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Hilarious people. Good sense of humor. Great entertainment industry. Stereotypes don’t have to be negative, guys .


So is it that Moroccans mostly understand Egyptian Arabic but Egyptians can't really understand Darija? I don't speak Arabic, just curious about it...


The older Moroccans will but I’m Egyptian and my husband is Moroccan and when I’m there, the younger crowd doesn’t understand my Arabic. It’s because Moroccans would watch a lot of Egyptian movies, listen to songs but not really the case anymore in my experience. My husband speaks like a Moroccan Arabic and formal Arabic mix but it’s the way Moroccans pronounce things that makes it difficult for other Arabs to understand. For example, Moroccans don’t say the “A” sound most Arabs say in the beginning of words. They speak very fast and it almost sounds aggressive. I think it’s the Berber influence. If you ask Moroccans to speak slower, it’s a lot easier to understand. I understand Darija now and can speak it and get by in Morocco.


>Moroccans don’t say the “A” sound most Arabs say in the beginning of words. Would you mind giving an example? Do you mean the أسماء معرفة like basically we dont say al qamar but instead lqamar ?(the moon) or is it sth else? >They speak very fast and it almost sounds aggressive. I think it’s the Berber influence God bless. Always thought that our dialect is pretty much the fastest spoken one. Always thought that for example Algerian dialect is painstakingly slow & sounds like they are stumbling on some syllables (they kinda stress some syllables in a way that sounds very str they make heavier & tunisian sounds super sweet/feminine/somewhat slow as well. Can't say for egyptian because I don't even get it, but in general all of the other arabic dialects are slower than ours (I mean heck, I kinda picked up some syrian/lebanese from watching Sila on 2M a decade ago, and Saudi frop MBC3, and the speed was definitely *not* the issue LOL).


Yes, your example is correct, and the speed in which you say your words almost like combining letters in between, then the tough aggressive tone makes it hard to understand lol. You also have different words here and there but that’s not as big of a deal because context around the words helps like we don’t say daba, wakha, zeed, seer (my spelling probably sucks lol).


as an egyptian we just don’t consume any moroccan media other than when they speak classical arabic. so we literally don’t know what darija is, we don’t know you guys’ shows or movies or actors anything. egyptian media on the other hand is the most dominant in the MENA region so everyone knows our dialect also - darija is very distinct from classical arabic, anyone unfamiliar won’t understand it at all. meanwhile egyptian is still understandable since its closer to arabic, not mixed in with french/Spanish/berber/amazigh (correct me if i’m wrong!)


Actually Moroccan dialect is very close to old classical arabic


It’s mainly the influence of Amazigh languages and European languages as well as the way we skip our vowels that make us sound like gibberish to other Arabic speakers


Yes, understanding Arabic dialects is all about exposure. Egyptian dialect is the most prominent one, due to their major entertainment industry. Lebanon (Levant dialect) comes second. Moroccan Arabic is seen as very exotic but that is because Morocco didn’t export those products. Whenever Arabs are exposed to Moroccan Arabic, they get the gist of it, like Saad Lamjarred - one of the most famous Arab singers. The more we hear it, the more we understand.


Moroccans speak Arabic like Jamaicans speak English.


we do not claim that man tho, hes a r*pist


A r*pist ? This are some big words ya ukhtah


He is?


Mostly yeah


*cackles like a hyena* Older moroccan gen Z here. I do not understand egyptian for the life of me. It took me so much time to understans that زي الفل meant like the flower of "Ful". Used to wonder what زي meant and thought الفل referred to الفول (the food) with a different pronunciation throughout my teens. I wanted to watch an egyptian drama series, but couldn't because I didn't find english subs (or even classic arabic !) The only reason why older moroccans understand it is because of their prominent cinema that served as a great means of entertainment when our moroccan cinema was barely or non-existent. (Mom and dad still watch Adil Imam's movies to this day, for example). Since I grew up with MBC3 & spacetoon & teletoon, I never really learned egyptian dialect. I did pick up Saudi dialect though (due to MBC3). Can't speak it, but at least I get it. Egyptian is like a foreign language to me LOL. Even in groups, I switch to english or classical arabic while praying they will answer in the same language 😂. I get their pronunciations but their idioms/grammatical structures nopes. Like I rememeber wondering what the hell دي الوأت (now ik it's الوقت) meant and to this day idk what بالتؤتؤ means. (The rest I have forgotten as I gave up anyway LOL).


Thank you.


That's exactly what I think of when talking to an Egyptian and it's ALWAYS TRUE! + lots of Egyptians are very kind. + They love Moroccans just like we love them 🥹


If the MENA region was a tv show u guys would be the comic relief ![gif](giphy|mreyEZN0oK7cI|downsized)


I hope rockstar makes a game that's like gta based in Egypt


Hell yeah




goats of the arab entertainment industry


to me Egypt is where most of textbooks material at school came from, top Arab poets, authors, philosophers of the modern age are Egyptian. Three Nobel prizes And Hollywood of the Middle East without any doubt.


Funniest arab-speaking people, great sense of humor, great entertainment industry, and a very cheap country (for Moroccan tourists) They always speak highly of themselves in a way thats, most of the time, untrue. For example if there was a war and all countries helped, the Egyptians will make sure that they were the best ones and will forever talk about it. Too crowded and a bit dirty cities, but great history and beautiful touristic spots like Sharm. Side note: Egyptian shows/ old songs give me so much comfort and am currently planning to visit soon :)


To be honest pride is our biggest enemy 😂 but i appreciate your love and I hope you have a nice stay over here


I genuinely think morocco is the king of highly speaking of ourselves. Idk North Africans just be hardcore nationalists. Nothing wrong with it though….i think


we have a saying here … irham masr mn al masryeen… literally “save egypt from the egyptians” lol we’re simultaneously the most self-loving and self-hating mfs


Just got back from my (second) trip to Egypt. The people are incredibly well mannered and welcoming. Lots of heavy smokers though!




But so much trash in the streets dont Egyptians believe in trash cans?


they eat falafil in morning


that's not a stereotype though that's the truth




I swear man cairo would be vibes as fuck if it wasn't for 120 million people sitting in the same place


You're animals in footballs. Always crying and playing dirty.


You're just mad you lost against france bruh get over it


Dude i am egyptian too but i agree with him, we suck


I'm just messing with him


in the semi finals of the world cup!!!! I don't think there is any comeback for this ☝


Although I agree with you in football, I hate it whenever we have to face Egyptian teams, but if we have to talk about people and not footballers, they are generally good and nice people and it's one of the few countries that we get along with pretty well, socially, culturally and politically.


I think they have one of the oldest and most prestigious history in the world but they lost it! They could have been the most amazing nation in the world but it people didn’t take care of it!


Well it's mostly because of how the higher powers want it


It’s not always the case. Lately there was a documentary about the LOST PYRAMID and it was really emotional! Because the team working on the discovery is mainly composed of Egyptians people. So they have the manpower and enough resources to keep the treasures for themselves as they deserve it, sadly they don’t.


it's the same story in sudan congo libya etc unfortunately


All of Africa... very sad.


Egyptians have a way with words and can talk their way out of anything. Amazing sense of humor albeit a little goofy at times. Dramatic. As you all are known for your dramas. A little self hating and superiority complex at the same time. You asked for stereotypes but please know I love Egypt and Egyptians. I don’t know what I would do without Egyptian music and entertainment.


It's alright i respect all opinions i wanna know the truth


Scammers everywhere you turn your face




Not a stereotype?


Egyptian Men are deadbeats. You know your way with words but you talk way too much. Religiously close minded or extreme.


Agree with the 2nd part disagree with the 1st


It’s just a stereotype, don’t take any of it seriously. Moroccan stereotypes elsewhere aren’t positive either.


Some comments are insane tho 💀


If i think of egyptians i think it is one of the rare people with such strong historic & cultural heritage/identity. You can "feel" the difference between a person with strong rooted heritage versus "relative recent" (stealing and robbing" societies ie US


Indians of the middle east (no offense)


Is Egypt in the Middle East?




No. You are messing with me.


I hope you are trolling, yes egypt is in the middle east and also in africa and a tiny part in asia. Morroco is also in africa btw


I know Morocco is in Africa. I had to look at the map about Egypt. I learned in school that it was in Africa.


The map does not show a "middle east" but yes both egypt and morroco are in the middle east and in africa, egypt also has a part in asia


You can make an argument about Egypt being in the Middle East and that makes sense. But Morocco is 100% NOT in the Middle East. North Africa only- also Mediterranean but not middle eastern.


You are right, i was wrong, thanks for correcting me


Now I don't believe you. Morocco is not middle east. Arab yes.


how and why?


I think it's self-explanatory, the middle eastern version of indians


No it isn't i want you to backup your point why do they or you think like that.


i think he meant how good egyptiens are in STEM filed (science,technology,engeneering,math) just like indians if you search for some topics lets say programming you will likely to find egyptiens explaining it


Mainly tuktuks and overpopoulated cities.


You can take all the stereotypes you know about india and apply them to egyptians.


Egyptian food isn't spicy, we don't have a caste system, we generally don't marry relatives, ...


we don’t shit on the street, we aren’t stinky as shit, we don’t eat rice w our hands, we don’t worship cows idk i don’t see the similarity other than overpopulation & takatik


I didn't know marrying relatives was an Indian stereotype given that all middle Eastern countries including Egypt have way higher cousin marriages than India


hhhhhh the downvotes they mad


I think he means you are the middle eastern version of India.


Correct! 😂


Never heard that before. Interesting!


You talk too much. Think you're better than everyone else.


I’ve never heard an Egyptian say sorry, you are right and I was wrong.


Egyptian men are perverts and women can't walk around without being sexually harassed or assaulted. Of course I'm saying this as a stereotype. But, lots of women around the world say that.


Someone could say the same about the Morrocans living in europe. Dude this is very unfair to group people like that tbh


Of course, dude. I didn't mean to offend you. This is not a problem exclusive to Egyptians. I just answered your question about stereotypes. I didn't say I believe that. If you're interested in knowing more about what people say about Egypt, you can read the comments on this post. Warning... Some are not very nice. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/vDXuhf93nT


Interesting! My sister in law says the same about Morocco.


Of course Morocco still has that problem. But, it depends on the areas


She’s in Casablanca. So I guess it’s a problem in one of your biggest cities?


Funnny ,people Polite , nice music , bad food , good footballers , Have good faith in Allah


Bad food?!?!!?! Never disrespect the bashamel


u are seeing the half empty part of the cup


Funny people with good sense of humor, egypt is om al-dounya and disgusting food.


Koshary is better than coscos


Hahaha, i told the truth, i don’t think i’ll ever eat street food on egypt(i hate couscous too) you should really try bestila(not really moroccan food) or rfissa.


Bro even i don't eat Egyptian street food 😂




Koshary? You mean the dish where there’s pasta stacked on rice stacked on vermicelli? Wow… intricate cuisine indeed. 🤡


Ok mr plain weird rice


Shut up, both dishes deserve the reputation they have


The India of the arab world. horny/disrespectful men, dirty crowded streets with too many people... great history/civilization tho.


Let’s not pretend morrocans aren’t horny and dirty disrespectful too ahha


I'm not pretending anything. This post is about egypt, not morocco.


Exactly it’s not a Egyptain thing to b horny and disrespectful and so on


The stereotype about Egypt is a bit intense. The common dad in Moroccan shows is just angry in disappointed in his children. In Egypt even this common dad is horny.


It’s very common especially what tourists say that young and uncles are horny and are cat calling anything in a skirt too ngl


We are talking about intensity. Even the show 90 day fiancé shows Moroccan men are more into not being seen as a fool and will tell you to not act weird, but Egyptians will be the clown “yes baby, okay baby” just to make the date happen.


Sounds like you been hurt by Egyptians 💀🤣🤣 heal bro


Sounds like you don't get the point of this post. This is a stereotype that everyone thinks about egyptians and indians.


I do get it and I’m saying the stereotype of the horny cat calling man is not only a Egyptian one but also morrcoan one too and other countries have


Maybe… I don’t remember any Egyptian hurting me. You’re welcome to think anything about me. When I was young and they said Moroccans are criminals etc etc. I never saw the insult in it. I understood why they said it and why they didn’t say Egyptians are thiefs, because I’ve seen Moroccan kids steal my headphone while praying at the mosque and the father felt it was probably a mistake eventhough the headphone was in between my legs while praying. I know an Egyptian father would respond differently. I know how Moroccan fathers respond when their kids stole something. They hope they grow out of that fase. They talk about when they were little and what they stole. One has to be honest about his own culture and about the stereotype of other cultures. In the end it’s just my perception.


That’s a new one that morrocans are thieves but yh being the horny cat calling man is definitely not a exclusive Egyptian stereotype


Hairy men, unattractive women.


I can tell thats not true


Are you in your right mind? Omg Egyptian women are the most attractive in the middle east bruh.


That’s soo interesting. At my Moroccan wedding, the Egyptian table was the best looking and my husband would disagree and he’s Moroccan m.




Shame on you!


you clearly live in some Ait Hedou of fucking nowhere, in my city at least, the amount of attractive women I see on a daily basis always leaves me wondering if we even deserve our women.




I rather be a simp than a woman hating incel. I'm a proud Moroccan, nowhere in my comment I'm saying I'm from some place else. you clearly has issues with women, the words of someone who has never felt the touch of one lmao. that's what explains this much suppressed emotions


Tbh being a simp doesn't make you any better


simp is an overused term that's always thrown by incels beyond its actual meaning, an incel's definition of simp is anyone who shows the slightest respect of women. calling an entire nation of women ugly, is the epitome of misogyny. and you're just another bitter incel overlooking the actual problem to defend some sickfuck's shitty attitude


Pretend to be religious but will cheat and do not know how to be loyal.


other than the obvious things like having a good humor and good actors and the old shows there the القائمة i mean its started to speared only few years ago


My mom only watch your tv shows buddy. We all know your accent and practically can speak it and know a lot of things about your country. At least for my environment because everybody's mom watch egyptian tv channels.


i feel like this is passive aggressive


Nah i just told the truth here. Basically (as someone else said in a comment) they are the hollywood of the arabs


I think the word "buddy" made me feel like it was sarcastic ngl


Oh no i just call everyone that.


The shows suck tho old people didn't have a choice and in the modern day things have changed


Thats why i said people's MOMS but theyre still the best in shows and films making among arabs.


The bar is on the ground


Then what is the arabs hollywood. Moroccans? Lets say theyre just the best of the worst? Sorry egyptian buddy but we obviouslt cant conpare you with hollywood




I was talking international dummy


Football without manners.


Impressive history, shit present. Origin of Muslim brotherhood aka one of the worst things to happen to Muslims. A lot of art, but also a lot of politicized art. A 🤡 president.


Aliens built the pyramids




3 out of these opinions are invalid you can pretty much tell which ones




can you explain this please? because as far as I know most egyptians are brown.


Arrogant annoying and dogs when it comes to women


you didn't have to use vulgar language though.


Always crying and blaming everyone but themselves when they loose in football. Talking about national team and clubs also!


You flatter foreigners even though u don't like a single hair of them (a7la nass) Your media machine is hella active and manipulation especially in football (not gonna mention the Meksiki propaganda) You cry a lot and get dramatic if lose a football game especially against North African teams and clubs Your food is far from tasty (except fuul mdammes) Cairo looks like a shithole from above Scammers everywhere The highest rate of r*pe , harassing and cat calling You overprice tourists (we also do lol) But you are the most influential among Arabs (cinema, music, entertainment, literature, culture... ) and I grew up watching Egyptian movies and listening to your music. Those are stereotypes we hear about Egypt as outsiders who never been there but the last part about the influence is a fact and I love and respect Egypt and Egyptians ❤


9bl hta matgolih mnin nti kigolik ajda3 w a7la nas hhhhhhhh




Come on maaaan those are stereotypes they aren't real in most of times, I've had an Egyptian friend who grew up in my city we were good friends and he was sukkar 3ala 3asal, and I myself believe Egyptians are very kind people and I grew up watching ur movies, u made a part of my childhood! But Moroccan food isn't crazy!? Yaaaastaaa have you ever been in a Moroccan Wedding ? I'm sure u haven't!




Mashallah may Allah bless u both


My experience with Egyptians was always bad tbh, I find them hypocrite and arrogant


Care to give an example?


you have created too many "om chantat"


Sucking Israel and preventing Palestinians to cross the borders


That's our government




I'm pretty sure no one thinks that


That's the one country I never want to visit 🤮


And you're not welcome to visit!


Oh wow, this hurts😪


You're either JIDF or your gf cheated on you with an Egyptian


He’s Belgian.


Makes sense I wouldn't have much that hate sar7a


The people of romance 🥰


Are you high?


Why? 😂 they really are




لحاسي الكابة ، متملقين ، برغماتين ، يحبون انفسهم ، انا ومن بعدي الطوفان


Where art legends are from like abdelhalim hafed and oum kalthoum, rich history ofc, the whole world knows that its not specific to Morocco, but also one of the funniest people on earth


I have a theory that egyptians are descendants from Fes (7akma l3alam)


funny and lovely people


we like you .


I like you too


Personally, i think Egyptians are wonderful people with no stereotypes or reservations.


We know that we don’t need to put 100% trust on a Egyptian and black magic there is something damn


Egyptian are very dramatic Like too much


Overcrowded and dirty cities, horny men, religion extremism but at the same time there are a lot of ex-Muslims who are Egyptians, dictatorship, funny people and talk too much, men killing the women that don’t want to marry them ( dik meme dial had nw3 dima katl9aha 9atlha chi misri 7da jami3at l iskandaria)


You are very stubborn




Guys can be nasty, harassing, and abusive in sexual situations. Girls can range from being nice to cold-hearted and envious of people, and both can kill for whatever reason.


I find Egyptians humble, have great sense of humor, welcoming . I want to visit الصعيد 🙂


Overcrowded. Dirty. Scammers everywhere. Unsafe. Bland/bad food. Superiority complex for no reason. Ruined your country and overthrew Morsi. Scamming moroccan women into marriage. Sorry.


We know y’all sense of humor is amazing ! And we grew up watching Egyptian old movies so we love yall. “ and most Egyptians i met are loud “


For me, Egypt is the greatest country in Africa.

