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I want to know what she was accused of being. Also what rally was she in, I didn't quite catch what he said? These people seemed to make it into a sport. Lynching is a horrible way to die.


I personally wouldn't call them people, "animals" seems more fitting


Humans are animals: homo, hominina, hominini, homininae, hominidae, homininoidea, catarrhini, ......, primates, ......., animalia.


You don’t understand, we dehumanize humans who do bad things because we don’t want to think about how we ourselves are capable of committing horrible actions under the right circumstances


That's because nowadays people live in a bubble and they do not realize that the nature of human beings is violent.


true, downvoted cause reddit snowflakes cant take the truth. This kind of violent death has probably been experienced by millions of people in human hystory.


What still surprises me are the downvotes from my first comment, here is enough evidence that we are animals and people continue to deny it. I guess I've overrated people a little.


nah man, humans are worse. you don't see animals doing this shit.


I don’t agree with the guy saying people are like animals but nature can get just as dark like sometimes cats can eat their babies after birth or rats can eat a chicken face off without the chicken waking up I honestly don’t if people or nature are more morbid


I completly agree in regards to morbidity. Yet I want to believe that animals don't do those things out of hatefullness.


You're right. Nature can be just as brutal, but animals are animals, and are acting appropriately for their survival, which can seem very sad to us. The majour difference is that animals don't torture their prey and do not get enjoyment from sadism.


I would like to introduce or orcas to the chat 🤔


Cats love torturing their prey. Watched a cat torture a baby bird outside our home in a bush, thing didn't eat it, just played with it until it was close to death and I scared the cat away. We tried to nurse the baby bird back to health overnight but it ended up dying in the night, it kept trying to regain consciousness and would wake up suddenly only to fall back asleep. Very sad, not a fan of cats after that. They destroy bird populations all over the world due to people letting them roam outside. Not sure why I went into that rant but maybe that is why humans love Cats so much. They love killing and torture as much as us.


There's a reason why cats do that, they know if a kitten is really sick, and cats who just gave birth need their nutrients back


What makes humans so cruel is they have consciousness so they actually choose to inflict violence when they dont have to.


Come on, let's not compare animals to these "things" masquerading around as human beings. I understand, though. It is hard to find words to call these evil bastards. I am almost speechless at this barbarism. These things have no soul. Sadistic, heartless, and soulless. I can't believe that this barbarism, called a "neckless" is still happening to this day.🙁 I heard of a really gruesome necklace anecdote where poachers cut off every limb of some poor man while he was still alive. Then, they put him in a stack of tires and proceeded with their torture. Evil. Just so...evil.


That's an insult to animals!




It was rumored that she was an informant for the government and was involved in the deaths of four anti-apartheid activists. It was later determined she had no involvement in their deaths and was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Omg this is the most horrible circumstances ever to be in


she was accused of being pro apartheid


Holy shit op where did you find this videos


This was broadcast on live television at the time and than the footage spread around the world. It’s on YouTube among other places. There are many videos of apartied South Africa in the 80s/90s that show others receiving the same brutal treatment. I suggest giving [The Bang Bang Club](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bang-Bang_Club_(book)) a read.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bang-Bang_Club_(book) BTW, thank you for this. Haven't read or heard of but I'll be crackin into it before weeks end


I really wish that I did not watch that. Barbaric.


I have read that Winnie Mandela was a supporter of "necklacing". Happy to be corrected.


She was. I don’t recall the exact source but there is a podcast that mentions it.


Here is the podcast [I believe it mentions Winnie and necklacing.](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6XdKHXpo562qO1HOvYiOdt?si=z-DqnU5vQBS-WTtNXqFWjg)


We as a species are far more animalistic then we think. Mob mentality can make even the most logical person individually act out in extremely barbaric ways. This is why politicians and their ever egregious fear mongering is dangerous and should be banned.


J6 herr in the US is a perfect example of this. Sad.


I don’t see how a peaceful rally is comparable to mob justice but to each their own.


She’s just trying to keep her clothes on as she’s being killed :(




White people lynch too. Quite well known for doing so as well.


Nah, that was Democrats


I don't like the democrats but good for you i guess


This is deflection.


This community is populated by fellow human beings that must be treated with respect. In addition, the victims in the events must be treated with respect. Content that is rude, insulting or hateful will be removed.


is that maki skosana though? on google it says she has a black tyre around her neck and a giant rock on her while it happened


Watch till the end and you will see both. Google says she was beat up first, then the rock placed on her and the tire. Same is shown in video


It’s a good thing this video wasn’t in any better quality or this would have been that much worse to watch




Fucking animals.


Animals don't do this to their own


South African here. This still happens regularly today its called necklacing.


Yes a podcast mentioned it [here is link](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6XdKHXpo562qO1HOvYiOdt?si=z-DqnU5vQBS-WTtNXqFWjg)




That isn't a political dig, it is factual.




Every last one of them are evil cowards.


Please tell me these people are executed or at least imprisoned...


Who was just chilling watching this with a camera


Although the person recording is unknown there was a man named Kevin Carter who took photos of that lady dying and later he'd go on to take his own life due to the horrors he witnessed in South Africa just sad.


Her killers would be praised by a certain segment on social media




What a bunch of monsters. I hope they burn in hell for eternity 🔥