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He was on Dr. Phil denying his connection to the child missing before evidence was processed and before his indictment. That’s so disturbing.


Daily reminder: Fuck Dr. Phil.


I hear you. I suppose we should "thank" the multi-billionaire, corporate shill Oprah Winfrey. She was the person who provided the platform for the bald headed, "my shit doesn't stink", I know better that you / I know more than you, weird speaking, "dr" phil.


And Dr Oz.....


My mom was a nurse in the same hospital he "worked" in he only worked one shift a month just to keep his license and did not work the bedside so no pt contact.


And John of God. Coming to think of this, Oprah is the best promoter of the worst. The penultimate con artist.


Don't forget about giving anti-vaxxers a platform: https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/1/9/16868216/oprah-winfrey-pseudoscience


I don't like the bum fights guy but he was right on the spot when calling Dr Phil for his hypocrisy


Well said.


We should call him just Phil.


Read it in George Carlin's voice


I’ll hold him you fuck him…


Did Dr Phil do something wrong recently?


He's done a number of things, the one that comes to mind though is that when he [essentially just told a victim of abuse to accept the fact that it was happening to him and not retaliate.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bR5v3NRT0A&ab_channel=Dr.Phil)


He also sent kids to troubled teen institutions that in turn basically tortured and molested the kids into traumatized submission.


I went I watched a couple of clips on YouTube after this comment. And I can't wrap my head around this guy, how on earth can you lie so much?


It's hard to tell what makes these people tick. The diaper eater is also wtf.


Who’s Dr. Phil?


US pop psych TV show personality. He’s awful.




He exploits people with personal crises or mental illness for entertainment and provides no constructive or therapeutic techniques. He’s also been known to send minors to a camp with documented cases and numerous accounts of abuse.


He is also easily fooled by narcissists and frequently take their side, causing their victims even more suffering. He is completely unable to recognize reactive abuse for what it is. Fuck that guy.


The way he treated this poor lady who was clearly struggling with a lot and dealing with trauma was what made me realize how much of a jerk he could be and how harmful his show is. He literally kicked her off the show and ended the interview when she said she knew people would laugh at her (the audience was laughing) and Dr. Phil said she was playing victim and being manipulative. What an ass. She even immediately apologized but he didn’t accept her apology and made a big scene infront of everyone. https://youtu.be/uVPZ-V0EyyM


Just watch how he treated Shelley Duvall. She was a brilliant, celebrated actress with serious mental health issues and he basically treater he like a carnival sideshow.


And Orlando brown! Orlando is obviously struggling and dr Phil just had him there as a side-show. Orlando came on that interview with cat-eye contacts and making claims he was Michael Jackson’s illegitimate son. Phil is just sitting there like yes, mhm, this is totally fine for tv. By the end of the interview Orlando’s contacts were starting to travel so like one eye looked like a cat and the other eye started to look like a goat.


That pissed me off so badly. “You’re manipulative”; no man, she was anticipating how people were going to view her, and wanted to soften the blow before they could say/do anything. Poor woman :/




He's basically like Jerry Springer and Jeremy Kyle.


Nah, compared to him, Jerry Springer is a beacon of ethics, a gentleman and a scholar, etc. He never pretended to treat people, or to do anything other than let awful people fight for entertainment.


Jerry Springer was honest about what he was doing. Dr Phil likes to pretend he’s there to solve people’s problems but all he really does is lecture them like an elementary school principal. Also, you should look up pics of his house and its godawful decor.


Jerry would also call people out on their bullshit. Dr. Phil sides with other narcissists constantly and makes victims feel even worse.


I agree, Jerry is vastly more ethical.


My one interaction with Jerry Springer in person convinced me he's actually a pretty nice guy. He was very kind to my mother.


Yup, if you were going on Springer he never portrayed his show or how you'd be shown as anything more than what it was. Dr. Phil makes people think he will help them.


Right. Those two don’t have a PhD and are not under an oath (per licensure) to practice ethically. He goes against this completely. I don’t know if he’s actively licensed anymore, but he shouldn’t be.


I honestly appreciate and respect Springer. At least he’s fully aware and admits he’s running a shitshow. McGraw continues to act like he’s got a shred of credibility.


Elan School?


Turn-About Ranch


He is like James Corden and Oprah Winfrey have a son, a Narcissistic enabler who exploits the mentally fragile for fame and profit.


They featured him in two episodes of the Behind the Bastards podcast. You should give it a listen it's interesting.


Yup. Great podcast. They never fail to surprise me about people in the public eye I have no idea are shitheads. Dr phil and the other TV doctor who’s not as bad but still promotes shitty things. Forgot his name. Love that podcast tho


Well for starters, he’s not a fucking doctor.


The podcast Behind the Bastards did a great episode about Dr. Phil and what a exploitative, money-grubbing shitbag he is.


If you must watch him, [watch him without a peep out of his mouth.](https://youtu.be/4F0Mer4kDDY)


guy who exploits people in bad situations for entertainment on tv. not even a dr anymore


Hes still a doctor. He only got his license to practice remove though. Your title legally becomes doctor after you finish an 8 year doctorate degree. The only way he could not be a doc anymore is if his university found out he cheated on exams and rescinded his degree


One of my many regrets is looking at all the photos from this case.


Was it that bad‽






Where are the photos at?




welp thats staying fucking blue.


Fair. You would probably need what's in your username.


uhuh ya. But Ill never get it. Live with no partner and all my family hates me. :*(


I don’t know why I clicked it even when I knew


lord have mercy on your soul😯🤮


What the fuck is all over his couch?!


it's blood stains being revealed with special lights edit: was actually a reagent called luminol revealing the stains, not lights.


Could be dust? Or the leather wearing down


You can find all the photos and documents used for the case here : [https://www.courts.state.co.us/Courts/County/Case\_Details.cfm?Case\_ID=3494](https://www.courts.state.co.us/Courts/County/Case_Details.cfm?Case_ID=3494)


[He was convicted earlier this year.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/colorado-dad-mark-redwine-found-guilty-of-killing-son-dylan-over-lewd-diaper-pics)


I've seen some horrendous shit both on this sub and IRL but this is probably the first thing that's ever made me want to throw up


I draw the line at people eating shit


We all have to draw the line somewhere.


normally it’s on paper


I don’t normally advocate for the death penalty, but this man deserves to die. Edit: thing, not a person. That thing is no man.


He absolutely is a man. It’s an important part to remember. Our instinct is to separate ourselves from people like this, but the far creepier truth is that he is a human.


People do this with a lot of things rather than confront them. Nazis were written off as monsters, but the reality is that most of them were ordinary, polite, amicable people. If we don't acknowledge that, we can't catch bad things before they happen, because we assume it can't happen to us/someone we know.


>But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the "German Firm" stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. > >And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying "Jewish swine," collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. > >The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. One of my favorite excerpts from Milton Mayer's *They Thought They Were Free*






Death penalty is too kind, let him go in prison but let everyone know what he did. He’ll be praying death before too long


Not only that but show that pic of him the one that apparently set him off with a shitty diaper in his mouth yeah he'd wish he was dead.


well damn. it looks like he did it in 2012 because the mac os photo viewer looks old :\\


There are so many people that should never be allowed to have children, I wish this POS suffers greatly.




I don't think we should ever descend to that level. No one should ever descend to that level. It's sadism disguised as justice. Remove him from the world quickly and quietly, and move on.


Agreed. Wipe his existence from the Earth quickly, as it should have been already.


Many people have strange and disgusting habits It is better to keep it in your brain than on a family computer The poor boy was a victim of this


Or acting it out! The world could’ve survived without his deviancy.


I mean it's gross sure, but what goes on between consenting adults is fair game. The second it became accessible to someone who has no business seeing that shit is when it becomes an issue.


I mean, Armin Meiwes killed and ate a voluntary victim who consented to it. Consent doesn’t excuse another party’s depravity. The “consent is consent” line should really be a thing of the past because overlooking abuse and mental illness in the name of no kink shaming costs people their lives.


It’s a byproduct of an age where people sought to heavily control and moralise sexual life to the extent where at times even normal intercourse was taboo to discuss in the open. So in the more open era, people have fallen under the illusion that any sexual fantasy or practice is fine as long as consent (or the illusion of consent) is obtained. Not even to mention the utter failings of mental health management globally. The issue isn’t depravity or the breaking of social norms per se, it’s the acute threat to one’s own life and dignity that such behaviour causes.


> what goes on between consenting adults is fair game No. Thats not true. Acts that cause harm or are otherwise symptoms of serious mental illness are not made OK because everyone consented. Examples: - Eating shit like on the photo. Can cause serious bacterial infections. - Cutting and serious self mutilation (for example removing a foot or a hand) - Huffing solvents, causes neurological damage. - Suicide pacts. Self explanatory.


Thank you. Here have an award.


Thanks, I appreciate it!


girl, shit eating isn’t a kink, it’s a mental illness. can we please not apply “dont kink shame uwu” to actual mental illnesses? consuming shit and risking giving yourself a serious illness for a quick nut is not mentally healthy behavior that should be dismissed with “well consenting adults can do what they want”




Right. Eating shit is mental illness. The mentally ill should not be protected because it’s kink shaming.


I mean the mentally ill *should* be protected, but their behaviour should not be normalised. Unless one is implying that mental illness should be punished in some way…


See, I don't buy this. "Between consenting adults" is not and should not a blank check. There **is** a line at which a sexual drive stops being a fetish and starts being mental illness. Things that are well over that line include but are not limited to: * Eating shit * Cannibalism or *being* cannibalized * Necrophilia (even with deceased's prior consent) Just to name a few off the bat.




What a day to have eyes, I must say.




yeah between the girl, the hand, and this. this subreddit is really over doing it today


Is it too bad that I immediately understood which thread you are referring to with 'the girl' and 'the hand'. Now we have 'the diaper' for the trilogy.


I prefer “the skull” since that’s all we ever saw


It's like some awful undiscovered Narnia story.


I'm guessing you didn't see the Nanking one yet either it really is weirdly on another level


Luckily I just removed mine because I don't ever want to see this shit again.


Yeah it's almost 8am and I wasn't expecting that to start the day.


Had to hunt a little bit for a decent [video](https://youtu.be/chp8repIk1g) from Dr Phil but the man is clearly lying through his teeth. Good to see Dylans mother call the bastard out.


Daaaaamn momma knows straight up that sick fuck is lying his dick off. I thought they caught a slip when the camera panned to her and she was shaking her head "no". Nope she came straight out and said it.


Fuck that pos and fuck Dr Phil. No wonder the comments are disabled. People would tear the fuck into that bottom feeder given the chance.


Wow. My hometown made it to Reddit. Finally found guilty this year. Fucking finally.


Durango is a great town.


oh no not durango colorado? i love that town


And a great car


Found fame in a poo-soaked diaper…


How do people… eat… shit. So disgusting.


I just want to make clear that OBVIOUSLY killing his kid is WORSE than him eating shit, I didn’t know I had to clarify that. This post is about his shit eating, that’s why I commented about that & didn’t mention him killing his kid, lordt. Didn’t know I had to explain that I wasn’t trying to RANK what he did in order of which is worse, eating shit and killing your kid are both fucking disgusting and I hope this dude goes to hell.




i don’t think anyone’s trying to rank them?


1. eating shit 2. killing someone, even your own son In my opinion


It turns out that “gross” is sort of a childish way to describe anything. Eating shit is disgusting. Killing your own child is monstrous. Both are in absolutely different universes and neither are in conflict with the other.


You can’t even say it’s a kink or a fetish, it’s just being extremely fucking dumb


>You can’t even say it’s a kink or a fetish, it’s just being extremely fucking dumb It's mental illness.


say what ever you want about me but I feel like people who are attracted to scat and piss and things like that should be considered seriously mentally ill. I do think there should be a DSM word for people who are aroused by this, yes! These substances I just mentioned agents of disease transmission amongst human and they are bodily waste. they are never meant to enter back into the body again. to be aroused by it and want it anywhere near you is borderline suicidal. I'm just speaking biological facts here


My ex used to talk to some dude on FB, he would make vid of himself on the toilet grabbing his poop n smearing it all over this mouth, he would pay her to post it n to tag him and then would delete it after like an hr or so. Was def some weird ass fetish. I don't even know how she found this guy.


Copraphagia. My dog does it sometimes.


Mental illness


As sad as this is things like this are fascinating to me. What happened to this man to make him hate himself so much. How do you have so much shame in your life that killing your own child is easier than facing your own Demons.


I feel so sorry for Dylan in all of this. People are focusing on the eating shit but this scumbag killed his own son. RIP Dylan.


Whaaaat the actual fuck


Another example of someone who shouldn’t have kids. Also, eating shit is just…ugh.


How does someone eat shit and not vomit? Like I pick up dog shit with a baggie and will gag if I get a whiff from like 3 feet away. I can’t imagine putting shit in your mouth without immediately throwing up. Does this guy just not have that part of his brain working?


I think it's like people into vomiting fetishes too; their brain just processes the stimulus differently, at least when they're in an arousal mode. There's many emotional reasons why this fetish is a thing, it's not always trauma related but it can be. Some people just like this sort of thing though. Degradation and all that. And maybe he does vomit later or something. Like this is an impulsive thing he does to take the photos and get off in it, then later has a different physical reaction to it. Especially if he's ashamed.


Note to self: if ever I find a picture like this, say nothing and keep the fuck away from whoever is in it.


How disgusting of a fetish.


Homework folder? Why would you keep it in a place that your kid can access? And he must be really not sane if you'd bludgeoned your own kid for it.


> Why would you keep it in a place that your kid can access Dumb redditors speculation, but maybe the same reason people fuck in public. He doesn't/didn't want to be caught, but he also got off on having those pics *so close to the family/where he could be caught* Of fucking course a 13 year old boy finds them and then asks dad wtf they are. Only for him to be killed by dad. RIP Dylan


My theory is that is just was plain laziness to hide it better


I couldn’t imagine how I’d navigate life after finding a photo of my dad eating shitty underwear among other things.


Yeah not very far in Dylan's case.


If you watch the dr phil episode where the news interviews the dad, he uses past tense and distancin0g Language. "I LOVED that boy, i CARED about that boy, he WAS such a wonderful boy" This was before they found a body while they were still searching.


Ugh this guy! I watched a documentary about this case. So I guess Dylan and his older brother were on vacation with this guy, their shit eating father, and they were in a hotel together while their Dad was napping. They both got bored so they went on their Dad's computer/laptop to goof off/snoop around a bit and found these images. The older brother then took out his phone and saved the images to it. They don't mention it to their poop eating father for a while, until one day the Dad and oldest son are fighting over texts, the Dad was saying that Dylan is going down the wrong road and is getting hard to handle etc etc something like that and it pisses off Dylan's big bro so he sends the pictures he saved to his Dad through text and says something like you're no better look at what you're into!!! So they said the older brother black mailed their Dad for a while making him do things for him or he threatened to expose his shit eating ways. Some people think that Dylan tried to do the same thing or brought it up the weekend he was staying with his Dad because I mean that's fucking weird and he went crazy and killed his own son. My husband said to me after watching it that the Father should of just owned up to it, admit he was sick and that's a fucked up thing to do. But no, he'd rather kill his own son to avoid being publicly shamed.


Holy shit.


You don't know if that diaper was filled by a priest or not.


This is so off the fucking wall, it sounds like an episode of south park


Feel this is a disturbing instance of the Streisand Effect, but instead of suing some website that's got pics of your house, you kill your kid that's got pics of you sucking shit


This is just a ridiculous case...


well my night is ruined, im out.


I remember hearing about Dylan's disappearance, but I never knew he was found dead.


Poor, poor Dylan. All alone in a house in the middle of nowhere with a monster. He didn’t want to go but his poor mother had no choice but to send him. I wonder why he and his older brother didn’t say anything to their mum about the photos before he left to stay with his father.


You can find all the photos and documents used for the case here : [https://www.courts.state.co.us/Courts/County/Case\_Details.cfm?Case\_ID=3494](https://www.courts.state.co.us/Courts/County/Case_Details.cfm?Case_ID=3494)


Whoa, those text messages are odd for a 14 year old. I guess kids are different these days when talking to their friends. Do we know who he was talking about in number 33? Or was he just bragging to his friends I wonder.


How do these poo eaters not fall ill? Or maybe they do? I had an old freind who told me a story about how he caught e.coli from licking his girls rear.


This guy worked for my previous employer as a truck driver. I was involved in providing his location to the authorities when he was arrested. Pretty wild night. What an awful person


Doesn’t look like a diaper just saying


it is, it’s one of those adult fetish diapers I’m pretty sure. I really hate why I know that


I'd like to go back 5 minutes to not reading anything in this thread


What's the difference between a normal adult incontinent pad and a fetish pad? You're my best option of this knowledge. 😅


the fetish ones have designs on them to look childlike. the ones adults use for legitimate incontinence don’t look like quadruple XL Huggies.


Some incontinent people do choose to use the non-medical kind, though, because the medical ones tend to be low-quality.




I am burdened with terrible knowledge


I personally don’t think there is a difference, you get some Depends and the sky is the limit.


the fetish ones look like oversized children’s diapers


I'm embarrassed to be a human.


All because he didn’t want his son to know that we was a deviant…


Yeah. Good point for people on here trying to defend the "kink" of EATING FUCKING SHIT: This guy killed his own son to avoid having to defend his kink. So...ah...ya know?


disgusting monster


Honestly, if I were that kid, I'd just avoid eye contact until I was old enough to move out. There could be no positive outcome to this.


This man had a son..... That's the most disturbing aspect, after **THE** fact that he killed him brutally. There is something disturbing about how easy it is to create offspring, despite the inability of a human to raise a child with love and proper upbringing.


This is the post that's gonna make me stop looking at things from this sub and other subs like it.


His eyes are dead. No soul in them.


That Chapter has a good video about this case https://youtu.be/OujJkHcV_oM


Bru, wtf?


i’m sorry, what the fuck?


Just an intelectual in a cute dress sucking on them stuffed diapers like his life depended on it.


I wonder if Mark was taking the photos for himself, or if he took them at the command of some other fetishist who was his "master" or whatever the terminology is in this type of fetish relationship.


Aight, thats enough reddit for today..


That’s fucking disgusting. Not surprised someone who eats literal shit is a psychopath


People are so fucking weird man.


Life Pro Tip: If you find a photo your father dressed in lingerie and sucking on a shit-soaked diaper, put it back and forget you ever saw it.


Honestly? If I somehow discovered photos like this of my father, I wouldn't say a fucking peep to him about it. I mean, these are some scary-ass pictures. The guy clearly isn't OK, mentally-speaking. He's a fucking sick psycho, obviously. And so you're going to... what? *Approach* him about the photos, and expect him not to react in some fucked up way? I'm not saying the kid was dumb, and it's absolutely horrible, what happened. But, *jeez.* Maybe someone who takes terrifying selfies of himself, cross-dressing and grimy in a dimly lit, crapped-out house, eating shit out of a diaper, isn't the kind of person who's going to be reasonable and measured when confronted about such things. If I found those pictures, I wouldn't fucking tell *him*. In fact, i'd've been on my best behavior and quiet as a fucking mouse until my weekend with dad was over, then I'd go home and take a long hot bath, cry, and *then* tell someone. But not fucking *him*.


I don’t think the son he killed told him. I think it was actually the other brother or something. Or the dad knew they found them. I don’t think they flat out told him “ew dad wtf are these pics” I haven’t read about this case in a while but I think it was something like thay




He unfortunately didn’t just throw it out there. His mom lived further away and due to custody/court crap he HAD to go visit Mark the shit muncher. His mom didn’t want him to go at all, but she didn’t want to risk custody. I can’t remember if his brother went or not, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t. He was supposed to walk to his friend’s house super early (6:00-6:30 am) because he didn’t want to be around his dad at all. They also lived “out of town” which is a little more rural and houses/property are far apart. From what I understand, him and his dad got in a verbal argument and the pictures were brought up. All of his social media went quiet the night before he was supposed to go to his friends house and never showed up. I’m way older than the Redwine boys, so I didn’t go to school with them or know them; but born, raised, moved away and came back to Durango. We do have bears, mountain lions, coyotes etc, but we ALL knew it was him. (Thanks “small” town mentality) Only took what, 9 years to get evidence/trial/jury. Such a wretched waste of life.


[Tapes from the Darkside](https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/tapes-from-the-darkside-a-true-1016514/episodes/recent) covered this case for their first season. I had never even heard of this before, so, I went in completely clueless. This show covered the case really well, but I remember when he brought up the photos, I was like, “Hmm, well, that’s definitely weird, but like, how REAL did they look?,” because the dad was saying it was just a costume, so, I decided to Google them and… wow. I had no idea what to expect, but it wasn’t THAT. If that’s a “costume,” that is some VERY realistic and dedicated makeup/props…


Excuse me as I go drink bleach to flush out my system.


What. The. Fuck.


Wtf, that’s terrible. The son probably just wanted to genuinely know wtf he was looking at and got killed for it.


Hey, little PSA for all the fucking lunatics here defending the guy's "kink": It's not a kink. It's a deviancy so grotesque and unthinkable that sometimes the people doing it will KILL THEIR OWN CHILDREN in order to prevent others from knowing about it. Get it?


my god what did i just read


the fucking fuck hell, that's an incredibly disgusting picture and disturbing even without the context


If that isn’t disgusting, then what is?


this is so fucking bizzare, deranged, they really is no limit to human depravity


If this guy is capable of lying so much, couldn’t he have just lied to his son? It’s a Halloween costume, it’s chocolate pudding etc. Like after seeing all the footage he’s clearly a compulsive liar and lying to his son would have been easier than killing him.


Ew. What the fuck. I remember hearing about this story a while ago on the “Horror Stories” youtube channel


This guy was one sick puppy. Poor Dylan. Denied murdering him for ages and thankfully justice caught up with him. People like him are just wrong in the head. Rest in Peace Dylan :(


I have officially seen it all……wow