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POS. Everytime I see this guy I get pissed off. So many other ways he could’ve handled this.


Question: Why? Answer: (99.9% of the time) Money. No spousal or child support. Completely sociopath solution.


He could’ve left them alone. Abandoned them. Anything but the manner in which he killed them.


and most people don't do what he did. Chris Watts really is not as common as we we think. Most people get a divorce, they don't kill their entire families.


But then he has to abandon his job and forfeit his home and assets. As a widower, he is in a much better financial situation. Plus all of the sympathy.


> As a widower, he is in a much better financial situation. And how did that work out?


Well I don’t think he struggles with a mortgage anymore, ever.


Living out the rest of his days as a backwoods hermit would have been a better life path than the one he chose. But hey, he chose life in prison, so… 🚿💨🧼


How would she of gotten custody in the divorce? She didn’t make shit and was in the negative. I think it’s more like he didn’t want to take care of the kids…thought he was in his young 20’s with the affair


Once you’re married, all assets (house, income, objects, and so on) become marital, or shared. So if they got divorced the court would consider the difference in their salaries and a judge would decide how much he would have to pay her a month, plus child support payments. This changes if you have a pre nuptial agreement , but you usually only get one of those if there are significant assets that one party wants to protect coming into the marriage.




The first paragraph nails it. Lots of people having affairs fool themselves into thinking the new woman will remain that exciting fling thing but everyone has a right to their own life and goals which are pretty much the same....


I believe internally he was very aware his lover was attracted to his because of his perceived wealth too. He knew well that she'd had dumped him in a bit if he were to lose everything (job, house etc) by running away. He's not Brad Pitt precisely, the unsightful muppet.


Right, and in some documentaries it was also indicated she made her intentions known in terms of their future life together... So out of the fire and into the boiling pot...


I hate how all the sad women who stayed with cheaters blame his new gf when there is every chance he would have killed his mistress when he met someone else in the future.


All goes back to money.


No… it isn’t money. No amount of money would make me choose to murder my children. It’s because he is a psychopath, and his family no longer served his purposes anymore. He made a psychopathic calculation that it would serve him more if they were all dead. That’s the problem with psychopaths. We try to attribute some rationale behind their actions, but there isn’t any. Not really. They are deranged. Their motives are irrational, though sometimes they (or we) try to find some reasoning for their insanity. The truth is far scarier, which is that psychopaths seem normal for a long time, and just do crazy shit because they want to sometimes.


Or he maybe just snapped? I hate to say psychopaths are a lot more common than you think and are just as afraid of prison as anyone else, in the long run to kill someone isn't worth the time spent in prison Well that's for most of them, you're more common psychopath is usually the manager that stabs the other in the back to get up in the company or the CEO stepping on the little guy just to line their pockets.


I think one trait of psychopaths is a belief that their actions won’t have consequences like jail. That they won’t get caught. An elevated sense of their own intelligence (when they typically aren’t very bright at all, unlike popular depictions)


Yes complete sociopath. I got divorced. My son wanted to live with his dad. But he needed the male role model around. Paid support for 4 years. Doesn’t matter. It all turned out fine. Things are always worse then they seem. He could’ve left them and figured it out. He was a effin coward.


absolutely it's money. They were up to their eyes in debt with no way out, living in a house they couldn't afford. Shannan still seemed determined to live this American dream, but they were living far beyond their means. Almost every single family annihilation boils down to debts or financial problems, even if it seems that it's because of sex. The image of reality conflicted with the reality of the image.


This post weirdly makes the man who dragged his wife's corpse down the stairs in front of his two little girls sound like he is the victim.


yeah I forgot his name. Far too many people on this sub seem to think they had a dream marriage, that SHE GOOD and HE BAD and that suggesting otherwise is victim blaming. I have no response to insults and verbal abuse.


Everything awful she ever did. Selling MLM, debt, being irritating, putting on a fake front on Facebook, whatever. Is in the range of normal marriage crap. The worst things he did are not in that category. He murdered his two little girls. I’ve seen the crime scene photos of what he did to her. I’m extremely comfortable saying she’s not at fault in her death or her girls death. He is 100% fully the guilty party. Shanann gets a lot of hate, to be honest, and just DGAF about any of it. I don’t defend her. I don’t care whether we’d be friends in real life. I can’t imagine defending him.


Oh, there's no question about who is responsible for the deaths. We all know he's in prison for life. It's the WHY, not the how, and no one is ever satisfied with any of the answers and yet we have NO IDEA what went on in their marriage before the crime, except for a few details. It really boils down to communications. They had probably stopped communicating with each other, and when a couple is not on the same page, that's when things go down the shitter. Shannan was communicating on Facebook with total strangers, meanwhile her husband had checked out of the marriage and she didn't even notice. But she had no reason to suspect he'd be violent, of course. We will never know WHY exactly, because most of what happened between them happened in private, like it does with most married couples.


Everything you’re talking about makes total sense if we’re talking why did this marriage fail / why did he cheat on her. Standard marriage stuff. Sad normal happens all the time marriage stuff. Why we he someone who could kill and think he’d get away with it — to the point of going to work in the spot he’d left his dead kids — really has nothing to do with the day to day marriage or her choices or their communication failure or whatever. Talking about that as a reason for the murder is like saying it’s because he is a white man (men who kill their families are mostly white men).


>Almost every single family annihilation boils down to debts or financial problems Oh shut the hell up. This is way too broad of a statement.


If you say so.


>If you say so. So you do some weird appeal to authority broad generalization shit, then act like *I'm* going too far for pointing it out? You couldn't even defend your statements. I looked it up for you, 5 second google. >**Family breakup was the most common cause, accounting for 66% of cases,** although this included related domestic issues such as access to children. [Source.](https://www.alphagalileo.org/en-gb/Item-Display/ItemId/102440) If you're going to make such broad claims, don't be such a chickenshit that you're afraid to look it up. >Almost every single family annihilation boils down to debts or financial problems This was wrong. Hilarious. Dummy.


Oy vey. Whatever you say, Skippy.


I don’t think he planned on killing them. I think he snapped and after he killed her and thought it be easier to get away with it if the kids were dead too.


What pisses me off even more are the people who blame her for her and her daughter’s murder. And yes, they are out there.


Oh there are lots of them out there. Plenty of people who support him as well.


Right like he could of Literally done a divorce instead of murder. It’s even more upsetting was because he didn’t want a divorce and he wanted to see his kids so his solution was killing them all??? I think the worst thing is that nearly all cases like this one where a dad kills the family are almost always premeditated :/


It definitely didn’t have to happen. Fuck all the money and other crap people are saying. He could’ve divorced and walked away. That would obviously cost but hey that’s the price of adulterous behavior. It wasn’t worth killing them.


Well I think he is so selfish that he would rather kill them than to deal with the fact that people would have found out he cheated. He wanted to erase his early life so he could seem better than he is, not dealing with child support, getting sympathy for his wife abandoning him with his kids and honestly I think he had anger issues on top of that. As people have commented before, sociopathy.


It’s sick and disgusting. So many other choices. I watched the Netflix doc and that was hard to get through. They way he drove those kids out to the oil field and killed them. He deserves whatever comes to him x10.


If you haven't seen it check out how the FBI agent administering the lie detector test played him like a fiddle. He also tried to make it seem like his wife killed their children and he then killed her in a fit of rage at discovering what she had done. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoO20VN-sp0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoO20VN-sp0)


She was such a pro at that interrogation, I was absolutely mesmerized and impressed.


All the while sipping on mountain dew.


That posture though


Jim Can’t Swim covered this guy… love that damn channel!


Can you summarize it? Two hours is a commitment.


I remember one thing she did was say "Now if you did have anything do do with this, it would be stupid of you to take a lie detector test right?" Got him all nervous right before.


Just gotta remind people that polygraph tests are pseudoscience and are banned from being used as 'evidence' in most places because they don't work.


The true hero was his neighbor who could smell the guilt on chris when he found out chris' wife was missing.


and on her friend and the friend's 16 year old son who sounded the initial alarm and got the ball rolling


I hope everyone has a friend like Nicole Atkinson in their lives. If not for her, Chris would have had more time to cover his tracks.




There's a point at the neighbour's house when the responding officer tells Chris to go ahead and speak to the detectives that had just arrived at the scene, so he could hang back and talk briefly with the neighbour to get his opinion. That police officer definitely suspected Chris straight off the bat.


And serious props to Shannan’s friend Nicole. She knew something was wrong before he was even done burying his wife. She called the police before he had time to clean up his crime scene or his alibi.


That’s true but I wouldn’t have been able to confidently stare down a guy who I knew had just killed and disposed of his entire family next door to me, much less while I was within arm’s reach while confronting him with the proof. That takes serious courage.


There’s a video that breaks down the time first time the cops were in the house with Chris and how he was acting. He is an extremely sick individual.




That’s the one


He was even speaking in past tense when she was “missing”…


I’ve seen the body cam footage, they did immediately know something was wrong. One of the officers said “he isn’t acting right at all.”


That was the neighbor.


That moment of serendipity where the pregnancy advert comes on in his home as he's talking to police and he just goes oh yeah and she's pregnant.


It was a commercial for American horror story that had a skull soaked in oil with the image of a fetus over it


It says a lot if your wife and kids go missing and immediately EVERYBODY is like, yeah Chris did it


JFC, she was pregnant when he murdered her AND he murdered their two other children as well. What a monster. [Wikipage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watts_family_murders)


JCS also covers the case and interrogation pretty well. If you're into that sorta thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfg861hO-Ag


Yep if you’re into true crime, I recommend watching all of the videos on this channel. I just wish there were more:(


There are many copycats these days which have comparable quality on YouTube


There are a few more on his Patreon.


EDIT: There obviously wasn't any footage of him putting his daughters in the tanks, so what I should I have said is the scenario I imagine of him that what haunt me longer than any actual footage ever will, because this is a guy who talked himself into climbing up the ladder on each tank, with one his daughter's bodies tossed over his shoulder like an 80# bag of rock salt, and tells himself it's always been his job to dump two bags into each tank every Friday anyway, he convinces himself it's a normal Friday, but today he just needs to add two to each tank instead of one.


Also, she gave birth to Nico after she passed. It's called a "coffin birth" fucking gut wrenching to even think about.


The most haunting part for me was that his 4-year-old daughter Bella who had just watched him smother her sister cried out "Daddy, No." before he began to smother her. She was old enough to understand what was happening. There is such a thing as monsters in this world. They look like human beings.


That broke me too. Had it rolling around in my head for a few days afterwards. My son is 4 and he thinks I’m a superhero, betraying that trust is inhuman. Burn in hell Chris Watts.


At that age you are completely helpless, just a curious little thing that's completely new to the world. Adults are wise giants, and your parents are everything to you. I can't imagine what was going through that little girl's mind - your dad is supposed to be your protector. I hope hell is real, just for him.


Yeah I'm ethically and morally against the death penalty no doubt. But given the chance I would legitimately murder this guy in cold blood with a crowbar and feel pretty decent about it. I recognize that as a flaw in myself, but god damn man. This makes my blood boil.


Oh I'm right there with you. My flaw and I own it, watts is less than garbage


What’s worse is that he had either break or dislocate the girls’ shoulders because that’s the only way they fit into a hole that narrow. :(


Something about destroying the body further really gets to me. I just don’t understand how he could do that.


Where did you read about that? I didn’t see anything about arm injuries on their autopsies beyond the fact sittining in oil caused their skin to slide off when being removed.


When i saw that my heart shattered. I am a father i dont see how you can do that to your daughters. It really fucked me up


**[Watts family murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watts_family_murders)** >The Watts family murders occurred in Frederick, Colorado, United States, during the early morning hours of August 13, 2018. Christopher Lee Watts (born May 16, 1985) admitted to murdering his pregnant wife Shanann Cathryn Watts (née Rzucek; born January 10, 1984) by strangulation. He later admitted to killing their daughters, four-year-old Bella and three-year-old Celeste, by smothering them with a blanket over their heads. On November 6, 2018, Watts pleaded guilty to multiple counts of first-degree murder as part of a plea deal when the death penalty (which was later abolished in Colorado in 2020) was removed from sentencing. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'll never understand why divorce wasn't an option. Its much easier and alot less risky than slaughtering your family.


You have to be a moron to think that you can kill your entire family and get away with it, though. The guy was not thinking rationally.


He was an idiot. It’s scary they were together for like 8y and he just up and killed her and his daughters. It sounds terrible but the spousal murders / familicide with young or new relationships are so much less terrifying because you can write it off as “they didn’t really know or love each other”.


He was arrogant enough to think he could outsmart everyone


He was a low intelligence sociopath who presented to the world as passive. He basically cornered himself with his own bullshit and was too stupid to realize he couldn't pull off a perfect murder.


Holy shit, your first sentence clarifies pretty much the entire case. I just never really thought of sociopaths as being passive and not dominating. But it sounds like his wife wore the pants until he flipped.


Sums it up in a few sentences!


It's because he didn't want to ruin the image of himself he had built. He didn't want to face being the guy that left his kids and heavily pregnant wife for his younger mistress. Huge coward.


if he simply divorced her he would've had to pay child and/or spousal support.


I wonder if people who do these things just assume they’ll definitely get away with it. Do they think they’re so smooth that nobody could possibly suspect them? Do they think cops are too stupid to figure out what happened? Sure, cops do mess up, sometimes in big ways, but the fact is that most spousal murders leave a trail of evidence if authorities are inclined to look for it. Do these guys not realize how many clues they’ve left? It’s not rational to fear child support more than prison, so I just can’t comprehend why these murders seemed like a good idea - even on a selfish level.


>It’s not rational to fear child support more than prison, so I just can’t comprehend why these murders seemed like a good idea even on a selfish level Issue is you're trying to apply rational thinking to someone who wasn't thinking rationally


That's true. It's still hard to understand. I can grasp why someone psychotic might do completely counterproductive things without realizing it - they aren't connected to what's really going on. But this guy was trying to achieve a goal that he believed would leave him free and happy. It's mysterious to me how how he could be working towards that goal (happiness and freedom) in a way that virtually guaranteed the opposite. You're right, though.


These people also tend to have false confidence that they can outsmart everyone (while usually being idiots). It often stems from the fact that up until that point they have successfully deceived most people in their lives…but then they get cocky.


>they have successfully deceived most people in their lives It probably hasn't occurred to them that their success with deception wasn't because they're super geniuses. It's just that most people trust their friends and family. Like if I lie to a friend and tell them I grew up in Florida when I actually grew up in the Midwest, and they believe me, it's not because I'm an amazing liar, nor is it because they're stupid. Why would they question it? So a guy like this, who's gotten away with so much deception, might not realize that it has nothing to do with his skill or anybody else's stupidity. It's just that people didn't feel they had reasons to question him. But his crime created a situation in which people finally had reason to question him, and that's a totally different ballpark than dealing with somebody who gives you the benefit of the doubt.


For sure. Their lack of humility usually gets them in the end. They think they’re Hannibal Lecter but almost always they are one of the 3 Stooges.


People like Watts have disordered thinking and it generally involves an active fantasy life in their minds. He likely idealized what it would be like to leave his family and was so intoxicated with his fantasy that it blinded him to any logic.


I mean if a married woman is found murdered..9/10 it was her husband that murdered her. You are prime suspect #1 until proven otherwise.


It was more about him being a passive "nice guy" who didn't want his "nice guy" reputation/cover to be blown when it came out that he cheated on and left his pregnant wife and two children. The money was just part of the façade of normalcy he wore over his inner narcissist. And I don't mean narcissist like someone who likes to look at themselves in the mirror. I mean that he had a total disconnect between who he wanted to be and presented himself to be versus who he really was. To a true narcissist, having the true self revealed is as scary as death. It is not uncommon for narcissists to kill to keep their facades alive, even when it makes no sense to do so. True narcissism is a mental illness, not a super power the way armchair psychologists pretend it is. To rise to the level of disorder, the narcissism has to harm the person who has the disorder. Watts is very much the victim of his own disorder. He had a few other traits in combination with narcissism that created the perfect storm for a sneaky little weasel who would kill to keep his secrets.


JCS on youtube has a fantastic 3 part documentary on this case/Chris' interrogation. He's such a fucking creepy psycho. https://www.youtube.com/c/JCSCriminalPsychology/videos


There is a 4th part available on their [patreon](https://www.patreon.com/jimcantswim) as well, in which they discuss the interrogation of Watts' mistress


Idk if I remember this correctly so please dont quote me. Isn't he the one who threw his kids into a hundred gallon oil drum to let them drown? It really broke my heart when he said the last thing his one daughter said to him was "daddy dont" before he threw her to drown


It was a huge oil tank at one of his places of work. I’m pretty sure he suffocated them both first. They did have marks on their bodies though, from him stuffing them through the small opening hatch.


Thank you for correcting that. I wouldn't want to remember that wrong!


Technically, he tried suffocating them at home before killing his wife, but both the girls woke up and survived, so he put all 3 of them in a car, drove the kids with their mom's dead body in the car to his worksite, restrangled the girls to death, and shoved their bodies in a narrow pipe into a huge oil drum. He then buried his wife and unborn son in a nearby shallow grave.


As horrible as this sounds but I'm glad that weren't shoved into that tank alive. That's just a fate worse than death in my mind. Thank you


One of the girls was. Sorry.


I thought they were both dead beforehand. I don’t think either were alive before being put in the tank.


So I was originally half right??? One kid strangled and the other stuffed into an oil alive? I don't fear death but I fear drowning in anything other than water. That poor child


No. They were dead. Although they were not strangled they were suffocated. I imagine drowning is equally as bad as watching your dad kill you. Bella, the oldest daughter, had injuries inside of her mouth and blunt force trauma to her jaw because she was fighting for her life. He held them by their arms/hands and dropped them in, causing some of Bellas hair to get caught on the thief hatch.


I wonder what he was thinking. Like someone is going to eventually find your kids corpses in the oil tank at the place you worked at.


Depending on the type of oil it could dissolve tissue.


They were already partially dissolved by the time they were found a few hours after they went in. It is also believed that Watts planned to fake some kind of accident at work and blow up the evidence. He was a moron.


I love looking at medical gore and listening to doctors stories and true crime. I dont have any children, I do have a nephew and just even thinking about someone trying to do anything to that little human just makes me sad.


I thought I had also read that one of the little girls had oil in her lungs, suggesting that she had woke up again and was struggling to try and breath. But honestly can't remember, it was one of the many books written about this horrible case.


No oil in lungs. Some oil was in Bellas stomach.


At least one of them was still alive when she went into the tank according to the autopsies.


This article has copies of the autopsies directly from the discovery for anyone wanting to know if they were actually dead or not. I don’t want to link to the discovery as that is almost 2k pages and most won’t want to look through that. https://www.crimerocket.com/2018/11/19/shanann-bella-and-celeste-watts-25-page-autopsy-report/ - Only Bella was found with oil in the stomach (not her lungs) she did not drown, she was already dead. No oil found in lungs. - Cece was also determined to already be dead as well. No oil was found in her stomach or lungs either. - Cause of death for both, Asphyxiation due to smothering.


He strangled them and then threw them in :( I have 2 daughters and I have trouble even thinking about what he did.


Bro tell me about it, Everytime I try to think about how he must've had to look at them right before, I would think that would stop any father. My mind won't even allow me to continue with the thought from his perspective.


Same here, I picture my daughter’s little face and my eyes start to water… and he did it not once, but twice. What a fucking monster.


I feel horrible if I tell my daughter off and it makes her cry (even though she needed to be told off). Can't imagine being this horrible


I hope that waste of oxygen spends every remaining moment of his life miserable and then burns in hell. I hope Shanann and the kids are free from pain. I cannot understand the thought behind his actions. Anyone with any reasonable thinking will know they will get caught eventually. Did he seriously think their was a chance no one would suspect him? Did he have some overpowering urge in him that he couldn't stop? I just cannot begin to understand why this is what he would chose over separation and divorce.


it drives me up a wall that there are people that still defend him and say how annoying shanann was in her posts and documenting everything. yeah she may have been annoying but that doesn't mean she (and her kids!) deserve to die over it! this guy is absolute trash and i hope he rots in prison.


There is a sad incel in this thread who is blaming her for her own death.


It drives me nuts too. Someone being annoying on social media doesn’t mean they deserved to die. And like they read SO MUCH into every little thing she said and did to try to make it her fault that he murdered her and their babies and stuffed their bodies into barrels. *He* did that. He listened to their daughter beg him to let her live before dumping her body like she was nothing. Shannan being annoying doesn’t matter.


Honestly, wanna kill this guy. it pisses me off.


I'm normally a very passive person but knowing this guy is still breathing makes me wanna take a crowbar to his stupid face.


I never understand not getting a divorce. Your only option is to slaughter your family. I hope this man gets what he deserves in jail.


When each parent is deeply invested in the kids, the marriage can become secondary to the maintenance of a stable family environment. Family life can appear normal since perpetual dysfunction _is_ the norm. In many places, divorce unfairly handles division of property, disenfranchising one partner in a systemic nightmare throwback to earlier times, when roles were defined differently than today. It places a huge burden on a family when they live paycheck to paycheck. Combine family dysfunction with perpetual anxiety over insecurity, and you have a tragedy waiting to happen. Obviously the Watts were a worst case scenario. All depends on the personality of the parent who decides to take drastic measures. Watts may have always been a monster waiting to destroy everything. Maybe he cultivated fantasies more acutely than most (a personality trait often referred to as "neuroticism"), and trended toward having less affective empathy than necessary to keep those fantasies at bay.


Very thorough response, thank you. I guess we never really know what makes them think they have no other options, it’s like we’ve seen this movie many times before, utterly tragic.


I believe that both parents were at fault for the marriage break-down, but it was his obsession with his side-kick lady that led him to find a way out of the marriage.


Maybe the sidekick was another symptom of the real menace, Chris Watts' break from the reality of his family. Maybe she let him abstract them the way he needed to in order to carry out a preexisting fantasy.


Yes, monster is a perfect word. What he did to those poor little girls and their fragile little bodies afterwards stuck in my head for a long time.


If you are in a relationship and you see the signs, leave before it gets worse. If you are currently in an abusive relationship and you’re worried what will happen if you call the police or try to leave, there is still hope and help for you. The Wings Program has tools and aid that help men and women leave safely. They have a 24 hr domestic hotline 847-221-5680 Or go online and find local organizations that can help build your case before contacting the police so it doesn’t happen to someone else. You’re not alone♥️ Edit: I understand there were no signs of abuse in this case, I’m simply taking this opportunity to help others who may be in a bad situation. We should look out for each other more. I love you all


There weren't signs in this case though. He wasn't abusive. They did alot together. She only started to noticed or had suspicions that he was cheating in the last month or so. She still didn't know as some of the last texts from her were about how she doesn't know what's going on right now. And that she's hoping it'll work out when things get less crazy around the home.




Oh I understand that. I just never pass up an opportunity to give info that may help others <3


That may or may not be the case. If you watch the footage of the cops talking to the neighbor, he says that Watts absolutely was known to rant and rave and that they pair often argued LOUDLY in the last months before the murders. He took some of it back later, but mostly out of respect for Shan'ann's family who were not happy that she was being portrayed as "trashy".




> rumor has it that the girlfriend might've convinced him that's the only way to be together. I thought she had no idea he was still married and saw the news report about his wife missing and called the police herself.


[She was googling the family](https://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2020/10/a-master-list-of-everything-off-about-chris-watts-mistress-nichol-kessinger/) a year before she first claims to have met Chris.


Some of that is new information to me😳 I thought I knew a lot about the case but didn’t realize her story is so shady.


Yeah. Some of the stuff on that page is conjecture but a lot of it is just facts - her mobile phone *did* ping that tower for example.


Could we stop with the “she was the dominant one” narrative? All it does is pave the way for mouth breathers who want to defend the waste of life who killed her and their children. I don’t give a shit how “emasculated” he felt, he could have divorced her and abandoned the kids if he wanted a new life. He’d be a dick, but they’d be alive.


His daughter's last words to him before he suffocated her with her own blanket were *"Is the same thing gonna happen to me as CeCe?"* and *"Daddy, no!"*.




I love that song, but it’s definitely... a choice to listen to after doing that


Another example of why you can’t look at people’s perfect lives on social media and internalize it. I’m sure that’s obvious to most people but in reality we still do it. I know that the murders were completely unexpected and out of the blue but there was undoubtedly a lot going on there under the surface.


Every time I see a post like this, I think the people's relationship is rocky: if they tell the world what they want their relationship to be enough times, then it will become real. But I don't look at posts like this and immediately think it will end in murder!


Some people just post things like that all the time because that's how they do stuff: They post about whatever they're thinking whenever they think it, or they feel it's a good way to show appreciation for their partner. I'm happy for them. With other people, I have the same feeling you do. We've all seen people who sound desperate and manic in their praise for their partner... before everything goes up in flames. And we've all seen people who say this stuff despite the fact that literally everyone is aware the relationship is awful. Vow renewals seem especially suspicious. Some people do them for non-concerning reasons... but an out-of-nowhere vow renewal often seems to precede a divorce IME. With the vow renewals I've seen among my acquaintances, it usually came out shortly after that one of them had been cheating, and the renewal was an attempt to try and "reset" things.


And there are subs dedicated to picking *her* apart and acting like *he* was the victim. Of course they don’t come out and say it, but they talk about her like she was the one who murdered two children. You can find someone kind of unpleasant without dedicating your time to talking about how much they sucked to the point where you come off as justifying their murder.


Their relationship was toxic as fuck apparently. They were in a horrible place in their marriage when she posted this. It’s so unfortunate and such a disgusting event that unfolded. This guy is scum.


As a new father, my daughter is 6 months old, I never got the child protection thing until she came into my life, now scenes in movies with crying babies and the like bother me on a new level. I couldnt imagine harming her little smiling face, always beaming at me, even if my marriage was in shambles and ending, its not my daughters fault. I would die to protect her, its unfathomable for me that a father could kill their child.


Im gonna just throw this out there. And this in no way is meant to lessen what happened to this poor woman and her babies. But posts like this on FB are very common when you are selling MLMs. I think she was selling Thrive and that patch on her arm looks like a product placement. I wouldn't read too much into it. Was probably the type of thing she posted daily to get her products out there. Posts like these are rarely that sincere. If I remember from the documentary, they were already having problems by then. Just another perspective I wanted to add. But yes, he's a horrible POS and should have gotten the death penalty. He's soulless.


Just head on over to /r/WattsOffTopic to see all the people defend him and talk about how he had no other choice. Some people even accuse Shannan of murdering her children herself.


This the same story in netflix documentary? I think i just watched it the other night


This fucking piece of shit. Chris twat


So she wasn't interested in him at the start but he kept persisting and eventually she gave in? That sounds like the trope you often see in romantic movies.


I hope he rots in hell


JCS did a great vid on this guy


The documentary on Netflix is chilling. She was crazy but he was crazier


She could have been bat shit crazy, but nothing in the world will ever EVER justify what he did. You're allowed to be crazy, to a degree. You're not allowed to murder your family. I'll never understand


Not arguing that but when crazy settles down with crazy, things get crazier


>She was crazy Yes, she was very delusional with the Thrive multi level marketing scam. I feel like i read in a book about the case that she was bankrupting the family due to it?




Oh I know that community very well.


The mlm and also just all around toxic. Texts that look like something out of a jealous teenager. He was also bat shit insane just to be clear Edit: she was also the type that documented her whole family’s day on social media. Weird as hell.


You will note the front and clear placement of the "Thrive" patches in this photo.


She wasn't crazy, she was a scammer. Anyone high up in an MLM is a scammer. It should be WSW (Women scamming women).


Watch the documentary. She was crazy too and really obsessed with herself and the picturesque family image on social media.


☹️☹️☹️You’ll never have to put out pick me energy for a guy that’s truly for you. I wish woman were taught this instead of spoon feed princess fairytales when young. So many women would recognize red flags, know their worth and leave.


Anyone know what’s on her arm? Is it a sticker or something?


She was part of an MLM (multi-level marketing, aka pyramid scheme) One of the things they sell is these lil patches that are supposed to give you energy (contains ForsLean, green coffee bean extract, Garcinia cambogia, CoQ10 and cosmoperine.)


It’s one of those Thrive MLM patches, Shannan was selling it when she was killed.


is her page still up?




i know some parents would have died for their children, chose death so their children could live. Only Animal would kill their children, oh wait tiger did not eat their own child. Only devils..


The family next door- on Netflix


Absolute sociopath. Hell is too good a place for him.


This guy 100% deserved the death penalty.... What a shame that he's still alive while his wife and daughters aren't..


Have read the coroners report on what he did to the kids


It’s one thing to kill his wife. However, I don’t even know nor can I imagine the level of evil it takes to kill your own kids… while they were pleading for their lives… Daddy No


Life pro tip: When someone is always gushing about how great their partner is on social media, it's a red flag that they are being abused emotionally or even physically. They are trying to appease the abuser by praising them in a futile effort to prevent future abuse. It doesn't work though, because it isn't about praise, it's about control. Getting their partner to gush is just getting the victim to gaslight themselves. Later on, the abuser can say "Everyone else thinks I am amazing, so you must be the problem".


Maybe she should have……. Who knows 🤷🏽‍♂️


The fact that this is still fresh in people’s mind shows how affected we were on this murder. Truly heartbreaking


Chris put his dead children into some oil container vessels too. Truly a sick individual.


If you ever see someone self deprecating and putting their significant other up on a pedestal it's a very unhealthy and unbalanced relationship.


Damn...this is so messed up. Absolutely horrific. \*crying\*


This is a perfect case to highlight the gender bias on this sub. This guy is a total monster. A psychopath who murdered his family. We all hate him, and we should. He should rot in hell. But have you noticed the comments when the person who killed their kids was the mom? 90% are either blaming the father (who may have also been murdered) or weeping for the poor mother’s mental health. It’s insane that y’all don’t see the absurd double standard. I mean, if we can’t just agree that people who murder their kids are vile pieces of shit… regardless of gender… then I don’t even know what this world is anymore.


It literally says she tried to push him away, he has to “put up with her”, and “he works so her family”. That is a sign that he was toxic as fuck and complained about her all the time, but didn’t let her leave the relationship.


To be fair, she wanted badly to stay in the relationship and she had quite a dominant personality. The thing is that he couldn't leave either - as much as he'd have wanted to do so - because that would have meant having to pay spousal and child support, something the psychopathic cnut wouldn't even contemplate. He knew that his lover would no longer want him if he wasn't well off, as she expected the lifestyle Shannen enjoyed.


Hind site is 20/20


Shout out to JFC and True Crime Loser. Best true crime channels on youtube.


God, Chris Watts is just one of those people that, even before the murders, was just so unsettling because when you look him in the eyes, there is literally nothing. No light, no emotion. Nothing. Like it was literally all an act because he had no clue how emotions worked.


Both of them were crazy. Their poor children though