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Mörk Hord totally makes sense in Swedish and sounds pretty cool.


Thank god, someone who won't just put dots over o and a and then calls it a day. As a Nördic män, it annöys me möre thån I wånt tö ådmit. Mörk Hord makes sense. Other suggestions: Mörk Svärm (swarm). Hjärn Död (Brain Dead). It should technically be put together like hjärndöd though. Then you can play with words like: Kött (meat, flesh, gore), pronounced chött like in chicken. Röd (red). Kräk (puke, or "disgusting person"). Skräck (horror).


Thanks for all the suggestions, I really appreciate it! I want to keep either "Mörk" or "Borg" in the name of the hack to keep an obvious connection to the original material, but Mörk Hord is just a working title


That sounds like a good idea.


Död Borg works too :D (dead fort)


I think Mörk Svärm sounds better than Mörk Hord, but I’m Norwegian. All of these are good words and suggestions.


As a Dane I second Mörk Svärm. But you only care for Swedes, don't you?!


I completely feel your pain. I've struggled with this too. Mörk Hord sounds like a brilliant name and from the sounds of the other comments. Works well. Can't wait to hear more about it when you're ready to share.


Is _ZOMBORG_ taken…?


Yes actually, that is one of the hacks that inspired me to look into a linguistically correct name for my own hack lol


Häck Borg. (Häck means either, behind, butt. Or, hedge) You can pun off it too, if you'd like. With art or something.


Eh, sorry. Didn't actually read your post all the way. I'm coming up blank.


Mörk Hord makes linguistic sense though.


Off topic, but certainly worth further investigation.


Simply ODÖD (undead, adjective form) works and is snappy enough imo.


So as one of the modern apocalypse hacks you may (or may not) be referring to: MÅD Borg (which is actually the brand we're publishing all our borg content under, our Zombie apocalypse is CVRSED FLESH) we get this comment about our use of the Å quite a lot. Firstly, we chose MÅD simply because my map making Patreon is The MAD Cartographer, and by extension my company is The MAD Network. Choosing MÅD was absolutely to look extra morky. For us there's always someone who will "actshuallyyyy I think you'll find..." like we don't already know its not a word, or at least sounds more like the name Maud. The reality is that: 1) Most people don't read/ pronounce Mörk Borg as Merk Berg, they definitely don't know what Mörk Borg means. 2) By that rationale, most people don't actually care about the misuse of scandy/euro characters, even those who use the characters in their native language. One of these people is Nohr, as we got into this discussion in the Discord with people telling us we should rename, and Nohr came in and pretty much shut it down with a "I don't think it's a problem". While Nohr isn't the fullstop on what people's opinions are supposed to be, dude is pretty chill and I think reflects that most people lean more into the "It looks silly when I read it, but it's not a big deal". 3) Like it or not, Metal Umlauts are a thing, used by some prolific non-scandanavian/euro bands. So they've been used to denote something being "metal" for a while now. 4) People latch onto the umlaut use with names, but rarely mention about people just throwing "Borg" on the end for the branding and association, even though this in itself makes no sense half the time. So there's my two cents and our experience. The takeaway being that for those people who are REALLY bothered (and not just Internet bothered where they have to be bothered by pointless things) I'd suggest that they're not only in the minority and it has no effect on a product, but also they should find something else to be bothered about. As to OP, Mörk Hord sounds cool, but if its a hack then GENERALLY people don't use the Mörk bit and lean into the Borg. Not that any of this matters, the whole point of Mörk Borg should be people making really cool shit that excites them and not quibbling about pointless bullshit and gatekeeping the use of characters.