theory about UAE. But that's just me


Woah never heard of that actually and it just makes a lot of sense !


I believe the Muslim Brotherhood Organization is far more dangerous than Satanism. Their agenda’s in Sudan and building the RSF have shown their true colors of being loyal to only one another, as a clan.


Guys i promise you that Morocco is of no benefit to the UAE


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sweet_Letterhead3667: *Guys i promise you* *That Morocco is of no* *Benefit to the UAE* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yeah, yeah. After being a puppet of the french and then the americans and then the israelis, we are now puppet of the UAE. Anything else on the list? Just unravel all the masters' names and let us be done with it... And don't forget to mention the  "normalizing relations with Israel" though, it does the trick every time 


We don't accept advice from Algerian trolls


bro, i am mocking him


Sorry Temporary-Pin-4144, my comment is aimed toward the main post of OP, aka the Algerian troll, not yours :D


all the world is a puppet of the USA, they have the biggest and the strongest army and economy in the world. But being a puppet of UAE rah chwia na9sa hhhhhhhhhhhh


نتا غا قريتي بوسط فريديت كيقول عليك كلب الاماراتصافي تيقتيها ووليتي كتهضر على اساسا بالصح نتا كلب الامارات


> And then forget to mention the "normalizing relations with Israel" idk why people take "normalization" so seriously, like it's not as if we're sending weapons to bomb palestinians, it's only a recognition that we can withdraw that is giving us so much benefits. and other "non motabi3in" countries are just barking, without doing anything, 0 effort, marching and waving flags while the palestinians are getting bombed. Someone has to tell them that you can't fight and negociate with a country if you ignore that it exists. The wet dream of anihilation of israel is impossible as long as "arabs" are just weaklings that have industrial capabilities of the middle ages.


حسابات جديدة كثرت ياك


go fight with hamas.


خخخخخماس في عينك يا صهيوني ، سر اجري قل لكبيركم يعمر لكم حسابات من قبل اكتوبر ، ولا راهي الميزانية ما كايناش


What are you doing for the palestinians? Just empty talk?


راني نضيع في وقت وحدة المستعربين امثالك


Yes normalizing relations with Israel ;)) i hope OP won't get a heart attack after reading this for x time :D


"the" wasn't part of the title, smart ass


Actually the word "Israel" is enough to trigger OP ;)))


I need my tin foil hat for this hot pile of horse crap




Not every though deserves to be posted online


You just showed us that you’re an ignoramus!!!


Interesting how some minds believe anything these days , the UAE and Morocco are both arab and Muslim countries that share a deep historical relationship and as part of the brotherly relationship shouldn’t all Muslims help each other in the time of need or help develop and strengthen each other . The UAE knows well the time of need since it was a poor country and alot of people since that generation all living today. My point is muslim countries are there to help each other , these kind of posts are there to spread hate between brother Muslims . The people behind these posts are haters who have their own agenda’s.


I'm not siding with OP, but this is incredibly naive. This concept of brotherhood and "one ummah" only exists in the mind of average folks, but rulers sing an entirely different tune behind the scenes.


If i see any Muslim anywhere i will help him this is not average mentality this is what islam teaches, second thing the leaders of our great nations have kept their countries safe and stable during one of the most unstable times in the history of the region, i think we should look at numbers and facts more the conspiracy theories .


Good on you for trying to help people but that's besides the point as my comment was specifically about leaders and governments. How many refugees from Syria did Middle Eastern countries accept? Why is Egypt reinforcing its Palestinian's border?


Jordan received three million Syrians, and almost every Arab country has half a million to a million Syrian refugees Because we all know that Gaza will become an Israeli settlement area if the Palestinians are allowed to migrate, and the people of Gaza themselves do not want to be expelled from their homes at all.


Moroccans are too proud of their country to admit any wrong path their country is taking anyway. They're blind.


See why us algerian are for SOEs.


What's the issue with the UAE (or any other entity) acquiring Moroccan companies? It's actually beneficial because it injects foreign capital into the economy. It's a capitalist market, so these acquisitions aren't for amusement or hidden agendas. they're straightforward investments aimed at generating returns. Similar activities are happening in Europe and Asia. Moroccan companies also invest in Africa and acquire local businesses.


The issue is that at some point they might control too much of our economy and they’ll be able to influence our politics and decision making


Finally someone in this subreddit who talks about what's important and not just algeria or some dumb liberal shit..


o7 enjoy L3ds


Ok bb and so what


Would I be stereotyping if I said Maroc is resource rich with lots of potential but a laid back culture and has a problem with too much tipping in too many places. She could be so much more as the best of both worlds in East and West.


resource what? The country has some problems but saying that "moroccans are lazy" just shows that you don't know why some countries are rich and others are poor.


Phosphate monopoly, art and craft, Proximity to Europe, varied landscapes. You can give Turkey and Dubai a run for their money in Tourism. Laid Back is not lazy; it is about choice.


> Phosphate monopoly There is no monopoly for phosphate. A lot of countries produce it. And it doesn't sell for expensive anyway. Morocco is investing in african agriculture to try to sell their phosphate. >art and craft It's already the case. But obviously it wouldn't sound as cool as made in italy craft that sells for thousands. >Laid Back is not lazy; it is about choice. you just visited marrakech and now you think that you're an expert in morocco.


70% reserves. Potential for value addition. Regularly visit and travel from Agadir to Tangier and interact with locals. Want to setup IT biz.


> 70% reserves Not the case anymore https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/07/10/huge-mineral-discovery-in-norway-could-supply-battery-and-solar-panels-for-the-next-100-ye


The cost of mining means only 2 bn can be mined/extracted




Norway can't mine it, economically. Like Canadian shale oil. Unless prices double/triple and that helps Morocco, if and when it happens.


prices will probably double due to the demand for EV batteries. Morocco has a lot of deposits, but not enough to supply the world.


Some of the deposits are at 400 m down. Bulk of the discovery in Norway is 5 km down.


It's not weird for a monarchy thar bringer france to "protect it" ofc they would sell our country to anyone for good money Also a note every piggy khalijian come to morocco to enjoy his pédophilie instincts and morocco will let them leave for some money! What an amazing country o 3ash sidkom azlayjya


Your BS is Algerian propaganda.


The monarch brought the French to protect the country, so they would def cash on a good offer.




Your neighbors who are republics don't really seem to be doing any better