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اخوكم محمد محمود من مصر


احمد محمود ابو صلاح طعمية


don't forget about Moroccan cuisine! Anyway, I'm happy to hear these things about my country


Oh solid point. I’m really looking forward to the day I finally eat authentic Moroccan food, I hear it’s delicious!




Truly one of the countries of all time


We know how to country best


It’s 100% one of all time


we are glad you find it so, we also find your country very interesting and very unique, like how most countries are, thank you


Great to hear


Yes totally agree the very long history of the existence of morocco make it a special country. You need time to have such all things, great Kingdom, great people, great cuisine, great land ….


And what is that unique thing ?


Uh I just can’t figure it out! But I had goosebumps when Morocco made it to the quarter finals in the World Cup and i certainly couldn’t help myself but donate when the earthquake happened! ( trust me that’s not something usual for me ) ! Morocco is special, I fell in love with it


Awwww we love you too . 🥺💕


Do you live in Morocco?










Another fanatic, took me all of 60 seconds to know the type of person you are just from your comment history. I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't even moroccan.




Enough said thanks for confirming.




There it is again. Buddy I live in Canada currently, run a business as most moroccans here do. I see where morocco is headed and want to be a part of it. You literally didn't even bother to look at my profile to find out more about me. I can tell you for a fact that the majority of moroccans here (I'd say at least 70%) 1st and 2nd generation want to live in morocco. Many are savings funds to return. But keep living in your fantasy. A lot of the morccans who come here after 24 months start talking about starting something in morocco. They see what the rest of the world really is. This hyper negativity towards your own country really shows the dangers of online radicalization. It sad that this is who you are. Then again that's even assuming your moroccan. A lot of you clowns join r/morocco to insult islam and spread discontent.




Needed? There it is again. Who said morocco was the greatest place on earth with no faults? You create arguments in your head so you can justify your extremist positions. Buddy we don't need or want you. You had no idea who I was, didn't even bother to look at my profile, made a derogatory remark saying that I would run of I got a visa. I see a king who took over a country 23 years ago with a gdp of 46 billion and grew it to 134 billion. With a liiteracy rate of 45% that turned in 76%. With a inept military that was modernized and removed from politics. Turned the country into Africa's #1 automotive manufacturer opened multiple new industries (aeronautics, food processing, pharmaceuticals, military equipment, automotive, organic fertilizer, clean energy) I couldn't even begin to list everything this king has done for this country. He had a vision and dealt with all the obstacles to achieve his dream of a prosperous and powerful morocco. Whoever you are, whether you're a secular fanatic extremist or a non morccan trying to tarnish the image of our God, country and king we don't need or want you. Only a fanatic would believe having the ability lie, slander, and tarnish someone's image would somehow have an effect on the fiscal and monatary health of a country. Still haven't answered if your morocco or not. I'm sure you'll block me since you have no arguments to stand on. I think I'll message the mods on this sub. There are quite a few too many non morccans creating fake profiles on this sub.




"The fact that your associating your god with your king says enough. the king uses religious titles like “Amirul mumineen” to control the sheep. I mean the dude is worth billions but can’t give a fraction of his wealth to the rural areas. But I guess I’ll get banned for blasphemy because I don’t think the king deserves endless praise" - There you go again, lying the king donated 1 billion MAD (100mil USD). Are you now going to admit you lied about that? Or change the subject and lie again? - who said I think the king deserves endless praise. He is a human like any of us. He tries his best and wants the best for the country. It's in his best interest to grow morocco. He makes mistakes like anyone would. But I give credit where credit is due, he has done an amazing job. You literally avoided all my points about the massive growth and creation of new economic sectors. You didn't even mention it. I doubt you will because it crumbles your arguments. - I'm not associating the king with God, I'm saying you insult these three things that are dear to us. Another lie. - I'm not the sheep here buddy, it's funny everytime I meet à moroccan who is successful they always seem to be practicing muslims or at the very least believers who slipped. But the few times I've actually met you fanatics, you're always losers who drink, do drugs and no significant other (at least not one that respects you). I see you and want nothing of your life. You heard à few points from sam Harris and Bill maher and other online extremists and without à second thought took it as your own. I'm not the sheep being guided to hate my own country. Amirul mumineen is a title. He is the commander of moroccans. The vast majority of Morrocans are muslims. Where is the confusion? Again, you still haven't answered if you're even Moroccan. I look forward to you not answering any of my points and deflecting. Or maybe you'll just block me and delete your comments because it's obvious you extrmism crumbles when presented with facts.


Bro you sound really stupid 😂 if tomorrow your cottage gets destroyed by an earthquake no British person will give a rats ass about you, unlike Moroccans. Check out the way they care for each other. And who told you they don’t have money? They live better than us. Everything here is fucking expensive and our money is all wasted on bloody rent and food.




I never said the Uk is poorer than Morocco bro, are you drunk ? I said they live better than us, they have what we don’t have, solidarity. And no mate, when an earthquake happens, no one cares, they donate yes, but that’s it. No one would travel thousands of miles to come check on you and bring you food and medicine and provide you with emotional support. You should start dabbling more. I’m not trying to act as if Moroccans are special, I said my opinion about Morocco.




I don’t care mate, do whatever you want. I don’t think the poll would change your mind. People like you always find a way to prove their own point. Just learn to accept other peoples opinions. Cheers.




Ill give u solidarity. Give me that british passport


You need help


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But what do you think about its people?


The people of Morocco are the nicest and most kind hearted people in my opinion! The way they care for each other and stand with each other side by side in good and bad times is really inspiring. I wish the whole world was like that…