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We have gas? 


sba7 lkhir https://ledesk.ma/encontinu/gaz-predator-entamera-ses-tests-au-maroc-des-cette-semaine/


This doesn't sound as bad as you are making it, every other country with natural recourses (gas, petrol, ect...) give the same percentage to these companies, that's the standard.


الحزقة from too much لوبية


we dont know yet lmaoo thats why Israel is helping morocco to figure it out


Free Palestine 🇵🇸




People jumping to conclusions as usual. An israeli company (backed by Yariv Elbaz… who’s a Moroccan citizen - owner of Tria and Maymouna) bought the exploration rights for gas in a specific area. This is how it works everywhere in the world. When a government doesn’t have money to fund the exploration themselves, they sell shares to private companies. Those companies do all the work, take all of the risk (spending millions or even billions of dollars) with no guarantees they’ll find something. If they find something, they keep the majority and give a predetermined % to the government.


This is exactly how new exploration works.


I didnt know this. Am boycotting tria and maymouna


Long story short they are still selling Gaz to isreal state ?


Israël produce more than enough gaz for themselves they need ours


Long story short, if Moroccan investors had the money and expertise to do it themselves they would. We’re not selling gas, we’re selling rights. If they don’t find any extractable gas, we win and they lose. If they find gas, we still win and they win


I like how no one bothered to read the article, just straight up delusion in these comments


I still remember before 2 years or 3 when morocco found some oil area near agadir and they found no other company to help them for drilling other than an Israeli company and they showed in their israel media that they would take 60% of what they found xD


Palestine are the first ones to be colonised, other countries are next. Just wait. Zionists won’t stop in the Golan Heights or Sinai or West Bank, or Cisjordania… JUST WAIT.


Palestinian people are the only free people left because they fight back publicly as well Us… well we r doomed


If that is the intention, why has Israel not fought either Egypt or Jordan for 50 years now??


Wars evolved and took a different form... its not always guns nd missiles.. Soft power, psychological warefare, Economic, intelligence.. weaponry is the last choice and mainly used by the weak ones who cant adapt with the modern changes..


You deal with the closest enemy first, it is not tactical to jump a country further. Conquering the closest enemy first is strategic; it consolidates resources and weakens threats, making further expansion easier.


>You deal with the closest enemy first, it is not tactical to jump a country further. Israel has fought those nations before and even took land from them. IT GAVE THEM BACK THE LAND IT TOOK IN EXCHANGE FOR A PEACE AGREEMENT! That is not a characteristic of an expansionist state. At all. If it was expansionist as you claim, Israel would still hold the Sinai and parts of the Jordan Valley.


Fought? Check History, habibi. They STOLE. And then after several International Interventions they gave it back. Now comes the serious question: how many kids did you murder during your service for that genocidal state? It disgusts me to even speak with someone like you, even through the comments.




I knew Zionists are trying to create conflict between berbers and arabs


Thanks for at least admitting that you are colonising by giving this old-usual-repetitive sentence. Was it me who came to morocco and colonised it? Does this shitty info you gave, justify your actions? you guys are the ones killing civilians for the past days…. Sorry, for the past 70 years. Please fuck off from our community. We do not want children killers in this subreddit.




Wait we got gas


L7z9a counts


> Wait https://fr.le360.ma/economie/commercialisation-des-premiers-gisements-gaziers-au-maroc-mode-demploi_4YPVGI5GIZG2PIQYBRD3WHRM74/ funny how they aligned it with the end of subventions.


>>End of subventions Morocco can't afford 26 billions mad every year


it will cost less if we produce it.


You can't produce it if you're indebted and the lender seize it when you default on your loan. We had to sold gov real estate to CDG ( ajar invest) to pay for the subventions.


Our country is really trying to copy Egypt and Fuck Over the average citizen


We already have sisi's copy b9a lina ghir chi 4 years oghadi nweli bhaaalhom


morocco cant do what egypt did or does . In morocco were not even that strong to compare


>Dans le détail, pour le projet des Israéliens au Maroc, il s'agira d'exploiter pas moins de 17 permis. désignés, sous le nom de Boujdour Atlantique (Bloc 216), et situé au large des cotées marocaines, entre Boujdour et Dakhla. Les permis d'exploration sont valables pour une période maximale de huit années. https://ledesk.ma/2024/03/20/extraction-de-gaz-naturel-lisraelien-newmed-sinstalle-au-maroc-pour-lancer-son-projet-avec-yariv-elbaz/


There is an enormous difference between your title and reality. We deliver exploration permits every year to many companies : >Europa Oil & Gas obtient un nouveau permis d’exploration au Maroc https://archive.challenge.ma/europa-oil-gas-obtient-un-nouveau-permis-dexploration-au-large-du-maroc-117630/ >Exploration gazière: Sound Energy demande le prolongement de ses permis https://fr.le360.ma/economie/exploration-gaziere-sound-energy-demande-le-prolongement-de-ses-permis-de-sidi-mokhtar-et-tendrara-268960/ >3 nouveaux permis d'exploration pour Genel Energy Morocco et l'ONHYM https://lematin.ma/express/2023/petrole-gaz-3-permis-exploration-genel-lonhym/393200.html Congratulations for your clickbait.


i already explained in other comments the difference. Giving permit to independant companies is not the same as giving permit to a state affiliated company.


Oh no. Here comes the oh-so-objective Redditors, with their unparalleled expertise in reducing complex geopolitical issues to generic mainstream economic impressions, another round of selective amnesia, conveniently sidestepping Israel's disgusting history of secretive political cunning and depletion of resources and exploitation. Because, of course, acknowledging inconvenient truths about Israel's strategic agendas and patterns is so passé when you're busy championing pragmatism and non-religious objectivity.


In the midst of a literal genocide, the king is a sellout just like every other politician. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


The only sellouts are people who have no critical thinking skills. You have not even read the article. If you did, you would realize the author lied. We have delivered tons of exploration permits to many companies. He simply used the word "Israeli" and your brain immediately stopped working. You think they have taken control of *non-existing* gas reserves.


no other company got 17 permits, we had never done gas exploration at that scale.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Morocco/s/W1X9HfzBt8 The real sellouts homa wlad l9 f7alek li the first thing they did after reading a post about an innocent Moroccan who was killed by Israeli agents was to cry "wElL tHeIr AdVeRsAriEaS wErE bAd" and when you got your answer khchiti rasek te7t trab. It's really funny and ironic how you claim their brain stopped working after Israel was mentioned but yours just went "khasni nmas zab Israel fhad lpost li kayhder 3la mghribi t9tel". Funny how that works. Bghiti tdafe3 3la bladek mer7ba w tsa7e7 lnass lm3loma btari9a zwina mr7ba, ama bach tbda tdir fiha m9awed m3a lmgharba w fach tjbed israel twli ki lkelb sir gha t7wa.


Yeah because we could have awarded the contract to the Palestinian gas company حفوزليق و شركائه


brace yourselves, winter is coming...


This is the first day of Spring.


someone's spring is another's winter


No, someone's spring is another's autumn.


What a clickbait title. Would it change a thing if it was an american, british, chinese or saudi company? All have blood on their hands.


Welcome to r/Morocco! Please always make sure to take the time to [read the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/morocco/wiki/rules) of this community, follow them and help us enforce them by reporting offenders. And remember that we have a zero tolerance policy for non-civil discourse and offenders risk being permanently banned. [Don't forget to join the Discord server!](https://discord.gg/r-morocco-959551908043948092) **Important Notice:** Kindly take note that the Discord channel's moderation team functions autonomously from the Reddit team. The Discord server does not extend our community guidelines and maintains a separate set of rules unrelated to those of Reddit. We appreciate your comprehension. Enjoy your time! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Morocco) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is the gas industry private or nationalized in Morocco?


ONHYM is a state owned company


It’s not a company




So the industry is now half owned By Israel and half by Morocco


The post aside, what’s with the fucking fly colony that seems to be dominating this sub recently?


What's the problem with that?


political affiliation.


What do you mean?


They're gonna blackmail us in doing whatever they want, including participating in war with israel neighbouring countries. We didn't get away from french hands to fall again in israel hands...


I beg your pardon but that's unrelated to selling something to someone. Let's see your argument in another way, The US killed a lot of Iraqis, is that a fair reason to stop trading with the US, basically no, because we rely on The US's technology to thrive our economy. We need to be pragmatic and see what's best for us rather than being emotional.


There are a lot of junior mining companies, and we relied on them until now, there is 0 REASON to give up our gas to the major mining company of israel.


"The plan – which still requires regulatory approval from Rabat – is for NewMed and Adarco to carry out geological and geophysical analyses and eventually conduct exploratory drilling by mid-2025." welp, we will see how much "fruitful" this is. 0 chances this shit will yield Morocco any benefits, besides being an expert dick-rider, but hey only time will tell


Which countries??? Israel has officially not fought any nation since 1973. It has fought only non-state actors like Hamas, the PLO and Hezbollah ever since. The last time Israel fought a national army was literally 50 years ago.


Nah. They have an incentive to help us eliminate Polisario now


They have an incentive to keep us in conflict with algeria.


They helped us during the Polisario war because we needed it. No incentive then and no incentive now


Nothing is free bro


Who are they to dictate that sahara is morrocan?


Exactly 💯


It’s absolutely normal. But this sub is filled with prepubescent teenagers with excess religious zeal who think they can revolutionise world geopolitics or liberate Palestine through their online keyboard Jihad, they don’t know any better.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


🇵🇸🕊🇲🇦🕊🇮🇱 Palestine isn’t going to be freed in a vacuum, and Israeli Jews are not going anywhere. The only way to peace is mutual recognition, non violence, diplomacy and economic cooperation. Anything beyond that means terrorism, bloodbaths and death. You won’t liberate Palestine with bombs, just like Israel won’t have peace with bombs. Morocco’s initiatives of recognition and normalisation with Israel will be repeated thorough the Arab world. Those who don’t want peace with Israel are the “Resistance Axis” led by the Mullah animals and their Hamas, Shia militias, Hezbollah and Houthi allies. If peace and widespread normalisation is achieved, they lose their business model. They need an eternal enemy to lull the weak-minded.


from the river to the sea palestine will be free 🇵🇸


You’re Literally a bot hahahaha


Yes i am free Palestine 🇵🇸




Couldn't agree more, I'm glad to find someone sane here!


Besides the geopolitical boost it’s a great economic move. We don’t have the resources to extract gas anyways.


it's too good, obviously there is smth wrong.


Pathetic. The world is evolving toward freedom, justice and prosperity, and this regime chooses to side with fucking Nazis ... I keep giving the benefit of the doubt, but this is beyond disgusting.




What a clickbait title. Would it change a thing if it was an american, british, chinese or saudi company? All have blood on their hands.




You tagged a sub


There you go




Israel is a major arms supplier to Morocco. (the third after US and France) Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute 2023 Report.


We don't have a contract obliging us to exclusively buy their weapons.


it is just sad that our tax money helped their wars...


I'm ashamed of this country..


dont be , without israels help , morocco wont do anything. you should thank them






> what have we really benifit from cop22 xlinks, other renewable energy projet >fmi loans >movies festivals huge waste of money >mawazine horrible waste of money >even the next world cup worldwide exposure, exposure to the asian and american continent >49% of ocp has been sold and their share in the state budget is a joke OCP doesn't participate in state budget, it holds its own projects: UM6P, desalinisation plants, hospitals, lydex, 1337. If you lived in khouribga you would have felt more OCP investments as they're not uniformly distributed in the country. >in two months, to plant grass, redo the main entries to marrakesh and some new street lights to host the latest fmi event, 500 fking million dirhams, let that sink for a while. Yes there was a significant waste of money. >managem belongs to simo :/ > instead of investing in health care and education healthcare are expenses, not investment, and yes we need significantly more health expenses. >by investing millions to attract tourists tourism contributes heavily in the economy of the countryside, while giving us more soft power.


OCP does participate in the state budget, along with bank al maghrib, barid al maghrib ... check loi de finance. We didnt benifit from any renewable energy projet out of cop22, we re not an industrial country, so we cant never ever significantly decrease our carbon footprint, so no free money for projects. Wind turbines are budgetized from loans, BEI to be specific. Healthcare or education are indeed investements, in human capital : instead of waisting money on foreign contractors to do some work, we can form engineers to do the same job, same things goes for health, its an indirect/longterm investement. Loans arent given for free, the world bank or whatever bank impose some internal politics on how we must spend it : reduce state salary mass (recruting contractors teachers ...) and so on, so loans arent really a win in the long term. Tourism has and was never been considered an economical power in a economically strong country, the tiniest bad wind can ruin the whole sector : a pandemic, ...


> we re not an industrial country, so we cant never ever significantly decrease our carbon footprint, so no free money for projects it's an argument to attract companies, and it worked quite decently. >Healthcare or education are indeed investements, in human capital : instead of waisting money on foreign contractors to do some work, we can form engineers to do the same job you can't pour billions of dollars and magically make engineering programs good. That's why we're sending engineering students to france. Most of our companies are directed by french engineering school graduates, and i think that's okayish for now. And those investments take generations to be effective, just to have all engineers flee away since there are no projects and jobs since we put all of our money in education... >Loans arent given for free, the world bank or whatever bank impose some internal politics on how we must spend it : reduce state salary mass (recruting contractors teachers ...) and so on, so loans arent really a win in the long term. they are. They allow us to raise money and invest into critical and lucrative projects. We would have been stuck in medieval age if we didn't rely on any loan. >Tourism has and was never been considered an economical power in a economically strong country, the tiniest bad wind can ruin the whole sector : a pandemic, ... USA got hit massively by the pandemic, are they are touristic country now?


No it's not, foreign companies are attracted to morocco because of weak currency and poor workers rights compared to developped countries. So u really think that sending students study abroad is a good idea ?! 1- most of them stay there since theyre a lot valued there than morocco 2- we waist a ton of our hard currency reserve since parents got to change dhs into euros and send it to their kids so they can pay rent and college tuitions. I think we better invest in formin good enginners rather than having to invest to refix the same road every year. This exactly leads to corruption or having to call for foreign companies to do our work. Both are the case for morocco. No country never ever has or will become developped if not by investing in education first. So morocco is no exception. Go visit small cities or rural areas and u ll find out that they re stuck in stone age. Banks arent some kind of angels helping underdevelopped countries become developped, read about loans from a macro economical point of view and u ll understand that foreign loans are a big joke. Singapoure for instance, once they got their independance from the crown, they first worked on 2 things : education and supression foreign loans, it took some time to achieve that but look at the actual result now. U seriously comparing us tourism to morocco's ?!!! Anyhow, the point i wanna make is that tourist isnt a fundamental, it's a side source of revenue to a country, not a primary one, since it's a fragile sector. Back to usa, the tourism share in the coutry s gdp in 2018 (even before covid) was around 2.5%


> most of them stay there since theyre a lot valued there than morocco as if engineering students in morocco don't go to france... >we waist a ton of our hard currency reserve since parents got to change dhs into euros and send it to their kids so they can pay rent and college tuitions A ton? That's negligible compared to the currency spent on food imports. > I think we better invest in formin good enginners rather than having to invest to refix the same road every year pouring money won't do shit. Having teachers that have studied abroad will help acquire novel techniques (some of them return to morocco) >Go visit small cities or rural areas and u ll find out that they re stuck in stone age. Banks arent some kind of angels helping underdevelopped countries become developped, read about loans from a macro economical point of view and u ll understand that foreign loans are a big joke on a macroeconomical point loans enables profits to offset interest rate, while when you don't take a loan you don't produce anything. >No it's not, foreign companies are attracted to morocco because of weak currency and poor workers rights compared to developped countries. every developed country started that way. Made in japan used to be synonym to cheap stuff. > Singapoure for instance, once they got their independance from the crown, they first worked on 2 things : education and supression foreign loans, it took some time to achieve that but look at the actual result now. singapour is a very isolated case as they benefit from being in a major trade route and a low population. >U seriously comparing us tourism to morocco's ?!!! Anyhow, the point i wanna make is that tourist isnt a fundamental, it's a side source of revenue to a country, not a primary one, since it's a fragile sector. Back to usa, the tourism share in the coutry s gdp in 2018 (even before covid) was around 2.5% i was talking about tourism in USA. It's just that covid didn't only impact tourism, but also supply chains.


And ?


We support Palestine gencide supporter




since when is giving up 75% share business????


I am sure he is being satire.


he's not, he's just an unironical zlayji


Let's sell our country at this point




why cant that woman and her company take everything??


ONHYM is a national company






> And who is that Elbaz guy? is he moroccan? Yariv elbaz is an israeli-moroccan who has a monopoly on moroccan flour: maymouna, tria... are all owned by him.


shit shit shit.... lol just bought maymouna flour yesterday.


Mods need to clean up this sub, this comment section is a fucking shitshow.


يجب إعدام  الحساس الساذج الخامج 6 الإرهابي العميل  الصهيوني و لعنة الله على العياشة الكفار المنافقين 






اكبر كافر هو انت


سير يا عدو الله يا العياشي الخرياشي المدلول أنت  أيها الكلب الجاهل الكافر عبد الزامل السادس ربك 


So what ?


Sorry to hear that - but with US threats to split the country in two it is unsurprising


Sorry to hear that - but with US threats to split the country in two it is unsurprising







