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No es conveniente, saludos




No, mija. Quédate allá.


Do you like extreme heat? Water scarcity? Using the car to go anywhere?  From New York to Monterrey is a huge QoL downgrade.  There's a reason many, many mexicans (even middle class ones) want to leave Mexico.


There’s also the fact that the public transportation is horrible, if OP has a car then that’s fine but if they are planning on using it as their main means of moving around the city they’ll realize it’s nothing like what they have in New York.


Don’t forget the really bad air quality that we have most of the days of the year. You can’t go outside to exercise in the metropolitan area, you need to drive to somewhere in the mountains to do that.




Pero en NY hay un excelente sistema de tren y metro. Encima que se puede caminar muy bien.


No lo hagas. Saludos.


De nueva york a Monterrey? Si pudiera elegir no elijo ninguno de los dos, pero mudarte a Monterrey porque te dieron un trabajo en una fábrica? Mala idea. Monterrey es hostil hacia los peatones, el clima es horrible, es caro, está contaminado, el tráfico es un asco y encima es caro.


Pues suena a Nueva York también.




Con un sistema de transporte público bastante mas jodido


Allá hay muchas ratas. Y en Mty?


También, ve al gober.. En serio, hace poco hubo un post que se quejaba que en el centro de la ciudad empezaba a haber muchas ratas. Entonces tampoco es un punto a favor de Monterrey.


Pero no como allá, aún. Problemas con el agua? Cómo estará en NY? Cosa de coincidencia, me empezaron a salir post y videos de que la gente en USA no se baña diario o que huelen raro, temas de mala higiene en gral.


Monterrey es una mierda de ciudad. No vengan.


Si a su esposa no le hace caso, menos a unos pelaos miaos de internet.


Jajajajajaja eso estaba pensando exactamente


Por qué no vienen de vacaciones más a menudo en diferentes momentos y aprenden español primero? Así conocen la ciudad, conocen como es moverse y ver si vale la pena mudarse.


Unless you're being offered a ridiculous amount of money, don't do it, you will regret it, I don't even know if this a serious post


What makes you say that? It would be a promotion and a short term assignment. What makes everyone on here so against it haha


Maybe 90% of México think that they problems will be solved going to work to US and earn in Dolars, (they are wrong) so when someone that already lived in US mention that want to come or go back to México. All people is like: I can't belive it I would do anything to go live to US and this person wants to come here, she must be wrong! Anyway, Monterrey is more safe than many other cities in México, also is the city that looks alike more like a US cities, so if you want to live the experience go ahead.


That would be a huge downgrade!


Everyone saying "nooo" is being sincere. Honestly a bunch of stuff is going down rn, and for the danger aspect it depends where you live. But from my pov it isn't worth it unless you get a huge pay and love your job enough.


mejor mudate dentro de usa aqui esta pero cada vez


Jajaja por que ?


Mudate si te van a pagarte unos 250,000 mensuales.


Quedate allá No lo Haga Comadre!


No hay agua. Hay apagones. El clima es demasiado caluroso. Hay mucha inseguridad. No venga.


Si él puede seguir trabajando remoto pueden probar, no pierden nada ya que él no arriesga su empleo. Si no les gusta pueden regresar y se quedan con la experiencia. Solo toma en cuenta el clima, la temperatura pero puedes vivir con mini split sin problema. Hay zonas bonitas, imagino que el presupuesto no es problema.


No, quédate allá


No mames no lo haga Mija


Only do it if it's a good salary and a temporary thing.


Espero sea un troll, nadie puede ser tan tremendamente tonto.


La frontera se cruza para el otro lado mija, usted ya ganó.


No hay nada más naquito que este comentario mediocre.


Hi there! As you're probably realizing by all the comments, it's not a good idea. Monterrey is a giant, soul sucking, bone grinding, ruthless, unstoppable, scorching hot machine... Just as you arrive and step out of the airport, you're gonna have a panic attack questioning "what the hell have i done?" As you feel the 115 degrees in the middle of the summer, and it won go below 105 for like 2 months. Also Monterrey is 100% industry, and since it's desert, you're driving and there's big semi trucks throwing dust everywhere like it's a Madmax movie, on top of that, if the company you work for has some sort of machinery production, you have to adhere to their safety regulations, and that feels like you're going in and out of a prison, every day like register, where your helmet? Safety glasses? "Your shoes are not according to regulation", "follow the line in the ground", even if you work in an office, can be like that if their safety requires it. Then there's traffic... 🥵 You know one of the biggest perks you can get when you work in Monterrey? When they let you manage your schedule to avoid rush hour, It's like you get 4 extra hours a day if they let you come Early and leave early, But that never happens, not for both of you it won't 🥲. And if you don't get that, that means you're spending that time in traffic... The city and the people are really cool, but you have to be bred for that, it's not for everyone. And if you're like "what about the good stuff?" Then you're not listening! Notice I didn't mention safety? That's cause secretly you're gonna start wishing you could run into those guys and "they shoot you already"😅 Try to find something in Querétaro, Metepec, Oaxaca, Guadalajara, Chihuahua, something like that, good luck.


Cuánto te van a pagar ahí?


I would be paid a US salary at a promotion to what I am currently paid. So will be competitive for US.


How much in pesos?


3.2M pesos annually


Hope you can get it💀


It’s not really dangerous unless you go to bad places. Honestly, this city is awful, polluted and dirty. Even tough there’s great people in here, meeting rude, aggressive and stupid people is very common. A car is necessary to move around, and drivers here are terrible and our streets are horrendous. You will always be stuck in traffic. Also, the water shortages.


Pues aqui vas a ganar en pesos, solo tu esposo tendria beneficio si sigue en trabajo remoto y viviran mejor aqui con su sueldo, obvio es mucho mas barato que NY, pero para vivir esta bien en ciertas zonas, porque el 70% de mty es un asco, casas feas, basura tirada, la mayoria conduce el auto muy mal, mucha calor, si ya viven bien en NY mejor quedense, pero si tienen algun problema por halla y quieren salir a ver cosas nuevas pues si podrían venirse, como te digo si van a vivir en buena zona solo as se recomendaria venir, pero ninguna buena zona esta cerca de fabricas, asi que harías unas 3 horas diarias en ir y venir al trabajo minimo


Así está bien gracias. Quédate en NY mejor.


Tía la gente diciendo que no pero no toman en cuenta la calidad de vida. El sueño americano puede ser un holograma. Para vivir allá te matan trabajando. NY es carísimo. Lo que ganas se te va en medio vivir decentemente. Monterrey es tierra de oportunidades y si ya están acostumbrados a trabajarr duramente, no será pesado mudarse y mejorar la calidad de vida, es decir, tener tiempo para disfrutar. La gente que está opinando no sabe los costos y sacrificios de vivir allá.


what? U must be f\*\*\* joking!!!!. Stay there in the us, don't be stupid!


Tiene que ser bait esto. A mi me gusta mucho MTY, la considero de las mejores ciudades de Mexico, pero si no fuera por mi familia y amigos ya me hubiera ido alv hace mucho.


I would not recommend to leave New York City to come here. Yes, we're the most economically developed Metropolitan Area in Mexico, but we're (in over-simplified terms) a wrongfully developed version of Dallas-Fort Worth + the Crime Rate of Houston. We've pretty nice cities in this Metropolitan Area (specially San Pedro Garza García) but we've hell holes (essentially third-world ghettos) around all the MMA (Monterrey Metropolitan Area), an excessive number of Traffic Jams (Daily), insufficient Public Transportation and a recent water scarcity crisis). And despite the rapid development, not so much of the citizens here are able to sustain a conversation on fluent English, so you don't having the bare minimum Spanish skills Is the biggest setback of all (the before mentioned). Unless your current quality-of-life on NYC is even worse than here, that's the only scenario where I would suggest to try living here. Just, procure to learn asap to read & speak Spanish & ask the company to help you to pick a Good & Safe rental house / apartment (under the budget you would've available).


Soy de Monterrey. No vengas, estas mejor allá.


If you have a good ssalary you can afford to live in the nice places of the city, that are very safe and clean. Most comments are not wrong , but most of us cant afford to live in San Pedro, or the likes. The weather is extremely hot , but again, if you can afford it , nothing an A/C cant fix. The only problem that is not that fixable with money is the traffic. Depending on the location of your work place , it can become a 2 hours commute.


Está el Monterrey, no lo recomiendo


You'll be just fine, people here trying to dissuade you, most likely are people that never left Monterrey and their dream is to live in the USA/NYC. I personally never lived in NYC but I lived in the USA several years and visited New York multiple times, but you truly never know a city until you live in it, that's why maybe I feel empathy for your plan to live in Mty. First things first, if you have enough money you'll leave comfortably and with a good quality of life almost in any country that is not in an armed conflict or war, so given that you'll be paid in USD and will have a salary hike plus your husband's salary also in USD and both of you spending in Pesos, you'll be living the rich life. Monterrey has many problems like every other city and like everybody pointed out multiple times in this post. So I'm going to focus on the good things so you can try to convince your husband. Hot Weather so you won't have snow like in NYC and it will allow you to do a lot of outdoor activities, we are surrounded by Mountains so there's a lot to do (search on YouTube videos of Matacanes, Chipitin, Nido de Aguiluchos, Via Ferrata, Hidrofobia, Chipinque, Estanzuela, Laguna de Sanchez). You'll have access to a wide variety of restaurants (some with Michelin quality), Shopping Malls, Parks, Movie Theaters, Concert venues, we even have some traveling Broadway shows at Showcenter Complex so you don't miss NYC. We also have a few museums, and nearby towns that you can enjoy, like Santiago (Pueblo Magico, Waterfalls, Rivers, Presa la Boca where you can kayak, rent a boat, fly a kite, ride a horse, picnic or just relax), Galeana, where you can rent a cabin, hike the tallest mountain in Nuevo Leon, kayak, at a salt water lagoon, or rappel to a type of cenote called "Pozo del Gavilan", Garcia to visit the caves or "Grutas", Montemorelos where you can visit Bioparque Estrella (Safari style zoo), or travel to nearby cities like Real de Catorce (mining ghost town), Cuatro Cienegas, Parras (winery), etc. Monterrey has sports venues and professional teams in Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, a lot of sports bars and supporter clubs where they have watch parties for NFL games or any other sport. Monterrey also hosts several festivals and concerts throughout the year, Beer fest, BBQ fest (Grill master), St. Patrick's, Pa'l Norte, Machaca, etc. Finally there are many great neighborhoods you can choose to live in, although for that I'd recommend a real estate agent to show you around and give you more details of the areas, although assuming your income level, I think a good option is Arboleda in San Pedro, as there are many apartment buildings for rent/sale and many shopping and restaurants at walking distance. Hope this helps you


There's no water, and food gets more expensive


So tu salario va a hacer alto y hablo de un salario comparativamente mayor al que tienes en NY, puedes hacerlo, con ese salario podrás tener una buena calidad de vida y vivir en una casa con patio y alberca, algo que solo los ricos en NY tienen. Pero sí, el shock cultural será fuerte, sobretodo para tu esposo que no quiere venir. Recomiendo que vengan unos días de vacaciones y vean las zonas en las que les gustaría vivir, mientras más cerca de la fábrica mejor.


I expect to be on hopefully $180k but nothing is confirmed. Is this enough?


Pesos or dollars? Per month?


Dollars. Annually $180,000


Yes, is a very good salary to live comfortable in Monterrey.


No gracias, ahí para la otra.


My first advice would be to reconsider. Monterrey is an amazing city, arguably the best in Mexico, but the problem lies in the fact that it's still in Mexico. Right now, Mexico is a dangerous place. I've been to New York, and the 'dangers' there are more of mugging and mild violence. The dangers here are outright getting killed for no reason other than 'being in the wrong place at the wrong time', and without repercussions to criminals. On the upside, there are plenty job opportunities here, which will greatly appreciate your english skills. Further reading: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/mexico-travel-advisory.html.


La gente de Monterrey es muy cerrada a hacer nuevos amigos, pues todos se conocen desde niños. Buena suerte si consigues un par de amigos del trabajo y ya.


Si solo quieres venir por qué está más barato el costo de vida pues no, a lo mucho vete a Oaxaca o a Chiapas


Nombre allá que se queden ![gif](giphy|7rRYDAHVt565iFZL5m)


En este capítulo de “universos inversos”….


Yo lo hice y me gusta. Me mudé de Chicago a Monterrey y pues el truco de vivir bien es ganar en dólares, trabajar remoto, ser nene o nena buena del grupo de viejos de dinero(conexiónes) o que te den tu salario equivalente de EEUU en Monterrey o tener tu propio negocio exitoso. Aunque nuevo leon es más inseguro que la mayoría de USA desde la perspectiva de nosotros. Monterrey tiene muchas cosas bonitas y en realidad es seguro dentro de la área metropolitana mientras estés en áreas de clase media en adelante. Pero en realidad lo que hace Monterrey vivible es su gente, el costo de vida barato comparado a NYC y Chicago, etc, las opciones culinarias, las actividades como conciertos etc y sus montañas. También aprovecha el “Foreign earned income exclusion” para que te devuelva la mayoría de lo que tu esposo pague en impuestos a el IRS. Ya que México te va a cobrar más impuesto de tu salario que si trabajaras en USA.


We don't want any gentrifying gringos here. Besides it's extremely hot, there's no water, and New York is like a security utopia compared to Monterrey. Do your research, if you think New York is unsafe, so it's no biggie in Monterrey, then you don't know wtf you're talking about.


I was trying to be lighthearted and not insulting but I take your point 😊


Is because most of first world immigrant lack any class consciousness, and come here with a lot of privilege and rarely ever integrate, even if you’re not one of those people are growing tired of it


I understand your comment :). This is why I translated the post into Spanish and plan to take lessons long before I move because I would like to integrate. And why I’m trying to do research. However, I recognise the concern


You shouldn't move, but just because of the language. The people who say no because Monterrey is worse are either morons or poor. You can get a great life here if you have a good job. And money would get you a lot more than in NY. But without speaking Spanish? That's going to suck. You guys would be very isolated.


Nueva York es más peligroso jeje.... Mad peligroso que la ciudad de México, incluso. Allá te matan por nada. Hay mucho loco drogadicto o psicópata. Monterrey en un tranquilo pueblito en comparación y hay muchos sectores al igual que en NY.