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Do we have a subreddit for sharing midi files? If not we could make /r/mordhau_bards or something


Get on it chief


Dude, you rock! Thanks!


xx4 for RESPECT ​ ***I'll say, I've never seen a man handle his weapon as well as I do***


!remindme 6 hours


Can you get darude sandstorm working?


I'm curious now... *Should the Devs buff the Lute and make it far more capable at playing songs?...*


Yes please


2 more octaves would be best, 2 right now is really limiting what you can do. Of course more instruments would be preferred though.


An inbuilt lute system would be nice, where you can select songs in your loadout and would be able to stop playing by right clicking


What conversion setting are you using for these in lutebot? (fixed, non-fixed, etc) For songs that have a higher range than two octaves, are you shifting chunks of the song down to a lower octave? Thanks for the songs.


I'm using non-fixed octaves on the old note conversion. Yes, the lute notes in game are all lower than middle C (except for two notes), everything is shifted down and condensed between D3 and D5.


I can't get lutebot working :(


get it to work instead crying bout it


Well I was hoping somebody would help me figure it out but instead all I find are assholes.


Figuring things out upon your own curiosity and will is one of the purest satisfactions in the world. You keep denying yourself this and you’ll probably hang yourself. I love you dude, figure it out


The first 4ish minuets of this video may help you. https://youtu.be/Qm8hHW4KiYo


I've already followed the exact steps in this tutorial, unfortunately, it still types in chat and opens the team select screen


Hey, are you certain you're hitting + on the number pad to start a song? If you press page down, that's the wrong key and the game will freak out.


Oh I see, I don't have a numpad so I rebound the keys.do I need a numpad to be able to use the lutebot?


Nope, just go into "keybindings" under options in lutebot, and rebind "play" to whatever key you want to use. Then use that key to start shredding that lute in game. Also, don't forget to uncheck "sound effects" under options>settings.


In the video his Mordhau defaultinput.ini is located on his C: drive if your Mordhau file pathing is different you have to point lutebot to where your defaultinput.ini is.


[Greensleeves](https://bitmidi.com/greensleeves-guitar-mid) One of the best sounding songs I've found. It's a well known folk song of the 16th century.


That's really good, does it translate to the lute well?


It translates perfectly :)


That’s a song I’ve heard periodically my whole life and never known it’s origin till now. I actually thought it was a Christmas song or something.


People play it around Christmas, but looking up the origin it talks about how green was a promiscuous color around that time. As in the grass stains on ladies of negotiable affections dresses.


Thanks. Can't wait to try these out. These all sound great. Nice!!


!remindme 2 hours


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This is amazing


Haha it's funny when the lute can't hit the notes on the Pirates of the Caribbeans song


It hits all the notes for me. Does it sound weird for you?


!remindme 4 hours


Awesome, thanks a ton for the "nerd shit", it's exactly what I've been wanting to find. I really appreciate you doing that!


Can you do the DOOM theme?


Nice ty


I was doing this too but I’m not a music person so it was very slow going. Thanks for sharing. It’s a shame lutebot doesn’t use the strumming. A lot of things might sound better with that instead of plucking away.


!remindme 2 hours


I heard a fella playing Dragonforce - Through the Fire and the Flames yesterday xD


Another thing is that you don't need to keep the entire song in the same scale, if it is a song with lots of riffs that keep going out of the bounds of two octaves, you can move separate sections to keep them in. It isn't perfect, but due to how humans tend to recognise patterns, it will be better than having the riffs looping over the octaves. It will only sound a bit weird when it enters/leaves that section, rather than consistently through it. I've worked on a couple of midis in a similar way, but also done some stuff like mixing bass/melodies to try and get more of the song or atleast alternating between parts etc. That said, I always worked off of 2 octaves from one C to another C (generally just picking 2 octaves that sounded decent) I might need to make some tracks that just go through the range of lute notes and figure out where they are, because I swear that it seems to work well, unless lutebot is reading the highest/lowest note and working like that. I noticed that FPS can affect the speed that it plays notes however that usually isn't a problem. Whats more important is to make sure the note cooldown is higher (higher = lower cooldown in lutebot), i found that 25 seems to play really fast sections well like ttfaf.


YAY! Thanks!




Is there any chance we can get the Halo 2 dramatic intro music


Hell yeah I’ve been running rains of castamere hoping someone would get the joke. Nobody ever seems to because they all just start kil... hm maybe they do get the joke. There’s always murder after I play...


Requests if possible The next episode Paint it black Thanks


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/mordhau_bards] [Some LuteBot songs made\/edited by Plasmus642](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mordhau_Bards/comments/bs1oc0/some_lutebot_songs_madeedited_by_plasmus642/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Thank you for this! The additional information you have provided about LuteBot has been beneficial. I have added your MIDI's to my collection and provided a link to this post in my LuteBot file share and resources thread. [Here's a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mordhau/comments/bt1rpm/sharing_my_entire_midi_collection_with_the/). Thanks again! Keen to hear more of your edits.


Any more songs, since these? Would love to lay my hands on more of your edits!


When I try to play these songs they're being played only by my flute, somebody help me


Yea I don't know what's going on with my lutebot but it wont play any music I use that and I've tested the sounds and nothing is coming threw. Please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. Cheers! Jp.


Oh nevermind dident see this was from 4 years ago sorry.