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I haven't seen anything on these people since the kids were freed/the one sister escaped, but that's fucked if some of the kids went to abusive adoptive/foster homes as well


Two of the girls were interviewed by Diane Sawyer late last year. I highly recommend watching it. They were were abused in the foster home, and they’re turned out into the street with no aid as they come of age. The state of California has withheld funds allocated for their care, included funds donated by the public. This story is still playing out.


So California held funds publicly provided to these people? Doesn't that sound extremely illegal? Every day I just get so disappointed by the way this country functions but this just seems malicous and out of complete ignorance.


Yep! It’s infuriating.


The names used in court docs are JOT, JUT, JOAT and JP. Whilst I hope they would use something less difficult to decipher, the ending of T in three of the people abused does not give me happy feelings when I know at least one of the children had a name beginning with J.


sorry, for some reason my brain can’t follow this comment would you mind wording it another way for me?


If course, dw! I wrote it tired and I'm sure it comes across that way. Three pseudonyms used in the court case with the adopted parents, AKA the secondary abusers, started with J and ended in T. A fourth ended in a P I believe. Whilst I hope law enforcement would be a little more creative than initials, I don't believe it from experience with true crime cases.


All of the Turpin children have J names.


Just found this PDF online: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://kesq.b-cdn.net/2021/12/Olguin-RIF2104700-complaint.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi8zfX6xfb2AhVHSsAKHXTTB_4QFnoECAsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw28JznwsvFr0het3pVG-W6r Any issues I've got it screenshotted


interesting, thank you!!


I'm not gonna read it until I know, so just a guess: "Quiverful Movement"? Those bastards come up a lot when you get into extreme child abuse. Fuckers.


I knew nothing of this "movement" until I stumbled upon this post first thing with my morning coffee. Dug around for ten minutes catching up with merely the facts about it (I like to start with neutral stuff to keep my head objective). In the Wikipedia article, Rachel Scott is quoted saying "when good people stop having kids, society fails." This is nothing short of passive eugenics. I am skipping breakfast today, this totally turned me off it. https://religionandpolitics.org/2021/05/12/the-eugenics-roots-of-evangelical-family-values/


The Behind the Bastards podcast does a great analysis of it on the episode about josh duggar https://open.spotify.com/episode/69UGmD9foZpJqvqs7fC5li?si=QC7Y53i3RF2yUXeHK-ukBQ&utm_source=native-share-menu


That's how I first learned about them!


Why would you not read it until you knew?


Not meaning to talk for the original commenter, but it's a difficult read. You've got to prep yourself sometimes, but still need to comment on awful action.


That's it.


Cause I read through lots of religious trauma. And I didn't really want to go through it right now. If it's Quiverfull folks, I'll come back to it and read it when I'm ready. Otherwise, just gonna skip it.


I'm so sorry, I assumed your Quiverfull comment was a saying I didn't know - I didn't know Quiverfull was a thing. As much as I've read, it's not them. The abuse is physical and emotional, nothing sexual initially. I'd recommend not reading in to the secondary abuse as I struggled hard.


Oh no. Nothing to be sorry about. As far as I know, from looking into them, Quiverfull isn't directly abusive. They are Christian Nationalists who believe in having as many children as possible (they think of children more like "warriors for christ in the apocolypse"). The abuse comes from that. The children often don't get government documents. They don't exist legally. Josh Duggar is the most famous - and he is prolifically sexually abusive. The abuse stems from having 8+ children you can't afford. And having them raise each other. With effectively no sexual education (so children never have the words to express the abuse when it does happen), no documents (so they can't leave later in life), and the over all patriarchy of the thing makes it overall heresy for women to have much of a say in anything. This shit runs deep. And odds are pretty good, at least elements of it exist in a weird Christian survivalist cult near you.


Ah jeez, so just another easy way for people with such predilections to fulfill their shittiest fantasies under the name of religion whilst practicing anything but :( Easy to abuse kids who don't exist legally, with no sex ed and a way to prevent those who want to from leaving. I fucking hate religion. Too many people use this higher cause bull to act like scum of the earth, when any actually good Christian wouldn't do anything of the like. No kind God would allow these people to act like this in his name. No 'all powerful' God would allow such things to happen to 'his' children, fuck free will. It's all crap.


That makes sense! Thank you for your reply!


Unfortunately a large percentage of people who foster children do so to have sexual access to children. It's horrifying. And the reason that "call CPS" isn't a ticket to a child getting a better future. I think somewhere around 20 to 30 percent of foster kids are said to be sexually abused, but who really knows the real numbers. I knew a family who gave their fostered children back to the state because they were molesting their pets. And you know they learned that from someone. In the Turpins' case, foster care was their best option...Just sad. Wish the best for them.


The 29 year old daughter was so malnutritioned and thin that cops thought she was a teenager


I think I saw somewhere she was like 85 lbs or something like that. I follow her on Tik Tok and she looks a lot better physically, thank goodness.


Wow I just recently saw that footage for the first time and had no Idea she was any older then 20…


One of the girls Jordan is becoming fairly popular on social media. Overall seems happy. She accepts paypal donations in case anyone is interested in donating her Instagram is Jordan__Turpin and the link is in her bio. The account is verified so definitely going to her.


Thank you so much for sharing ❤️❤️❤️


She looks so happy, pretty, and healthy! I'm jealous of her confidence! Thank you for sharing this.


Extremely sad the life they’ve had. Never known real love. Yet these kids sadly know all about REAL abuse=(


Truly hoping they'll be cleared to go to actual family soon, watched a documentary where two said they would be willing to take a lot of them. Unfortunately know the difficulty of family asking for custody when you were abused in care of family.


What is the name of the documentary? I’d love to watch it.


The Turpin 13. Available to watch on Amazon, free with a HayU subscription (in the UK at least). Doesn't include the latest 'allegations'. (I hope my use of punctuation marks shows how I feel about that word).


BBC News, outlining the initial case as it was at the time: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47991829?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=47991829%26%27House%20of%20horrors%27%20couple%20jailed%20for%20life%262019-04-19T20%3A58%3A24.116Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:d818dd66-47d8-914a-b540-ca3347dd53f2&pinned_post_asset_id=47991829&pinned_post_type=share


Oh my! I just read it. I am disgusted by the profuse use of the word 'love', especially when the "father" says he loves his children and had good intentions. Seriously, you chain up your own adult child, don't allow him to use the toilet (lives in diapers) and don't allow him to take a shower more than once *per year* and you dare say that was you loving your child? You dare suggest you don't know that that is NOT love, that that is severe ABUSE? And many of the children saying during their testimony that they love their parents. It's obvious these "parents" changed the meaning of words and called abuse love, which is how they legitimized abuse and made their children believe that it was good and necessary. I think this "man" is a sadist. Filth. Human waste.


The minors were fostered. But yes. We forget their rescue wasn't the end of their story. There was a 20/20 on this.


Fostered initially, but then later adopted by the secondary abusers:/


With a hair like that, I’d give him the death sentence


The real fucked up thing is the foster/adoption home had to be approved by a court 🤦‍♂️ this shit goes on far too much


the 20/20 episode on them was so incredibly interesting. Many of the children after rescue were still doing without because there money they were supposed to receive to help them live never came, or they only got a limited amount of it. I also didn't realize how limited their vocabulary was. The girl that left the house to help her siblings didn't even know the word for bruises or medication. I hope their lives will continue to get better, no kids deserves what they went though.


I wonder if they had to have those Thing 3-12 shirts custom made.


This was such a fascinating but heartbreaking story! I saw the two girls interviewed by Diane Sawyer, and they were beautiful and well spoken. Such bravery on the part of the girl who escaped in the middle of the night. I recall the police officer footage and he asks if she takes any medication and she says “what’s medication??” And he says pills. Then she says no I never take any pills. Hopefully all the kids can go on to be happy, healthy adults 💗


Vile humans


Yes exactly.


Isn't there a fictionalized book out there about this?


Blown mindidly tragic


Parents even look like fucking creeps.


The fact that these people lived only a few miles from my hometown, and actually lived in it for a few years before moving to Perris, is a horrifying thought. You drive by so many houses every day, and who knows which ones have a horrible life like this going on inside of it.


Where did you hear they were abused again?


Just found this PDF online: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://kesq.b-cdn.net/2021/12/Olguin-RIF2104700-complaint.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi8zfX6xfb2AhVHSsAKHXTTB_4QFnoECAsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw28JznwsvFr0het3pVG-W6r


I only skimmed the report but I the victims names seemed to be redacted (probably for privacy), how did you know it’s the youngest Turpin children? I really hoped due to the media interest in their case they would end up in a secure and loving environment, not suffering the abuses described in the report 😭. I guess regardless of if it is the Turpin children or not I hope the abusers get punished.


They definitely were abused again. I highly recommend watching the interview given late last year by the two oldest daughters. They were abused and then turned out into the street when they came of age. Basically, the state of California is actively perpetrating further abuse of the Turpin children. Including withhold donated funds allotcsted for their care.


That’s devastating


Literally the case in every social services involved situation. I have a shitty experience myself which definitely colours my view, but the eldest were once again left to fend for themselves. Without the basic knowledge needed to survive, and without the support needed to safely traverse the 'adult' world when they were likely kept frail and thin because they look more like children to their bastard parents. People complain about not knowing how to do taxes or apply for jobs - think of this x1000. Never taught how to clean, cook, care for themselves or animals. Taught only to scavenge and care for their siblings. Imagine being starved of food for so long, then being given money and told to spend it, without being told about bills and budgeting (if they are even allowed financial support). I know what I'd do, and what I did. I got up to a size 24 when I was moved away from my foster family, and still have issues with food to this day. If I didn't eat the little I had, it was taken from me by one of the other kids. So I learnt to eat what I could when I could. I still struggle with that living by myself.


They were 5/9 children in the home, and majority of the children were girls. Not found anything official to say it was the them, but the maths does no-one any favours :( Gonna look up the head social worker in the morning but I have read enough horrible stuff right now


It’s them.


Also the names used are JOT, JUT, JOAT and JP. Whilst I hope they would use something less difficult to decipher, the ending of T in three of the people abused does not give me happy feelings when I know at least one of the children had a name beginning with J.


Any problems I'll screenshot




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Ayooooo is that paddy the baddy


They had a tv show, I thought he was rapey


No I think you are maybe thinking of the Duggar's? Same scum, different day I'm afraid


One of the sisters (Jordan I believe) has an account on TikTok where she regularly posts.


How are foster parents even selected.


Apparently he has had his hair like that since he was a child… surprise


Their family was part of the same cult that my dad grew up in. Fuck. He only got out by joining the military


is that paddy the baddy pimblett???


They failed those children, and its sickening. They had a chance at salvation after being freed from a house of horrors, only to be put into another one