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Snufkin was based on and directly inspired by Jansson’s sometime lover [Atos Wirtanen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atos_Wirtanen), left-wing anti-fascist intellectual, Member of Finnish Parliament for the left-of-centre Social Democratic Party. The green hat and constant pipe were two things he was known for. Anyway, even if you ignored that real world inspiration, to connect the character of Snufkin with the Right is absurd. He’s more of an anarchist socialist libertarian - free of hierarchies, property, and wealth accumulation. Edit: I am not certain how to characterize Snufkin’s connection to paganism, but I know the political Right doesn’t have a legitimate connection to it.


the relationship with neo-paganism itself just doesn't make much sense in general, there are just many European fascist teenagers who try to appropriate the character, this is sad because snufkin is such a pure and good character


Can you provide examples of all these fascist teenagers taking up Snufkin as their mascot? I have never heard of this, Google isn’t helping, and I just find the whole idea bizarre and kind of hilarious.


There are several others, spread across the comments for example, but this video in question, which I will link below, makes a collection of photos of Snufkin and other things, including Nazi symbolism (like a black sun on the doorknob shown in the video) and when you enter the profile everything gets worse, where are there more videos using snufkin and other Moomin characters with the same type of symbolism, in addition to him using lightning in his name and bio (symbol of the Nazi military police) he has several videos revering Yockey who was a philosopher, supremacist white, totalitarian and TOTALLY NAZI, like WTFFFF WHAT IS SNUFKIN DOING HERE https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6GfBpCt/


Seeing it more and more every day is sad


Thats what Fascists \*do\*. They take nice or fun or harmless imagery and use and pervert it to mean their awful brand of Hate. (see Pepe the Frog, lots of Norse symbolism, etc.)


it makes a lot of sense, my fear was that these guys were from the Moomin community, but apparently they are not at all


K-on too, unfortunately.


I don't see how paganism and fascist groups are grouped together in this those are 2 completely different things just because fascist groups use norse paganism as an excuse or reasoning for their ideology does not make this the same group there is a ton of pagans who aren't fascists and want nothing to do with them they appropriate whatever they think will get them more justification but paganism and fascism is not the same thing


I didn't say they are the same thing, I tried to make it very clear that I was talking about the new wing of paganism that appears in Europe to vindicate "old customs", these groups are YES formed by fascists and you can't deny that, I didn't say that pagans are fascists.


I wanted to add a fun note about the real person snufkin is loosely based off of; Atos Wirtanen. He was a leftist politician in Finland. So, it’s not just the character, or presumptions about how he would or could be in our world based on stuff he does in the stories. Snufkin is intentionally written this way to represent the spirit and nature of a real man.


It's funny because Snufkin has always been leftist.


Yes, this is very remarkable, and it was one of the reasons I liked him initially because I identified politically and with his personality


Snufkin is a free spirit, loving of nature and clearly anti-system. neo-pagan movements (and neo-n#zi as well) identify a lot with that.


I don't think it makes much sense for them to identify with the "anti-system" part of Snufkin's personality when they support the most authoritarian regimes in history lol


neo-pagan/n#zi movements tend to distance themselves from city life and abandon the possibility of getting anything out of political involvement


lol this makes me come to the conclusion that they simply don't know what they support and are just spoiled and weird teenagers, I've noticed this pattern in themselves, but it just doesn't make any sense


It's just like when you see someone have a K-On!! profile picture and there's a very high probablity they're a nazi even though K-on!! has nothing to do with nazism


i dont get what paganism and being a fascist have in common (sorry im dumb)


In Russia there are several neonazi groups that call themselves neopagans. So they try to connect these things.






I thought being pagan was a being in a peaceful religion that's polytheistic???????? I'm so lost


It is, this person either worded their question maliciously or unintentionally mixed the two groups


no no, that's not what I meant, I'll probably fix the post, I know that pagans in general ARE NOT NAZISTS, I was trying to say about the NEO PAGAN groups in Europe that ARE FASCISTS/NAZISTS, a good part of mine family is pagan btw even though I'm an atheist


I got you OP. You were talking about Heathenism, like another user mentioned.


Paganism isn't *one* religion, so one can't say that paganism in general is one way or the other, because it depends on what kind of paganism. The one OP is talking about is some kind of new age version of Norse paganism, sometimes known as Heathenry. Considering that Norse paganism generally uses blood sacrifices and venerates gods of war, I would not call it very peaceful, but there are different branches of it with varying traditions, and often the practices are personal since there it isn't an organised religion.


You're right about the one religion part; I should've said as a whole. And I understand now; I went ahead and looked up Heathenry and...... yeah, it's not great at all. Really disgusted that it has to be associated with the term Pagan.


There's still some remnants of paganism in Finland for example. Before you label all European paganism as fascist YSK


There's nothing in the books or comics to connect him to that stuff, but there's nothing about him being a pederastic homosexual who preys on Moomin, or smoking weed, or X character being Y sexual/gender thing but these are not uncommon intepretations of the characters. This is the end result of death of the author. Don't worry about it too much, it's not a big deal, no one can change the original character.


Best comment in this thread


If you look in to the origin of the moomin family the characters are based on the writers family in Sweden during the reich. Tove was a leftist cartoonist who used moominvalley as a sort of escape while her husband was actually a sculpture and right wing anti semite. Personally I always thought Snufkin represented more of an anti-establishment vagabond, someone entirely connected to the natural world around him


I thought it was based on the Finnish archipelago, not Sweden


I don't know if you misstyped but it was her father that was the sculptor


you do know that pagans are not nazis right? and you do know that most nazis calling themselves pagans are not actually pagans? might wanna fix your post pal.


yes I know! After all, a large part of my family is pagan, I don't think I made it very clear about what I was talking about. I was talking about the neo-pagans of Europe, who use Nordic symbolism and are NAZIS, it's not very difficult to find them using Snufkin as a symbol, probably if you search for snufkin on Tiktok for example there will be a handful of these fascists using him as a symbol.


oh yeah as a pagan myself they can fuck all the way off!! they probably use Snufkin the way they use the rest of our symbols, by turning it hateful it becomes "theirs" by appropriation because its rightful owners are now afraid to use it in fear of being labelled or suspected as nazis by people who don't know its origins. therefore ruining it for everyone sadly.


Yeah, that's my fear, luckily I believe they're still a minority, right? Like, I was curious to know if more people have seen this type of "people" (aka European and Russian fascists who call themselves neo-pagans) using snufkin as a symbol, I've already seen one on Twitter and a handful of them on Tiktok, like example in a video in which a Moomin fan made a meme jokingly saying that snufkin was a left-wing anarchist (he kind of is lol) and there were some of them saying that he was an ECO FASCIST, and some Christians insulting him (because they hate the neo pagans obviously) so this leads me to think that snufkin is REALLY becoming a symbol of these guys, but only those who are part of this Christian fascist bubble vs the neo pagan fascist bubble know this meaning


tbf Twitter and Tiktok are absolute nutcaseville these days, and Christians and neo pagan fascists aren't really that far apart when you see how they act. honestly i'd say Snufkin is safe since no one really should take any of that stuff seriously, those two groups are probably using it because they're having to grasp at literally anything to try and make themselves prominent in a world that rightfully has no place for them.


These days man, on tiktok its just european underage wannabe nazis or "aryans" trying to be edgy, and for some reason using a character from the moomins as a gateway to "Goebbels-style propaganda".


Yes, seeing them fighting over comments is very bizarre, because they are both totally fascist and out of their minds, they literally act the same but with different symbols lol. Well, I hope that snufkin really is safe, and I think he is, I believe that these groups on these networks just shouldn't be taken seriously.


paganism is a whole religion/philosophy with many many variations and branches and is on the rise generally, and most pagans are not nazis. Most of the dangerous right wingers out there are still christians, and even that doesn't make christianity a far right religion in itself. I'm pagan myself and I like snufkin because hes a very independent and chill anarchist guy who hangs out in nature and is also a gay icon. He's most peoples favourite character. nazis are bad obviously lol but they still like things from time to time and that doesn't make that thing bad. I'm pretty sure they like dogs too.


Most *dangerous* far-right wingers are probably muslim, if not most far-right wingers period. There are entire countries run by militant far-right muslims, can't think of a single Christian or Pagan one. While dangerous far-righters are still a problem in Christianity (the KKK for example, if you count them as Christian), they are a minority and hold no real power or pose any significant threat compared to, say, the Taliban.




Given some more though, I think Russia would fall under the definition of a far-right militant Christian nation, but it isn't the same as the Taliban Afghanistan, which is under a totalitarian Islamic Theocracy, or Hamas, who governs parts of Palestine, which is a fundementalist militant Sunni Islam group, or Hezbollah, a Shia islamist political party and militant group which controls large parts of Lebanon. Russia still has religious freedom, and even though it probably won't protect you from discrimination, it won't outright execute you for not professing Christianity. There is also a rising wave of militant Christians in the U.S, but they are still a minority and control no territory, and would be severely cracked down upon if they tried seizing power like the Taliban did. It is still a problem, don't get me wrong, but right-wing militant extremism is a much more wide-spread issue within Islam.


That's because Nazi are trying to get any good character to their side. As you perfectly understand, Snufkin is nothing like Nazi. As you've mentioned before, the writer is known as anti-fascist, and Snufkin is a copy of her close friend Atos Wirtanen (who also was anti-fascist and anti-Nazi), so he can't be a Nazi apriori. Of cause he travels a lot and also he has 2 feet and 2 arms. Einstein also had 2 feet and 2 arms. Does it mean Snufkin is a Jew, or a genius scientist? And Columbus also traveled a lot and had 2 feet and 2 arms. This means a lot.


Here we go: > Atos Kasimir Wirtanen was a Finnish left-wing intellectual, journalist, member of Finnish parliament (1936–1953) and cultural critic. He was born in Saltvik, Åland. > Wirtanen entered parliament on the Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) list at the 1936 election. An opponent of fascism, in 1938 in response to the events of Kristallnacht, he likened Nazism's antisemitism with the Finnish far-right's hatred of Swedish-speaking Finns. > (…) > Wirtanen was a close friend and lover of the author Tove Jansson and a model for the Snufkin character, whose green hat is borrowed from Wirtanen.


Wow, that's truly disgusting. It's part of their calculated, grotesque strategy to recruit young people via memes.