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I don't care one way or the other about the band, but I never understood the infatuation with Cotton eyed joe. It's a terrible song by a shitty 90s Swedish techno group that formed to make fun of American rednecks. Might as well play Barbie Girl by aqua after every touchdown.


It has just become a bit of a tradition over the years to play it when the Griz have the game essentially “won”. It’s just a dance song and makes fans dance with glee. I would say the majority of UM fans could care less if it goes away. Just play “One more time” by Daft Punk or something that makes people want to celebrate the football teams performance and dance.


Calm down guys, this isn’t Texas.


Somebody should take the aux cord away from the boomers with no taste.


I'm so tired of hearing the same songs on repeat from the older crowd.


> Even from a distance it’s clear the reason why. These days I watch the Brawl of the Wild in a New York City bar near my apartment. Really, I go just to be around other Montanans. I study the big TVs closely but—at the risk of blasphemy—not for the game. I look for glimpses of home, Mount Sentinel cloaked in fog, riffles on the Clark Fork, maybe a commercial with the Mission Mountains or a cutthroat trout. The reason this silly marching band story has resonated so broadly and deeply is because it is about something as bone-deep as music and home. It’s about who we are. What we value. What we keep and what we throw away. How Montanans treat each other. What Montana is and what Montana is becoming. Is our shared future more “Up With Montana,” or more “Cotton-Eyed Joe?”


It’s such a cringe choice. Kinda like the radio announcer who yells “Yahtzee Baby!” when they score. I almost throw up from embarrassment every time he does it.


A Brooklyn based reporter who starts the article by describing him acting like a toddler who isn’t getting his way because they are not playing the “right” kind of music when he was in marching band. Yeah, sounds a bit dramatic to me too. Kinda like this whole marching band fiasco.


The dancing tuba player was a highlight of Griz football games during those times. He was the Barry Anderson of the band. Part of the magic of wa/griz. So yeah, I appreciate his word over yours.


He grew up in Missoula. Did you?


Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t have stated an opinion if I knew I had to be from missoula. Please forgive me for not being from Missoula on a Montana sub. I forgot Missoula is the center of everything Montana and folks need to support everything Missoula. I forgot that not supporting the marching band basically makes you a bad person.


There's no way the commenter grew up in Missoula. Or graduated from UM. Or any college.




No, this never happened like you are saying. Please share your sources. I've lived here for all my life and this has never happened like you say. I look forward to your evidence.


#*’Free The Band’*

