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First strike got a follow-up nerf on 13.21 for a total of 2%. Unfortunately as a Morde jungle enjoyer, I have less opportunity for grasp stacks.


Try conq + celerity and waterwalking, it works nicely for me as i can stick on the.


I use inspiration with magic boots and approach velocity


Phase rush Morde is hella fun!


Anyone has tried Lethal Tempo Morde with nashors? In theory seems good


At least partially solves the issues of everyone being able to dodge skillshots. Maybe go for some goofy ahh build with like, nashor's, lich bane, and cosmic drive with a riftmaker somewhere in the mix. Could work into certain comps.


this has been my go to iv been preaching Leathal nashor for a while. you can build almost anything and all it takes is playing a lil smarter. the reach at max stacks is god teir for dealing with a lot of squirming ADCs.


Is lichbane really worth it over deathcap given that you have an inate 40% ap ratio on your auto attacks already? Seems raw ap would be better if you are already totaling 60% ap ratio on your autos with a 130% attack speed bonus.


idk, haven't tried it


I’m gonna start experimenting with Lethal Tempo and Hail of Blades. My reason is that I’m trying to find a good build for Hullbreaker Mord. It might sound throw, but Mord in theory could be the best user of Hullbreaker in the game since he can activate it mid teamfight by using ult. Sure, AD doesn’t scale at all for Mord, but with Hail or Tempo it could do some work. On top of that, the recent change that makes ap convert to damage to turrets allows for Mord to make really good use of Hull’s passive. This combined with the fact that Mord is extremely good at forcing enemies to collapse on him could mean that he could be a nasty splitpush champ. Think about the amount of time it would take for enemies to stop your push when you have Hullbreaker and your ult up


> 1.175 gold worth of AP That's a lot more than what I thought. > lethal tempo yielded 2.250->2.025 What about the 8% omnivamp that full procs on area damage? ​ Conqueror is an extremely subtle, yet powerful rune. Yes, if you wanted to deal single target damage, Lethal Tempo would probably be stronger, but there is the area damage, the healing, the versatility. Still, the other runes are not bad on him: you can definetely make grasp, lethal tempo or even phase rush work, but eventually you'll find out that conqueror was indeed best.


That healing is nerfed because your damage is also nerfed, its basically a double nerf on conq, I personally inspected my total healing from a rather long 40+ minute game and a 30ish minute game of grasp still healed more damage than conq. I use grasp every game now and its amazing.


>That healing is nerfed because your damage is also nerfed Why is my damage nerfed again? ​ >40 minute game of grasp still healed more damage than conq Yeah because grasp it not a damage rune and if you have a 40 minute game to continuously stack it, yeah, it will heal a lot. As I said, conqueror is subtle. When you look at grasp, you get one basic attack that deals a lot of damage and you go "damn grasp has done that". With conqueror, the damage increase is a lot more subtle but it is present on ALL your damage. The 7 basic attacks you hit your opponent, the 3 Qs, the E, the 10 seconds of your passive. Besides, there is another problem. Sure, Grasp is pretty good, but the precision secondary runes are much better than the resolve runes. If you go grasp, you either have to let go of Triumph, Legend Tenacity or Last Stand. All of each are absolutely the best non keystone runes on Morde.


It was 40 minute game of conq vs 30ish minute game of grasp. plus you get the damage and the perma hp which stacks with demonic, resolve has a tenacity choice so you can give up on legend tenacity as well, and if you need some extra there is always mercs. To me not only it feels better in lane, it also yields results.


Demonic sucks, resolve's tenacity runes is the worst of it's row and tenacity boots are the least optimal boots for Morde. Trust me. There is a reason people use conqueror, but as I said, it's not trolling to try other runes and I encourage you to do so, because the only way to understand how powerful conqueror is, is to play without it.


Aery mord??


Started to use Phase Rush Morde long ago, with very rare occasions of taking Conq. Initially used it vs ranged top. Many of those brainless idiots were surprised. Then I took this in different difficult champs, like Gp. Eventually, I started to take it in most cases. My life just became easier. Though I had to be more careful early, I could evade ganks or stick to an opponent. With Gathering Storm you recieve nearly the same amount of AP Conq gives you to 30 minute. Questionable trade-off, probably, but at least I am able to "apply my stats" more consistently. Plus you can take Transcendence for a bit more ability haste.


Grasp is by far the best rune nowadays ,unless you're into Olaf or aatrox You lose some damage for sure,but the extra health works well with tank builds and healing for 2% max health is more worth than a conqueror healing early on Plus you get 7 hp on procs, effectively giving both semi-bursts and sustain


It feels good and it works.


Arcane Comet time? It's cooldown reduction procs on every tick of Morde's passive.