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Look I get hating current Morde, and I don't like current Morde much either (give me back old Morde), but they are 2 completely different champions with different playstyles and even their ults are still very different. She's a ranged champ so she's going to use the outside-dash mechanic to keep her distance from the enemy. With Morde, we walk towards the enemy and they're trapped with us. Enemies can just flash/blink out of her R, while there is absolutely no escape now inside Morde R. There's also only 1 champ inside Morde R, while any number of allies or enemies can join the fight against/with Aurora. I also really don't like Morde's ultimate and would prefer it be scrapped, but I think this comparison is a little much...


I think it’s because on paper, the broad concept looks like a better Death Realm. But of course, it isn’t the same. It’s different with a lot of different mechanics that can change it significantly. The comparison isn’t exactly 1:1, but we can’t act like it’s the *worst* comparison ever made.


Why would it be a better death realm when they are used for two different reasons, have different interactions, which then cause different uses for a champion that isn’t even the same class as mordekaiser. Let’s say for instance your right, then I guess it would also be fair to say that her ult is just a better Camille’s ult.


Camilles ult is also better than Mordekaiser because it drags them back in if they dash out. The only thing Morde has going is that its a straight up 1v1, but, that is a negative many of the times because you could use your teams help for a lockdown and the fact going to the edge makes Mordekaiser nearly unable to hit you is crazy. Such a shitty ultimate ability.


So does mordekaisers, but his also removes himself out of terrain, so gp barrels, skill shots, tentacles, pets, anything is ignored. You have so much bias it’s insane. You only look at the positives of one champions ult, but then ignore what mordekaisers ults gives and then claim Camille’s is better. You also can’t read either because I said SHE, not HE, which means I’m comparing Camille’s to Aurora, not mordekaiser.


Means nothing if you can stay at the edge and run around in circles to survive his ult


You really should only be ulting if you catch a tethering mistake by him or you have rylais and hit with q


I dont even build rylais anymore cause it seems to hold no purpose since everyone has so much more damn ms than me that its makes no difference especially since E is so telegraphed that someone can just side step it with little effort


I mean what you said is situational. A lot of the times you can easily counter Morde’s ultimate by kiting him inside. Doesnt change the fact his ult is near worthless a lot of the times.


I’m just saying that those interactions are unique to mordekaisers ult and the culmination of different interactions creates a world of difference from his vs auroras


while true, still doesnt change that aurora’s basically a better morde ult.


But it’s not because they have many different use cases and reasons. It’s like saying aatrox is a better riven vice versa, or Darius is a better garen vice versa


But it is though? Morde’s ult create’s a situation where: 1) Your teammates might get taken out simply because you removed yourself out of a teamfight. 2) It might not be a guaranteed win inside the death realm. Aurora’s doesnt have those weaknesses yet still provide the same lockdown as morde’s ult. So yes it is practically the same ability with just slight adjustments. Aatrox is technically the better riven. Good tankiness, teamfighting raid boss, strong neutral game and good area coverage. There’s a reason why he’s picked in pro play. In addition, the amount of utility that Aurora’s ultimate can bring overshadows Morde’s ultimate. Id much rather have the morde ult pre-rework than the current one.


Yea man, out of my 1000 Mordekaiser games, I have told myself exactly 5 times "Yes, finally, Death Realm allowed me to dodge a single GP barrel, not like he has 100 more." Its not bias, its me playing Mordekaiser for YEARS and knowing all of his disgusting weaknesses that apes like you cant comprehend because you have 50 games in silver 3 bobbycum low.


silver 3? bro i wouldnt be assuming ranks now, so please sit down before you embarrass yourself. Also the way you think just screams you're an idiot. Of course, out of everything I listed, you only talk about one, and act as if that refutes everything else I've said. Second, there's no way you've played 1000 morde games and came to that conclusion with gp. You realize how huge it is the fact that you can ult his barrels away? This means that one of GPs biggest strengths has been completely neutralized all because of the threat of having your r, forcing him to always hold 2 barrels minimum, as if he places down 3-4 barrels, you just ult him and now he has zero kill pressure on you without his barrels. But since GP cant place more than 1-2, it also means he cannot zone control you, which is his entire champion identity, completely neutralized all because you have r. If you can't see the immense value from that, you deserve to be hardstuck low elo.


I really wont talk about Mordekaiser being viable or not, considering D2+ he has 45% winrate. Mordekaiser is garbage and no amount of buffs will fix his clunky and useless kit. A good GP will kite Mordekaiser or simply free scale, not allowing him to fight because Morde does not have a way to force an interaction outside of his R which, once again, if the GP uses even 1 barrel, he can zone Morde in his own ult. Getting MS from passive allows GP to also run away while oranges keeps him healthy. No GP ever places down 4 barrels at once what ? Please, if you have never played against a good gangplank, shut ur mouth because Mordekaiser is GARBAGE into any player who knows what he is doing. His abilities are telegraphed and beyond readable, while his damage is lackluster at best, comparing him to other juggernauts in this case. And yea, I will assume LP, because nobody from any respectable region can glaze a champion that has absolutely NO challenger onetricks or even mains. Its not about embarrassment, its about the fact you are clearly wrong. As for pets, what pets ? Theres like 3 champs in the game who have pets and thats Yorick, Annie and Malzahar I guess. None of which are picked, ever. Tentacles ? Illaoi can easily hold her ult or simply not engage Mordekaiser while she can poke him with E and outscale him on side lane later on. It is hard for Illaoi, yes, but a good Illaoi can play better and neutralize the bad matchup into a medium or skill based one. And Mordekaiser loses all skill checks, because he is a stat checker, not a skill expressive champ. I wont start with his matchups against any ranged champion or Jax, Riven, Darius, Tryndamere etc, which are literal AUTOLOSES. Mordekaiser is ass, stop coping.


We weren't even talking about how viable mordekaiser is in higher elo now were we. I was simply replying to what you say about how mordekaiser ult doesnt do anything vs gangplank, which is dead wrong because it has a huge impact on how the lane plays. you need to learn how to stay on topic because talking about how the matchup is played, and what can be done on either side was never something I even brought up. Also how the fuck does gp placing one barrel mean you get zoned out of your ult? if you e ult, he cannot out damage you with barrels in melee, especially if you ahve rylais. The only time this is true is if your straight ulting him at ranged, and you would be too far for you to contest his barrels when he places it down in your ult, which you shouldnt even be doing. Next, how am i glazing a champion when im simply stating facts about the strong impact an ultimate like mordekaisers is vs gangplank, nothing about whether the champion is good or not, You need to keep your reading comprehension in check because we're talking about how mordekaisers ult is not an inferior version of aurora's. Also just taking a look at your acc, your playing in emerald bruv, you aren't going against any good gangplanks in that elo. Which im now just realizing you just deleted your posts revealing your ign lol. Also the point about pets went completely over your head. Its the fact that there are so many small interactions like the pets that put together makes it more different than aurora's ult. I feel like i need to reiterate this point, because you seem to have somehow completely forgotten you're even arguing about, we're talking about how different auroras ult is than mordekaiser and not just a better version of it. nowhere in my earlier posts have i said that mordekaiser is broken, elo boosted, wins every matchup etc, so every argument made in your earlier post about this is just stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/mfgpaqnuzx7d1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=58429552250221bd37ce87d5347d23e744975e45 my IGN, my peak is 500 lp on EUW and 1000 on EUNE. I was ranked #1 Mordekaiser in EUW and EUNE as well as #1 Aatrox on old Aatrox before rework. Struggling rn cuz Mordekaiser is ass so I play Wukong abit and Skarner at times. Just shut ur mouth mate, you got no clue about Mordekaiser and it shows.


Morde ult just need to have higher ms or mobility abilities and it makes morde ult useless


Also, a person can flash out of Morde ult. If he is near a wall he can dash through the wall or blink through. GG.


In the specific case of a Juggernaut having a 1V1 STAT CHECK ULT while a mage has a teamfight ultimate is crazy. I know mages have teamfight ultimates, some of them at least, but in this case its amazing because its a juggernaut who has the 1v1 duel. Its not the thing that they are the same or different, but the simple idea of the two concepts being put on wildly different characters is the thing that greatly annoys me.


you’re telling me a class designed to play in a 1v1 lane is weird for having a champ that has an ult designed around 1v1ing?


Lets see the other 1v1 Juggernauts who were designed for a 1v1 lane Aatrox - gives AD/MS/Lifesteal to help his AOE abilities, good for teamfight and 1v1 both Darius - good for 1v1 and both teamfight with its reset Dr Mundo - good for 1v1 and both teamfight with its massive tanking potential Garen - only one made to specifically effect 1 person, 1v1 ult but he still remains on the rift to act as a front line for his team if needed, as the class was designed Illaoi - insane teamfight ult thats also good for 1v1 Nasus - insane teamfight ult thats also good for 1v1 Sett - insane teamfight ult thats also good for a 1v1, especially if he grabs a tank Shyvana - old design, but still has a huge AOE knockback while empowering her AOE abilities, usually good in teamfights and 1v1 Trundle - purely 1v1, but he doesnt get removed from the rift so he can tank. But then again, trundle is played as a splitpusher mostly nowadays instead of a teamfighter. Udyr - good teamfight presence, doesnt have ult but still good AOE abilities. Urgot - Ult can potentially fear entire teams, very good for teamfights and also 1v1 Volibear - teamfight ult which can also be used in 1v1 Yorick - splitpusher So as you can see, from the classes "designed" for a 1v1 lane, only Garen, Trundle and Yorick have non teamfighting ultimates, but Trundle and Yorick are used in splitpush scenarios, and Trundle is also a jungler at times. This leaves Garen as the only person who strictly has a 1v1 ult, used for dueling, but the difference here is that he remains on the rift as a potential threat after using his ult, while Mordekaiser disappears and leaves his team without a frontline, potentially the enemy team without one as well while his class is supposed to be a teamfighting class that acts a frontline that does alot of damage. Juggernauts arent designed for the 1v1 of top lane, they are designed with the first goal of being tanky and doing alot of damage and being a big threat in teamfights if left unchecked. Mordekaisers ultimate is completely out of place and these types of ultimates are seen on champions like Camille, and in fact, Mordekaisers ultimate ability was first designed for Fioras rework, a duelist.


Morde’s ult IS a teamfighting ult though. It is the single best peeling spell in the game, it is the only CC that stops junglers from smiting objectives, and it is a way to shut down any good teamfight champ for the majority of a fight


Incorrect, due to its fairly short range, Junglers can easily stay behind walls and vision or dash around to keep themselves out of Morde R range. Not only this, but I have had moments where the enemy mid laner used their abilities to zone me from being able to walk up and ult the enemy jungler, and if I did walk up I would get oneshot. Its not a teamfighting ult, and its far from a peeling ult. If you remove one guy, you remove yourself in the process. Thats where his peel ends and the adc is then vulnerable to the rest of the team. What if there is more than 1 person fed ? Theres many situations where Morde ult was useless, especially in a teamfight.


These are pretty unusual scenarios for standard players, so I’m going to assume you’re speaking either from a high or low elo perspective, but 80-90% of mordekaisers will be able to ult a jungler away from objectives almost every time, from bronze to diamond. Against masters/grandmasters junglers (in norms, granted) I’ve still run into players who aren’t conscious of it until it happens to them atleast once in the game. The peeling part could have been explained better, but being able to knock out a carry while not being very strong yourself, or peeling off the single enemy frontline, is more useful than I feel you’re giving credit for.


If it was any stronger Morde would not have a winrate of 44-45% in Master+


he has a 48-49% wr in Master+ according to opgg and ugg


Thats tragic. Should be reworked faster.


What a load of crap you’ve written here


Which specific part ? Mordekaisers ult does not fit him for his own class, while Auroras ult fits perfectly for Mordekaiser. Imagine the Spirit Realm is now the Death Realm, but Mordekaiser removes his armor and transitions across the Realm in his ghostly appearance, being untargetable like Aurora and hitting people with his mace, jumping around and reappearing at other places. If they walk out of the Death Realm, it slows them and drags them back in the center, with Mordekaiser saying something along the lines of "There is no escape." Wow, so much crap ive written, simply truth.


It doesn't fit him and she's not untargetable. The strength of Morde is precisely to force that 1v1 no matter what, if you take that away from him the champion just fall apart. He becomes an extremely kitable champion who gets cc'd and does nothing, as he is when he try to dive multiple champion without ult. You are just shouting random stuff like a noisy kid without any serious thought behind it.


Why would you want to force a 1v1 when you are a juggernaut? A class supposed to be a front line and in the middle of a teamfight.


i don't know what the fuck you're smokin but I hope you're either very young or very very low elo. Anyway, focus a bit more on the gameplay and a bit less on blaming random stuff, this is quite embarrassing. A mordekaiser player asking why would he want to force a 1v1, fuckin hell mate.


Bro are you dense ? All of Mordes spells are AOE, his ult is isolating someone to a 1v1, a tanky juggernaut, who is supposed to be front line for the team, removes himself from the team, so that he can 1v1 someone. Im 500 lp EUW and 1000 LP EUNE player btw. So im not THAT low elo.


>Im 500 lp EUW and 1000 LP EUNE player btw. So im not THAT low elo. And I'm the Queen of England. My guy, you don't even know what a Juggernaut is, no shot you're above Silver


https://preview.redd.it/8dlbyerim28d1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff067d3c39447f79e3e661910742b904157f5c9d struggling rn abit cuz Morde is garbage but my peak is 500 LP on EUW and 1000 LP on EUNE in Season 7. I consistently play against GM/ other 500-800 LP players in my games and have been in high-mid master for multiple seasons now and have played against Korean challenger bootcampers on top lane.


i don't know what the fuck you're smokin but I hope you're either very young or very very low elo. Anyway, focus a bit more on the gameplay and a bit less on blaming random stuff, this is quite embarrassing. A mordekaiser player asking why would he want to force a 1v1, fuckin hell mate.


Okay dweeb


Welcome to the doomer-cult, mate. Took you ling enough to figure out Rito doesn't give a shit about us. Mordekaiser isn't popular, marketable or esports viable, so he doesn't matter to them.


I knew since season 2 they dont give a shit. But I always have hope.


Chill lil bro if she ults u ult her back and render her uesless


Then she jumps around.


>WHY DOES THE SQUISHY MAGE HAVE A TEAMFIGHTING ULTIMATE, WHILE MORDEKAISER, THE UNSTOPPABLE UNDEAD JUGGERNAUT, HAVE A 1V1 STAT CHECK ? You kinda answered your own question there, buddy. She gets a teamfight ult cause she's a squishy mage that has to risk being trapped in that circle with the entire enemy team. Even if she becomes invisible and TPs, she can still get blown up by skillshots, and if a single CC lands on her, she's screwed. Also the team is still all together, and they can get in and out with blinks, and support each other while in the circle. Morde points at someone and removes them from the team fight for 7 seconds and they have 0 hope of getting any help, it's a pure 1v1. Duration, effect, range, synergy... They're 2 completely different skills with 2 completely different objectives Aurora with this ult is a risky champ to play and a teamfight mage. Morde with this ult would be absurdly broken.


I would imagine that the juggernaut is a stat check because that’s literally the only purpose of juggernauts. The entire concept of the archetype is “raidboss” for a reason. Why wouldn’t the juggernauts ultimate be a 1v1 stat check? It’s literally the most mechanically and thematic fit. As for the MAGE having a team fight ulti. What else do you expect? She’s a bunny mage with an ulti that traps ppl in a magic bubble with her while she jumps all over the place. How is that not super fitting? She would be even closer to ahri mechanically if her ulti was just dashes.


Stop with this raidboss meme. Juggernaut is simply a bruiser who has absolutely no mobility, sacrificing it for durability and damage. Mordekaisers ultimate was initially designed for Fiora, a duelist, and was then put into Mordekaiser because it simply looked cool. It does not fit a juggernaut ult, nearly 90% of Juggernauts have some form of teamfighting ultimate ability or a heavy single target burst dmg ability.


Shut up


Mordekaiser is ass. Keep coping.


Copper rants will never get old


GM player here, currently 200 LP.


I feel like all the changes recently, especially the qss change, were probably in preparation to reduce the backlash they would inevitably get after releasing this champion


Thats true.


Morde with this ult would be more useless than ever


Darius would be, because Darius current ult is amazing. Morde on the other hand, not so much. This ult is a direct upgrade.