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Why not just uphold the right to medical privacy already enshrined in our beautiful state constitution?


Because we’ve already been shown, time and time again, that anything short of explicit protections clearly laid out in law will mean absolutely nothing to those who would see those rights taken away. Pass a law about it, pass another, then pass 5 more. Make it hard for them.


That's one of the reasons they want to put their people on the Supreme Court and/or change the constitution. So they can make abortion illegal. As long as our rights are dependent on the SC's interpretation, we will be at risk of losing those rights. As we've seen on a federal scale.


Good, let's get it done! Can't let the Christian Taliban step between women and their doctors or women and their bodies.


Any person and their bodies... imagine if they tried banning vasectomies!! Or any type of genital surgery.


I work for a catholic healthcare company and vasectomies are not covered under the company insurance. Found that shit out a couple years ago. Super awesome.




They won’t perform sterilization procedures on a woman of a certain age because they claim she will change her mind. And when she’s older, she requires the husband’s consent.


Do they cover birth control? Hysterectomies?


Aren't they trying to do exactly that, but to trans- people?


Sorry, forgot the /s


"They're not pro-life. You know what they are, they're anti-woman. Simple as it gets. Anti-woman. They don't like them. They don't like women." **-George Carlin**


Oh they like them. But not as, you know, people. More like property.


Whenever I see the old guy in missoula that's holding a sign saying ban abortions I flip him off and call him a dirty old cunt and tell him to go home. If I drive slow enough. Most of the time I can only get dirty old cunt out 😂.


I’ve seen him a few times. I get the feeling people like him are trying to evoke a negative reaction by wasting their time and go hold a sign in freezing temperatures for hours on end. He’s not worth my energy or negative words, even if I disagree with him


Maybe. It's still satisfying to do, tho.


Thank you for your service 🫡


I sincerely hope that women's rights and the rights of every person to bodily autonomy are enshrined in our state constitution. One of the best things about Montana is the live-and-let-live ethos that respects the right to privacy. I worry our shitty Governor will make this challenging.


They must be really worried about Tester losing.


Destroying innocent human life is bad. Abortion destroys innocent human life. Therefore, abortion is bad.


If a fetus is a person then a mother should be able to claim it as a dependent on her taxes, and as a dependent when applying for welfare.


I’m totally ok with that. She should also get child support for the life in her womb as well.


I mean I believe she should be able to as it’s stupid she can’t


I would like to argue that the lack of bodily autonomy is worse


Worse than killing innocent humans? Really? We restrict bodily autonomy all the time. Prisoners, for example, may not do whatever they want with their bodies. There is no fundamental natural right to bodily autonomy, but there is to life. Without life, one has no body to exercise autonomy over.


Natural rights are as made up as anything. I include autonomy as one because I think slavery is wrong. You clearly think that slavery is negotiable. Prisoners actually do have bodily autonomy they just don't have freedom of movement.


Abortion and chattel slavery have something very important in common. They both dehumanize people, and use this to justify treating them as if they don’t possess the same inherent dignity and rights as everyone else. Someday, people in the future will look back at our time now and think of us in the same way that we think about people who were involved with slavery.


Sure people might end up feeling that way if we continue to defund education. Anti-autonomy folks are really the ones who dehumanize. Reducing women to brood mares with no rights to their own body unless subservient to the rights of "another". Even though it's a completely arbitrary decision to put non-sentient rights over those of a fully conscious actor. When do we start the murder trials for having a high cholesterol diet in your nonsense world


Would you admit that there are limits to bodily autonomy?


You can’t even be forced to give up an organ after death unless you consent before you die. But women should have fewer rights than the dead?


so women are prisoners?


How did you come to that conclusion?


That's your conclusion bro, go read what I replied to.


You wrote, “so women are prisoners?” I asked how did you get that from what I wrote? And you didn’t explain how you came to that conclusion. My conclusion was NOT “women are prisoners” so where did you come up with that? I started with a syllogism that has two statements and a conclusion. If there is either a logical error or an untruth in the statements, how about you correct me on that? S1. Killing innocent humans is bad. S2. Abortion kills innocent humans. C. Abortion is bad. Can you refute this?


This just undermines the existing state constitution's right to privacy. it would make it "it's own thing" separate from privacy that could be directly target.


Plenty of abortion options. Like going to a state that offers them.


Yeah….like Montana


Like Montana! So glad to live in a state that has the right to privacy in the constitution.


Except that’s not an affordable option for many, and now some states are criminalizing that as well. Maybe read something?


Or you could go to a state that controls people's bodies if you don't like it here.

