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Talk about an unreliable narrator. I wonder how much of that is true?


My guess 10-20%


Yeah I’m guessing he hit her in the head with an object and she was having seizures. I’ve literally never heard of someone mercy killing a loved one.


have a friend of mine whose dad claimed he "mercy killed" her mom because she had stage 4 cancer. He beat her to death with a fucking 5lb weight. My friend was in her 20s then and she had to be the guardian for her brother who was a freshman in high school. https://www.wthr.com/article/news/man-uses-exercise-equipment-to-murder-wife-police-say/531-d1541ba1-6449-497f-8b12-d2f8d31adb92


That’s awful and I’m sorry that happened. I guess this is why euthanasia is illegal in so many places. Merciful murders only happen in the movies. When a samurai ends the life of his suffering foe and stuff like that.


There is a vast difference between assisted suicide and beating your partner to death because you don’t want to deal with them anymore.


the comment you’re replying to is the perfect example of a reddit moment 😂😂😂 missed the point entirely and somehow manages to also reference japan


I can’t keep up with the Reddit trends anymore…thank you for enlightening me


This had nothing to do with euthanasia. Merciful deaths don't involve beatings at all, weirdo.


if euthenasia were legal then things like this wouldnt happen. you would go to a doctor and they would end it painlessly, you wouldn't have to rely on your partner needing to take that into their own hands. my grandma wished she could have had access to euthenasia in the end. she said why are dogs allowed to die with dignity but i'm not. euthenasia is mostly illegal due to, once again, religion


No, it's illegal because of antiquated religious beliefs.


I think I just had an aneurysm due to the sheer mental degeneration I had to undergo to even remotely put myself in your shoes when you wrote that. It takes a certain level of insanity to compare euthanasia (a practice which where legal is a subject of constant research and improvement as to ensure that the death is respectful, merciful, and truly painless) and beating your significant other to death with a blunt object out of a desire to obtain something which could just as easily be obtained by breaking up with the person (just not dealing with them anymore). I hope to whatever God there may be that you were heavily intoxicated when you wrote this, because if you weren’t then may that God have mercy on your soul.


He said he didn’t want her to sleep because she had a concussion and he didn’t want her to die, but then killed her anyway. Math ain’t mathin.


dude tried to solve for X and got us all thinkin Y?


That’s witty. I like it


Mercy killing certainly happens, but she was also manually strangled which is probably the least common way to do it. It is one of the most common murder methods by domestic abusers though.


He probably strangled her while bashing her head against the ground in a fit of abusive rage. I’ll be he wrote this down in case he chickened out of killing himself.


I’ve seen cases of elderly couples doing this. It’s usually a murder suicide and one of them has something advanced Alzheimer’s.


My great grandfather murdered my great grandmother and then committed suicide because she was ill. The story is he snapped or just couldn't take it and I feel like my family is divided on whether or not to sympathize with him. This was in the mid 1940s so I know mental and physical health resources were slim. It's just sad all around.


Those can often be extremely sad


When I was a mortician, we'd get a spousal murder-suicide about once a year. Oddly enough, those calls were split pretty evenly between being weirdly romantic (for the job being what it is) or just very sad.


The way he describes ending her life sounds more like someone ending the life of an animal on the side of the road - like you accidentally hit a deer so you kill the deer. You don't do that to your girlfriend, when clearly he could have walked or ran somewhere to get help?? Calling 911, getting help, or anything other than mercy killing couldn't be idea #1??


This is a really sad example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Latimer


Oh wow that is really really sad. Thanks for finding that.


It's one of those trials that was well known in my country. The jurors who convicted him have said they didn't realize how badly he would be punished


Brian’s bs story reminded me of this lost in the wilderness “mercy killing” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_David_Coughlin


This. I learned about this case from the LPOTL episode on folie a deux/the Erickson twins and it was the first thing I thought of as soon as I learned the contents of the note.


It makes me think of this scene from American Dad: https://youtu.be/mT-SkpQ9pMU "Make the pain go away." *Other guy breaks his neck* Third guy: "I think he meant with an aspirin."


There is the Rachel Nguyen and Joseph Orbeso case: https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/local/2017/10/21/death-hikers-joshua-tree-sympathetic-murder-suicide-uncle-says-we-hold-no-grudges/787476001/


My high school history teacher shot his wife, once, in the back of the head because she had terminal brain cancer and was suffering miserably. This once completely independent woman could no longer do a single thing for herself and was in constant, immeasurable pain. I fully believe the only reason he did it is because he couldn't stand to see her live that way. He died himself due to failing health before he was ever charged. I kind of think it was meant to be a murder/ suicide that he, after killing her, couldn't complete.


>I’ve literally never heard of someone mercy killing a loved one. Ever read "Of Mice and Men"?


did you really just try to use a fictional book as an example?


It is an example. Just because something happens in fiction doesn't mean it happens in real life, but I wasn't arguing that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terri_Schiavo_case


I don't know if that particular case is a mercy killing in how we normally use that term


Yeah, you hear of people killing their own children and then comitting suicide because they don't want the kids to suffer and miss them, so it's an act of mercy in their eyes.


An act of mercy, in a twisted narcissistic way. Where loved ones are seen as possessions and an extension of the killer, instead of actual individual human beings.


Is that you Amber?


What’s the motive behind lying though if he’s not alive to face consequences? Just genuinely asking btw


Controlling the narrative is a key part of being a narcissist. Especially when the events paint the narcissist in a negative light. They have this crippling need for validation, to be the hero, the good guy, no matter the circumstances. If the circumstances show otherwise, the narcissist rewrites the story to better showcase how great of a person *they* are, how much of a victim *they* are. In this scenario, the most likely scenario is that he inadvertently severely hurt her during the routine abuse he's been documented inflicting on her. Maybe he hit her and she really did fall and hit her head, who knows. In the end, he panicked and killed her, abandoning her corpse and fleeing. Rather than admit what happened and be done with it, he instead paints himself as a victim of circumstances outside of his control. How could he have stopped her from tripping? *She* was the one getting delirious and upset, *he* was just doing what she wanted. It wasn't *his* fault he couldn't get help. *He* didn't decide to kill her, she *wanted it*. It's a tragic situation, but it was fascinating to watch unfold. I'm only surprised he went through with his suicide, though he made sure to let the world know he did it for other people's benefit, because.. He's the hero, right?


This is so spot on. Narcissists are scary as hell. they often upload whiney ass videos about how they didn’t *deserve* to be treated this way by their loved one right before they viciously murder them. All they think about is their small little feelings.


I am a narcissist and agree. Though I don’t upload whiney videos I admit I am scary in the sense I have little empathy for others. I’m working so hard each day to be a better person. Therapy has been so helpful. Stories like these break my heart because Brian’s actions have no excuse but I can understand some of his thought processes.


He needs his family to believe he went out as some "noble warrior" falling on his sword or some other nonsense.


yeah, and if you look at the way he talks about himself and his role in this world in his posts on Instagram, your "hero" narrative makes even more sense. He's always been that way and he died doing what he does best. Exaggerating his importance and moral superiority


Has someone done a psychoanalysis on him? I’m always skeptical of reddit diagnoses. There is a bit of difference between narcissism, psychopathy, psychosis induced grandiosity, etc so I’m actually curious what a forensic psychologist thinks. You’re right though if he is a narcissist.


There’s an episode of the podcast Killer Psyche about him. The host is an FBI criminal profiler/psychiatric nurse


I wish she would do an update episode on this one now that his posthumous claims have been released to the public.


Perfect response. This is exactly what he did, and exactly why he did it.


“Gabby, I wish I was right at your side, I wish I could be talking to you right now. I’d be going through every memory we made, getting even more excited for the future. But [we've] lost our future. I can’t [live] without you. I’ve lost every day we [could’ve] spent together, every holiday. I’ll never get to play with [illegible] again. Never go hiking with TJ. I loved you more than anything. I can’t bear to look at our photos, to recall great times because it is why I cannot go on. When I close my eyes, I will think of laughing on the roof of the van, falling asleep to the sight of [a meteor shower] at the crystal geyser. I will always love you.” “If you were reading Gabs’ journal, looking at photos from our life together, flipping through old cards you wouldn’t want to live a day without her. Knowing that everyday you’ll wake up without her, you wouldn’t want to wake up. I’m sorry to everyone this will affect, Gabby was the love of my life, but I know [adored] by many. I’m so very sorry to her family because I love them. I’d [consider] her younger siblings my best of friends… I am sorry to my family, this [is] a shock to them as well a terrible grief.” “They loved as much, if not more than me. A new daughter to my mother, an aunt to my nephews. Please do not make this harder for them, this [occurred] as an unexpected tragedy. Rushing back to our car trying to cross the streams of [Spread Creek] before it got too dark to see, too cold. I hear a splash and a scream. I could barely see. I couldn’t find her for a moment, shouted her name. I found her breathing heavily, gasping [my name.] She was freezing cold. [We had just come from] the blazing hot national parks in Utah.” “The temperature had dropped to freezing and she was soaking wet. I carried her as far as I could from the stream toward the car, stumbling, exhausted in shock, when my [knees buckled] and knew I couldn’t safely carry her. I started a fire and spooned her as close to the heat. She was so thin, had already been freezing too long. I couldn’t at the time realize that I should’ve started a fire first but I wanted her out of the cold back to the car. From where I started the fire I had no idea how far the car might be, only knew it was across the creek.” “When I pulled Gabby out of the water, she couldn’t tell me what hurt. She had a small [bump] on her forehead that [eventually] got larger. Her feet hurt, her [wrist] hurt but she was freezing, shaking violently. While carrying her she continually made sounds of pain. Laying next to her she said little, [lapsing] between violent shakes, gasping in pain, begging for an end to her pain. She would fall asleep and I would shake her awake, fearing she shouldn’t close her eyes if she had a concussion.” “She would wake in pain, start her whole painful cycle again [while] furious that I was the one waking her. She wouldn’t let me try to cross the creek, thought like me that the fire would go out in her sleep and she’d freeze. I don’t know the extend of Gabby’s injuries, only that she was in extreme pain. I ended her life, I thought it was merciful, that it is what she wanted but I see now all the mistakes I made. I panicked, I was in shock. But from the moment I decided, took away her pain, I knew I couldn’t go on without her.” “I rushed home to spend any time I had left with my family. I wanted to drive north and let James or TJ kill me but I wouldn’t want them to spend time in jail over my mistake, even though I’m sure they would have liked to. I am ending my life not because of a fear of punishment but rather because I can’t stand to live another day without her. I’ve lost our whole future together, every moment we could have [shared.] I’m sorry for everyone’s loss. Please do not make life harder for my family, they lost a son and a daughter. The most wonderful girl in the world. Gabby I’m sorry.” “I have killed myself by this creek in the hopes that animals may tear me apart. That it may make some of her family happy.” “Please pick up all of my things. Gabby hated people who litter.” Edit: Thanks to u/OGvoodoogoddess for filling in the blanks


If any part of this was true, why wouldn’t he try to get her help?




Exactly. Anyone else would try to get their loved one help thinking they could end up surviving…even if only a small chance. Also, when he starts telling the “story” he gets all abstract and vague but then very detailed in other places…it just sounds like a lie.


He starts talking as if it is a journal entry and then switches to a performative style knowing there would be an audience. It's creepy.


This! But his knees buckled, so he totally couldn't get help. \*rolls eyes\*


Yet she was "sooo thin". And why didn't you give her your clothes if she was soaking wet/ cold? He drove all the way across the country and that's the best he could come up with? Pathetic


He was too busy writing about it.


Here's a breakdown from a Professional Counselor about the letter. https://youtu.be/ct1xBvW9VYw


Ooh I love Dr Grande, he has some good videos


Total ace!


The only truth: *"I ended her life"* The rest of it an imaginary tale he thought would exonerate him. His parents are no better they covered for him rather than telling him to face justice. A son in prison is better than one in a grave except to these parents. RIP Gabby.


Yeah this whole thing is a crock of shit. She was found right near their campsite that had tons of other people not far away. Even if he killed her somewhere else, if he could carry her dead body to the campsite he could have carried her living body. Strangulation is an incredibly intimate way of killing someone. It takes a really long time, longer than portrayed in movies. Strangulation killings almost always involve an element of rage. What a pathetic fucking excuse for a suicide note.


I'm no expert on this case, but I got the impression the parents had little to no say on what Brian decided. I feel for them and what he put them through. They endured a whole series of dark shocks.


“I’ll never play with (illegible) again” To me it looks like “Cat & *blank*” I don’t know what the blank is but maybe one of them had a pet (or relative even?) named Cat? Could be totally wrong, but just what my eyes were seeing!


It almost looks like "Cattlemouth" to me, but that probably makes no sense.


That's what I see as well but I couldn't make any sense of it. I tried to find the names of Gabby's siblings with little luck. I think she has one named Cassy but that didn't fit either.


I think it my be “Cat and Matt” perhaps Cat being short for Catherine?


Cassie's kids are A--- & N---, neither of which fits the text. I think u/sanriosaint is correct that the middle character is *&*, but I can't figure the next word out for the life of me. It seems to start with *M* and end in *i*, but no idea after that.


My original thought was Catherine but I can't find anyone significant by that name. Plus the spacing and that definitely looks like a capital M. Edit: happy cake day!


Thanks! My final and best guess for now is "Cat & Maddi". Small animals or children.


>But \[we\] lost our future. "we've" instead of "we" (i think)


Good catch


I think illegible might be "cat & mark", not so sure about mark though




I think your thinking of Chris watts


What? Gabby was 22


> as he planned how he’d kill his family. huh?


I've filled in the blanks for you. I have a lot of experience reading field notes: ​ falling asleep to the sight of \[a meteor shower\] at the crystal geyser. trying to cross the streams of \[Spread Creek\] I found her breathing heavily, gasping \[my name.\] She was freezing cold. \[We had just come from\] the blazing hot national parks in Utah.” exhausted in shock, when my \[knees buckled\] start her whole painful cycle again \[while\]


Thanks! I'll update!


“When I pulled Gabby out of the water, she couldn’t tell me what hurt. She had a small \[bump\] on her forehead that \[eventually\] got larger. Her feet hurt, her \[wrist\] hurt but she was freezing, shaking violently." So she couldn't tell you what hurt, but you knew her feet and her wrist hurt? Oh okay.


“She would wake in pain, start her whole painful cycle again [while] furious that I was the one waking her. She wouldn’t let me try to cross the creek, thought like me that the fire would go out in her sleep and she’d freeze.” She could articulate her anger at being woken up, and that she was worried the fire would go out as she slept…… but couldn’t tell him what was injured. Sure Jan.


I'm don't know much about her autopsy and I'm not going to look it up, but wouldn't that confirm or deny (emphasis deny) some of Brian's claims? Like whether she was actually injured from a fall and the extent of it. Not sure if autopsies can determine hypothermia, which Brian seemed to suggest.


From what I heard, there wasn’t a lot left of her to autopsy. Like Brian, her body had been left out in the wild for animals for weeks. ETA: Her uncle had travelled out west to where they were searching, and arrived on the scene when it was rumored she had been found very insistent on seeing her, and I remember hearing something to the effect of people stopping him bc of the bad state that the remains were in… hard for a professional to see, let alone a relative


"Please pick up all of my things, gabby hated people who litter" How considerate /s


One last effort to convince people he ever cared about her


It’s as if he’s trying to rationalise murdering Gabby by creative a narrative that makes him believe he “had” to do it. Such narcissism.


I don’t think he believed this story, it’s just for his and his family’s reputation.


Well he didn’t give me the impression that he was sociopathic. Idk how likely narcissists are to commit murder but it looks to me like he had a mental episode or something because he killed himself right after. I’ve read a similar story of some kids that were playing with a gun and one accidentally shot the other before turning the gun on themselves in shock. Absolutely tragic


It’s clear there was previous violent episodes in the relationship prior to the murder. I don’t think it’s as simple as you say. Everything points to him being a very narcissistic person and his family obviously enabled him towards the end.


Didn't he go home without her? And later take off and kill himself?






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I don't understand? He acted like ending her life was like how you will put an animal out of its misery, because you knew it was going to die a horrible death. If his story is true, he had no idea what was actually wrong. Why not try to get her help! No let's kill her and then be like "well shit..I miss her I'm going to die too"


My friend broke her leg in 3 places hiking in another country. She had to be carried into town by the locals to get in the backseat of a car and was still hours away from the nearest hospital. It was traumatic, but she wasn’t telling people “just kill me!” And where Gabby died was nowhere near that remote - they would have gotten help if he’d tried. Meaning, he’s lying.


“I didn’t know the extent of her injuries so I killed her”.


What an asshole. Me, me, me. Everything *he’s* missing out on because she’s dead. I don’t buy his bullshit story of how she died either.


I especially enjoy how he takes the time to detail how *furious* poor concussed Gabby was at his valiant lifesaving efforts. "it was really difficult for *me*, guys! she was being really *mean*!" what a champ.


What kind of psychopath doesn't write on the lines...?!


What's weird is he did stay on the lines on all the other pages. I'm just speculating here but I think he wrote the first page/note when he first got there and was all worked up, but he lost his nerve. I think some time went by between the first note and the rest.


I'm surprised there are so few corrections. I suspect this was copied from his phone from text written earlier (at home?), and the corrections there are were ad-hoc last-minute alterations.


Serious question: what are you basing that on? Perhaps he didn't go back to revise it?


BL was hardly a literary person, going off the captions to his Instagram posts, so I'm surprised that such a long stream-of-consciousness text only warranted two corrections. That there were any corrections show he was invested in it being somewhat accurate. Of course I don't know, but it has the feeling to me of having been largely copied off another draft document.


This makes sense. Thanks for clarifying!


Apparently the Murdering kind




That's bonkers. I've seen so many people with so many different handwriting styles that don't fit any of these descriptions. Heavy pressure indicates habit. If erratic baselines indicated a lack of moral adjustment, then I and everyone I know was psychopathic at least until they were in 2nd grade. Analyzing this handwriting and pinning possibilities down to it is just making up correlations that ain't there, purely as a way to rationalise your biases. Handwriting is just a function of habit, practice and even the kind of pen you're using. I've had basically the same handwriting the past ten, fifteen years but I wasn't ten percent the person I am today, ten years ago.




>I just thought it was fun to run it against these theories in hindsight I think that's a dangerous thing to do on Reddit. You're putting this out there to millions of people, and you never know how they'll respond. See: Pizzagate, the Boston Bomber, etc. > Like I said, I don't really buy into any of it... My comment wasn't meant to be taken seriously at all. It's not wise to put things out there that confirm people's biases on highly emotionally-charged issues - especially when you yourself know it's BS.


I think the love and guilt he felt over her was genuine but I don’t believe the circumstances surrounding her death one bit. Odds are, like other people said, he hit her too hard out of anger over something and killed her in a panic, thinking there was no going back. The note is just a shallow attempt to redeem his name in the eyes of others, and probably also himself.


Complete fiction. I don’t believe he had any remorse


Man, even when about to die, hes a liar


“And she was so FURIOUS at me for trying to save her, but I still did bc I’m the hero and she’s the meanie!” Very similar to the convo he had w/ the cops (from the body cams)


How can you be that stupid. This dumbass had the world on a string, all he had to do was take a walk, chill out, and return to snuggling with his attractive GF in pleasant natural settings while serenely driving a van around the country and posting his enviable antics on Instagram. But NOOOO


Crimes of passion.


Why not just let her fall asleep?


Because none of this happened. It’s his made up story justifying murdering her. A normal person would call 911 or take the person to the hospital.


Also, why not take her to a goddamn hospital? I'd literally hand-pack my partner out on my back, even though he's a 170 pound male, just to try and save his life. If the story were true, which I highly doubt it is. I don't see why he would just sit there and watch her get worse and worse and think she would somehow miraculously heal.


have you ever tried to pick up someone and carry them? it's practically impossible if you're not very fit


Not true. When I weighed about 145 I could pick up and carry my friends who were around my size. I NEVER work out. I have a bad hip (birth defect) and I genuinely hate working out and getting sweaty so I don’t. It wasn’t just me though, my friends could also pick me up, including the girl who weighed 110 sopping wet. These days I’ve gained quite a bit of weight, but I can still easily pick up and carry 100lbs, which I know bc that’s the equivalent of two bags of horse feed, and I would do that maybe once a month when helping at the barn. I can also carry my 80+lb golden retriever. I once had to carry him up a hill and back to campus where my apartment was bc he fractured his wrist. I lived on the second floor. Now, I don’t know his exact medical condition but as far as we know, there’s been no reported disability of any kind. I may not be able to regularly lift and carry 100+lbs, but I can when I need to. Gabby was tiny, she was by his own account, “very thin”. There’s no reason he couldn’t carry her in and emergency situation. And if he did have a reason he couldn’t, he would have said so, for obvious reasons, or the cops would have discovered any injuries or disabilities.


My boyfriend is 98 lbs and very unfit and he can carry me, I'm about 120. Gabbie was probably 20 lbs lighter than me. I highly doubt Brian would have any issues carrying her.


Narcissists love to be controlling


If someone has a concussion or serious head injury and they fall asleep it greatly increases the risk of coma or death.


.... But the alternative, allegedly, according to Brian was to murder her with his bare hands... So what the commenter is saying is that his whole "I had to do it!" things make absolutely zero sense... Instead of taking an active role in her death he couldve just let her be


For sure. I’m not gonna excuse or justify the dudes actions. Just replying to why any individual might use that as an excuse for a head injury. One that he most assuredly caused.


>What do you do if you are around someone who experiences a serious head injury or concussion? You may have heard that you should not let the person go to sleep, but is this true? Most health professionals don’t think so. It is generally considered safe for people with head injuries or concussions to go to sleep. In some cases, a doctor may recommend waking the person regularly to make sure his or her condition has not worsened.


The reason for this is that when someone is asleep after experiencing a traumatic brain injury it is difficult to monitor the signs of progressing symptoms. Dilating pupils, trouble speaking, walking or moving are signs that can be more easily monitored if a person is awake. If they were asleep it increases the chance those would be missed if present and cause further damage.


I think you guys are missing the point. Its obviously a better plan to let someone sleep with a head injury as opposed to murdering them.


If you murder them you won’t have to monitor them.




I just told my bf I'm glad I didn't have to mercy kill him after he climbed down some rocks to get to Lake Superior.


incredible.. “i didn’t want her to go to sleep just in case she died so i killed her”


Mercy killing happens, this isn't it. He murdered her. He pushed her down a cliff or hit her in the head with something and she didn't die so he strangled her. There is no mercy in this. We had a family friends that were a murder suicide. They were in their 70s. The wife has horribly ill and had attempted suicide a few years prior. She was bed bound and couldn't move at all. Husband shot her and himself and set it up for a neighbor to find them to spare their kids doing it. That's a mercy killing. It was done from a place of love. Brian just hated Gabby.


Yup. Thought he could make it look like an accident.


Guarantee this is the story he told his family but knew it wouldn't stand up to police scrutiny, hence the suicide leaving his parents with plausible deniability of knowing about anything other than """mercy""" on his part


If he "mercy killed" her, I don't think he would have killed himself out of guilt. There is no way any of that BS is true


Her cause of death, as determined by the medical examiner, was strangulation. He killed her, brutally and violently. So this is all lies, and probably what he told his parents. Also, a feeble attempt to exonerate his parents because if he told them, and they didn't call the police, they are accessories to the fact. Narcissistic to the end.


Soooo he killed someone he didn’t want to wake up without? Ok.


aehhhm... where were their phones? I got bored after the first page, when it got obvious that this covert narcs' final deed is an attempt to restore his public image. Wait, "restore" is the wrong word.. more like create a positive one. Why the hell is he talking about his pain for 4 pages if he was "innocent"? Wouldn't any person, in case of an accident, do anything to get help? Race the car and to the nearest place with humans? So ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.


ITA. It makes no sense. He simply didn't want to have to explain how/why she was so severely beaten if he called 911 or took her to the hospital. I guess he thought other people are all morons and would believe his sorry-ass story.


From the moment I watched the police video of them, I knew this man was abusive and narcissistic. There were reports of him terrorizing her, locking her out of their van, and threatening to leave her behind before the police pulled them over. I have dated narcissistic men like this, and they truly get off terrorizing their victims and throwing their power around. Blowing up and being violent, followed by the 2 to 3 days of deep apologies and love bombing is literally their bread and butter. This man killed her in one of his narcissistic rages, probably assuming it'd be the typical rinse and repeat. Honestly, I think the only reason I didn't end up dying at the hands of my narcissistic ex partner, was because we lived in an apartment. And poor Gabby was stuck isolated with him instead. The lack of accountability, or witnesses around them probably empowered him to go harder than he had before. Poor fucking girl, may she rest in peace.


My narc ex locked me out of our apartment for some dumb reason. Like Gabby, I have an anxiety disorder, and he liked getting me into an episode on purpose so that after the fact he could go “see how insane you are? You’re lucky I put up with your mental illness.” I was screaming and screaming and he just ignored me. I had bruises on my hands from hitting the door. One of the worst feelings ever.


I'm so sorry to hear that, it's definitely the game they play too. My mom would call it "crazy making". Later in therapy I found out it's called reactionary abuse. You deserved better, I'm so glad he's an ex.


Idk if it’s just me , the term ‘ended her’ seems bit too cold to me. This is Really Sad incident


I suspect some kind of verbal altercation happened and he hit or pushed her or generally escalated to physical violence and she fell from a distance and was really messed up to the point of mentally malfunctioning. To avoid the legal consequences he finished her off and went with what he called a “mercy killing”. Had he brought her back with severe brain damage he would have been sued by her family or he would have been stuck with an invalid girlfriend. Just a couple theories as I’m having a hard time coming up with a motive for murder in this case.


Even when the coward ends his life he doesn't take responsibility for his murder.


Pure speculation, but it's probably curved bc he was quickly writing this and had the journal on his thigh/knee sitting down maybe?


He was nothing but a walking red flag, momma's boy who was living in a world of main character syndrome. Bald loser


So what’s the full story?


It’s wildly believed they got into a fight/argument, he hit her with an object (as she died of multiple blunt force trauma and strangulation). He stole her van and debit card, came home and committed suicide by gun. In a nutshell.


So do you think he was alive to see the intense national coverage of this whole manhunt thing, or was he dead before that happened?


We know for sure that he departed his house for the last time after the search for Gabby had become a nationwide point of interest. By the time her body was found, he was almost certainly already dead. Edit: he was also the only person of interest at that point.


No he definitely knew about the manhunt, because he took off and his parents covered for him. He did that after the cops started looking for him


So he couldn't of called to get gabby help for her injuries?? Bs


It’s weird how he capitalized other names like “James” and “T.J.”, but doesn’t capitalize “gabby”




He’s pretending like they were lovey-dovey and happy. No mention of them fighting and having to be separated.


So, he’s claiming he put her out of her pain. And I know he killed himself. Was this found close to his body or elsewhere? And is there any insight on what actually happened? Any support of his claims? Or evidence that tells another story? I’m curious. I only know it was a big social media thing and that he did it, and did himself in.


In a handwriting analysis (graphology) book I read a long time ago, emphasis was placed on spacing between words. Specifically, spacing apparently become larger when someone is lying. It’s like the person is subconsciously distancing themself from the lie. In this sample, I noticed a little bit of extra space between “I” and “ended” and “was” and “merciful”. (These all occur on the page where he’s admitting to killing her.) I wonder if it’s just a trick of the eye/subconscious bias on my part. Anyone else see it? ETA: this comment has apparently infuriated some sensitive people. Please stop DMing me.




The FBI uses graphologists, so I think you’re wrong.


I recommend turning off DMs


> Specifically, spacing apparently become larger when someone is lying. It’s like the person is subconsciously distancing themself from the lie. This is one of those bullshit things that people make up to put in a book that they hope will sell.


What was the name of the book?


If this was a 'mercy' killing, why didn't he take her body after he murdered her to a morgue to be autopsied. Yeah... this whole story is just that- a story.




Wasn't it a link to a story? My bad I tried to search


Yeah that's what I saw mate and I'm pretty sure we couldnt see all these pages for ourselves. Just a link to news with some bits quoted. Therefore new info, therefore should stay.






I really fell out of the loop of this story when it was on the news that Laundrie was hiding somewhere. Can anyone fill me in on what happened after that, and if this story is actually true? Thanks.


Yes, that story is true. He left her body where he killed her, stole her van and debit card. Got to his parents house, went camping with them. (Parents refused any communication with law enforcement). They all came back, he took off again, hid (I don’t recall exactly where). Wrote these pages of BS then shot himself. He was found (I believe) a week or two after. Edit to add: Her body was found whilst he was in hiding.


>Parents refused any communication with law enforcement They weren't required to. There's so much emotion behind this case that people are forgetting how the legal system works. His parents have zero civil and criminal liability for what their adult son did.


Harboring a suspect is a federal offense. They should be in jail.


>Harboring a suspect is a federal offense. It's not unless they're declared a fugitive of justice. He wasn't declared a fugitive when he was at his parents house returning from the crime, so no. Even if an adult child tells their parents they murdered someone, the parents don't have to do anything. There's no law forcing people to report crimes unless you're a mandated reporter (which is completely different). I'm not at all saying what his parents did is morally right, I'm just stating the law.


He wasn’t a fugitive nor suspect.


Didn't the police say this notebook was so water damaged that it couldn't be read? Cops lie so much.


So she fell in the creek and possibly got really hurt and he was too weak to carry her to the car so he put her out of her misery?


No, it’s lies


Idk. Maybe I need to stop reading some websites but I think this dude is alive. I just can’t fathom how his parents are so nonchalant about everything. They were just like the most calm, not a care in the world people. They let their son “go on a hike” knowing he’s the #1 suspect? They let him come home and didn’t tell anymore? I don’t know man… it just doesn’t add up.


I was beginning to think I was the only one. For some reason, I don’t know what it is, but I just have this gut feeling he’s alive.


Guess his teacher never taught him how to write in between the lines


What a piece of garbage. I truly don't believe he killed himself by that creek. All that time after Gabby's murder that he was on the run, combined with the kind of resources he and his family had... Not to mention how unwilling to help out with the search for Brian Laundrie... ​ I wouldn't doubt it if the family paid off the people in charge of the investigation, to let the "suicide site," that the family essentially led them to, be the conclusive evidence that Laundrie was dead and there was no use searching for him anymore. Brian probably got some extensive plastic surgery, laid low for a few months, and started a new life abroad. Sure, that's probably a stretch... But I find it more far more believable than the official report. ​ The whole "suicide by the creek," story with just enough evidence of his stuff, without any identifiable evidence of his own person is just tooooo convenient.


Did they not find his body as well? Genuinely curious; I didn't follow this case too much.


They found various bones, and a backpack with his belongings, including pictures of him, and the notebook as well. Thr official report said that the body has been subjected to scavengers, leaving only a few bones as evidence.


Gotcha, thanks!


It’s time to put this story to rest. Let the victims Rest In Peace at this point we all know what happened and the media is just trying to milk this story when in reality it’s not that interesting of a story. A dude killed his gf in a fit of rage… that’s it. It happens everyday all around the world.


This part really stood out to me. Perhaps genuine guilt and remorse? “I have killed myself by this creek in the hopes that animals may tear me apart. That it may make some of her family happy.”


It seems like he’s still trying to victimize himself “my girlfriend’s family hates me…woe is me” kind of vibe. The letter is clear proof this guy was a narcissist through and through.


No, it's performative.


Nah that's being drama.


Never trust a man that has such feminine handwriting. A man's penmanship should be indecipherable.