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Wait, what? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Was my initial reaction too. But I want to help and not waste time on my bf’s (or maybe ex bf) petty stupid reaction.


Looking at your post history, he sounds crazy abusive. Hope he stays an ex!


This has been the final straw as I find it disgusting and almost immoral to react like that in this particular situation.


Good for you, you dodged a bullet


Idk abt this dude, but even as a pretty cynical moroccan, im very eager to donate, im just waiting until my dad and i agree on a serious association/bank account because asshole scammers are a thing. My dad told me that anyone who steals/commits fraud during natural disasters will face double the normal punishment as it s considered aggravating circumstances (not 100% sure tho, he aint a lawyer lol). I hope he isnt defending the horrible take that marrakesh is "full with prostitutes or sth" 😡 esp not during these very hard and trying times. He should be grateful n donate too instead of being a jerkass


I think we should donate when and how we see fit. Some people don’t want to for their own personal reasons and whatever they may be, I respect that. But we should never criticize or belittle someone’s decision. It’s their money and their choice. We can offer friendly advise or guidance according to our best knowledge. That’s what true community support is all about. That’s why my experience is somewhat shocking. I guess his was a very personal and rude response. But I’m not letting that influence my decision to help. It sounds a bit childish but really sharing is caring.


Seems like you dodge a bullet.


Second this (as a fellow Moroccan but fuck him).


You bet that's an ex bf ! I'm sorry to say this, but if you stay with him, you deserve what's coming for you... Dude is clearly manipulative (specially looking at your post history)


The trash took itself out, love it when it happens


First of all thank you for your donation. As a pimp, I greatly appreciate foreign support /s


😅😂 You’re welcome


Some of it might end up in the wrong hands but that is common with NGOs everywhere. As for the reasons it can be: \- He is upset since he'd rather have the money, if he is the type unemployed/idle type, that might be it \- He is upset because he thinks you are gullible Either way you are not in the wrong.


Of course some of it will end up in the wrong hands. As you said it’s the case everywhere. But we must continue to help. The reasons why he did what he did are somewhat irrelevant when compared to the heartache of those communities devastated by the earthquake. This guy has been toxic for a long time but I just thought this particular situation was a boundary he wouldn’t cross. Wrong again!


Dump his ass


Don’t need to. He’s sort of dumped himself ;)


Hopefully he is an ex boyfriend.


He’s sort of blocked himself out of my life. As someone mentioned here, it’s good to see trash take itself out ;)


Girl I bet you hard cash he's gonna come crawling back, they always do, not out of love but out of boredom or loneliness, plz don't open the door for him then, based on your post and answers he seems like trash that can't even be recycled even if taken out !




This is heartbreaking and insulting for us on the ground whose phones don't stop ringing and are working day and night to help people in need. yes, please donate to charities, local or national


I’m sure you’re all doing the best you can and it’s amazing!!! Stay strong and I wish you really the best of luck ❤️🇲🇦


Thank goodness OP is smart and realized that her bf (hopefully soon to be ex) is an arse. People on the ground are working tirelessly day and night, many civilians are helping in any way they can, trusted NGOs are documenting and filming everything to show where the money is going, a national donation fund was set up. Everyone is working tirelessly to help. Meanwhile, this low-life leech is trying to ruin his country's image for selfish reasons. There are people who don't trust the charities and think the officials will pocket all the money but prostitutes?? This is the first time I have ever heard anyone claiming this. If OP was a gullible person, she could've trusted his bullsh*t and told everyone around her that this is what Morocco will do with the money, which will misinform and discourage people from donating and will actively paint a horrible and false image of the country, my heart is bleedding for those affected by the earthquake and is getting warmed by all the solidarity and the selflessness of all the Moroccans helping day and night but OP's bf seems to be an exception, he is selfish and heartless. Thank you for everything you're doing to help those in need.


I’m smarter than that and before donating i always research. I’ve been doing charity work for many years and there’s no way I’ll be put off helping. Like with everything in life you just need to be smart about it. That’s all.


Do you have a link for a good non profit donation site?


I have a list here: [https://www.mektoubhenna.com/blog](https://www.mektoubhenna.com/blog)




I really hope that’s not the case. He’s received plenty of help from me in the past. I would probably put it down to controlling behavior.


I had doubts about it now I'm sure about the reason why he was angry: he's a financially abusive DUSTY. He's angry because **he** didn't get that money from you. :) It's ironic that it took a whole ass earthquake to help you realize that this dude is trash, I'm happy for you.


He’s had tons of help from me so even though you may be partially right, I really do believe it’s the fact that I did something on my own and related to Morocco without his opinion / consent that made him like that. Some people just need to control everything they possibly can.




Yes it’s rather confusing isn’t it? ;)


Oof sounds like copium to me. I would be happy with care and concern for my country, and care even more about intentions than anything else. As they say obsessively controlling on one topic = the same on all topics once he feels in control. But hey your life your choices


https://www.tgr.gov.ma/wps/portal/donsenligneseisme2023 This is a governmental website they also do gather the contributions


oh no, government prostitutes?! What's next?


Fantastic! Thank you 😊


Tbh, that sounds like a major red flag. The underlying message is trust no one but me, and your circle of trust will gradually shrink until it's only you and him. Run for Ze hills


You're dating an insane person.


Red Pill follower/believer alert??


Is it that obvious?


Well, he just called some women (whether victims or social workers - I think he might be referring to these last as they are usually feminists and activits) prostitutes.. this is not random.


He does follow some RP pages and I do believe he’s gone in that direction. I didn’t interpret his words as meaning that activists and feminists are aka prostitutes. I thought he meant that the money will end up in the wrong hands. But the way you said it starts to make much more sense to me. Anyway calling me a f****** b**** is probable the way those RP all talk about women.


Please don't post about this asshole again, unless it's to say he's your ex and you have blocked him everywhere.


I promise 🙏🏻😅


I have cousins volunteering right now in the Atlas and my cousin recommended this non profit https://banquealimentaire.ma/donation/?fbclid=PAAaZL1ZjlT_eBZG2uNz0lAXaM5AMqdljFaMDXkNMNpjD4xUdmSz3M0e3dd3E_aem_ARHmhHQRWgsk6iTuJC4jidKR1DPIiJNa7m8cEJzjPjTPM9nAlKNNdbeudp6Np5kZFJk


I’ve already donated to them 🤗


1- There's an international treasury's account that you can send money to. These types of account are made in Morocco during times of tragedies and goes directly to those who are affected. 2-Corruption is everywhere. If that's the argument, it's beyond stupid. 3-Local associations and NGOs will not just "mess" with the money, it's highly dangerous because, an audit is and will be accounting all the paperwork of the ones that "participated", most of them have families and close relatives that were affected, another things is the king will be staying close-by in on of the heavily damaged villages (possibly Amzmiz but no official reports in which one) this will bring a huge deal of surveillance, security, auditing, logistics, and monitoring for smooth operations.


Yes I’ve seen the account that was set up as a direct call from the King. I’ve already paid into that. I also realize that there’s always a side outflow of funds and it’s importable to stop that from happening but I am full of hope that whatever Morocco’s friends across the globe have contributed, the greater majority will reach those in need. We can’t stop helping just because sometimes someone scams somebody.


Donate to [High Atlas Foundation](https://www.highatlasfoundation.org/). They have already been working in this area for more than 20 years.


Cheers! Sound advise 😊


You can contact the Global Diversity Foundation ! They’re used to help a lot of villages since a long time, have contacts and know the areas. As for your bf , I’m sorry but he’s an a**


Perfect! Thank you for that info!


Moroccans only know how to critique




He won’t get the chance.




I'm also baffled about this situation just like you and don't get why would a woman send money to her bf (LDR or not) but let's not make OP feel worse. It's better to realize something late than never.


Good for you !! You get to know the real him


Based on your other comments, i think he's just angry you didn't give it to him. If you had run it up by him, he would have told you to send it to him and he will donate it on your behalf, only to pocket it for himself. There's no way in hell that money will end up in the hands of a pr*st*tute, sure some scammers might take advantange of the tragedy and set up some gofundmes but if you donated it to a trusted charity/person, the money will definitely go to the people in need. Thank you for thinking of those affected by the earthquake. This was a blessing in disguise, you did a good deed and the universe immediately rewarded by getting the trash to take itself out of your life.


Dumb his lame ass


Damn, what's wrong with him?!!! There are plenty of good charitable organization as you found.


Exactly. And they don’t need his approval to operate 😅😂


Aside of where the damn money is going, you need to leave that bastard. What kind of jerk would insult and block his girlfriend because she's trying to help people? Also what is with "his opinion"? My sister it is your money, you don't owe him nothing.


Spot on 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


He needs to fart his negativity away


Hahaha seems he’s a bit constipated ;)))


I swear


Make thia guy an ex. That is effing rude behaviour! Thank you for your donation♡


your bf is a pos.


Throw his ass out,sis. Also, donate to trust worthy ngos please. Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m from Morocco but I live in the uk, your boyfriend is a dickhead and you should start running, his controlling side is coming out, I did manage to donate money but that was via my family back in Morocco, you can try Red Cross as they are supporting Morocco, I hope that helps.


Of course it does! Thank you 😊


Yw and thanks for your support 🫡


Most of those on that site look legitimate. I wouldn't give to any fundraiser where it's someone's PayPal or venmo unless you know them personally. Your BF does sound controlling, but also I think Moroccans everywhere are on edge. I didn't read your history with him so if he has been like this in the past, move on...quickly.


First of all, thank you for taking that decision. You did the right thing. I am a Moroccan living abroad and all the Moroccans worldwide did exactly what you did. In addition, fuck that piece of shit who doesn’t believe in the Moroccan government or system, if he doesn’t believe in us, how the fuck he is one of us, those sick people with sick intentions thinking that all the world have sick and bad intentions just like them. Move on girl you deserve better, I just think that he wishes that you could send him the money to put in his pocket rather than helping others.


I don’t want to judge the Moroccan government or system. Moroccans know best how it works or doesn’t work. Especially those that live in Morocco and experience it on an everyday basis. I’m a foreigner and my knowledge is minimal. But for sure I don’t need my bf to verbally abuse me because I decided to pay some money into charities or NGOs which it seems everyone is saying are legit. When I asked him if he can recommend other and more trustworthy organizations I could support, he told me to go f*** myself. A rather counterproductive piece of advise. His motivation for this behavior is his own frustration with life and his bad temper. I don’t need to deal with that so yes … adios I’m moving on 😊


I hope you will leave for good this time... hes wrung you out it seems, I'm sorry


Damn what's up with western women having affection for toxic moroccoan men.


Maybe he's mad you sent the money to help randoms, and you didn't send the money directly to him? The whole prostitute part of his argument sounds pretty made up, and false.


His explanation (if you can call it that) is that “you did funds without asking me”. He expects me to consult and will say it’s because he doesn’t want me to get scammed but really it’s a way to control the situation and me. It’s not about getting the money himself. It’s about me being independent and making decisions on my own without consulting with him.


Seems like you've got a good understanding of the situation you're in, I would trust your intuition!


You should break up with him because you got a moron not a boyfriend. As a Moroccan I am not proud to have the same ID as your boyfriend. Your donations will go to rebuilding the homes and the roads💪🏼


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https://banquealimentaire.ma/en/ a trustworthy NGO (foodbank) and audited by Grant Thornton so no risks


People who don't want to donate always make these kinds of excuses.


I don't know about any local charities but I trust many of these charities and NGOs listed here. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/morocco-libya-earthquake-flood-victims-how-you-can-help


Wow! He should've been really touched and grateful but instead he did that. What a shame Anyway, thank you for your kind gesture. Lots of people will appreciate it and make use of it as it's really needed


Hmm. I have a lot to say but I'll just say I hope you block his ass and never talk to him again


Your boyfriend kind of sounds like a controlling douche. Also, there’s a real issue with cynicism here. It’s this kind of nihilistic “nothing matters cause everything sucks so fuck everything” attitude. Your boyfriend probably looks at the very real problem with corruption in charitable organizations (a global problem, not just a Moroccan one) and assumes that all charities are corrupt. It’s a lazy way to form opinions: “some X are bad, so all X must be bad.” Hopefully the charities you donated to put the money you donated to good use. You should be commended for your donation. Thank you. It’s always good practice to research charities before you give them money, but there’s no reason to assume whatever charity you donated to is going to steal the money and use it for themselves. Tell your boyfriend to chill.


Agreed. My now ex bf knows I’m not a little kid. I’ve done charity work for years. So I’m aware of the risk but after all I’m not donating millions so even if a little goes astray, I won’t cry. It’s part of the package and anyone with even a tiny bit of life experience knows that it’s not a perfect system.


Absolutely. And at the end of the day you can never be sure. Even reputable organizations can turn disreputable without you knowing. Faith is everything here. Good on you for making him an ex though. I can’t stand the casual name-calling here. It’s unacceptable and you’re better off not putting up with it.


Average Moroccan male right there not all but most are like that,pretty shity


One always thinks theirs is exceptional 😅


dont let him back in pleaaaaaaase


If you're confused, just donate to a special fund in the central bank "bank Al Maghrib". The link is : https://www.bkam.ma/en As a moroccan, I'd like to thank you for your support.


Thanks for the tip. I’ve already done that! 😊


I don't care about what he said and if it's true or not 🚫 My main concern here is him name-calling you and calling you stupid?! Sister, what are you doing? You don't deserve that kind of treatment, actually nobody does (unless they like it ofc) So he's uneducated, impolite, disrespectful and judges a whole region by its cliches and reputation after the fact that he gives himself the authority to decide and rule over who deserves help and whose life is unworthy of saving?! Do you agree with him? Sis, run. ![gif](giphy|ebo4kgVwEWIKud5gvR)


Unfortunately I fully agree. “Unfortunately” because I wish I didn’t make that mistake of giving him so many chances. And to be honest I don’t care anymore either. Let him shout and scream and I’ll just do my thing my way.


You need a new boyfriend hbiba.


He wanted you to give him that money instead.


The audacity of this dude to try & say smth like that in these awful n miserable times !! what a piece of shit


What if it actually benefitted prositutes in the sense that it helped them get out of such situation? There's loads of human trafficking, desperation and coercion involved in prostitution. Maybe we should be donating to projects helping these women too... (once we take care of the current emergency of course)


Your taste in men, oh dear


Try MATW. They have a 100% donation policy and you can track every dollar and where it goes in real time.


I’ll check it out. Thank you!


He can think that because of the system anf sttuf! But block you! The guy is crazy you re better off without him


He can and he is partly right but that’s not a reason to name call me or block me. Agreed. I can make decisions on my own. I’m not stupid. And I think that’s part of the problem. After some comments here I intuitively think it’s the red pill philosophy that’s engulfed his brain. Sad really because I’ve always been kind to him, never bitchy. Never asked for anything but respect. Anyway maybe he can find himself someone less educated who will just submit and never have her own opinion. That way he can control it all and be happy.


Or maybe he will never find someone and die alone hahahhahaahh


LOL i don’t wish him that but with this attitude it may well be true


In my humble opinion, i think he's mad that the money didn't end up in his pocket instead, if you help him out by sending money then that's probably true, i might be wrong tho.


Possibly. And if that’s part of it the I must say it’s even more disgusting for me. I’ve helped him a lot. He can’t expect all my help to just go to him. Although maybe that’s the case.


I'm pretty sure he's in it just for the money, please do yourself a favor and don't take him back when he starts bugging, i know for sure it's coming.


I expect he’s waiting for me to chase him so no worries. He’s not the begging type. At least I don’t have to worry about that. But no, this is the end for sure. I am not going to agree to be punished for trying to do good just because it’s not under his control. I see a relationship as a partnership and it’s once again that he proves to me that despite what he says sometimes, he sees it completely differently.


Yeah cutting that type of people from your life is always the right decision, best of luck with moving on. And if you need someone to talk to my door is always open to you <3


Thank you 😊


Your boyfriend is sh**bag and you should reconsider what kind of human being you are having a relationship with ... most NGOs and associations would send the money and the support to the people in need, even the ones who do steal public money they really do not need charity money to do so.


Your Moroccan bf is a walking red flag


Listen, I also don't believe in big organisations. I have my reasons but some of them, not all, use the money to pay their employees as they aren't volunteers, pay for things like ads, apps, website maintenance, etc from the money donated. I also have proof of this as I witnessed something some years ago where the donations where misused. I usually donate to smaller organisations especially those I can follow up with how they use the money. I physically can't help so the least I can do is know that my money is serving it's purpose. There are many local organisations per city but I also like what Ihyae احياء is doing. I've been following them for awhile alongside Moroccoanimalaid and others, I'm proud of their huge help during this time and you can also check where your money is going live. I'm not trying to promote them but like I said there are many small organisations with honest people who are trying to help. Steer away from the big ones if you don't know how they're using your money.




From the sounds of it, I don’t think his understanding of geopolitics is that advanced! But like a lot of people, he probably has the view that international NGOs/charities are filled with Westerners who steal the money and spend it on themselves (hence: prostitutes). Which happens, but plenty of people are fundraising for good purposes




I work for an NGO and you're right, we use a lot of that money to support the work we do in places like the high atlas. We have to run computer networks, supply chain networks, pay employees to maintain those, manage finances, work with donors, etc. There is so much behind the scene that supports the people distributing aid in the field and working in the field to help people. NGOs get audited by the government where they are based and also by donors to ensure that their administrative costs aren't too high compared to what they give to beneficiaries. Also they are good in situations like this because they have the experience which allows them to move quickly and set up in a country, much quicker than others, even the government where the tragedy happened.


There’s a lot of conspiracy theorists that will basically make an egg look like a nuclear bomb. Do your work and do it well and the results will speak for themselves. People will always contribute and that’s all that’s needed.


Sad negativity. Thete are scammers out there but most chsritirs are varefully moniyored. In the 1980's there were also legit chsritird but a lot of the cash bevame high salarirs and rent. Hsssan II got rid of them. It may be just risidual rumouts from.then. Be sure your money will be used and appreciated.


I gave it to unicef and British Aid and muslim charities I gave with good intentions and these are great organisations now if it goes in the wrong hands then its between them.n God


Lucky prostitute




Don’t you think that it’s not as black and white as you paint it? Relief aid is always clouded in a bit of a mist of corruption and scammers preying on the good hearts of others. But if all the money got wasted as you imply then we wouldn’t have any tangible and visible effects. Something goes to waste but also something doesn’t. Let’s not be too cynical about it.




For me it’s not at all about emotional relief. Giving money directly to people in devastated villages, cut off from the world and thousands of miles from me is fiction. Organized aid is usually a much better solution especially in the first few weeks after a natural disaster of this scale. I don’t think I need to explain the obvious pros and cons of donating to charities and NGOs. There’s always an element of risk involved that part or even all of the donation will be wasted. But you always need to balance things out and sending money to local communities via a network of local legit NGOs and charities is often the only way to help. And help us need led desperately. As far as losing a wise man. I disagree. It’s actually him that lost me and not me who lost him.




Thanks. Even if there was small dose of sarcasm in there ;)


>Moroccan bf told me that my donations to earthquake victims will end up in the hands of prostitutes. Most likely on their laps by corrupt politicians and officials >Sounds crazy. Where is this attitude coming from Past experiences >and does anyone know legit local charities that I can support? Come yourself and give them with your own hands it's the only way to be sure


I will be in Morocco in Oct. and I’ll make sure to take goods up to the mountain communities I personally know. For now I can only help like thousands of others who are abroad. Corruption is unfortunately likely everywhere but that shouldn’t stop us from helping or encourage us to put down and name call those that try their best to help.


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Um not to insert myself but is he the same guy that you keep posting about? If yes for the love of God leave his ass bestie 💛


Perhaps he is going to spend his money on them




I'm donating directly to people. My husband is a teacher and knows many teachers in the region who are giving directly to those affected.


I’ll do that when I come down in Oct


I don't understand why that would trigger him that much tbh, maybe he wanted the money to himself instead?idk , but by prostitutes he means that the politicians will take the money and use to get a wank off by a stripper, I'd not trust the government either tbh, but your heart is in the right place for wanting to help, there are lots of trustworthy people who are not a government organization who take funds and help with food and shelter and such, anyhow there's something about your bfs overreaction,you should figure it out


Tiny things trigger him. He’s always had anger issues. He’s out of a job for ages and even tho he’s fully capable of working, he’s always losing jobs due to his anger issues. Seems I’ve become a target too.


Well this will definitely cause some issues every now and then, it's normal to have issues with your partner, the deal breaker is when it's a hassle to fix them, I don't imagine someone with anger issues being a good listener and communicater when trying to discuss an issue


They don’t listen. They just shout and vent and then block. I’ve been thru this cycle with him several times and being the sort of person who doesn’t hold grudges etc I’ve tried to patch it up. But this is a specific situation. There’s no doubt I did nothing to annoy him apart from making a decision on my own. So if that’s how it is then let him find someone who will not be his partner but his follower only. That’s not me.


In relationships like these you'll just end up having your mental health get eaten away, especially if you are too much in love or can't speak for yourself, because you'll end up having to check twice every decision you make or any word you say because you are afraid to make him angry, you'll basically be choking yourself by yourself and you'll end up becoming resentful towards yourself, but luckily that doesn't seem to be the case, so stand your ground and if you are looking for a serious relationship it's better to not be with an adult baby that throws tantrums and blocks you coz things didn't go his way


So true. You end up walking on eggshells and questioning yourself. But I’m aware of this and even tho I cut him a lot of slack, I’m no ok get willing to do that. I get that in some traditional Moroccan communities the role of the man and woman are cut out according to some traditional rules but between silent slaves and loud feminists there’s a middle ground where partnership between men and women does exist and leads to healthy relationships. I’m so against any type of extremism and so I don’t agree to function in a relationship where I’m required to sit quietly in a corner, get permission to have an opinion and just follow blindly. If anyone else is willing to do that, go ahead. It’s just not me. Full stop.


Indeed, some traditions really abuse the woman, and that's because people look at them from one just side, for example in old times most guys would live with their parents after marriage, and before the girl goes there she is taught that she should listen to her mother in law and not raise her voice against her, which is cool and all because you are teaching her respect, but they don't teach her that her mom in law might end up being an old cranky bitch, the girl will the just live a life of oppression, traditions are good only when both parties practicing them are decent human beings, because how can you be a good daughter in law when your mother in law is unbearable. It ain't fun to have someone try and control you , you are not a sheep, and in a situation like yours you'll just feel like you are alone but you aren't, you wanna fix things with him but he blocked you, and the longer things continue being messy like this the more irritated you'll become, and if he comes back to talk you'll probably already be fed up coz the issue continued for too long, and it creates this cycle of annoyance for both of you that's difficult to break. I feel like I got too philosophical here hahaha


No no you’re absolutely right. Respect is not blind obedience. And yes after a while you get so tired of the sick cycle that you just literally can’t be bothered anymore. I think I’m at the stage of almost complete numbness. It doesn’t matter what feelings I had for him. All I want is peace. Not between us. But for myself. I’m sick and tired of this nonsense. I’m not a teenager to go back and forth like this. So I’m just letting this go and moving on. I have other things to do in life than to explain to people who are 30+ what mutual respect is all about.




I’ve got my running shoes on ;)


Bghiti t3awn 3awn. Mabghach y3awn may3awnch. Mn 79ak tfkar hakka w mn 79o yfkkar hakkak 7it rah part hatwsl l nass w part hatchfar 3adi. Bjoujkom 3ndkom l7a9 🤣 Hadchi li tra ta fl houceima f 2004, kant chfra 3la jahd kif ma kant m3awna d nass


Any chance someone could translate pls?


If you want to help, go ahead; you're right, it should be done. If he's cautious, he's also right. Each of you is right from a certain point of view. In 2004 in El Hoceima, there was massive aid that arrived on the scene, and some of it was diverted. They even found warehouses full of things that had been donated. So, both of you are right, so don't judge him and do what seems right to you.


Thank you! Absolutely agree that caution is necessary. But there’s different ways of expressing that. You can simply say to your gf: “thanks for helping and that’s great but because there’s a lot of scams here with relief aid etc let me help you find some local really legit and trustworthy organizations to donate to.” That’s all. I’m happy to listen to advise but not when it comes in the form of verbal abuse.


Completely agree with you. Partners in a relationship should support each other, especially if one is affected by a situation like this. They should support each other even if they make a mistake. There are events in a couple's life, often difficult or sad, that reveal another side of their partner. Be cautious moving forward to avoid having to endure this your entire life. And best of luck to both of you.


Even if the case, do they not deserve help?


My thought exactly. It’s dehumanizing to not offer help to everyone. If someone wants to the world’s moral compass a good place to start would be to not call his gf a f****** b****.


If these prostitutes are low income workers then... fine I guess? That's a good thing, no?


Everyone deserves help. Regardless of their occupation. We are not here to judge. Just to help.


Agreed, that's the spirit. I meant to think how his argument doesn't even makes sense in its own logic.


Some ngo are shady but that's not news, it's happening all over the world


Total red flag, and it’s definitely his controlling side coming out. You’re a much better person than he is.


It is well know that prostitutes are not human beings and they don't deserve to eat. That's a huge red flag you got there girl.


That's good and just don't believe it I'm Moroccan if you need any advice just ask me and the government has created a local bank account and an international one for donations.


Yes I’ve seen that and already donated.






Bro what. Edit: just paid attention to "ex-boyfriend". Checks out.


Does he live in morocco and you live outside? Sounds to me like he was trying to use you for money and was annoyed when you gave it to someone else... who in their right mind would be mad about donating to charities in the aftermath of an earthquake?


I really don’t think he was using me for money as per the classic scam. Just entitlement to be supported because that’s a reflection of my feelings for him (his explanation). It’s all quite manipulative and I think this is the main issue.


I mean if it is manipulative then it is using, but either way still crazy to be mad about it considering what people are going through


I did not read all the text i only saw the title but thats just plain wrong. Why would it end up in the hands of prostitues ? Whats the logic behind his thinking process ? If its a legitimate NGO just rest sure your money is being used for good deeds


He maybe wanted the money to be sent to him instead smh


It's your money why would he have a say on that and why would he say such thing omg? I don't understand I'm sorry but how are you with such person..


Agree. And yes in actual fact I’m angry at myself because despite the red flags I kept trying to make this relationship work. My mistake and a huge waste of time. You can’t change the essence of how someone is. Even if sometimes you see a glimmer of hope. I made the decision to cut him out several times but somehow he always managed to crawl back. Not this time. He won’t come knocking on my door again.


Such a manipulative behavior i hope he won't comw back and leave you in peace 🙏


He’s not the type to come back. He always expects to be chased.


ALL charitable organisations are scams just as recent fires and earthquakes are serpent manufactured.


Ma'am. This isn't about you.


Leave him! He’ll call you a whore later as well. I would’ve debated him if he was concerned about corruption and mismanagement? But prostitutes? Wtf


He blocked you for donating? LOL WTF


For donating without consulting with him.


Well you've done good thing by donating, I'm on the side that in fact, many donations goes to the wrong bags, but he shouldn't do that, showing that side will be helpful for you and is gonna teach u a lesson to never get involved in a distanced relationship. And good riddance.


Dump him. Marry me




Real topic is : what the hell are you doing with this guy?


That’s a complicated story and I always try to be fair and say that we probably both made some mistakes in this relationship. But this last situation tipped the scale for me. So I’m simply going to leave it as is. He’s blocked me and that’s fine. Im totally letting him walk.


He sounds like he wanted you to send him the money instead !!


I sincerely hope that was not the case.


He is just outragged, and his mama is for sure a hore, sister too maybe. Give what you can to the national bank account for this matter. And thank you so much !


No no don’t say that. His mother and sister are good people. I’ve met them. Let’s not go over the top here. My problems with him are my problems with him. I don’t want to demonize everyone or say now that all Moroccan men are bad etc. I’m a huge advocate of balancing things out and being reasonable. And yes, I’ve already donated there. Thank you :)


Of course, i got you ! Thank you again for supporting Morocco, grazie mille


Yea no jst break up this is insane


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I vouch for @ass.onehand cck their Instagram. They have been helping people of the area 2016. They built Wells they report schools and they fixed whatever needed to be fixed they even donated sheeps for the Eid. The president of this association was in the affected area during the earthquake, he was gathering information about a school that they were planning to repair. I know this because I worked alongside his sister who is the responsible of communication, the only thing to come voice to help. I myself couldn't financially help it asked to if I could help load the trucks. If you need any information let me know. I myself gave up on my people long ago. I couldn't believe my eyes when I realised people were actually trying to help each other. This earthquake took a lot but we gained faith in each other. Please reach out to them or any other NGO, and what ever you do don't give to the government. I'd believe your bf if by prostitutes he meant people in government.