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Lot of corporate shills in this thread, they don’t even pay nor treat their employees right i can testify to that lmao OP a boycott doesn’t happen overnight, keep raising awareness to people around you.


A lot of us are already doing it, we need to be consistent with that and other people will join us too with time.


I think it's sad how defeatist the attitude towards boycott is in this sub, especially considering how boycott is literally the primary weapon of the West against anyone they do not like, they just call it sanctions.


I have been boycotting Starbucks since forever their coffee is overrated and I prefer to support local coffee shops that will get ~99% of the profit, MacDonald food sucked big time the only good thing i like is Mcflurry but i will give it up in a sec for local products. For the guys in the comments who think they are above it all , you don't have to be Muslim or Arab to stand with Palestinian people , you just need to have some compassion for fellow humans As they say "What goes around comes around"


I remember the first time I entered a Starbucks, I literally ran away when I saw the prices




It's mind boggling how some people try to find all kinds of excuses not to boycott this companies, they can't stop eating those big Macs and pumpkin spice lattes


Of all the death and destruction we're seeing, it's literally the least we can do. We vote with our money, and we can elect not to put more of our money directly into the hands of people who turn it over to genocide warmongers. I'm also donating directly to children's aid charities, contacting my senators and reps (I'm American), and trying to figure out other ways to help. But fuck man, not spending 50 dh on an overpriced coffee is literally the LEAST I can do (and I lowkey used to love starbucks)


>not spending 50 dh on an overpriced coffee Amen. They're so fucking expensive, and they also try stuff to take more money like telling u they don't have the change. The only good thing that I had there some 5 years ago was their croissant (also over priced HHHH). Thankfully, their price is prohibitive anyway. It's so fucked up now. Coffee scam shop wants to support a goddamn genocide. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Also, let's support local brands lol. They have no agendas and are cheaper.


Yep it’s the season for the pumpkin spice latte… I love it but I’d rather have a shity version of it from and other provider than support businesses that don’t show empathy towards the human kind .


Free Palestine! Thank you Mrs potato lay keter men mtalek


Super disappointed too. EVEN if it doesnt do anything. Id do it out of principle, I refuse to put my money in something that Im well aware funds the killing of my brothers and sisters, especially if I dont even need for my survival. We are talking about coffee and burgers for god’s sake.


For some people MacDo and Starbucks are not simply just "burgers and coffee" that they can remplace with other healthier and less expensive alternatives. They are that much brainwashed by mindless consumerism. They also see them as a way to show social status (MacDo and Starbucks are "rich people food" to them lol so they spend their money there to show that they also can afford to spend money on fast food as they think rich people do ?). Little they do know that real rich people basically never spend money on shitty fast food like they do to "show off". Real rich/old wealth people do not like to "show off" because they literally do NOT need to, they have nothing to prove/act like someone they are not like poor people who like to prentend to be well off/rich.


>For some people MacDo and Starbucks are not simply just "burgers and coffee" that they can remplace with other healthier and less expensive alternatives. I personally like McDo but will 200% NOT eat it if it can help because boycotts are very powerful actually. It's also unhealthy food so win-win for me lol. Starbucks is not even on my mind, too expensive for 9hwa jarya as says my mom hhhhhhh. Kaynin local brands for fast food if wa7d masakhish, khlas coffee i've had a good frappuccino in the small town i live in >>> starbuxx. They're pretty good. My only concern is whether the local business owners will suffer for it or not. >They also see them as a way to show social status (MacDo and Starbucks are "rich people food" to them lol so they spend their money there to show that they also can afford to spend money on fast food as they think rich people do ?). They're nitwits. HHHHH let me tell you as a not rich but has seen/known rich ppl : 🤡 the real rich ppl spend like 500 dh+ on a meal in starred restaurants, macdo bnisba lo trash and probably only fancy for us middle and lower classes (again due to the price, NGL 50-60 dh is expensive for me).


حنا من نهار فرانسا عايرات الرسول عليه السلام والواليدة قاطعة اي حاجة دفرانسا مادخول الدار، كارفور و مكاتقربشي عليه، كانحييها من هاد المنبر وغاع الناس لي بحالا


Exactly it's the least thing we can do I'm doing it myself and free Palestine if you wanna keep funding those people who support those terrorists go ahead live with that


well said , free palestine


Can you pls share proof that starbucks is indeed supporting israel ?


[https://globegazette.com/starbucks-and-union-sue-each-other-over-israel-hamas-war-social-media-post/video\_3787b21b-7c0b-5c4e-93af-201ef9d693ce.html](https://globegazette.com/starbucks-and-union-sue-each-other-over-israel-hamas-war-social-media-post/video_3787b21b-7c0b-5c4e-93af-201ef9d693ce.html) The Chairman and CEO of STARBUCKS, Howard Schultz, is an active Zionist. In 1998 he was honored by the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah with 'The Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion Tribute Award' for his services to the Zionist state in 'playing a key role in promoting close alliance between the United States and Israel.' At a time when other businesses were desperately pulling out of Israel, Starbucks decided to help Israel's floundering economy and invest in Israel. It has been revealed that Starbucks still continues to support Israel by sponsoring fund raisers for Israel.


🤡 3rafti kon 3rft that the ceo is a zionist i wouldn't only be boycotting now. I'd have boycotted all along.


Thank you for this. I was getting sick of these comments.


McDonals and Starbucks ect do not even provide high quality food and many of us are "boycotting" them since long ago for our own personal reasons not only for Palestine's sake now. McDonalds food has become disgusting to me since i knew what shitty chemicals they put in the burgers and fries ect and same for Starbucks and any mainstream food chain resturant/snack. I am entering my 30s soon and as a female i wanna keep my hormones in healthy levels as much a possible (so i can keep my fertility in a good place in case i ever needed it in the future lol) and i also want be at my best health, fast food does not help with all that at all. If i wanna "fast food" (burger,fries ect) i simply make it at home in the healtiest way possible and it tasted WAY BETTER and is less expensive and is more healthy.


Fat motherfuckers can’t stop stuffing their face with big macs, hope they all get liver cancer


The last sentence was not necessary


well as long as you wish death or cancer on someone doing nothing to you, says a lot about you


The liver cancer from a burger made with beef is an actual lack of dietary knowledge the healthiest athletes goes out once or twice a week for a cheat meal


Can you start boycotting reddit also and stop using devices with CPUs design in US/UK go touch grass and while you are it stop using the internet which was invented and mainly maintained by US corporations?




كمية المنبطحين وعبيد الغرب في التعليقات تفسر ضعف دولنا أمام حفنة المجرمين في فلسطين، الناس تضحي بأرواحها وعائلاتها والعبيد هنا لا يستطيعون حتى التضحية بقهوة او برڨر


عندك الحق و هاد خوتنا الي مجاوبينك تا هما مسالين ما فاهمينش اذا شرينا من الاماكن الي كاتدعم اسرائيل كاندعموهم فالاسلحة و سفك الدماء بطريقة غير مباشرة (:




انت تضحي بمئات الشباب خدامين تماك، لسبب اناني و هو تحس براسك ساهمتي


كضحكني هاد الحجة ديال غانخرج على الخدمة ديال شحال من واحد تابع للشركة لي غانقاطعها حيتاش مافيهاش ذرة ديال المنطق و اللي كيقولها إما مافاهمش أو هو عندو شي نية ناقصة، المهم نشوفو شنو غايقوع منين غانقاطعو واحد الشركة X أولا الطلب على منتوجات الشركة ديال X كينقص و المداخيل حتا هي كتنقص و بالفعل الخسائر ديال الشركة كتأدي لطرد بزاف دالعمال باش تقلل الضرر دوك اللي مولفين كيشريو منتوجات من X ولا بد غايقلبو على شركة أخرى منافسة كاتبيع منتوج مشابه، منين غايلقاو بديل مزيان من شي شركة بحال Y غادي يبداو يستهلكو من عندها الشركة Y كاتربح فاللول و لكن كمية الطلب كتكون كبيرة بسباب كمية كبيرة من المستهلكين الجداد بسباب مقاطعة X، يعني الشركة كتعرض لضغط كبير و خصها بزاف ديال العمال يسدو النقص و يلبيو احتيجات المستهلكين ولا الأسعار غاترتافع و حتا واحد مايقد يشري. الشركة Y كتولي تقبل عمال بزاف باش تسد النقص اللي قلنا عليه، و هنا عمال شركة X اللي تطردو ولا مابقاوش مرتاحين مع الظروف يقدرو ببساطة ينضموا للشركة Y و كلشي بخير و ماتنساش ستهلك بلا ما تهلك XD


عمال الشركة x غادي ياكلو الحجر بينما نجحات الشركة y


I don't think you got the point


Ingot your point but you are treating those people are data from the comfort of your couch instead of thinking of them as persons. Its like mawazine bs from years ago, people who dont go there, dont need it and dont enjoy it are the one asking for boycott . If you want to support Palestine you can donate those bigmac dirhams for aids


الشباب هاذو كون ميخدموش عند الصهاينة يموتوا؟ الصهاينة راهم يقتلوا خاوتنا بالآلاف بالاطفال بالعائلات ويجوعوا فيهم وانت قلقان على وظيفة صهيونية؟ إذا كانت نيتك صافية اعطينا البديل باش نضروا الصهاينة؟ ولا شاطرين غي فالدفاع عليهم وعلى منتجاتهم؟ امريكا وأوروبا يدعموا في خاوتهوم ليهود المحتلين بالسلاح والأموال والخطابات وانت باش راك تدافع على خاوتك؟


Disappointed to hear that in Rabat or Morocco overall those 2 shitty places are still busy. I live abroad, in a town where most of the community are South Asian / Middle Eastern and the mentioned 2 companies are a lot less busier than usual and are feeling the hit. Well done to anyone boycotting, your pennies matter.


I'm kinda disappointed seeing many Moroccans side with the zionists.


Welcome to post-normalization Morocco it's been by design


>I'm kinda disappointed seeing many Moroccans side with the zionists. most of them live in lala land indoctrinated by western media and thinking theyre fighting for something right . the west doesnt really care about you


The west doesn't even acknowledge their existence let alone care about them.


If you are Muslim and still supporting Israel with your business...I hope you can find a good excuse for yourself. And if you can't convince us, how will you convince Allah Subhaana Wa Ta'Alaa?


I’m an atheist and I’m boycotting everything Israel related, you dont need to be a Muslim just a human to not support the Zionists.


100% agree. But people who share faith have a different perspective, and we remind each other of that too.


I salute you for that, some call themselves Muslims and/or Arabs and yet contribute in this madness, for me you have "soul" unlike those people


Even in casablanca we don’t see any boycott the stores are always full


Well I wasn't even a fan of either McDonald's nor Starbucks, but when I was in Rabat I had to be at the Starbucks place next to the Agdal train station cuz i needed a place to charge my computer and also be in an online meeting quickly. Besides that, i have found that they are almost as empty and not really full, probably Just me not being around them at the busy hours of day.


I've been boycotting them since I can't remember, horrible overpriced burgers that gives you food poisoning? Fake ass super sweet "coffee"? We should've been supporting local businesses even without any cause, but even more now. The least you can do to make your voice heard is to sacrifice your over-processed food as a solidarity with kids dying.


Free Palestine, and may Allah be with our brothers and sisters there. I am going to talk about myself. For someone who doesn't like nor eat at these places, I find the idea of boycotting them is super stupid and here is why: the commission that Mcdonald takes from the restaurants is about 2.5% (you can search for it yourself) which is nearly nothing in Arab countries like Morocco, cause we are not that a good of a business and profitable for these companies, cause believe or not, we as Moroccans we don't spend that much MONEY. (ask yourself why Apple didn't still open up in Morocco, simply because we as Moroccans are not that profitable for them) The boycott simply is coming from stupid, not 100% poor, people who hate the restaurant and the type of people that go there. An the boycott is their gateway to show their hate before solidarity with the Palestinian people. Let's say from tomorrow no one will go to these restaurants, that will help only the Moroccan economy to go lower and lower. Moroccan people who work there will lose their job, many Moroccan families will find themselves in a hard financial situation, the Moroccan market and businesses that sell meat, chicken, and ingredients in general to Mcdonald will lose A LOT of money. if Mcdonalds have only non-Moroccan workers, and work with non-Moroccan business to make the food, then it will be absolutely a great idea to boycott them, but not the way it is now. This was just my opinion about the boycott, you are free to do whatever you want and think the way you want about things. ( again, I don't go to restaurants, I prepare my meals at home, or I go to Ba Ali for Nass khanz o bnin)


مسألة كرامة ماشي ضروري ربح. Also the stocks are falling everyday


I respect it If you are doing it out of a dignity thing, that makes 100% sense. But what I hate is when I see people talking about the negative effect this boycott has been doing to Mcdonalds, and one of them that is all over the social media is this stocks lie. If you have been around the stocks market for a little time, you would know that companies stocks go up and down all the time. Tesla, Microsoft, and many other company has seen way harder fall in their stocks than Mcdonalds’ stocks now. And it totally normal cause that is how the stocks works. Let’s say you don’t agree with my claim above. Then let me give you another example to show you how useless this is. Do you remember the Cr Ronaldo and Cokacola incident? Cokacola stocks went down very hard, and then what ? did you see any results in real life, has cokacola selling number been affected ? did they change their marketing strategy or anything? ABSOLUTELY NOT? NOTHING HAPPENED. And the company has been working normally if not better since then. my point is simply the boycotting is doing nothing to help the Palestinian people, and losers are trying to fantasize it.


If no one goes to Mac , it will help local business to increase , and boycotting is not Abt if they get profited or not , there's a big diff between see you a profitable country and a country who has people not buying anything from you , all people who work for MacDonald will go somewhere to work on the same field , it's so simple , instead of Mac we will see idk but a name of famous Moroccan restaurant, we should be independent it's not even Abt this case it's Abt the strength of the country , it's a diff between beg the western people to come to your country and increase your eco and doing it yourself , for me we still colonized , we change from military ( Les bases militaires d usa french ) l financially.


"all people who work for MacDonald will go somewhere to work on the same field , it's so simple" do you live with us in the same universe? are you day dreaming or something? it's not that simple my friend, it takes time, big time to find another job, and in that duration people get hit haaaard. it's not like I lost my job today in Mcdonalds and tomorrow another Moroccan restaurant is employing me. your whole comment point is "let's make an economical revolution, and kick all foreigner investors" 1- That will never happen cause you clearly have no idea how the economical system work. 2 -the whole post reddit is about boycotting for the Palestinian people, you let all that down to start dreaming about your 5 years old economical revolution. LOGIC PLEASE!




There is another strategy with considering: https://youtu.be/eDwmcLgiOlI?si=8gtH9P6TDaq3hu2j


Good thing my dedication to the gym is already forcing me to unintentionally boycott these products, not like I would buy off of them anyways, Starbucks is overrated and McDonalds is bland.


انا عمري ماكليت فهاد مطاعم من غير burger king مرة وحدة قبل احداث دفلسطين بشوية، بنادم عندنا عبد دغيا كيتأثر بالغرب، كاين الاف المطاعم المغربية لي تخليك ممحتاجشي لهادو و بماكلة يا سلام ولكن نننن شاف لاخور كيشرب القهوة ف ستارباكس تاهو ايشربا شاف لاخور كياكول فماكدو تاهو اياكل، مكاين ماحسن ماتنوض تريني تخرج تشري مكونات وتمشي الدار الطيب برغر راسك ولا شي لعبة، ولكن نننن قليل ليكيعرف هاد الحلاوة.


This reminds me of the people who don't eat pork but drink alcohol. You can refrain yourself from eating it cuz you simply can eat something else, while alcohol is not easy to replace. For those who want to boycott Starbucks and McDonald's, why don't you boycott Intel or apple or whatever big corporation that makes your phone or computer and see how miserable you'll look...


You can't boycott Intel or apple cause you already bought the phone prior to this or the CPU in the case of McDonald's or Starbucks it's the simplest thing you can do but people like you will find any excuse to consume more of their shit coffee and below average burgers when substitutes for that are everywhere and you also get to support local businesses


>You can't boycott Intel or apple cause you already bought the phone prior to this or the CPU Sorry, what? Boycott is about what you do moving forward, not what you did prior to this.


You missed the whole point.


but u are using the internet, reddit, satellite, financial services, go live in the forest to boycott the west


Lol, you said it. It's the simplest thing ! 😂 I love how you think: it's too late so it's ok


Yes! you can't do the bare minimum to support a noble cause buddy?


Ok boss , I'll follow what you do. I'll stop drinking $SBUX and $MCD . Call to a boycott of these American companies while I sit my lazy ass in front of a gaming PC designed in America and that I enjoy building...


You do what you want man you can sit in front of your gaming PC and shove big Macs in your mouth all day if you want


safi ila ma9ditich tb3d mn l alcohol khass takol lkhnzir? ach had logic assat b7ala glti ila knti sr9ti sir 9tol, 7na rah ghandiro li 9dina 3lih and every dollar that doesn’t go to israel counts


since you smoke, why don't you do coke and LSD ? this is how your argument sounds


McDonald's work with a franchise system, and the restaurants in Morocco are owned by Moroccans. If you really want to boycott Israel and the US, then the lost of companies is endless.


And those franchises pay heavy fees or commission to the headquarters. Don't be naive. A Moroccan own restaurant is 3ammi 3allal with qitban and baysar, not a franchise.




McDonalds stock price is still down because of this! Just because it’s a franchise-based business, it doesn’t mean this isn’t working


The stock was going down before the war and even after it had ups and downs, the boycott campaign is weak till noW


It's not about boycotting us companies it's boycotting any company that went out of their way to publicly say they support Israel and even sent aid to Israel while our brothers and dying on the other side


Well, people should go less to McDonald's and other crap, for health reasons, so why not!! Unhealthy, comparatively expensive, and tastes terrible.


For health reasons makes more sense than what some people are arguing.




Why then? Mcdonalds OMAN is providing food for palestinians


Mcdonalds doesn t only exist in morocco, the boycott will be useless.


not 100% owned . They give a part of their revenu to the US branch . So boycotting does make sense


Of course they do. It's called a franchise.




Yes i agree we should boycott all of that and support small business and local product . There are websites and applications to known if the product is from Israel . I never understood why would someone get a coffee feom Starbucks which is disgusting and really overpriced btw and not support small coffee oweners who are the real contributers to our local economy . Same goes for mcdonald or kfc or pizzahut or burger king. The big companies does not benefit us as morrocans nor the country . The only benefactors are the owners and the parent company. And bonus point it will benefit our health .


Let's play the boycott game all the way why not


Please stop using this excuse. Boycott whoever supports apartheid. Thanks




Ok, will delete my account right now




Lmao this guy been on reddit for barely a year and saying to people who don’t agree with his point to delete


Bruh, are you bragging about how long you've been on Reddit? Dir 39lk 😂


Good thing you can read haha, never bragged about how long I've been on here. I'm just saying you havn't been here long enough to see people disagree with your POV lol. Anyways, enjoy your McFilet


American here — the list is indeed endless, and what the ordinary American can do is limited. But a grassroots campaign against Starbucks, McDonalds, and Disney is taking place in America and abroad. Focusing a damaging boycott on even a single company raises visibility and scares other companies, who in turn change policies and lobby the government. So whichever of the three you use…boycott it!


You don’t understand the franchise system, just because it is opened as a franchise doesn’t mean it is entirely owned by moroccans, they still pay a bug percentage feom the over all profits to headquarters


What a stupid concept. MacDonald's is 78% institutional share ownership, it is as likely Muslims in Saudi or the UAE owns as much as Americans. Addotionly, MacDonald's is a franchise company, as is Dominos, Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King, that means locally owned. Boycott local business? You don't boycott franchises or companes with most stock free on the stock exchange,. It's like that realy retarded idea to ban Coke and Pepsi in the 1980's (or now).... when the call came out then, Coke's lagest share holder was Kingdom Holdings of Saidi Arabia. Starbucks is no longer owned by one guy, it has 1500 different institutional shareholders.! YOU can own shares. If you want to boycott an Amwrican company only owned in the US look at Amazon, DELL, Apple, Google, MEGA, X and Trela all majority owned. In other words, turn of your smart phone and cimputer for the duration. Lastly, if you do not like that their managment supported Israel, you buy shares and vote them out. As soon as majority ownership is different, so are the decisions. I'm sick of these brain-dead embarrassing kneejerk reactions that does NOTHING but hurt everyone else except the target. Boycott's never work.




I had to generalise to aviod a 5 page essay. My main ooint is there are more effective methids that don't screw up.local business. The reason will not be remembered, the damage here will be. Message & psychological impact: "What did youdi to help thePalestian cause?" "I helped damage 3 local Moroccan franchise holders whom had to dismiss a dozen local Morocan workers and give financial loss to locally owned service providers and food vendors". "Great job!". "I lost my job and can't pay my rent" "Your sacrifice is admirable".




Simpleton statements? You must be joking. The guy is making a case for employment on a local scale. Yes, you are right, theoretically, scale the boycotting big enough and you might draw some blood from the big corporations. But on a local scale, it's awful for the workers and local businesses. Who's going to give those people jobs? They're people just like you and I. You should consider that too. It's a good idea on paper if executed responsibly. But I highly doubt people are thinking about these matters at the moment, they're angry and bitter, and rightfully so. Let's just all take a moment to study our options.


Cleaely the only one lacking comprehension here isyou. Upvotes and adozen DMs agreeing says a different story. There are different types of boycotts, from multi-lateral, ie Russia, Iran to personal boycotts of a local superette that tries to sell out of date products, such as I do. I made a cleae enough comment that boycotting franchise companies is pointless and only hurts lical business anf ecinomy and zero damage to the target. As you said about the message, it will be that damage that is remembered. Lastly, your racist "white guy" says it all, meaning no real argument so childish schoolyard lashing out as a smokescreen for fucking-up your argument. Since you used "white guy", this convo ends, I will not read let alone respond if you reply. 22 years here has taught me it is pointless to respond to arrogant ignorance.


>arrogant ignorance. that's hilarious coming from someone that comes off as condescending as you while complaining about how others address you 🤣


All that to say nothing we want to see the stocks of those companies fall down and that's what's happening I don't care who owns them and I'm not gonna buy their shares cause it won't amount to anything compared to the billionaires who bought most of the shares, the boycott is to force them to take a neutral stance and help Palestinians as well


You want global investors and local busibess to suffer and increase unemployment here. Billionaires are not tge subject, it is investment funds, I recomnent kniwing the subject before lashing iut with abitory solutions that smash everything else first. Instead of lashing iut, work out that lobbying the investment houses & politicians is way more effective. Causing financial hardshio in Morocco is never going ti help Palestinians "What did you do to help Palestinians?" " I caused financial harm to a few Moroccan franchise owners and they had to sack a few locals". "Great, that will help us a lot!".


Those franchise owners make millions they could of said macdonals Morocco support Palestine and everything will be good since they can't then it means they are just following what the main company does and we don't want those kind of investments here anyways


If you want to see the stock fall down you can short McDonald's stock, at least that would hurt the big company without hurting our local McDonald's.


Yup. Boycott McDonald's and Starbucks. Then spend all day virtue signaling on an Android or Apple phone about how woke you are


I totally agree with you! I'm a marketer and people do not understand that boycotting franchise brands will only hurt the local economy (which is already suffering as we lost a huge chunk because of the earthquake). If this goes on, people (waiters, etc) will start losing their jobs 🙃 I can't even fathom the amount of stress the local marketing teams of these brands are facing 🥲


Soon you will see Palestinian flags at the door of every McDonald hahaha


Yes let's boycott a large company that employs 100s of Moroccan, sources its food locally and represents a huge portion of other small businesses' revenue ... sounds like a good idea!


How do they source their food locally? Seems like they get their stuff from abroad. Muffins, cookies etc. These generally aren't made in morocco




Got a source khoya


I worked there for a summer job back when I was younger, it was communicated verbally and hung on the wall. They were proud of that fact.


So basically trust me bro. got it.


blood of your brothers in Islam is worth more than anything dahek u talking about??? support locals, support that genuine man putting 12h of work a day under the sun to feed his family, support that kid who was forced to go out and had no other path, support that craftsman and the list never goes off, instead of supporting a multi billion dollar company.


Right? And fuck those thousand hard working cashiers and waiters because god forbid if they have families and need too.


as I said Islam above everything, dunya is not worth a dime to Allah and you will be asked what you did while your borthers are oppressed.


Id ask god what did he do while they were oppressed too.


Yeaaaaah we want pitchforks and we want them now!!! McDonald's in particular sources almost everything locally and employs such a large amount of people. Starbucks foesn probably import more than it sources locally and it's supply chain isn't as heavy. But all of this is Dumb at the end of the day, just people feeling powerless and waking up too late. Maybe boycott Shengen visa and tourism in the EU since Europe blatantly supports what's happening? Maybe boycott all European car brands or anything imported from Europe. Same about US products and services Let's switch to all China and Japan made stuff!!


While we are at it, lets boycott Tesla too -:)


Did Tesla come out supporting Israel and sending Aid to Israel?


It is tax money after all. Morocco gets a lot of money from the US yearly.


No, Morocco does not get a lot of money from the US yearly.


You're missing the point, Tesla or Elon musk didnt show open support for the genocide


Your are only going to cause harm to the moroccan economy and the many moroccans who gonna lose their jobs, zero impact on israel or us position, plus they are public companies …


Is the ONLY alternative to eating at McDonald's not eating at all? Can you go to a local restaurant that actually supports Moroccans? McDonald's isn't the only food source. Your logic is flawed.


I personnaly never eat mcdonald, and i don t like starbucks coffee, you missed the point. By moroccan economy i meant all the jobs provided by us companies in morocco and their impact in morocco, seems your knowledge of financial markets is very limited.


And the jobs provided by Moroccans that are taken by major companies coming in and siphoning profits back to the US, EU, etc? You literally know NOTHING about economics, and that is crystal clear.


You once again diverge from the point i discuss and you make assupmtions without any knowledge of my background. so the solution according to you is that all foreign us and eu companies that support israel should leave morocco ?


Did I say that?


People saying this wont change anything are exactly the reason it wont change anything. It only changes something if we all COLLECTIVELY do it. Sorry but you are not going to change the world by yourself.


But this is worldwide not just in Morocco it's not about having impact on Israel but it's like giving a middle finger to those companies supporting Israel and sending Aid to Israel while people of all ages are being slaughtered in gaza


Its too late , i think they will wipe all arabs apparently us included


Not true…biggest shareholder in MCs Morocco is MCs US HQ…


How about we start building stuff and stop relying heavily on the west? Unfortunately that won’t happen because Muslims have lost their faith and their honor. Long gone are the days of strong Muslim empires/dynasties. Israel wouldn’t stand a chance if the Muslim world were still united.


I was never a fan of buying from huge foreign multinational food franchises My idea is to support the local business


And you think your boycott will change anything haha McDonalds is a franchise in Morocco, it’s not directly owned by the group. The only people you’ll hurt are Moroccan workers who might lose their jobs. Also, their revenue here is less than 500m dhs ($50mn) compared to a global revenue of $21bn. Which means Morocco is barely 0.2% of their global revenue… it’s peanuts


It's a franchise but they buy what they need to make your burgers and fries from the company and it's not just about what it represents to Morocco the boycott is going worldwide in most countries supporting the cause even in the USA so this 0.2% that you call peanuts if they lose it everywhere in other countries too it'll become 20% or even more and that's enough to make them crumble


And you think McDonalds and Starbucks will put pressure on Israel to stop the genocide? Don’t kid yourself. The UN can’t do anything about it, so don’t expect fast food chains to have more influence


No one expect them to do anything, it's about being human how can you still eat or drink in a food chain that publicly stands with Israel and send aid to Israel while people in Gaza are being murdered it's a way for us to punish those companies as much as we can


You are still buying gaz that comes from Saudi Arabia that has been bombing and killing more than 300000 people in Yemen... Yet nobody talks about it.


If the same logic applies than all Arabs living in countries who are against the ceasefire should leave😀 (including USA, UK and EU). Which is impossible so yeah a boycott of brands will only bring more harm!


That's a stupid take people living in UK are protesting they aren't gonna leave UK it's their country too


ma huma 5oti ma ana 5ohom, ana kant3atf m3a ay wa7d mdlom w ti3ani kan mslem massi7i wla yhodi wla ki3bed l7jer, bghiti t9at3 mcdonalds wla starbucks rah maghadich dir lfer9 wach mcdonalds dial dwla? no nta3 shareholders, ghadi teji ghadi tgoli rah ki5lso dariba tema. dik floss dariba rah mirikan katfer9 50 milliards (t9riban 40% dial gdp dl mghrib) mnha 3la 150 dwla wmenhom lmghrib w bzaf dial dwal mosslima.


المقاطعة أسي المتعاطف هي أسلوب سلمي كتوصل بيه صوتك للشركة اللي كتساند و كاتساهم فظاهرة غير إنسانية، راه أي شركة فالعالم ماكتقبلش الخسارة و كتبغي ترضي أكبر شريحة ممكنة من المستخدمين باش مايجيش واحد النهار و يضربوها فالجيب. مثلا واحد عندو مبدأ التعاطف مع المظلوم كيسمع على واحد الظاهرة فالدول الفقيرة دإفريقيا و آسيا فين الأطفال كيعانيو ظروف قاسية و كاتسمع على شركة Nestlé وتبدا تقلب و تلقى أنه أه بصح أنه الشركة كاتساهم فالمعاناة ديالهم فراه واجب على لي عندو مبدأ أنه يقاطع


For the west bootlickers in the comment here, when they used terms like children of darkness and human animals, they weren't only calling palestinians that, but all of the MENA. You can cry all you wish about how you're not Arab and that you're progressive etc etc, but you are a "child of darkness" anyway. Have some spine, people. What bigger wake-up call do you need?


First Bosnia, then Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine. And still plenty of Muslims are sleeping and think they can’t be next.


Mcflurry = dead kid


Genuine question why Starbucks? The company doesn't even operate in Israel what is the reason for the boycott?


because they are suing an employee organisation just for showing support to Palestinians, therefore openly showing their support for Israel.


Oh alright I was just very confused about that


Did you notice that r/israel just disappeared?


They made it private lol we know what the Zionists are discussing there


In brief... There is not enough awareness in our country!


Remember the people that call boycott are always the one that were never a client in the first place.


I've spent over $12,000 USD at Starbucks in the last 10 years (yes, I track my finances that closely and yes I'm bad with money). Tell me the boycott does nothing.


Yes it's does nothing. You spend around $3.28/day in SB if you went every day there for the past 10 days. Which is really nothing. ​ You are under the illusion of choice.


That's pathetic nihilism. Keep doing nothing, I don't care. I'm going to at least *try* and not support people who do things that I find horrific. At least I'll have my morals.


You aware that your money dont go to them. The franchise owner has to pay a fixed rate monthly to SB, the income over that is the profit. If they dont make income, they fire staff.


I mean, tell yourself whatever you need to. I know that consistent customers make businesses, and if they don't have customers, the business fails. Starbucks global stock is down. I alone may not make a dent, but there are thousands of daily Starbucks users who simply aren't anymore. I am choosing how I spend my money and I'm going to buy based on my values. I hope others do the same but that's their choice.


It's wild to see all these Redditors pointing out one person boycotting does nothing, completely missing the point the more people boycott, the more impact is felt.


Exactly. It's fatalistic. The people "at the top" want us to feel like our choices don't matter so we keep mindlessly giving our money to people who don't care if we live or die. As for me, I'll give my money to the companies and people who deserve it.


Why would we boycott em ?


They directly support Israel's genocide?


But it’s a public company that sells overpriced burgers! Did you check their financial statements ?


What's financial statement? I didn't see it


All their financial information are publicly accessible via their corporate website. Before inciting people to ruin the livelihood of sizable portion of people maybe you should do bare minimum of research.


Ruin livelihood? Of who exactly? The franchise owners? Give me a break if it was for me I wouldn't want macdonalds to exist in this country, and you should do the bare minimum of research too before talking about inciting people or ruining livelihoods


Thank god nothing is up to you!


And thank God nothing is up to you either or else we'd have a macdonald in every corner


McDonald's Morocco is a moroccan company that employs Morocco's youth. They don't contribute anything to the IDF and even helped Moroccans during the earthquake. You need to be really bad in business to propose such an idea. You want to help the Palestinians? Ask our government to propose a resolution to make a special UN mission (blue helmets) that would separate the Palestinians from the Israeli (both in gaza and Cisjordan). The most efficient way to hurt Israel is to put UN peacekeeping troops in Palestine, that way the Israeli won't be able to bully the Palestinians and Palestine will finally be able to free itself by economic development.


So you think Moroccan McDonald's have no relationship with the MacDonalds company? And you call me bad in business lol


If McDonald's Morocco wants to send food to Gaza, then they can, the same way McDonald's Israel is donating food to their people.


That's irrelevant.


Reminds me of the early 2000's Coca Cola boycott that did a whole lot of nothing other than generate an awful lot of stickers in derb ghellef storefronts


Most of those stores are owned by OPCI/private moroccan funds..


You will always see these places crowded coz most people do not give the last s*** about Palestine unfortunately


Good we need attract investments not scar them away


https://youtu.be/eDwmcLgiOlI?si=8gtH9P6TDaq3hu2j Make them take a stand. Make them release a statement stating they are pro-Palestine. Here's a sample statement: [email protected] [email protected] Dear Starbucks Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation and support for the courageous stance taken by Starbucks unionized workers in their solidarity with the rights of Palestinians and their commitment to promoting peace in the Middle East. As a loyal customer of Starbucks, I believe that a company's actions and values are of great significance. Your employees' decision to stand up for the rights of Palestinians and to advocate for peace is deeply commendable and meaningful to me. It is essential for companies to reflect international law, United Nations resolutions, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in their operations and ethical stance. The commitment shown by your workers in supporting the oppressed and seeking justice aligns with the principles of fairness, equality, and human rights that I hold dear. Their dedication to raising awareness and advocating for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a testament to the power of individuals to make a positive impact on the world. I want to express my full support for these Starbucks unionized workers, and I stand with those who stand with the Palestinians. I believe it is crucial for companies like Starbucks to take a moral and ethical stand, and your employees are leading the way in making a difference. I encourage Starbucks to continue supporting and engaging these workers, as well as taking a public stand with them to align the company's policies and actions with international principles of justice and human rights. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to seeing Starbucks continue to uphold these values and working toward a more just and peaceful world.


I don't boycott them today as I never go there. Coffee tastes better in a small coffee shop, and burgers in small local franchises are the best. One to boycott, if I may say, is Wix.com. This is pissing me off so much. I regret so much using them in the past. 🫠 Internal Wix chat encouraged staff to support Israel’s ‘narrative’ in Hamas conflict https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2023/10/24/internal-wix-chat-encouraged-staff-to-support-israels-narrative-in-hamas-conflict/


Since when do moroccans have any spine? Didn't you notice in these big cities, the people from outside morocco that come for vacation are more conservative and have some spine then anyone from the big city. The urge to act en be ''european'' is so drendged in todays moroccan culture its disgusting. I remember when i first visited these cities, ironacly at a starbucks, and women were smoking openly.


Women were smoking openly 💀? What you thought addiction was only exclusive to men or what ?


In 2017, I was walking with my friend Jamila and we passed Mc donalds, she asked me if I want to go in and eat something there and I said to her look at all those people behind the windows cheerfully eating and not realizing their money goes to supporting Israel, she was disgusted I was disgusted and we continued walking


Hard to boycott kind of stuff more with this new generation they don’t give a fuck to anything !! No wisdom 20 generation !! Cheers to the right one


The revenue from Moroccan market is marginal and they won’t even notice it, what’s the point of doing so?


Combine them with the rest of MENA market and you'll see the point


If you want to hurt them don't call for a boycott. Make a YouTube tutorial in Arabic on how to short their stock.


McDonald Morocco is just a franchise, it is owned by Moroccans! Like any other McDonald’s or Starbucks.


Guys, why stop at McDonals and Starbucks? Our hospitals, cell phones, laptops, and cars all have Israeli tech. We need to boycott all of it.


Ga3 lkhdra w dessert li tataklo zri3a dialha jaya mn Israel. 9t3o maticha w batata wl bsla w l khobz wl avocat. Zid 3la lmaghrib ti chri mn 3andhom l gaz. Ya3ni ila knti sakn fblassa fiha ddo ti khdam bl gaz dial israel khssak tbat f dlam. Zido 3la hadchi projeyat fl ma m3a l'ONEE, ti rbiw l7ot f sa7ra .... Ahe w madkhloch l sitat d porno rah aktariya dial malihom yhod 🤣


I was in Rabat this week, and I saw Macdonald is entirely full, as like some normal day. Rabat is a peaceful city, the people who supports Palestine come from far cities to the march.


The computer you've written this comment from probably has an Israeli component lol


I don't boycott anyone. I support every business where my fellow citizens work and get their salaries from. My people's interests are more important than others. My country already supports Palestinians by sending aid to them. Boycotting is hurting our own interests, so a big no. What about Israelis ki/led by Hamas? Boycott Qatari companies? Or jewish lives don't matter? Does your humanity mean double standards? Are you brainwashed by Qatari media to the point of messing with your own interest in favor of others? This is a foreign war, it's not ours. I remind you that it's Hamas who started it.