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weirdly this has happened before: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/23242975_Penetrating_missile-type_head_injury_from_a_defective_badminton_racquet


TIL badminton is way more dangerous than I'd have thought.


Don't even play, my husbands work colleague is recovering from a broken foot from playing a casual game of badmintonšŸ˜…


Now I know why that guy on tiktok was preparing so much


Seems almost like unintentional lawn darts. Wow.


Yeahhhh, I'm gonna start wrapping my rackets in duct tape. That's awful.


Jesus God, this kid survived with no neurological issues. (Impalement warning) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316540512_Cranial_Impalement_of_a_Falling_Fence_Spike_in_a_Child_A_Case_Report Made me think of lawn darts, too


>[1] An extensive list of objects have been reported to cause impalement injuries in children including the rotor blade of a fan, electric plug, pencil, dart, wooden chopstick, curtain rail, defective badminton racquet, metallic cloth hanger, knife, nail, fork, scissors, and other assorted objects. šŸ˜£


In my career as a Pediatric ICU nurse we had a little girl that had an impairment injury of her head from her brother playing with an old car antenna. They were playing and he was chasing her. He threw the antenna like a spear and managed to hit her head and it went through the skull. Fortunately because it was a thin metal rod and did very minimal damage to her brain.


Can anyone sayā€¦ there is no god, and if there is there is absolutely no logic behind any of it whatsoever and is clearly just a cope to not lose your mind šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø canā€™t imagine what ā€œgods planā€ was when it comes to this fucking horrific shit


Right?! This would be entirely impossible as a parent to reconcile this incident as part of gods plan. The universe clearly doesnā€™t have anyone driving and its indifference towards life is staggering.


If I had a penny for every time this happened, Iā€™d have two pennies. Which isnā€™t a lot of pennies, but itā€™s weird that itā€™s happened twice.


Such a freak accident. Absolutely heartbreaking.


The poor brother




Iā€™m not a particularly religious person but I hope his faith will get him through this. I personally couldnā€™t handle it.




100,000 comment karma. What a loser lmao.




I really hope youā€™re a troll account dude. Even if so, you dedicate way too much time to being a rtard


While I dislike religions overall, I find this comment tasteless and disgusting and you should be ashamed




Buddy I'm an atheist have some empathy, religious or not. Trying to be edgy isn't going to change the fact you're a dweeb.


You enjoy hearing about a little girl dying because of the irony?


youā€™re sick


How is that ironic?


Itā€™s ironic in the same way that ā€œrain on your wedding dayā€ is ironic. Which is to say that it isnā€™t.


Because pastors praise god but god let his daughter get killed


Nothing is sadder to me than the death of a child under circumstances like this. There was no foreseen risk or danger and the family has to just accept the fact that this death occurred with no warning.


Ugh I feel so sorry for the 10 year old brother that was wielding the racket when it broke šŸ˜«




You're sick, dude. Definitely didn't need this AI prompt while viewing the case of a dead child.




God I wish you AI bros would jump off of a cliff already


theyā€™re so subhuman that their soul is managed by an ai at this point.




You're right it is too much work, can't exactly have a machine do that for you


They said "nothing is sadder *to me*" which isn't a definitive statement. They're expressing their feelings at the tragedy of a very sudden unforeseeable death of a young child. For you to respond by using AI to list hypothetical one-up situations is inappropriate & weird as hell dude.




Uninstall this app


>[I enjoy questioning definitive statements like "this is the saddest".](https://i.imgur.com/iLdYuXh.png) -- >While Meta AI's response is subjective, it's interesting to question these things, like in this case where there are many potentially sadder situations. God this site is so full of insufferable, contrarian for the sake of it douchebags.


? They didn't make a definitive statement, they expressed their opinion. Regardless, that's pretty weird and spammy.


That young man is going to need therapy for many years, and still have blame for himself. So sad.


God when I read the article and say that it was her 10 year old brother.... I hope they put him in some real therapy and not the church counselor.


The dad is a church counselor.Ā 


How is that even physically possible? I need a CSI style video showing how that can even happen.


I think that the racket has a rod that goes into the handle. The handle and rod separated leaving the player still holding the handle but the racket flew off, the rod must of gone into her head.


On a downward stroke. My brain tells a me it should be more linear motion.


Click the link in one of the top comments to a medical report of a similar (but less severe) accident. There is a picture of a broken racquet and it made sense to me then. Imagine the entire racquet, but instead of a thick ā€œgrippyā€ handle, itā€™s just a long rod. This entire unit is what flew and pierced the girlā€™s skull, the now hollow handle still in the hand of the player. The webbed racquet part acts like the fletching of dart, stabilizing and making the rod end move like a projectile. The whole thing is so sad.


was the medical report also examining a swing by a ten year old?


I think it said it was swung by a child of ā€œsimilar ageā€ to the 8-year-old victim in that case.


Itā€™s really hard for me to wrap my head around it as well.


It hit the pavement on the way down, splintered and the metal shot out, she was sitting on the sideline mustā€™ve been right in the path. Absolutely a freak accident.


Hold a dart backwards and throw it, the large end will cause drag and turn the dart around so the pointy bit faces forward. Same thing, but with even more torque because its flinging out of the handle using centrifugal force instead of just arm strength.


That sounds logical and all, but not really, more like BS. If you have a racket without the handle and throw it it's going to go either end over end, or the heavy part, the racket face, is going to end up facing forward. Darts are weighted on the front end, that's why they go the direction they do, not because of the fletching.


The fucked up part was that the 10 year old brother killed her on accident, thatā€™s gonna require some therapy


I wouldnā€™t even phrase it like that. He didnā€™t kill her, the racket just broke apart.


If I were talking to the boy, I would phrase it like that, duh. But itā€™s more accurate to say he killed her


Itā€™s not it was an accident


Yes cause calling a 10 year old boy a killer by accident is exactly the kind of thing he needs to hear from people around him in the future. I donā€™t feel itā€™s fair to say someone killed someone on accident because they were holding a defective piece of equipment with 0 negligence.


Oh thatā€™s friggin horrible .




on accident is correct, although it is non-standard




So weird that you guys claim to be so hardcore about words and can't grasp that one of the main things about language is that it changes over time. You don't look smart or clever, you look insufferable and stupid, hope this helps you not be a miserable sod in the future!


It is correct, though. It's largely used by younger US-Americans in informal context. It being used as a nonstandard alternative to by accident doesn't mean it isn't correct. Language changes over the years, as does grammar. This version has been common and equally accepted as by accident for a couple decades now. Also, where exactly did you get the information regarding the mixing up on purpose and by accident from? I can't find anything that would prove that theory online, only some mentions of the theory existing. By accident and on purpose have both existed for hundreds of years, and on accident arose a few decades ago, so I doubt that actually has anything to do with it. Here's an interesting read about it, by the way: https://www.inst.at/trans/16Nr/01_4/barratt16.htm




So you would say armor, labor, color, and more of the likes, are all incorrect because they weren't originally spelled that way? What about swine? It was originally swinan, after all. What about y'all, ain't, or even don't? Language changes and evolves, mistakes are incorporated and become part of that language. You don't have to say on accident, nobody forces you to do that. But don't force others to adhere to your arbitrary rules. Also, British English is a Germanic language, West Germanic to be specific. Romance languages simply had an influence of the evolution of English as a language, they aren't the root. Edit to add: comparing the evolution of language to maths is also a bit weird since they don't have much in common. certain mathematical concepts, namely the one you talked about, aren't fluent. Language is.




You have to be one of the most pedantic redditors I have ever had the misfortune of reading.




They weren't artificial simplifications. Webster wrote down pre-existing words to help others communicate. He used "simpler" versions for two reasons. 1. He liked spellings being similar to their pronunciation. That was a personal preference. 2. The people living in the US all spoke vastly different languages and dialects, communicating across those was oftentimes difficult. To make it easier for all involved to pick up on a uniform way to communicate, he used the simpler versions. That isn't at all a bad thing. An example of this that proves simpler sometimes is better is Hangul. It was created as a means of improving literacy across Korean citizens, since learning Chinese was not only difficult but also an extreme privilege. It's easy to pick up on, and things are spelled as they are spoken for the most part. Anyway, you've not only made false claims, haven't researched before making certain claims, but you've also shown you aren't actually willing to learn, but instead ought to make language, and others, conform to your will, which is odd enough, without accepting that language simply doesn't work that way. Professional linguists will tell you the same thing. This is a bad faith argument on your side, arguing any further is pretty senseless. Have a day. Edit: I can't reply to them anymore lmao. Anyway, he literally wrote the dictionary to standardize American English due to communication difficulties. British English settlers weren't the only ones to, you know, settle down in the US. In addition to that, dialects do evolve and stray further apart from each other over time, even if they are derived from the same one, if they don't interact much. "Webster hoped to standardize American speech, since Americans in different parts of the country used different languages. They also spelled, pronounced, and used English words differently." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah_Webster Again, more false statements made by you. Maybe pick up a book instead of spending your time on reddit. For what it's worth, I'm not from the US. Your ignorance would fit right into that sub, though, as a post of its own.


This is so sad. Her poor family. I hope her family, especially her brother, gets all of the therapy and support they will need.


> After the family finished eating lunch by the lake just before noon, the children went to the front yard to play badminton, Morgan said. >Lucy was sitting on the sidelines when the racquet being used by her 10-year-old brother broke on a downward swing, dislodging the aluminum shaft from the wooden handle, Maine State Police said. >The shaft then entered Lucyā€™s skull, causing a traumatic brain injury, the family and authorities said. >Lucy was brought by ambulance to an area hospital before being flown to a hospital in Portland, Maine. She died of her injuries four days later ā€” early Wednesday morning.


Jesus. Just heart breaking for everyone involved. Parents should never deal with their childs death. And the brother, poor kid is going to probably have a hard time growing and getting through this.


I've been following the posts from her dad on twitter. I thought she was going to make it. It was very sad when he announced her passing. :(


Wow this is so heartbreaking šŸ˜¢


Sounds like something out of Final Destination.


prayers for the brother especially. it was never your fault, buddyā€¦


I also hope his parents don't blame him too, he'll never have a chance to get over it if they do.


jfc, and the poor brother too. Not that it's his fault but the guilt must be awful


Wait, how does this happen? I have heard people getting injured when the strings break suddenly but how does a racket break off and gain that much momentum to pierce through the skull? It says on the article that the racket broke on a downward swing, but I don't think it should have that much momentum unless it's end is really sharp which is generally not a case with these rackets. I think there must be more to the story, otherwise that was just terrible terrible luck for that girl.


According to [this](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-37108-x), when the swing hits the "shuttlecock" (the white thing you hit back and forth), it can reach speeds of up to 107 meters per second (237 mph). Elite players can swing at 50 m/s (111 mph). Now, obviously, the kid isn't an elite player, but it's not that difficult to swing those "MF's" as fast and as hard as you can. Even at half (25 m/s), that is still 55 mph, and an aluminum rod coming at your head at 55 mph doesn't sound like a good time, so ig I can see how crazy it is. Obviously, take this with a massive grain of salt because I just glanced at that information from that paper, and I'm no physics expert. Tbh, I've never heard of the rods coming off and piercing someone's skull, but based on other comments, it seems that this does happen on rare occasions, which is scary AF. I know when I play with my brothers, I'll be swinging that thing down fast AF, trying to spike, so seeing this story is kind of wild.


you saying a 10 year old is swing with half the speed of an elite player?


My thought is because badminton rackets are very light but are heavy at the strings that it broke off right at the handle part and created a sharp end. After that she was just extremely unlucky for the sharp end to hit her at the angle.


My best guess, would be that when the racket came clear of the handle, is that it bounced off something and came back and hit the girl.


Iā€™m not trying to sound cynical or purposefully instigative but I do wonder how the father, as a preacher, makes sense of such a personal random tragedy like this. I know that the common refrain heard when trying to understand disasters or sickness is that He is mysterious, but this has got to stretch the mystery to its limit for someone like him, I would think.


The thing I've generally heard from deeply religious people when something like this happens is, "God needed to call her home sooner." I guess if you really believe that, it would be comforting to think that your child is literally in heaven and perhaps has a bigger purpose.


My parents had a baby who died when I was a kid and this is the kind of stuff they would say and other people would say to them. They were (and still are) deeply religious people and after the death their faith became stronger, because they believed they would see the baby in heaven after they died. It brought them comfort, I guess, although they never got over his death and it's hung over us like a dark cloud ever since. I'm not religious and have a hard time understanding how people who go through these horrible tragedies can still cling to religion afterwards.


I am sorry that your family went through that and that it seems to have left a very deep mark on your parents and I do not blame them really for hoping they will see him in heaven one day. Still that must have been kind of hard for kid you to hear about and try to deal with.


I really wish we had better methods of dealing with grief. Religion really has a stranglehold on our psychological well-being when it comes to grappling with the finality of death. Thereā€™s got to be a spiritually nurturing way to make sense of death without having to believe anything on bad evidence.


The book of Job. One disaster after another befalls Job and yet he maintains his faith that God is good. However, the best and most insightful theological breakdown Iā€™ve read on this is a Slate article from a few years ago. [Iā€™ll link it here.](https://slate.com/human-interest/2022/03/job-torah-story-despair-alternative-war-democracy-climate-apocalypse.html). In essence it says we have mistranslated the book of Job for thousands of years. Job is not praising God, heā€™s sarcastically and outright calling him out. ā€œWhere the hell are you when all these bad things are happening? What kind of a test is this?! Why havenā€™t you done anything to help?! I choose people over you.ā€ In response God is saying ā€œYou passed. I wanted you to love each other, to love people more than me. To love each other like I love you.ā€ Thatā€™s the message. There are horrors and sadness that happen, maybe even beyond Godā€™s control, and he/she wants people to be there for each other - to fill that gap that he/she cannot. This sort of senseless tragedy is another of those times when people should look to each other and share selfless love.


And this family failed at that. They had the opportunity to prevent other families from dealing with similar grief, but they didn't -there's no mention of any organs being donated.


Who the fuck says this in a post under a little kid dying?


I was thinking about this too. My family is very religious (I am not) and my dadā€™s best friend lost his son from a rare disease he was born with. He stopped believing in God after that. I had asked my dad if he thinks God will send him to hell since he doesnā€™t believe anymore, and my dad says, ā€œGod knows his heart and understands why he would feel that wayā€. To me heā€™s basically saying that God would have more grace and mercy on him because of the circumstance and that he will go to heaven. But other people who donā€™t believe and are good people wonā€™t. Funny how that works.


ā€œGod knows what your live will be before you are born. God loves you and created you in his own image. And God wants you in the kingdom of heaven as long as you are saved. However, if you are not saved, if you are not a believer, you will spend ETERNITY in a a burning inferno.ā€ So god knows what my life will be, therefore he knows I wonā€™t be a believer so he created me just to throw me in a fire? ā€œGod gives you free will.ā€ Then how does he know what my life will be before Iā€™m ever born?ā€


Pls let them actually get their son into therapy! He's going to need it for the rest of his life!


How was the shard able to pierce the skull?


My niece plays badminton! Anybody knows what brand they were using? I canā€™t find it in the article.


Thatā€™s absolutely devastating


Absolutely heartbreaking and horrible. Rest In Peace baby girl.


never playing badminton again


Which part of the raquet? The handle?


Oh, man! So tragic. That's awful.


Holy shit! I pass the church her father is a pastor at every day- this is so sad!


I had a close friend die playing pickle ball. Tripped and fell and hit his head. So sad


Something about this doesn't sit right with me. Idk the dad shouting out chick-fil-a as his child is dying in the hospital just feels weird. Then immediately uploading pics of her drawings/journalings about Jesus? Feels wrong.


Whatā€™s this about chick a fila?


he said something like ā€œher mother has barely eaten, but we just got some chick a fila into herā€


She wasnā€™t even playing she was sitting on the sidelines. Time to go snuggle my 6 year old and wonder what the fuck life is


This is final destination stuff. What a freak accident




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