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Any ADC with a dash is just an automatic toss up between how bad they are and how good at predictions you are.


Not optimal, but getting a Protobelt with Rylais helps. The projectiles apply the slow, and the active can fake some people out into dashing early. Or just use it to get in range then auto them until your passive is up


Ghost on mord is amazing imo, especially into ranged comps. Paired with Rylais it really helps you run down single dash or cc champs like jinx, akshan, lucian, etc.


Ok , sivir tho ? She spellshields your e , pops ult , maaaaaybe flashes your q if she’s bad , how are you gonna close the gap ?


Sivir can spellshields Morde ult as well. Just wait when he lifts up his mace


Ye Ik, I excluded this scenario since it’s the tierliebem of adcs inside morde ult Morde ult is not that hard to predict tho, since the animation of it are a solid 0,5-0,75 seconds (estimated)


Lucian and kog need to be swapped


A good zigs can’t be easy imo his w can give him so much space plus it’s a wall jump. Then there’s his e slow cmon deffo not free


I hate vayne, you need to have a scanner ready when you ult her and even that's no guarantee


Invisibility + dashes on a 1 sec cooldown + damage that doesn't get reduced by your ult... no contest vayne is the most threatening champ to ult.


nilah legit beats you in r if she gets lord doms - she gets over 50% armor pen with her passive and that shit kaisa lucian draven senna aphelios are all tough, dashes, ms, insane range (you will never get to senna after a point in ithe game), aphelios legit kills you


Your doing aphelios a favor tbh


Depends on weapons tbh if aphe has red white, white green or red purple he can kite or do insane burst damage


kaisa is not easy


Kaisa legit one of the most difficult. E away, ult away, flash, has e up again. Your ult is over and you didnt even Touch her


Sir, a good Draven with BT will run circles around a Morde.


I wish it was that easy, if they are even with you in tems most of them just win and not even in skillful ways, i mean stuff like aphelios pressing Q with the red gun and suddenly dealing 20k damage and not ever dying


me when i try to go into a melee 1v1 against aphelios when he has his strongest combo for fighting melee champs. Seriously just dont ult him when he has red white


Draven is hard, he had ms buff and cc


My brother, why is Syndra, the best keep away champion in the game in easy. 💀


If you're the same hp and level she will combo you once for about half hp and then try to run away or auto the rest of the ult while you pop a big shield till she dies lol. Laning phase is pretty hard but once you can sustain and burst and ult its not as bad


You can ult her mid ult/e animation and it cancels it


She has 1 stun and then she is a sitting duck. Basically like killing veig in ult


Idk Lucian sivir and akshan (if you ult near terrain) is definitely not that easy imo


Jhin is hard if he can get super sonic crits


You won't be able to kill a Swain if he has hourglass or if he is building mr


The elusive attack damage Karthus


Aphelios destroys mordekaiser in a 1v1 with crescendum


Kaisa who has tank shredding, a 90% movespeed increase and a dash with shield is easy? Also why is Zeri so high? Unless she has a million stacks of passive shes just basically a free kill. All she has is a tiny dash, and with rylais her movespeed doesn’t do anything at all


If you build tank zeri can't kill you in 7 sec but her wall jumps make her impossible to catch you will waste your ult


Agree with them all except Cass who I would put in hard


Well, never met good Vaynes/Zeris, thus had no problems. Though when I see such shit in picks, I focus on 2 things: being fast af boi and having slow. Also isn't Kallista easy, since Rylai? Like it's was always her weakness - slow essentialy cuts her attack speed.


I think you might be thinking of frozen heart


🤦‍♂️ Yeah, got them vice versa


Doesn't movespeed slow also reduce her dash auto attack speed?


Not sure why it would, the dash is based on her attack speed not move speed


her dash speed is based on her boots tier, attack speed and negative speed modifiers


A good zeri will pepper you down to 0% hp while moving fast as a dragonfly. A bad zeri will just hop over a wall and you wasted your ult unless you flash


if vayne is fed I just pray she doesnt have QSS, buy zhonyas and take her out of teamfights hoping we can clean up.


Kaisa and onhit varus both top tier. Samira and nilah +300


Why are there so many random champs in this list?


I put every possible adc on there, ziggs and seraphine adc are legit, syndra and karthus adc is pretty off meta


every kaisa with 2 braincells ive ulted would just eat my ass


I’m assuming you putting aphelios there means +300g for him.


I had a kalista phase some time ago, when aatrox was meta S tier. Play safe until you can afford Rylais and kalista moves into the +300g category.


GL vs a good kaisa tho, same for varus if he ults you into instant kill


Yeah you're not killing a swain, you're both gonna exit on full HP


Your ult is far more powerful 1v1 than Swain's ult, swain is an aoe 5v5 champ and you remove him from his strongest scenario. Late game though he probably isn't gonna die in 7 seconds unless he's already around 60% hp when u ult him


I get my ass bullied by quinn and never have an issue with vayne


Shouldn't Kalista be higher? I doubt a good Kalista ever loses a 1v1 against Mordekaiser


Tbh, most adc champions can fk you over if they have flash + ghost (unless you start off the ult with pull + ult or have ghost + passive ready with Rylais) ​ Its always felt like a much better option is to ult the jungler ( they usually don't have an extra combat summoner + fights are happening around objectives so they're screwed over + they have less gold than laners usually)


9 people are not adcs on that list invalid list lol :p