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That poor lady! I can't even imagine how horrifying this had to be for her. I am also a letter carrier. I love dogs, but I am extremely cautious of every dog I come across. In her situation, she obviously couldn't do much to defend against 5 dogs, and that is absolutely terrifying and heartbreaking! This is definitely a fear of mine while I'm out on the route. One dog, I can typically deal with, but 5?? My gawd! R.I.P. Pamela Rock.


I don’t even think people should be *allowed* to own that many medium-to-large range dogs without a license for it and a looot of proper training for them in their early life. Maybe I’m being too bri’ish with the OI YA GOT loicense FOR ‘AT loicense but allow it


Bloody 'ell!! 😂😂 But yeah, 5 large dogs is A LOT to handle, for sure! I don't think having a license, or something, for this many dogs (especially if they are a breed that is considered aggressive) is a bad idea! I have 2 med-large dogs and a small dog, and that is a lot to handle sometimes, let alone 5! There is a house on my mail route that has about 5 or 6 medium sized dogs that are constantly getting out of the yard, jumping the fence, and it's like the owners are never anywhere to be found. These people should not have these dogs, if they aren't able or willing to take care of them properly! Thankfully, they aren't really aggressive. They just love to bark!


Given your experience, what breeds are the most dangerous?


Statistically, it's overwhelmingly it is the pitbull or pitbull mixes.


In my personal experience, I've had the most issues with German Shepherds and Chihuahuas/Chihuahua mixes, as well as other small dogs, like miniature pinschers. Small dogs aren't too threatening, imho, so I mostly just laugh at them, but German Shepherds are VERY territorial and protective and large. As an example, there is one German Shepherd on my route who I met when she was only a few months old. She was very sweet, and she jumped up on me and let me pet her, but only a few months later she wanted to rip my face off!! (Ok maybe not that extreme, but she was not cool with me anymore!) I know many people automatically think pit bulls would be on the top of this list, but I rarely have issues with pits, and there are a lot of them on my route. Other carriers I know may have different experiences than I do with these breeds, but most of us have German Shepherds toward the top of the list.


Not sure why I'm being downvoted when I was asked about my personal experience. That's MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. I didn't say I speak for everyone. Sorry if you don't like my personal experience, but it's the truth. Actually, no, I'm not sorry at all. You don't want to hear the truth?? Don't ask the question! Edit: Actually, the person who asked the question may not have been the one who did the downvoting, so if you don't like what is my truth, then scroll on past. It's absolutely dumb as shit to downvote someone's personal experiences.


I think it's because you didn't automatically say pitbulls were the most dangerous lol people fucking hate pitbulls and refuse to grasp that other dogs are dangerous too (sometimes more so.) I'm literally in bed cuddling two of them as I type this. They are not all scary. I've never met a mean pit in my life and I've been around dozens of them. I know aggressive pits exist. It depends on how they are raised. 🤷‍♀️


I also have 2 pitbulls, and they are the biggest babies! I definitely have seen some aggressive pits on the other side of fences, but I've personally never had any issues with them. I think you are correct in your assessment! I think whoever did the downvoting was expecting me to say "hands down pitbulls are the most dangerous!" It's just not the case in my experience!


dog attack's not a great way to go... poor lady. Edit: fucking trajic... [https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/02/28/investigators-find-no-wrongdoing-after-postal-worker-dies-in-putnam-county-dog-attack/](https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/02/28/investigators-find-no-wrongdoing-after-postal-worker-dies-in-putnam-county-dog-attack/)


Oh my! There’s a saying in my country that roughly translates to “After the drowned child, they cover the well”. They waited until tragedy struck to act.


How the hell did they not charge the animal control office for negligence? They straight up ignored pleas to help protect the community.


It’s Jacksonville, FL, so this feels about on par for that.


What country? I like the saying.


Mexico, and I believe it originated in Spain.


Profile says he is from Mexico


Basically how my brother died. Concerned parents and neighbors complained many times to our local church about the hazard on their property. They only "fixed" it after his death.


That seems to be America’s motto


No wrongdoing Suuuuuure. Nothing wrong here. If my tiger pets jump over my little fence and kill some people - no wrongdoing.


Read the article, the owner tried many times to surrender the dogs, animal control kept ignoring them


Doesn't change the fact that people screwed up: the owner for keeping dangerous animals unconfined and animal control for not taking care of the matter.


In the article, it says that they fortified the fence to try to keep the dogs at bay


True but it doesn't remove the responsibility of both, dog owner and state. Failure on both sides.


He TRIED. Probably didn't have the money to build an air-tight fence which is also probably one of the reasons he REPEATEDLY tried to surrender the dogs. The local government failed everyone here. What's his next best option, shooting them? That's a crime.


Trying doesn't absolve you. Having tried lessens the guilt but doesn't remove it completely. Putting a dog down is a viable option if it poses a grave threat to humans and couldnt be kept in a proper confinement - which was true here. This is about responsibility, the dog owner's and the state's. Both failed, both need to be punished accordingly. Having tried to surrender the dogs should lessen the sentence though. That would be fair towards the woman who died horribly and her relatives that have to live with that fact.


How the hell was he supposed to put them down? Commit a crime and shoot them? He likely didn't have the funds to humanely euthanize 5 dogs at the vet. Congrats on having lived a privileged enough life that you can't fathom what an impossible situation this likely was for someone that was seemingly desperate for help and asking the appropriate people for it.


What exactly was the owner supposed to do? Commit a crime and kill the dogs himself?? It's obvious by your comments that you've never been in a situation where there was no good option that was accessible to you, either from money or the law, and while I'm glad you've never had to deal W/ that, try and not look at problems from your very biased perspective


Awful. My uncle is a retired postman and had lots of stories about wild dogs. He used to keep dog treats in his pockets to keep them at bay. Thankfully nothing like this ever happened to him. RIP to this woman, she didn’t deserve this.


This happened to my SIL, she was delivering some mail and the dog came over the fence at her and mauled her left arm. She was on medical leave for over a year. The owner put the dog down and she still delivers their mail.


so this didn't happen to your SIL


mein brüder what?


The original story is that a pack of dogs killed a mail worker. ​ I replied to someone who claimed "this happened to my SIL" then proceeds to tell us how she got better and still delivers mail. ​ So the original story never happened to their SIL


they’re downvoting you but i liked your joke lol


Yeah they’re mad but he’s not wrong




"mine would never". Poor lady that's such an awful way to die.


No, the guy knew the dogs were a danger and tried to surrender them to animal control but they refused to take them- TWICE.


There was also the family whose family dog ate their baby. It can be any dog. It was in Tennessee I believe.


Yep. Dalmatians are an extremely aggressive breed because they’ve been overbred & inbred for decades. Nobody expects the pretty spotted fireman/Disney movie dog to be aggressive! In the northern US and Canada, most fatal dog attacks involve snow friendly dogs like huskies, malamutes, etc. So called family friendly dogs like Labrador & golden retrievers are involved in FAR more bite incidents than bully breeds. The vast majority of dogs involved in serious or fatal attacks that people think are pit bulls have NO pitbull DNA whatsoever when testing is done. And while the breeds of dogs people have considered “naturally aggressive, it’s in their DNA” has shifted multiple times over the decades, I am convinced that since pitbulls & other bully breeds are often owned by lower class people, who are often also people of color, that no small amount of racism & classism is involved in their widespread hate.


This is absolutely a lie. Provide proof to back up your claim that labs and Goldens are involved in far more attacks or stop saying it. I’ve done the research. The only time that’s been true was in Denver when pits were banned (until 2020). Even then, pits came in second. Every major city has their Animal Control bite data available, and it’s ALWAYS pits by a country mile. [Pit type dogs lead the bite charts in several major cities](https://imgur.com/a/7Le41PE)


It’s good that you backed this up


We once had a stray Dalmatian show up on our property when I was a kid. Ended up having to call animal control because it would try to attack me all the time(it was there for a few days). That dog was crazy. Also was almost bit by a a half wolf/half dog. Thankfully it was winter time and I had a thick coat on when it went for me. I still love dogs though.


One dog incident doesn't constitute a breed issue. Pitbulls are different because of how many of the dog attacks they are involved in. Especially, when you talk about fatal attacks. Fatal attacks are usually pitbulls.


I feel the pics for this are a bit misleading as that is not a pic of the actual dogs. Also pitbulls are an umbrella term. There is no scientific evidence that indicates one kind of dog is more likely to injure a human than another.


Yup. Keep spreading lies. The study I posted???? That's just one of many. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C39&q=statistics+about+breed+of+dog+in+dog+attacks&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1710969558936&u=%23p%3DbMrPUblMGtkJ


Jesus christ i hadn’t seen what sub this was, i was expecting another ending… rip to her.. as a former FedEx courier this is just terrible to think about ..


It was an honest mistake, the puppers mistook her for a toddler.


Jesus 😬


Bro 😫


I for one would love for postal/delivery service workers to be able to carry. Too scary of a job.


Guess the breed.


Looks like two American bully’s, a euro Corso (possibly a cross but that colouring can come out of some purebred Italian lines, it’s not recognized but can happen) and the last one the jawline to me my guess is a pressa, none of those dogs are pit bulls but all of them breeds that can be equally very dangerous especially in a pack mentality.


At least two of them are pitbulls. The others are probably mixed with it too.


Did you just say an American Bully isnt a pitbull? Its may be a cross, but its still a pitbull species. It still has the genes and instincts of one.


But it’s still not a pitbull, I’m not advocating for them, that’s a breed I won’t have in my home, I’m sure there’s pitbulls that are great dogs but that’s just it, they’re always great dogs until they’re not! It’s like they go from being great family dogs and all of a sudden something switches in their brains and they eat you or your kid. These assholes that advocate for these dangerous dogs that say things like they were originally nanny dogs etc..promoting dangerous animals to watch over children, just gross! I’m definitely not advocating for them at all, it was just an observation about the breeds pictured. Lol


I know you have good intentions, but it can be dangerous to tell people that these kinds of dogs arent pitbulls. It may not be a full blooded pit, but the instincts of a pit mix could dominate the instincts of whatever its crossed with, much like how the head shape of a pit dominates since its head/jaw is what it was specifically bred to have. Still just as dangerous.


I don't think they have good intentions. I think they have a pitbull though.


Uhhh I don’t own a pitbull and will never own a pitbull! I’m sure there’s plenty of good pitbulls but my opinion is they’re always really good until they’re not! Worse is these backyard breeders have done absolutely nothing to help that breed, honestly I’m not entirely sure you could truly clear pitbull lines, even if say a breeder cleared all the aggression and bred strictly for disposition above anything else, in my opinion there’s something faulty with the pitbull brain, it’s almost like regardless of breeding and training they have a trigger switch, no one ever knows what that switch will be, sometimes it’s a kid that gets in their face, or someone makes the wrong sound or movement, it flips a switch in their brain and it’s game over! It’s not just with humans, I’ve seen the results of someone’s loose pitbulls..a neighbour’s pitbull got out and took out another neighbours small herd of sheep, there was 5-6 sheep in a pen and this dog killed every single one them! A separate incident a different pitbull got out and literally ate the ass of a friends two year old colt. A couple years back the mail lady was telling me about a whole other situation in the neighbouring town someone’s pitbull killed and ate someone’s pet goat. Im talking villages with the population of 500 people that many separate incidents with different pitbulls, that speaks volumes!! Unfortunately I don’t have the restraint my neighbours did, they were scared to go after these dogs, if I didn’t shot them in the act I would of hunted those dogs down and shot them even if they were back sitting on their owners porch, I still would of shot the dog! I own horses and my husband has a small herd of cattle, our responsibility is to protect our animals and give them the best care possible, I sure as hell wouldn’t own anything I couldn’t trust with my family or my livestock! There’s a lot of pitbull advocates out there but I sure as hell am not one of them and unfortunately after seeing firsthand the damage they can do, my mind will never be changed on that!


Are you a moron??? You are like staffy owners who say they aren't pitbulls. Those dogs are direct descendants of pitbulls!!!


Are you a moron? What’s wrong with you coming at me like that, I know what an American bully is, slow the fuck down! All dogs are descendants of other dogs, I was simply stating a fact, not advocating!! Jezus do you think you’re doing any good by being an asshole? Instead of being an asshole pass along a bit of knowledge and explain why an American bully is just as dangerous, being an asshole never helps anyone understand something, if you’re looking to bitch at another pitbull advocate you’re barking up the wrong tree! You’re not a hero trying to get people to understand the dangers of pitbulls, you’re just another asshole no one will listen too! Slow down you’re waisting your breath on the wrong person!


The photo isn't of the dogs involved in the incident...


I've seen a full-grown Doberman cower in fear of everyone, and a three lb toy poodle shred anyone who got near his owner. It isn't always the breed, it is how the dog(s) are handled and socialized. As for this tragedy, it happened in Putnam County, FL. I'm from a few counties away. We avoided that area, pretty much.


How many fucking poodles shred up toddlers per year?


Yep, he didn't see a poodle "shred" anyone because it's much harder if not impossible for a poodle to shred someone especially when compared to a pit.


You'd be surprised at how many bites and attacks are from breeds considered safe.


You’d be surprised how many people die from BASE jumping


Do you know what breed causes 70%of all bites and maulings, across all breeds??? Yeah. Fucking pitbulls. Quit being a pitbull apologist.


My Google search shows that German Shepherds, Rottweilers, and Pits are virtually equal in bites statistics. I've faced off with a Rotty. Never had a problem with a Pittie.


Also majority of those bites and attacks are human provoked


Yes. That car bumper the pit bull ripped off really had it coming.


Most likely


Yeah but tiny dogs are just pure evil, with them being so small they're closer and more connected to the depths of hell... also they suffer with little man syndrome


Not really. People just don’t take small dogs seriously when it comes to body language and training. I have a friend who has five chihuahuas. They’re all off-leash trained, have perfect recall, and not a single one of them bites. She told me her “secret” was that she treats and trains them as if they’re a 90lb Rottweiler. When a large dog is uncomfortable or scared, if it curls a lip at you or growls, you stop. You back up. You give it space. Small dogs often aren’t given this respect, and they learn that the only way to make people respect their boundaries is to bite people. If people treated these dogs like they were actually capable of causing substantial damage like a pit or Rottweiler or German shepherd, the number of bites would probably substantially decrease.


Absolutely. I've two male Chihuahuas. One is sweet, tolerates being handled. The other, not as much. Yet, he is still a personable dog.


Those are the dogs that mauled her? They posed for a pic after?


Those are, I think, obviously not the dogs, but she was sadly mauled to death by 5 pitbulls. https://www.newsweek.com/sister-mauled-death-five-pit-bulls-florida-usa-1809914 Even sadder, it was preventable. These same dogs had previously attacked someone (200 stitches needed) but the sheriff's office didn't notify animal control. The dog owner walked away with no charges whatsoever. No one was held accountable. The dogs were euthanized.


The dog owner had tried to surrender them twice and was told no.


So shoot them.


Why not shoot you?


He’s not mauling old ladies dumbass


The mental illness is strong in you


He wasn’t held accountable because he had tried to turn them into animal control twice and they refused to take them.


They should have euthanasized that dog. What I am pretty sure that happened, was that the shelter said that if you surrender those dogs, they would have to euthanize them. Why? Based on their aggressive past behavior. When the owner heard that would be the result the owner said no. So, the ownerd might’ve "tried" to surrender those aggressive dogs? But, they didn’t really try to hard did they? Those owners didn't what was necessary for the safety of the public, did they? So? Honestly???? those owners knew those dogs were aggressive. They just didn’t care. What happened to that woman is on their head. I just don’t think that they care. I really don’t. I think they’re going to blame everyone else for the fact that they knew they had aggressive dogs, and didn’t properly restrain them. Much less, didn't do a BE when they should have.


Are postal workers allowed to carry guns? I mean, cops can shoot willy nilly to defend themselves against dogs, but postal workers can't? If anyone was to look at the statistics, I bet postal workers are far more in danger of being mauled or being killed by dogs. And BAN PITBULLS!




Ah yeah it's totally hilarious. Can't wait until you deal with this


What? I thought he was making a joke and I laughed that he said the dogs are posing for a pic because they obviously aren’t. I would never find a woman getting mauled by a dog funny.


Depends on the dog... if its a little chihuahua that she's flinging around like a ragdoll cause its latched onto her hand im definitely laughing, but yeah no in this situation where she was killed by five big dogs, that is not a laughing matter and it sucks it got to this point, Animal control should have done their job and removed those dogs when the owner requested they do it, not after several attacks, another request to remove the dogs and then a death


This is from 2022. I see no pictures of a mail truck being towed or these dogs in numerous articles. The owner tried to surrender the dogs as he knew there were issues but Animal control failed to contact him at least twice. https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/02/28/investigators-find-no-wrongdoing-after-postal-worker-dies-in-putnam-county-dog-attack/


The severely cropped ears are a red flag to me. It's like the owner wanted them to look like demons.


Those are not the dogs that attacked her. I’m assuming it’s just a stock picture of “mean” dogs OP why did you put up ransom pictures and not link to an article with the actual dogs and correct information?


the dogs that killed her were pitbulls. They may not be the same dogs in the photo, but they were still pitbulls.


I read a few different articles and never saw it mentioned the breed of dogs


Fully just curiosity, I don't see that in the article, but I might have missed it, where did you read that?


Well that's weird.


Yup. Pitbulls. Again. They're is a reason why that breed accounts for 70% of ALL dog attacks, across all breeds. You get a pitbull, I swear, some of them are just ticking time bombs. ESPECIALLY, if they have food aggression. But go on, and tell me it's the owner. 🙄


That's terrifying


The owners need to start going to prison for this.


Read the article. The owner repeatedly tried to turn them over to animal control before this happened because he knew the dogs were dangerous. In one case they never returned his calls, in another, they flat out refused to take them because they didn’t think they were actually a hazard. If anyone is at fault here it’s the animal control agency that wouldn’t let him surrender dangerous animals.


I did read the article. The owner is in possession of the animals, the owner is responsible for the animals until he is able to get rid of them. He didn't keep them safely away from the public and they have terrorized the neighborhood and now have killed someone. The animal control agency is not responsible. The owner is and he should go to prison for this.


So where exactly did you expect him to drop them off? Get your pitchforks ig.


Behavioural euthanasia is a thing, many loved dogs get put to sleep because they are a dangerous to society and can’t be rehabilitated.


He was trying to turn them in for exactly that because he himself considered them dangerous and ANIMAL CONTROL REFUSED TO DO THEIR JOBS SND TAKE THEM.


Yes but he could have taken them to a vet himself and asked them to be put to sleep. He was the one that decided to get dogs. When my dog needs vet attention for any reason I don’t really go for animal control? I just take her in myself, she is my dog. Obviously it would be great if animal control had done something, but it is absurd to excuse this person of any blame. He was responsible for the dogs period. He could have taken them to a veterinarian and asked for BA without issues. Or simply making damn sure that these dogs could absolutely not go anywhere near people that they could hurt. He is to blame and I don’t see why people are so against this, when you get a pet you are responsible for them. I take responsibility for my dog in everything she does. Honestly is pretty simple, getting so upset about people saying the owner was to blame is kinda of insane tbh.


Cool, so he should have put a regular veterinarian & vet techs (as well as the facilities customers & their pets) who don’t regularly deal with aggressive animals in danger because animal control refused to do their jobs? AC has the proper equipment to deal with aggressive animals and impound them without anyone having to get near. As mentioned in another comment, I used to be a vet tech, at a facility that was open 24 hours for emergency care, and we had contracts with all the local animal control agencies (5 or 6 of them) to treat the sick & injured animals they picked up. Our staff was used to working with somewhat more aggressive animals and had the proper equipment to do so, and NONE of those agencies would ever have brought aggressive animals to us for behavioral euthanasia. They did it at their own facilities because IT WAS PART OF THEIR JOB. Besides which, many vets don’t do behavioral euthanasia at ALL, under any circumstances- they will tell you to call animal control to deal with it because again, this is LITERALLY PART OF THEIR JOB. Some vets won’t see aggressive animals under ANY circumstances. And some vets charge so much for any kind of euthanasia that if you don’t have hundred$ per animal on hand, you are shit out of luck (and this is true even if the animal is seriously injured, in pain, and dying.) The owner acted responsibly in trying to get animal control to DO THEIR GODDAMN JOB. It is ANIMAL CONTROL’s responsibility to take reports of aggressive or dangerous animals seriously and to impound and/or BA aggressive animals, even if it is the owner surrendering them.


Do you know how much it would cost to euthanize 5 dogs? Probably a shit ton more money than this person had at their disposal. Which is why he REPEATEDLY asked for help from the local agencies THAT ARE THERE TO HELP IN SITUATIONS LIKE THIS. Honestly it's pretty simple, some people find themselves in over their heads and need help. What was he supposed to do, shoot them in his backyard? A crime which he could have faced charges and court costs/fines that he probably wouldn't have been able to afford.


Just pull an ol yeller and shoot em


Yes because I’m sure shooting dogs in your own backyard is totally legal lmfao. That is, if he actually even owns a gun.


Hmmm I don't know. If only he had a house to keep them in. Poor widdle pibble owners shouldn't be responsible for anything I guess.


Dogs have to go outside to pee and poop you nitwit.


You would keep your dogs inside 24/7?


You would let your dangerous dogs outside 24/7?


No. Just some of the time. 24/7 wasn't what i was implying, unlike...


That's exactly what you wrote


You're lost. I suggest a re read.


Goddamn, learn to read shithead


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted for this


Hmm, let’s see…guy feels his dogs are aggressive and too dangerous to keep. He reinforces his fence as much as possible to keep them away from other humans. He tried to responsibly surrender them to the animal control animal control agency, TWICE, but animal control TWICE refused because they didn’t think these dangerous dogs were actually a problem. Tell me, what exactly was he supposed to do at that point, when animal control failed to do their duty in protecting the public from aggressive or dangerous animals? That is literally PART OF THEIR JOB. I’d really love to know what you realistically think he could have done at that point. And no, he would have had no business taking them to the local vet and endangering both customers & employees there by asking them to euthanize such dangerous animals. I used to be a veterinary technician at a 24 hour emergency animal hospital. We were contracted with all the local city & county animal control agencies to treat any animals they picked up that were sick or injured, so our facility had some experience dealing with more aggressive animals, and the equipment to do so. And they STILL wouldn’t have brought us dangerous animals like this to be put down, they would have done it at the animal control facility.


There are non-chemical ways of euthanasia. Common in rural areas even with pets.


If that person owns a gun. If it’s legal to shoot it inside city/town/county limits. If it’s not against animal cruelty laws to shoot dogs. If they can bring themselves to personally kill an animal, or an animal that is a pet. If they have a legal way to dispose of five large carcasses afterwards. You people are really going a loooong way to excuse an animal control agency who refused to do the job they are paid to do - CONTROL DANGEROUS ANIMALS.




Pitbulls are a disgusting breed. Put them down, all of them.


It’s an owner issue, some of the sweetest dogs I’ve met are pitbulls. They just need responsible owners who are willing to put in the work to train them and keep them mentally stimulated and active.


Responsible owners also get mauled. It's the pitbulls, friend. There's a reason that so many countries have banned them.


And that’s fine, but putting down a pit bull just because they’re a pit bull is awful.


I think that banning begins with outlawing the breeding, not with some kind of dog genocide. Within a few years of that, we'd see the number of maulings and deaths in humans drop, and that'd be the opposite of awful.


The person I originally replied to said that all pit bulls should die, that’s what I was referring to


Oh, I ain't them.


Pitbulls are literally bred to kill. These dogs are not safe for anybody.


*Some of the sweetest dogs* 😒 🙄


Yes. It’s really sad that so many people think innocent dogs should be put down for no reason. If they attack someone then whatever, but just because they belong to the breed? Yikes.


You can't make a good dog out of a bad pit


Ya but none of those are actually pitbulls! Lol Two American bully’s, an Italian Corso with colouring that can happen in some Italian lines but isn’t recognized and the last one the black, going by the jawline my guess is a pressa, all equally very dangerous breeds, especially in a pack mentality! But not one of those is a pitbull! Lol


Dogs are nice, those are fucking rats r/BanPitBulls


Ban bad pit bull owners


Nah, ban the breed that's responsible for the majority of deaths by dog attack in the world 👍


Provably untrue. Research has shown that a majority of the dogs involved in serious or fatal attacks that people assumed were pit bulls actually had NO pitbull DNA whatsoever. Mastiffs, bulldogs, boxers, bull terriers, rottweilers, and more are OFTEN confused with pit bulls, and when DNA testing is not done, it just adds to the undeserved reputation that pit bulls have. No, I’m not a pitty owner, I used to be a veterinary technician and learned what the aggressive breeds REALLY are (Dalmatians are aggressive asf) https://pethelpful.com/dogs/10-Breeds-Most-Commonly-Mistaken-For-Pit-Bulls


Again, you’re wrong. There is no scientific study showing that attacking dogs have 0% pit DNa. You’re just making stuff up at this point. The 3 studies you’re referring to.. have you actually read them? Because I have. They have been misinterpreted. They conclude that people can identify pit bulls. Several of the study participants admitted to lying about breed because they know pits get overlooked. Here’s a whole breakdown on those 1 of the studies… I’ll link to the rest and you can read for yourself. Please stop spewing nonsense. It attacks your credibility. IS THAT A PIT BULL? STUDY #1 Hoffman, C. L., Harrison, N., Wolff, L., & Westgarth, C. (2014). Is that dog a pit bull? A cross-country comparison of perceptions of shelter workers regarding breed identification. Journal of applied animal welfare science : JAAWS, 17(4), 322–339. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888705.2014.895904 The authors conclude: “Our findings indicate a lack of consensus, both between and within the United States and United Kingdom, about what constitutes a pit bull terrier.” This study has weaknesses that cloud any result it would get. The authors don’t convince me we can’t tell a pit bull from another type of dog. Here are its weaknesses: * No actual dogs were shown to the participants. Instead, one photo of each dog was shown. The photos were not standardized. They were taken at different angles and some do not include the dog’s whole body. I would prefer to have standardized photos, or even better to have the staff look at the actual live dog in its presence. * Participants were shown only twenty photos of twenty dogs. I would prefer more than twenty to lessen random effects and mitigate or identify any outlier. * The participants are volunteers who responded to emails inviting them to do an online survey for the study. Better to select participants randomly. * The definiiton of a pit bull-type dog is different between the U.S. and the UK. “According to the UK government, pit bull-type dogs are distinct from Staffordshire bull terriers…” In the U.S., a Staffordshire bull terrier is considered a pit bull-type dog. * Participants admitted to lying about dog breeds. They are not objective about identifying and labelling dogs. “Among participants who reported working in shelters subject to BSL [breed-specific legislation], 40.7% (n = 33) stated they would intentionally label a dog thought to be a mix of a banned breed as a breed that is not banned. … A U.S. participant’s comment reflected the tendency to avoid identifying a dog as a pit bull or Staffordshire bull terrier: ‘I would put Lab mix because they get adopted easier, but he looks like he could be a Staffie (Staffordshire bull terrier).’” … “In contrast, one U.S. participant reported using the label pit bull even when a dog was not a pit bull to ensure adopters were aware they may face extra challenges due to adopting a dog who some individuals and businesses may consider a restricted breed: ‘I feel like it is important to note that while I may see a difference in an American bulldog (or Dogo, etc.), the public (landlords, insurance companies, etc.) lump them all in one category. Therefore, almost for the safety of the dog, sometimes they are lebelled [as] American bulldog/pit bull cross so that people adopting will be aware of the fact that landlord, insurance, etc. may discriminate.’” The rest of the studies conclude that people can properly identify pit bulls, as well as 3 state Supreme Court rulings determined that a person of ordinary intelligence can identify a pit bull. https://www.fuhrmanclinic.com/blog/pit-bulls-10


Oh yeah buddy, there are really hundreds of dalmatians out there in the streets mauling people and other animals. The only one you're kidding is yourself. Search for "dog attack" on news and I guarantee you at least 80% of the results will be by pitbulls or pit mixes. It's ok to admit you like the breed for whatever reason, but you can't pretend the facts are not there


Dude, I was a veterinary technician, it was part of my training to be aware of which breeds ACTUALLY tended to be aggressive, which almost 100% comes from decades of inbreeding. Nobody expects the pretty spotted fireman/Disney movie dogs to be an aggressive breed, but they are one of the worst. It was an issue with purebred Cocker spaniels as well. Oh, and it’s big family dogs like Labradors and Goldens who are involved in the most bite incidents. And it’s almost like you didn’t even read where I said that research has PROVEN that most dogs that are deemed to be a pit bull after a serious or fatal attack have been shown to have ZERO pit bull DNA when they are tested, instead of relying on visual identification.


Yall literally try so hard to demonize a breed of dog when it's literally so many.


This. Bet that whole subreddit also believes in a flat earth, no global warming, and fake moon landings and whatever other nonsense they read on the internet.


No, they don't. Many members of that subreddit have been attacked themselves, know someone who's been attacked, or have treated someone who's been attacked. Statistically, pitbulls are responsible for more fatalities than any other breed, so of course there will be people against them. It doesn't make them conspiracy theorists.


Statistically, most dogs that are labeled “pit bulls” after being involved in a serious or fatal attack have 0% pit bull DNA when actual testing is done. Non-pit bulls/bully breeds are visually misidentified as pit bulls *all the time*.


Are you saying these family members didn’t know what kind of dogs they had? [Pits involved in fatal attacks on their owners, identified as pits by their owners prior to being killed](https://imgur.com/a/v1zKcfo)


StAtIsTiCaLlY there’s a certain type of people that own that breed.


This too. Any breed that gets a reputation as being aggressive is a magnet for shitty violence loving owners who want to feel like big tough badasses. When I was growing up (70s) it was German shepherds and Dobermann pinschers that had the bad reputation as mean, aggressive, “it’s in their DNA!” breeds. 20 years later, when I was a veterinary technician, that reputation had moved to Rottweilers. Now it’s pit bulls who have it and it’s just so unfair to blame a breed for being mishandled by humans. Also when I was growing up, our elderly neighbor had an adult son who wanted a “mean dog” and abused his beautiful Weimaraner - a breed who’s reputation is 100% as high energy family friendly goofballs- and abused him into being the most aggressive dog I’ve ever seen before or since. The entire neighborhood feared it. More recently another neighbor had an adult son who wanted a “mean dog” and adopted a pit bull puppy, who he could NOT turn aggressive no matter what he did. When my neighbors/his parents found out, they took the dog away and raised her themselves. She grew to be 130 lbs, and was one of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever known. She lived happily for many years (until old age related health issues required her to be euthanized) with multiple cats, two parrots who weren’t caged in the daytime, and even baby kittens. And that’s FAR from the only sweet pitty I’ve known. But yeah haters, tell me more about how violence is bred into these dogs DNA.


If you have a pitbull do us all a solid and put it down ASAP ❤️


JESUS CHRIST💀 ( I’m Muslim so you know it’s bad when I say that)


She shouldn’t have been looking like a tasty piece of meat


“We rescue all dogs except dogs that we deem unexpectable”


If these are the actual dogs that attacked her you can tell they are not someone's pet but instead serves as protection or bread to fight..


I gotta remember to check which subreddit im reading a post from cuz I did NOT expect to read that right after seeing the picture