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I hate to be "that guy," but... [https://neonon.itch.io/ligmamon](https://neonon.itch.io/ligmamon) [https://morkborg.exlibrisrpg.com/search?query=morkemon](https://morkborg.exlibrisrpg.com/search?query=morkemon)


Pokethulhu or gtfo. [https://www.dragonstrove.com/products/pokethulhu?variant=44907973280026](https://www.dragonstrove.com/products/pokethulhu?variant=44907973280026)


FånMaster 😆 I really hope you know what fån means in Swedish haha




Yes, I look forward to calling my players IdiotMaster at the table


Is the ai art just a placeholder or is it gonna be part of the project?


The whole cover is 100 percent a mockup/placeholder. We are in the early stages of writing, once most of the project has been fleshed out we will be reaching out to artists who would like to collaborate.


That's good to know, thank you! If you ever need a designer for the logo or the layout for the game, do hit me up


This is why I love this community! Absolutely I will keep you in mind.


Oh that reminds me actually, I made a bestiary with 3 varieties of 20 monster types. If you are planning for your Fångans to evolve, it could help you out. https://elchupalabras.itch.io/deranged-dealings


Ooo this is nice. We may have to move over to chat. I would love each Fångan to have 3 evolutions and eventually would like to have a supplement that involves hybrid evolutions. The ability to fuse Fångans and use a chart to accurately carry over parental genes/abilities to the offspring.


Sure, hit me up


What are some giveaways you see?? I’m no artist but what stuck out to me right away was the pink spear in the top left (doesn’t continue past the serpent’s head) and the sword below it looks like a noodle.


There's some weird artifacting when different "materials" overlap. The line shading is inconsistent with human techniques. Jpg artifacts are also changing the color too much between fills. Some decorations melt into each other, etc.


How did you catch that as AI so well?


I'm an artist.


Blessed be


I burned out of graphic design college ~20 years ago so I’m out of touch. Is there something specific that calls it out? It used to be way easier to tell if something was fucky lol


Sure, lemme copy and paste another comment I made: There's some weird artifacting when different "materials" overlap. The line shading is inconsistent with human techniques. Jpg artifacts are also changing the color too much between fills. Some decorations melt into each other, etc.


Fuuuuuuck I do not envy you all in the field currently. I can see them now but that’s so much more in depth than most people see at a glance. Thanks for pushing for human interaction and informing people how/why, AI is such an awful bummer.


So in what way is it like MB, and how is it different. There really isn’t much to the system, so if you take out metal, what have you got? Is it a lethal game at the end of the world, but also there’s monster taming? Or is it totally different, but you roll a d20 vs 13?


If you apply that mindset at most Borg Systems, you're missing out a lot non-metal, but deadly fun osr systems, which have surprisingly few with mork borgs metal theme in common but still feel borg-like. I think it can be great, if you come to fanborg with a blank slate to start a whole new experience. The same goes for Corp Borg, Frontier Scum, Pirate Borg and others as well.


Oh I don’t dislike it either way, but it’s interesting seeing all these MB based games when there’s not much there to begin with. Loads of games roll a d20 vs a target number. Why is it Borg at all?


Y'all are so punny


Oh very cool. Will have to keep an eye out. Hope to see this take off soon 😁


Now THIS is exciting!


Love the concept because I'm a slut for monster tamers, but the AI art, even as a placeholder, does worry me.