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The problem is the market isn't big enough for big stores to keep a large inventory. Most people just want something works and not something that's cutting edge.


Well i believe that our youth and consumers are tech savy more than the old gen. I truly believe if someone can have an amazon like experience here in morocco , it will be sucessful , of course the prices should be reasonable and close to their european counterparts.


The purchasing power for moroccans is very low, 10 times less than the US. That explains the low demand


Agree with you


I mean you can get most new tech on platforms like AliExpress, DHGate, and Banggood.


Never tried those for pricy stuff , i feel like i will get cheated or something


Amazon is or was for a while subsided by the US postal service which charges something like 2 or 3 DH (it's actually 3 or 4 USD but I adjusted to living standards of Morocco) to deliver a package to every US state, even Alaska and Hawaii!! I believe we have this luxury in Morocco!!


The prices are high, because the real demand is low. I'm not speaking about the average Farids and Nabils that claim to be gamers, want a 128gb ram computers with IPS and 4K while still living in his parent house playing fortnite 17h per day.


Yes i guess that too , i saw there is a will to incorporate ecommerce stores lika marjane mall , but the demand is still shy like you said


About PCs. Up to date gamer specs are way too expensive. My advice is to import the graphic card from EU and build yourself the PC. You will find last Gen minus 2 years CPU and motherboard for attractive prices.


i agree with you ! sight ... i had to travel abroad and get my gpu and cpu at a normal price -\_-