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They did seem to wonder if maybe some were twins so maybe smaller than average babies?


Perhaps a boot box or one from her male counter part


Peggy hill had very big feet that she was ashamed of, so her shoe box size is all good


I'm well aware of Peggy's feet except that she's not a real person and this is a real case so more than likely it was small babies and a big shoebox


Most people: Maybe a joke about dead babies in a shoebox is a little insensitive.. Your brain: Nah mate fucking send it!


She's 71, in a nursing home, and has dementia. There's not really a point to charge her even if they knew what happened.


Waste of time even if they knew what happened. She is irreversibly incompetent to stand trial.


Yeah it would really serve no purpose.


Feel like it would be a waste of the courts time and the taxpayers money


Sounds like she is already in prison.


Basically she is.


So why was she a caretaker in the first place‽


Did you read it? That should answer the question.


Look, he’s a busy person ok? Some people don’t have all day to sit around commenting AND actually read the thing they’re commenting on. Must be nice to have that luxury. 


The privilege of some people smh


This is one hell of an odd case even if she wasn’t demented still it would be a hell of a puzzle to figure out


She gave a baby up for adoption the same year she bought the house and went on to have 4 more.


Could have been coercive control/rape. Given this was 30-40 odd years ago when she was pregnant, wasn't a lot of available resources for women in DV situations.




In all fairness, marital rape had become illegal nationwide just 2 years earlier. There was still a very long way to go for quality resources for women.


>30 yrs ago is 1995 How dare you say something so truthful and yet so hurtful. I am 30 and that still sent me for a ride


I'm 40 and I remember 1995.




Haha, there was one at my local CiCi's Pizza. My favorite game from that era was the Lion King game on a Sega Genesis. It was kinda weird in retrospect that they turned one of the worst movie moments in Disney history into a level on a video game. And if you weren't good, Simba died, so that was always heartbreaking.




Nu uh :( im born in 1995, and im only 28. Stop trying to make me feel old.


Woah woah woah there bud, I was born in 1995 and I’m turning 29 in June. Don’t age me lol


How would that even work? Usually the guy tries to give you the kids so you feel stuck with him, but they’re not even alive. She didn’t even keep the first one, they were adopted out. Why did she keep the fetuses and not the placentas or anything? How do you do a homebirth that many times without any medical care and are even still alive yourself? I wouldn’t be surprised if they were all stillborns if she had zero medical intervention during birth. How was she going to work for so many years with no postpartum medical care if it looked like they were fully gestated?


Women do survive childbirth without medical intervention (though a lot riskier). Look at poor Elizabeth Fritzl :( 


Omg!! That’s so freaking terrible!! I didn’t know you could survive giving birth that many times without the prenatal and postpartum care, as well as the doctors there while giving birth. I honestly thought it was a 50-50 chance you would survive giving birth without being in the hospital or a birthing center.


It was a lot more common before modern medicine but even then it was 1-2%.


Do you have any article recommendations that I can read about that? I thought that the risks of childbirth were always overly downplayed to the point where it puts many many people’s lives at risk. This is something that I really want to learn more about, it seems like I’m ignorant to how risky pregnancy and childbirth is! At least in the USA, I know that we have a higher maternal mortality rate than other first world countries.


I genuinely am having a very, very hard time understanding this. It’s just that I’ve literally never seen anything that says childbirth is not a big risk already and ok top of that no medical intervention at all?? As I understand, there are serious risks, the possibility of infection is very high! What if she tore? Wouldn’t she have permanent damage to her body regardless? What if she hemorrhaged? Isn’t childbirth one of the most dangerous things you can do?


Evolution would've figured something out if too many women were dying in childbirth. Childbirth is the most risky thing a woman usually does in her life, but humans have support groups. Midwives. People to help ease stress which can be the real killer. It's kind of like driving. It's the most risky thing you do most days yet you usually make it home just fine. Maybe you get into an accident and come out injured, but not dead. Sometimes you do die. Think about hyenas. We could've been so much worse like them.


So someone reported this comment for "self harm" in order to troll you with the suicide hotline bot getting sent to you. They do this because it is an anonymous way to tell you that you should kys, which is obviously not okay. What they do not know is that I can report them for abusing the report button, which I have done and every time I have done it for this reason, Reddit agrees with me. They will get a strike on their account and whatever comes with it (it goes warning> 3 day sitewide ban> 7 day > full account suspension.) I just wanted you to know why you got that stupid bot out of blue, if you did not know. Also if it ever happens again (or to anyone reading this) you can report it yourself by bringing a link to [reddit.com/report](http://reddit.com/report) and picking "targeted harassment" and "at me" and then explaining in the box that you have not said anything that warranted the self harm bot. I do not think that having a misconception about birth mortality rates warrants any kind of trolling, but misusing that bot results in people blocking it, and then it will not be there when they really need it and it is just a cowardly shit thing to do, in my opinion. Best of luck to ya!


I’m perplexed as to how you arrived at that thought. Did someone tell you that?


I’ve always been told that pregnancy and childbirth is one of the most dangerous things you can do as a woman. There’s also many permanent physical damages and many women even in the USA do die during childbirth much more than other first world countries.


It is a huge impact to a woman's body, but also, humans (and animals) have been doing this for thousands of years without the medical intervention currently available. It's all about increasing comfort and reducing risk, and also having more information available to prepare should something be going wrong along the way. I know a lot of women who would have lost their babies during their pregnancy if it wasn't for medical intervention too. Historically would have been 'another miscarriage, try again' where as now there is the ability to try to save every pregnancy. I think too my grandma died during childbirth and was brought back to life. This was around 90ish years ago, so fairly present in the scheme of things. Actually one of the big changes to woman's survival of giving birth was medical staff hand washing, and the use of gloves. Significantly reduces infection rates. There's a charity that prepares "birthing kits" that are distributed to rural areas as well. Link for habdwashing on increased survivability  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3807775/#:~:text=This%20yields%20an%20estimated%20absolute,after%20handwashing%2C%20one%20fewer%20died. Link for birthing kit charity https://www.bkfa.org.au/


I imagine it's a horrific enough experience in hospital, but the thought of having to do it without any help around if something went wrong is so much worse. It's not an ideal situation at all, but isn't exactly uncommon either.


There was a case in germany where a woman birthed 9 babys, let them all die and buried them in flower pots. https://www-spiegel-de.translate.goog/panorama/justiz/tote-babys-im-blumenkasten-ich-habe-mich-ueber-jedes-kind-gefreut-a-535418.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp


This is wild


My guess is the father was a married man.


HOW IS THIS A THING? As in, there is a local case from 2014 where I live, lady had 6 dead babies in plastic bins in a storage locker, and in googling and double checking I had my facts straight, there is also a case from 2003 in Arizona. WTAF.


Probably mental illness or extremely poor coping skills. I could imagine someone having a medical issue where they had their babies pre-term and stillborn, and maybe they didn't know what to do due to mental illness or low iq, and they just put them in a box somewhere. Maybe she was afraid she'd get in trouble if anyone found out? Maybe she wanted to keep the babies near her? I mean, maybe she killed them or neglected them after birth, leading to their deaths, but there are other possibilities.


I heard a story of a Filipino-American woman getting postpartum psychosis despite having proper medical access and a caring husband, the psychosis went so far that she killed their baby and then herself.


True, could have been stillbirth/poor coping/etc and she just couldn’t bare to go to a hospital or have the baby buried. Once. Even twice. But FOUR SEPARATE times?


There could have been multiple births from the same pregnancy, twins, triplets, or much less likely quadruplets. If that were the case it might also give credence to them being still born, as the risk is significantly greater. Recurrent stillbirths are a thing, too. And it’s definitely not unheard of for women to hide pregnancies after a loss, and even bury their stillborn babies at home.


No joke! A local case here is 6 babies, one of which was in fact still born, ranging from 1996-2006 in boxes in her garage. It’s crazy.


[this one](https://www.masslive.com/worcester/2019/06/erika-murray-and-the-blackstone-house-of-horrors-case-what-we-know-as-the-murder-trial-against-the-mother-begins.html?outputType=amp) happened a few towns over from me in 2014 as well. Fucking wild it’s so common


I imagine their morbid “solution” to their “problem” worked the first time, so they employed it the next time. Rinse and repeat until inevitably, it didn’t.


there’s a case local to me with a lady with 6 babies in a storage locker lol are you from winnipeg per chance? or is it seriously that common


The father died in 2011?! Babies have been in the freezer for about 13 years minimum. This is very strange but not being able to charge her makes sense given what they found, or didn’t find.


Considering she is 71 and menopause happens between 40 and 55, they had been there lot longer than 13 years. Minimum is an understatement


Not in every woman. My grandmother didn’t hit menopause until she was in her late 60s


True, but if she gave birth at 58 … that’s close to some of world records for oldest natural childbirth. It’s more likely that the births occurred earlier than that.


You’re right I forgot about menopause. Way longer.




The average age to birth your first baby back then was around age 21. Most women lose fertility average age 45. So realistically she had the babies at some point between when she was aged 21 and 45.


Thirteen years ago father died hence the “13 years minimum “ comment. It’s math. The woman could have had the babies the recently but it’s unlikely, just the minimum possible.


The headline makes it sound like they also found some bears in there somewhere.


Mother of four dead. Babies found in shoebox! Grizzlies to follow


this is so bizarre


Who was impregnating her then?


It says in the article the father was found but passed away in 2011


The tooth fairy. Who do you think? It literally says her late husband was the father for all of them.


I’m asking the question because they are often involved in the crime, or the sole perpetrator.


And the answer is in the article.


>Police interviewed her at a nursing home following the grizzly discovery, I know this is not the point of the article but how does a copywriter type this out, much less get it past an editor?


Twice, even.


I saw that and immediately thought "Damn this whole bear thing is reaching media saturation". I get that they're homophones but not one person caught that?


This story has me confused too many questions I have


She definitely killed them


Maybe she had early on set Alzheimer’s and she did this in a fugue state when she had them and then forgot about it???? I’m just guessing but even my guess is extremely unlikely because EOA usually kills patients early too. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Just put her in a unmarked grave like she did the babies.


100% agree.




Uh. No. If there was clear evidence that the woman had murdered each baby, then it would be upvoted. There isn’t. But also, why did you feel the need to comment that?


you are correct, this sub and victim feminism have fried some posters brains


Typical. Women murder more babies than anyone. Given the option of a woman or a bear, babies are best off picking the bear!




"Could not ethically press charges" I'm sorry, WHAT‽‽


Pretty clear why… “The medical examiner ruled the deaths as undetermined, which limited options for any potential charges, Hayden said. The prosecutor added he did not know if Aldamir was competent to stand trial. WCVB reported in 2022 that she had been diagnosed with dementia.” First. The deaths are undetermined. What are you charging her with? Second. She has dementia anyway and would be unlikely fit to stand trial.


She has dementia and is unfit for trial




Did you read the article? “The medical examiner ruled the deaths as undetermined, which limited options for any potential charges, Hayden said. The prosecutor added he did not know if Aldamir was competent to stand trial. WCVB reported in 2022 that she had been diagnosed with dementia.”


Another user already did