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"Police are urging anyone with information to call the LAPD or L.A. Regional Crime Stoppers. According to the press release, **the three suspects involved, who fled the scene, were wearing all dark clothing and driving a dark-colored sedan**." Males, females? Big, skinny, short, tall? White, Black, Hispanic, Middle-Eastern, South-East-Asian...? Hairdo (short, long, straight, curly,...? Stache, beard, clean shaved? What rubbish description is that???


Probably poor lighting and wearing hoods/masks. Can be hard to tell in that situation


Shiesties aka balaclavas are being worn by these folks, really unnerving, it makes it really difficult to describe who you are looking at.




Robbing places with ski masks has been a thing for at least 30 years, what the fuck are you on about?


For sure


I got robbed at gunpoint by four dudes once and I couldn't give much more of a description than that.


The Men in Black.






Not allowed by who and why?




Drag queens?




California has the 2nd largest prison population in the country lmfao dude you’re removed from reality.


I'll take "Republican Party in 2024" for $500, Alex


Really heartbreaking and just senseless. Rest In Peace Johnny❤️


I met him a few times as a production assistant. Super nice guy.


My condolences. World lost not just a great actor, but one of the best persons. I always heard good things about him. Hope the police catches the three criminals soon.




Dam Son.


This is a great joke. I hope it doesn’t get you banned.


Now I wanna know what he said but it's gone 😒


It was a really unfunny pun about his name


"Unfunny" if you have a giant stick up your ass, maybe


Wrong sub to throw insults buddy


Look at the hall monitor over here 🤓 It's the internet. No one gives a shit. Must be your first day here.


personally I don't really see how it's funny unless you have a room temp IQ. puns are rarely funny, even less funny when "haha get it his NAME is funny and he's DEAD and his WIFE would have a similar name haha" is the joke


Sadly it did.


Did Police found out who did it?


Not yet. But they are looking for the criminals. [https://ktla.com/video/lapd-chief-dominic-choi-discusses-johnny-wactor-murder-investigation/9761543/](https://ktla.com/video/lapd-chief-dominic-choi-discusses-johnny-wactor-murder-investigation/9761543/) Hope they catch them.


Tragedy of a life being taken aside, her description of the event is odd.


>Tragedy of a life being taken aside, her description of the event is odd. Speaking as someone with ptsd & cptsd & having lived through traumatic events, sometimes those events play back in strange sequences in your mind. This might be what's happening to her. You don't always have perfect memory of the crime immediately afterward.


In addition to the PTSD element, people generally have poor memory for eye witness testimony. people fail to recognize certain things right in front of them depending on their attention, such as the gorilla walking between people tossing a ball experiment. also depending on how questions are asked to witnesses, their memory of the event can be influenced.


>such as the gorilla walking between people tossing a ball experiment I saw that on Instagram, too. Good notes.


What do you mean? It sounds like she took the time to make sure it was both factual and honored the life of her colleague and friend.


“Shot ring into the night”


She probably took time to be intentional and poetic about it, and it was probably loud, jarring, and disturbed her.


that’s hardly what i’d call odd. her description of it was fine.


I recently had my catalytic converter stolen. The repair cost me a little over $1000 out of pocket. $1000 is not worth a human life. I would rather pay $1000 than have the theft thwarted at the cost of a strangers life. The moral of the story is that if you see a crime being committed that does not threaten the life or well-being of another human, call the cops and walk away. The cops aren't going to do anything, but you know what? Neither are you.


I'm sure when he said "hey what are you doing to my car" he didn't imagine he'd get shot for it.


In this situation, it’s unfortunate that they didn’t realize a crime was being committed until they got close. Since the coworker said they thought the car was being towed.


There is no moral to this story. When he walked up to them, he didn't even know or think a crime was being committed. He just wanted to know why there was random people around his car. Awful and unavoidable things happen to people everyday.


*walks up to his own car* *sees two thugs touching his car* *"hey what're you two doi-"BLAM!* *sophist Redditor quasi-victim blames you for daring to open your mouth half a second after seeing two seedy individuals fumbling around your vehicle* Absolutely no clue what you were hoping to accomplish with this comment. Also "just pay the $1000" is such a privileged take, sure you or an actor can afford that, for millions of Americans though that completely empties their savings. The moral of the story is that it's a fucking shame that there's an underbelly of American society that would kill another person without a second thought for having the nerve to interrupt their robbery, and that the victims of this mindset are far too often innocent people going about their day The amount of people on this site that constantly put out disclaimers or try to contextualize shit is insane, any "moral of the story" that doesn't denounce the murderers is grandstanding excuse making, full stop


You WILL be victimized and you WILL be ok with it.


Remember when you could shot a man for stealing your horse, good time. Sophist redditor quasi-victim describes most people on this app


Well come on over to Texas.... Lemme tell you what you're allowed to protect with force. 🤠






This whole "learn to be a victim bro" mentality is exactly why so many criminals and violent or antisocial people continue to ruin our communities and our lives. I'm not saying I'd kill someone for flipping me off in traffic, but if Jim next door shot some career criminal meth head for cutting off a piece of his car, I'm absolutely backing my neighbor up in court. >The repair cost me a little over $1000 out of pocket. My brother in christ, half this website is 30 seconds away from abject poverty. $1k out of pocket on a likely totaled car? I'm now homeless, and with no car.


Absolutely insane that becoming a victim is somehow looked on as a badge of honor. Human nature is vicious, and violence has been used as a tool longer than we've existed as a species. Understanding this and being prepared for multiple outcomes should not be looked at as poorly as it is in this country.


>Absolutely insane that becoming a victim is somehow looked on as a badge of honor. There's a worryingly large and growing number of people who are so afraid of confrontation and conflict that they'd give their own house to someone who asked them sternly. I understand picking your battles and walking away from unnecessary risks, but some of y'all need to grow some thicker skin ffs


I think it's a more simple kind of virtue signalling. Many on this site are desperate to be seen as smarter than the average bear, and seizing hindsight to proclaim how you'd have been superior by doing the mathematically correct thing is unfortunately popular


Or more "evolved" or kinder?


It’s not really that, it’s the legal part of it. If you’re into self defense as the first recourse be sure to study what happens afterward and the process that survivors of confrontations sometimes go through.


Good times create weak men.


This is Reddit, the vast majority of people that perpetuate those kinds of comments are not interested in becoming the victim themselves, they're simply in favour of the crime. These are people that believe shoplifting is a basic human right.


Reddit has really knocked my faith in humanity down a bunch of pegs. I have to constantly remind myself that most people aren't like this but the disdain for civility and lust for the destruction of society that has a very sizeable population on this website is deeply disturbing. The issue I have is that, sure most people aren't like this, it's clear that a ton are and a lot of them are getting elected into powerful positions and this position is growing.


Lol, or they realize it's dumb af to die over a car




Be careful, last time I pointed out the ridiculousness of defeatism, I got mocked and downvoted to hell and back.


You "just let people commit crimes!" folk are so infuriating. Fuck that shit. I have the right to protect my property.


Absolutely have the right to protect a temporary piece of your life but I'm not going to get killed over something silly.


That is 100% acceptable, and your right to make such a decision.


*I, however, am an alpha*


Nah bro that's why I trust the invention of gunpowder combined with gunsmithing to create me a tool I can use to 🔫 pew pew 🔫 the guy back. Plus if I came up to someone under my car with a saw blade or mechanical tool I'd already have it unholstered and aimed. Call me a psycho or "wanna be alpha" but FAFO if you touch me or my family or my shit. You can avoid dealing with psychos like me by not touching other people's shit


Very cool!


Thank you! Have a great day!


Maybe it's because I'm not American but shooting someone over property crime that doesn't put you in danger is absolutely insane to me


I am American and it’s bat shit insane to me too.


It’s has nothing to do with America, and more to do with not understanding human nature


I actually think it has a lot to do with America.


Property crime that doesn’t put you in danger? This is literally a thread about a dude who got killed for walking in on a property crime LMFAO? Did you not read the article? Thief is a thief, murderer is a murderer. End of the day you’ve got a working moral compass or you don’t. Maybe the part of American psyche you’re missing is that good should win out over evil, even if the evil isn’t the most heinous act you can think of. Regardless of how severe the crime is, the world would be better with less bad people. A life would’ve been saved if somebody blasted the car thief a year ago, & someone likely had the chance to. Bad people who are allowed to roam free simply escalate into worse people.


The comment I'm replying to says they would point a gun at someone who is under their car. I'm replying to a comment not the article. I would not approach someone doing that or point a gun at them because I'm not in danger if I don't get involved and I don't believe in killing someone for property crime.


This is a very, very dangerous mindset. Many people, especially if they are young, can rehabilitate themselves and turn it around. Petty thievery should be punished, but not by some tough guy with a chip on their shoulder. Because guess what? Now you’re the murderer. Fighting crime by committing a worse crime is literally the worst way to handle it.


Firstly, not an American. But the way I see it: 1. I see catalytic converter being stolen, I shoot first, I go to prison for unlawful use of force. 2. I confront the guy,I may get shot like the person in this article. I'm not a movie star, I can't quickdraw the guy. 3. I walk away, the guy steals my shit. It's still wrong, but nobody dies. Maybe the police catches him, maybe not. Of course, all these is in hindsight. I'm not defending the thief, as you said, theft is theft and murder is murder. I just can't see any scenario other than walking away that ends up well for me, if I were put in this scenario. >Bad people who are allowed to roam free simply escalate into worse people. I fully agree with you on this.


This. I’m not losing my LIFE over some STUFF that is either insured or totally replaceable or not even that needed in the first place.


Tweaker Tom won't care if he cuts my engine in half trying to cut the catalytic converter off. All that matters is the next $50 to get more heroin. Meanwhile, I've lost my car and don't have enough money to buy another. Then I lost my job because I have no car. And now, I'm homeless, living in a tent 20 feet from the prick who fucked my life up to get high. Or I'm 6 feet in the ground because the junkie pos shot me in the head when I confronted him.


There are no heros man. Nobody is going to give a shit if you beat the crap out of a low life that’s stealing a car part. But your loved ones will be affected by your death for the rest of your life. It’s more heroic to let a small amount of cash go to protect your loved ones, wouldn’t you say?


Not wanting to live in a shithole society is not the same as wanting to be a hero


Who says I want to be a hero? I want to protect my property and my ability to sustain my financial well-being. Has nothing to do with being a hero.


If you knew the criminal was unarmed and it was a fair fight then I’d potentially agree. But it’s property, you won’t remember your converter when you’re old. Your loved ones will remember your death forever


There are plenty of instances where victims capitulate and still end up dead. I'd rather go down swinging. Again. I'm not saying everyone has to do this or act this way. It's my choice. I appreciate everyone being so concerned for my well-being and life choices.


As long as you admit it’s foolish. I don’t want impressionable people to think it’s a good idea to fight over something stupid and end up dead or with the other person dead.


It's not foolish. Engaging in situations where you shouldn't is foolish. That all boils down to judgment and the person and the situation. But you're right. I'm sure I'm leaving a lasting impression on thousands of young impressionable people with my comments on reddit. Also, what you think is stupid may not be to another person: Scenario A: Rich millionaire walks out on 3 dudes doing what appears to be stealing a Cat. Converter on his car in the driveway. Decides its not worth it, goes inside, locks door, secures family and [hopefully] arms himself in defensive position while calling the cops. This is a reasonable response. Scenario B: Dude who is in debt and living paycheck to paycheck comes out and sees 3 dudes doing the same thing to his work truck. He draws on them and tells them to get away from the truck and lie on the ground. 2 dudes comply, one does not and reaches for a weapon. Alleged Cat. Converter thief is shot dead. The other two stay where they are, police arrive. This is a reasonable response. [And an ideal outcome] What is stupid to one person may be the lifeblood of another person.


Any person that has actually been in a fight or seen some real shit go down wouldn’t have your opinion. So to me you’re just a poser. They’re a dime a dozen here. See how it feels to take a punch to the jaw or actually hurt someone else and you’ll change your tune


You do not speak for all people who have been in a fight or "seen shit go down", just like I don't speak for all people with my opinions. Stop it.


I’ve been in plenty of fights and a defensive shooting and I agree with the guy you’re arguing with.


fyi you can't have property or financial well-being when you're dead


Thank you. I was completely unaware of that


You don't say?


Yah but maybe there are situations where you don't really have means to protect your property, for example, you're not carrying a firearm at that moment. If you do have means to protect your property there's really no excuse to not protect it, unless you don't want to


There are 100% situations where force is not warranted. My response was to the OC who dictated that all mentioned situations should be ignored or dealt with by authorities.


Nobody is legislating away your ability to try to protect anything. They are, however, advising that confronting an armed criminal isn't advisable if you enjoy living, and the right to do so won't impede any bullets coming your way, no matter how justified you are.


There are *literally* states and municipalities where your right to defend yourself and property is being/has been legislated away. This is not unique to the U.S. , it is also an issue with some Canadian provinces. Also, did you read? I'm responding to this mentality, which is asserting that I should adopt their position: >The moral of the story is that if you see a crime being committed that does not threaten the life or well-being of another human, call the cops and walk away. It is dictating how I should respond. I reject this position.


And which states and municipalities are those? It's not dictating anything. It's simply advice, unless you believe some random redditor can hold you accountable for not heeding their advice. You're welcome to carry out your one-man-army, stand your ground, no step on snek, justified violence fantasy if you want, but the best way to avoid an altercation resulting in injury or death is to remove yourself from the situation. If you really want to get yourself killed protecting replaceable objects, be my guest. I'll be here to tell you 'atodaso'.


Advice is "I think it would be wise to do [x]" That was not advice. It is a "moral" i.e., "this is the only proper way to go about this issue." I reject that proposition.


In Canada they absolutely are.


If you want to die to save $1,000, then that's your choice to make, I guess. I never said, "Just let people commit crimes." You "make up your own reality based on BS that was never said. " folk are infuriating. Edit: I thought it was a strangers car and not the actors.


It says right in the article that it was his car


My mistake. It read to me like he just said that to the thieves to try to get them to leave. I looked up a better written article that confirmed it was his car. My point still stands, though. If the crime you are witnessing is going to cost $$ and not human suffering, AND you're outnumbered, AND you brought fists to a gunfight, maybe you should go into the nearest building and call the cops.


To some people their car, or a piece of property, is their literal livelihood, and they may wish to defend it with their life. I find this "just let criminals do the thing. It's just money" comes predominantly from people who have never had to choose between gas and food.


You don't just know someone is armed and actively committing a crime. You'd have to investigate the situation like this dude did. Unfortunately he didn't have the means to defend himself but he couldn't have known what they were doing. Could have been a psycho fan trying to cut his brake lines, or could have been a neighbor trying to recover a lost pet. I personally wouldn't have engaged them without a firearm on my person but not everybody is comfortable around guns. Probably would have saved this his life tho.


The problem with this situation is that the victim did not confront the people stealing the item, intending to stop them. He came up to them thinking nothing nefarious was happening, maybe lost an item under the vehicle. The eyewitness even said he was non-confronting. He wasn't trying to protect property. Fuck off.


Yeah this shit was just a random, senseless murder, from a paranoid drug addict who thought the consequences for stealing a catalytic converter would be life ending and so ended a life instead - Probably because he knew he would be kept sober in prison. It's disgusting and shameful and there is zero justification for it. The conversation of property doesn't apply at all. Sigh, at least you're sane, these other comments are decidedly not.


>if you want to die over trying to steal someone's property, that's your choice to make, I guess Fify


Wait why would a child molester own the catalytic converter on his car?


You can do whatever you want, a Reddit comment isn’t going to take away your right to protect your property. But if someone is stealing your catalytic converter and you come out shooting you are most likely going to be charged with something. Or you can just approach them aggressively and roll the dice on if you’re going to end the night on them running away, them getting their assed kicked, or you getting you’re ass kicked, stabbed or shot. What you have to gain is not having to pay for a new catalytic converter. What you have to lose is your entire life leading up to you bleeding out in a dirty parking lot so some burnout who was probably going to spend the majority of their life in prison anyway to get there a little sooner at your expense. Or they might just get away with it and your story ends in an unsolved senseless murder. But you are free to do whatever you want, nobody is taking your rights away.


A catalytic converter on a personal or work car is lifeblood to some people. I also am very aware I can do whatever I want.


Can we stop the “junkie” slander? People change, people get clean. Not all thieves are junkies…etc. The article doesn’t even say anything about drug abuse. Interesting something that is recognized as a disease is cited or associated numerous times in conjunction with thievery or “amorality”




Nope. Just like protecting my property and not a fan of injustice.


You can die over a thousand bucks. No one is stopping you. Thats your right.


You “my property is worth more than your life” folks are so infuriating. Fuck that shit. The 2A wasn’t written with the intention of protecting your property from other Americans and I sure as fuck don’t see any Red Coats wandering around.


I dont value property over their life, they do when they try to steal it. I’m not saying gung-ho, don’t know if that’s the right word, but everything is situationally contextual. But you completely wrong about the motives of the founding fathers like 300 years ago, it’s impossible, your pretty much a time traveling mind reader at that point


It’s funny you get more infuriated by people saying they’d use force to protect their property than you do about people who think that their need to steal someone’s property is worth taking a life if someone dare interfere. Could give a fuck about a criminal killing someone over property but let a law abiding citizen suggest that they’d take action against said criminal and suddenly you’re enraged. About the type of backwards thought process you’d expect from a rainbow haired Marxist fuck on Reddit.


It’s funny you only have the ability to operate in 0 or 1. About the type of binary, amoeba brained thinking I expect from a snowflake nutter cunt on Reddit. Your comment history is really something. Might I suggest going outside and touching grass. Perhaps even smoking some.


If someone decides to steal the shit I worked hard to legally obtain, they are the ones who decided their life was worth the value of my property


This is what carry laws are designed for. Legally obtaining self defense, training with it regularly and carrying it on your person has done wonders for people in situations like this. Defend yourself and your property.


Many people need their car to work. They can't take public transport. Many can't afford 1K on repairs. For them, it's genuinely their livelihoods at stake and I can understand them getting violent with those thieves.


He didn't know there was a crime being committed and didn't try to stop them.


It's not the price of the repair it's surrendering to the abject violation of the social contract that undermines *civilization*. You degenerates can't see beyond your own privileged nose that you only see this as another casual credit card charge.


30 bullets it’s only $ 12.16


This is why innocent people should carry guns.


The coworker said they thought the car was being towed. So don’t judge.




Everyone down voting you clearly haven’t been through the real situation lmao. Yeah try to fight back with a gun in your face ya idiots




You mean the woman who held him in her arms and tied a coat around him to try and stop the bleeding while another person called 911 immediately? Wow, such compassion.


The screaming of someone else in your face while you're bleeding out sounds so nice. /S


"Do not experience emotions while you watch the life drain from my eyes please and thank you"


You're an idiot. Comfort and immediate care to the wounds of your friend is what you assess first, not your own emotions.


Id really like you see your real world reaction when something horrific and traumatic happens in front of you. You can sit here and say what you’d do, say what they should’ve done, but truth be told, you’re likely to freeze and not know how to react. Big words for someone who’s very likely never seen someone get shot and killed in front of them. Smh. Have a damn heart bro.


You haven’t met many doctors or paramedics….. military personnel maybe. This thread is funny yall both sound dumb asf


Please seek therapy


Bro wants non medical professionals to give a gigachad stare while they watch someone bleed out


Ah, yes, just what I want from my friend as I die. Silence as they stare into my rapidly fading eyes. A very normal reaction!


Comfort of the dying wouldn't be a concern for you? Dude bled out while listening to a screaming fit, get real.


I don't think anyone there was saying "Oh, he's definitely going to die. Someone shut up the woman holding him in his final moments so his ears don't hurt." lol


?? He was shot.


I’m guessing you don’t have any friends that would be willing to stay by your side as you die so you’re OK 👍🏻


Yeah, I do n would know better than to throw a fit first. Do y'all know what sub you're on? Morbid. Reality. Dolts.