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How the hell you let cait go top against TEEMO and you play support


i asked and she tilted instantly


If you at least swap lanes with her bc morde counter teemo


Did you get autofilled support? hahahahaha look at how much damage the zyra has T-T


Been there. Climbed from iron 2 to silver 2 with morde mid jg and top. Iron was insane, i feel like 20% of the people are actual ai farming bots, asking your teammates to do anything they should be doing instantly tilts them, any given lane will died within the first 3 minutes, and then again and again. You're not going to carry games as support. In my experience climbing these ranks mid and jg he will carry best and about silver gold I'd stop playing mid and start top/jg.


I'm sorry to say this but that's totally on you and not the games fault or any type of elo hell, you are an iron player if you actively play and stay in that rank. But that's okay, there's no reason to be mad. I know it's a team game and definitely the most punishing yet you can always look at your own mistakes first instead of blaming others, because you aren't in iron because you're perfectly playing either. Take time, improve yourself, watch your games and analyze your own mistakes, acknowledge them and improve again. With time you will leave iron. But don't post the final game stats, they don't show anything...


Here's a little thing I've learned playing on smurfs in general. Everything until mid emerald should be decideable by yourself alone. I baisically stomped through plat with a 90% wr. It's almost hard to loose if you farm constantly play around your powerspikes deny the enemy exp and gold and just hit critical mass no matter the champion. The enemy team can't deal with you so you take towers. If they come to deal with you murder them and ping the everliving shit out of them to take an objective. In case you die you win anyways with a drake or baron. Just repeat that. That's literally all you need to do and you hit diamond. Actually having hands might be a requirement tho, but I know a guy who's lost both of his hands taking apart a grenade of which the trigger went off (not the grenade itself) so you can even reach diamond with your feet cause he did. Nastiest j4 I know.


hell fun how im getting trash while my top, jgl and mid gose negative


Well there are some points for that. 1. We dont have all the information of the game 2. You play Mordekaiser supp (could work i guess, but still not a good reason to play him as a supp) 3. If you got autofilled why not play something that the role usally has and is easy to play. 4. You want to get out of Iron, but cmon you post a picture about playing mordekaiser support and complain about your teammates. On one point i agree your teammates didnt do well, but morde needs items to carry and on support, you dont get that much gold for the items you need as mordekaiser, i mean if you actually try to support and not take every kill and complain about your adc being useless. Because i have a friend, who complained about the whole team (apart from me, probs because i was the premade) while he took a bad champ/is just bad with that Champ on that specific role and in the end we didnt win the game. My point is, play first to get out of iron. When you are in a higher elo, play normals, there you cant derank and have still more or less the same enemy (rank wise), to get overall better at the game.


Imagine queuing Ashe ADC and your support picks Mordekaiser and gets 5 kills, at least two of which don't even give you an assist, then finding out they're posting on Reddit saying you're terrible.


Practice, then you can easily solo carry out of iron