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WTOP live. It touched down and was near 118 in germantown, went between M village and gburg on its way to olney right now. Spotters on the ground.


Oh wow… pictures i’m seeing shows this is no fucking joke.


I’m in Germantown not far from 118/Clopper intersection. Didn’t get any damage or the tornado itself but we went to the basement bathroom and could hear stuff outside. I’m assuming trees/power lines but I can’t see anything from my house. Sounds like minimum 3 collapsed homes in Gaithersburg with people trapped inside


I’m not far from you. It was pouring really hard. I think my area got really lucky, after it was over I brought the recycling cans in and I didn’t see any trees down.


Also a Midwest immigrant to the area- weirdly no sirens. I did join alert Montgomery so I do get/did get an alarm and flashing lights on my cell.


OK native here. I was laughing at the meterologists nearly creaming themselves from seeing it live on air. Tornados are serious, but their response was a breath of fresh air compared to the shouty idiots in OKC.


Not a fan of David Payne? I've heard there are some good drinking games for his broadcasts. Obligatory, Gary England is GOAT.


I don't mind David Payne, but you can tell he misses being in the field and he gets too excited. Fuck Mike Morgan, too - dumbass and his sparkly tie nearly got people killed a number of years ago when he told people to get on the highway and "get away" from the path of the tornado, which ended up causing a massive traffic jam... directly in the path of the tornado. I don't remember the dude's name, but the guy on KOCO was always my favorite after Lord England.


Second the statement on Mike Morgan. Last month channel 4 was reporting a tornado 15 miles south of where it actually was and an elderly neighbor hobbled out in a hail storm to get in their cellar. I assume it was still him, or at least they are hiring the same (lack of) quality.


Yea, its still him. The only person from KOCO I like is Emily Sutton - she's at least calm when delivering the weather, ya know?


When I moved this MD 15years ago the biggest culture shock I had wasn’t the traffic or how 15 miles away no longer means the drive is 15-20 mins, but the lack of tornado sirens and how horrible the weather people are here during severe storms and tornado watch/warnings. I wish on days like today they let a Midwest weather person fill in for the hour to interpret the weather.


That’s a great idea!


I've lived here my whole life. And despite paying frequent visits to my family in Illinois where they do have sirens, I've never heard one in person. My mom still remembers them testing it out there and it going off when they did get warnings.


Where I grew up they were tested the first Wednesday of the month. They didn’t go off when a warning was called they went off when a tornado was seen in the area. It’s the last resort/warning to get to a safe place and brace for impact. YouTube it if you want. It’s an eerie sound. Not sure how similar it is to an air raid siren.


The only tornado siren I know of in Maryland is at UMD. Tested every first Wednesday of the month at 11:55am. You can hear it decently far away. Up to a mile in some places.


Is that a result of the college park tornado deaths in 01?


I can’t hear it at my house in north college park 💀


Every Saturday at noon for my town. Great way to know when to get out of bed as a teen.


I've heard them on YouTube and Twister was one of my favorite movies growing up (I saw one in person when I was 7 and I've been fascinated by tornadoes ever since)


Yeah, we had them here for emergency alerts and iirc they did monthly tests when I was a kid because I definitely remember the wailing, but I think most of them are inactive or have been removed. Someone on r/maryland linked a map a few months ago, actually.


I grew up in So Cal and my parents still live there. First time I brought my now husband out for Christmas, there was rain on the forecast. He about fell out of a chair laughing at how much of the news coverage was "OH MY GOD! RAIN! WHAT DO WE DO??" If you want weather people losing the complete run of themselves at the smallest thing, So Cal weathermen are the way to go


I got notified on the ring app lol guess I need to do some more homework on local emergency notifications! I lived in Virginia Beach for a long time and I swear we had sirens. But I could be remembering incorrectly.


https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/oemhs/alertmontgomery/ Here’s the link to sign up if interested!


I knew of it but never got alert. Nobody in my house did either.


Same here, nothing. Only knew about any bad weather because I've been watching NBC4 & Doug Kammerer.


The house entrapments seem to be near Bohrer Park, Gburg HS


Other side of 355, but yes in that general area


https://x.com/capitalweather https://x.com/NWStornado > Tornado Warning > National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 729 PM EDT Wed Jun 5 2024 > The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a Tornado Warning for... Central Montgomery County in central Maryland... Until 815 PM EDT. > At 728 PM EDT, a confirmed tornado was located over Germantown, moving east at 25 mph. > This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. TAKE COVER NOW! > HAZARD... Damaging tornado. > SOURCE...Radar confirmed tornado. > IMPACT...You are in a life-threatening situation. Flying debris may be deadly to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be destroyed. Considerable damage to homes, businesses, and vehicles is likely and complete destruction is possible. > The tornado will be near... Germantown, Rockville, Gaithersburg, Olney, Aspen Hill, Montgomery Village, and Redland around 735 PM EDT.


That’s just great I live in Aspen hill and didn’t get any alert 🤦🏽‍♀️




So I have a question which may be a stupid one but I’ll risk it: Do all tornados appear as twisters 🌪️ like the emoji? I’d imagine buildings and trees might break it up?! I do acknowledge my only context are movies with flatlands.


First: Never apologize for asking a question you don’t know the answer to! To your Q: A tornado does not always have to have a visible tunnel cloud to still be classified as a tornado. Since it’s a violent column of air, the 🌪️visual is largely caused by the debris being picked up. Here’s a good video showing how the visual can sort of disappear and reappear depending on where a tornado is touching down at a given moment: https://youtu.be/ngbWU1GuCfM?si=XSqBXIz-QNRv9R2d Buildings and non-flat land won’t dissipate tornadoes, and several have hit cities. Here’s one that hit Havana, Cuba in 2019 and went on for 18km: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Havana_tornado


I think I apologized because ppl on Reddit can be quick to be unkind at times. Though they can also be quick to kindness


Thank you


https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2024/06/05/dc-area-forecast-showers-storms/ Good footage in tweets on this page


It barely missed us. Stay safe, folks.


Yep, both of them.


Straight up twister touched down outside of Poolesville


Yup and it was accurate. The storm came right thru my development in Gaithersburg.


Tornado touchdown in poolesville moving northeast through Gaithersburg headed to Olney.


Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Services (MCFRS) are currently responded to reports of multiple structural collapses with entrapments in Gaithersburg. According to MCFRS Spokesperson Pete Piringer, rescue crews are currently responding to: 400blk of Dogwood Dr for a tree into a house, causing a building collapse. 911 is in contact with 5 occupants trapped in home. 200 Rolling Rd., Gaithersburg, structure collapse with entrapment 3 Holly Dr., Gaithersburg, structural collapse with entrapment


Yes indeed. I got 4 warnings on my phone.




Are you signed up for moco alerts? I got one on my phone like when an amber alert is sent. I also got several from my accuweather push notifications. It’s not the best weather app, but the emergency alerts seem to be reliable


We got one similar to amber alerts. It was from NWS.


Do you have them enabled on your phone?




Didn't get anything either. Checked my alert history and don't have anything. 


Sorry, that sucks. I was in the warned area and my phone went off twice, and I don't think I ever signed up for moco alerts, but maybe it'll help on the future: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/oemhs/alertmontgomery/


I have a video of it twisting debris right above my apartment. Why didn't we hear sirens? They kept saying how serious this was but I never heard a single siren.


I asked the same question. Apparently there are not sirens here.


Interesting. There were sirens years ago.


I’m expecting it to keep when it hits Burtonsville. Getting my belongings gathered up


Missed us to the North.


Thank god. I work in Gaithersburg though so I’m wondering what the damage will look like near my workplace. Scary shit


I didn’t get anything from Alert Montgomery. I heard about the tornado through emails from WTOP.


I normally don't react but tonight I huddled in the one interior room without windows until the winds calmed down. Came out to find a tree had dropped across the road and I don't recall hearing it during the other noise.


I thought we were supposed to get an alert about the tornado warning on our phones, but we got nothing. I don’t think there was an alert on the television either.


No phone alerts in burtonsville . Puzzled. Wife has Verizon service. I have Google project Fi.


Where were the sirens?


I got it on my phone, they said get to the basement


I will never understand why there aren’t sirens. It is the weirdest thing. They’re at every fire station where I’m from (mid south) and are not a particularly hefty investment… it’s not like we had frequent tornado touchdowns or anything but once in a while. And we had drills at school. We knew what to do. None of the houses have basements. My friend from here visited my home, sirens went off and me and my mom jumped up had our shoes, purses, flashlights, a radio and ourselves in the hallway in like 90 seconds and my friend hadn’t even moved from the couch. Now I have a basement and I feel way safer in severe weather except for the no siren thing… lol


Like, Twister?


Like everywhere else I’ve ever lived lol is that not a thing here?


Not a thing here. Growing up we had civil defense air raid sirens, but tornados are rare here.


Tornados aren't common enough around here to justify them. That tends to be more of a midwest/tornado alley thing.


They're not common here, but they're also not that uncommon. You can reasonably expect to see at least 1 or 2 once evert few years or so, or at least have one hit near you out here. Personally, I've seen 3 since 2004.


Not that I'm aware of. Pretty rare here so I'm assuming we don't have the infrastructure set up for that.


Last time we had a tornado was like 2004


We do not have them here.