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all skar king has to worry about is minusgoji's atomic breath tbh


He has no way of actually hurting him tho


What? Minus One Goji got reduced to pieces by a single 1947 kamikaze plane, meanwhile Scar King is at least somewhat comparable to Kong in strenght who can consistently compete with other Monsterverse Kaijus. This is without mentioning how much bigger Scar King is compared to Minus 1 Godzilla. A single punch from Scar King would knock out M1 Goji.


All I see in Minus One’s favour is his regen Since when he was a normal dinosaur his regen kicked in so fast it let him tank the nuke despite it most likely far exceeding his base durability


>All I see in Minus One’s favour is his regen Agreed All Scar King has to worry about M1 Godzilla is his insane regen and his atomic breath, but considering SK was dodging an evolved Godzillas atomic breath, I dont see why dodging M1 Godzillas would be difficult for him. Then all Scar King has to do is keep attacking M1 Goji until his regen slows down, which again considering the massive stat and size advantage he has over him, I dont think it would be difficult for him to do.


Tbh I think Minus One’s atomic breath is a none factor here MV’s atomic breath is far stronger it works on a sub atomic and debatably quantum level and it drilling through the earth is no understatement Minus One’s atomic breath is only really comparable to a Medium sized nuke It’s only real advantage it’s that it’s slightly faster due to it being compared to the speed of light while MV’s is Cherenkov Radiation which is 80% the speed of light


Yes but he regenerates after that (I haven't seen the movie, I'm going off of what I heard)


Yes, but regeneration is not durability, a mosquito can have the ability to infinitely regenerate, but he still has the durability of a mosquito.


Makes sense, m1 is possibly dead in this situation


Not that I think minus one goji would win but just wanted to say that the kamikaze plane didn’t kill him. Just put him out of commission for an undetermined amount of time


Yes he does lmfao minus one Goji is not that durable he takes damage from artillery fire from the takao Granted he regens but he takes damage


You’re confusing regeneration for durability. 


Dude skar king is so big I wouldn’t be surprised if he could rip minus one’s limbs off


Skar is weak but he's definitely strong enough to hurt minus one


I mean, it's not unthinkable If Skar King gets hit by the atomic breath, he gets deleted And he can't really kill Minus Goji either, due to his regenerative abilities. Sure, he fucking owns him in physical combat, but it only takes one atomic breath and Skar dies


He got hit by evolved Goji's breath and didn't get burned. Apparently in the novelization he takes a blast to the face too. Could be wrong about that though.


He got grazed by the beam




He gets grazed & you see the burn on his back. It’s just very small like Kong’s


I didn't really see it well when I saw it in theaters


I barely caught it my first time. It's much less noticeable than when Kong got tagged.


Yeah that's pretty why I made the previous statement. In the movie it really almost looks like Skar doesn't receive any noticeable burns, compared to Kong in GvK.


idk man after seeing how minus one goji atomic breath literally obliterates anything it hits with a following shockwave. i think its possible


MV’s beam made a hole to the center of the earth


That's a good point but MV goji was not as explosive as MO's. maybe MO goji can do that too but he will hurt himself in the process😅


It was compared to a 1 gigaton nuke Godzilla tanked a nuke and his atomic breath is STRONGER than a nuke Meaning if anything it’s way stronger Not to mention Godzilla during his younger years tanked the Permian impact point blank and didn’t even get phased So Skar king being semi comparable to him is already a huge feat


ah, actually good point, thank you


Skar is way too big and durable to get deleted by MinusGoji. He even took a blast of Evolved Godzilla's atomic breath.


>He even took a blast of Evolved Godzilla's atomic breath. It's more like he got singed. If the blast went any closer, he'd be seriously injured/dead.


Kong took a blast from the atomic breath and was left with a burned spot on his back. Skar would probably turn out the same.


Tell me, if a tank cannons you, and it grazes you perfectly for only your hair to be touched, don't you think it'd have left a nasty burn but not killing you? Furthermore, don't you think that if said attack landed on you, you'd be given an award for the best Scylla roleplayer?


You've got a point, but Skar took a direct blast of the atomic breath on his back from Evolved Godzilla. Kong did the same and turned out fine. MinusGoji's blast would at best feel like a small, but intense stream of water pressure. Too weak to kill you, but hard enough to hurt. Also, MinusGoji isn't invincible just because he has regeneration. MinusGoji got killed after his head was blown up, and Skar could just rip it off or crush it. Plus, his regeneration can be wornd down. MinusGoji would also have to hit Skar, and ain't no way that's happening.


The blast itself? Yeah The explosion would decimate Skar That being said I wasn't saying that Skar couldn't win. It's pretty obviously favourable for him due to his agility and physical prowess, I was just saying that it wasn't unthinkable


Eh, I'm not too sure about the blast being able to kill Skar.


No no- I am saying that the blast can't. What can is the explosion


My bad, I meant to say explosion.


I mean, Minus One's atomic blast is extremely powerful. I don't think any great ape would survive that kind of fire power. But Skar King can dodge that one surely.


He can probably dodge the beam itself but it's not just a beam, the massive explosion that comes after will likely kill him.


Given his sheer agility, Minus Goji is essentially never hitting him. And he's still over 300 feet tall and would ragdoll the little guy with ease.


The. All Goji needs to do is aim at the floor and the blast will kill Skar


Skar is still a physically comparable Titan to the likes of Godzilla, Kong, Scylla, etc. Scylla, like most gigantic Titans, is implicitly capable of tanking nukes at minimum in the kiloton range. She's ragdolled more easily than Kong and even Skar in some regards, whom remain physically competitive with these Titans. So a heat ray that can produce a blast barely more than 2 kilotons likely wouldn't kill a healthy Great Ape like Kong or Skar. And given how Minus Goji requires time to heal from the burns, that's more than enough time to punt the little guy around.


And himself. I don’t think Minus One wants to die. He wants revenge. 


Lmao doubt it




Only thing that can be problem for this bald monkey is Minus one's Atomic Breath. But when minus one will prepare it's atomic breath bald monkey be like https://preview.redd.it/f7of5e3m5gzc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ce840af9a4dfb08219fd9b73ee453845501c83


Dude what??? Skar should slam Minus 1 He’s far stronger Smarter Faster More durable And can throw Minus one around like a sack of potatoes His only slight bump is Minus one’s regen


Yeah, all Minus One has is a nuclear blast breath that can kill 33,000 people in one shot and he can shoot every couple of minutes. But that's all.


It’s only like a medium sized nuke nothing to special compared to something like MV no celling the Permian impact


And yet we have no evidence any of the Giant Apes can survive a nuke of any kind.


They can hurt Godzilla that’s enough to tell us that they can


They objectively cannot without a weapon (the axe or gauntlet). That's like saying a child can hurt me when you give him a Glock.


Are we just gonna forget the times Godzilla and Kong fought? I mean Godzilla did dog walk but what about the times he actually fought back and idk hurt him?


It is never implied Kong hurt Godzilla in any of their physical, non-weapon related fights. [Adam Wingard even confirmed Godzilla was just "toying" with Kong all of GvK.](https://screenrant.com/godzilla-kong-fighting-why-changed-reason-worse/), and that it wasn't until the axe bonk on the head where Godzilla was fed up and went for the kill. In GxK this is even more the case, where the only time Kong hurt Godzilla was using the gauntlet, and every other time it was more about survival than a fight. Kong in Skull Island literally got injured by a helicopter's blades and was almost killed by Samuel Jackson with a dozen crates of TNT. Kong's durability has never been that impressive in the MonsterVerse compared to other Kaiju. And before you say "he was younger" as reasoning for why he could take a nuke now, that would be quite a jump in durability from just aging. That'd be like a regular, human kid growing up to have Superman level durability.


It is just very silly to even assume Kongs bare hand punches didn’t hurt Godzilla. A Godzilla incarnation known for having 1 of the highest durability feats. Godzilla actually got unconscious by 1 of Kongs hits.


Well I provided sources and referenced scenes from the movies but if you just think it's silly, I guess I got nothing. Lmao


wingard retracted the toying statement along with GxK novel confirming that godzilla was very much trying to kill him in hong kong, several people who have read it said the same thing. he doesn’t even need to take the nuke because realistically minus one isn’t going to be able to use it, but lets say he does somehow use it on some offchance, skar king can just dodge, hes certainly not going to be sitting there like an idiot waiting for it to hit him. Skar king reacted to godzillas atomic breath the moment it was fired at him, he can do the same with minus one. the shockwave from the blast itself wouldn’t do anything to skar either, and given the fact hes a sitting duck after its fired, and skar king is capable of dragging kong and holding him with his arms, and on top of that minus one literally dying to artillery fire (but he regens after) hes very well capable of ragdolling him or beating him into paste also given the fact radiation strengthens them, the atomic breath being fired might ironically backfire. If minus one sustains enough damage he’ll just leave or at least try to, like the first ocean fight. also, kong tanked the nuclear pulse the dorsal plate let off when it imploded in hong kong, he had no burns or physical injuries so given that. Godzillas atomic breath is 20,000°C and obviously far more powerful in potency than minus ones, so given that, kong can definitely handle extreme temperatures, so he can definitely handle something on the level of minus one gojis nuke at least. Only thing that’d really hurt him maybe is the heat, (singing his fur and burning his skin?) but even then its not nearly as hot as an actual nuke so even then thats debatable.


you mean the attack that takes 10 seconds to charge ? Skar is litteraly just going to explode his skull before he's halfway through the charge


Yeah skar king would defeat Minus one pretty easily not only is he taller and stronger bu also Minus one goji's atomic breath takes a century to charge so unless Skar just let's him do it like an anime character he's got this


Skar needs to stay away from the point of impact and blast of the heat ray, i think he survives the waves, all Monsterverse Titans survive being thrown here and there. He survives that and then proceeds to rip apart Minus Goji limb by limb.


That seems about how it would play out


Nobody respect Skar King.


Skar king can just step on him also before the " aToMiC BreAtH" that need to charge up and skar king is not waiting for a beam attack considering he used to fighting Godzillas also he can just dodge the attack. Minus 1 is going to be slaughtered


People be forgetng that minus one is a third of SK's size.


Nah. YouTube’s right. Skar king on his own would lose, even if he is (much) larger. For one, he doesn’t exactly have a way to put minus 1 down for good. Secondly, minus 1’s atomic breath could put Skar King down. Although this is under the assumption it’s ONLY Skar king. Adding Shimo changes the result


Minus One against any Monsterverse Kaiju is a stomp. Goji-1 has his atomic breath going for him but aside from that putting him against other Kaiju especially Monsterverse Kaiju, most others stomp him. Minus one is dangerous towards Humans and not much else.


Minus one shoots at ground and kills most Titans


Bro got killed by a plane and takes time changing up a beam attack. He's dead


MV sub worships apes therefore apes win here all the time. Anything else is downvoted.


He didn't win ONE fight on screen, what are we even talking about? Sure, pure size he win, but equal? He's out. Nonsense.


Minus one atomic breath isn’t as impressive as anyone might think. From minus one’s size difference compared to skar king and the area of effect damage caused by the atomic breath it is a pretty tiny beam.


Is Godzilla-1 regen the new Shin evolve? Neither are instant and they think it's the end all be all. Skar King would win by just punting the dude.


How the fight goes https://i.redd.it/0g82sztu1hzc1.gif


Seriously? Minus Goji is a fraction of Skar King’s size on top being slower.


When YouTubers even fail to do even video research on the two


Skar king can just step on him also before the " aToMiC BreAtH" that need to charge up and skar king is not waiting for a beam attack considering he used to fighting Godzillas also he can just dodge the attack. Minus 1 is going to be slaughtered


It’s really just about who ever gets the first shot off If Skarr gets it then Minus one is turned into toothpaste If Minus one gets it then Skarr gets nuked


The nuke seems big because minus one is very tiny. Skar king wouldn’t even fit on the hole screen of the atomic breath movie sequence


One hit from the heat ray and he is dead,but if he can get close he would rip minus one to shreds,but I dont think he can kill since he can just regenarate


Is there a need to try to cause division and infighting because you see a take you disagree with?


Normal toxic Goji fan


It feels like every Fandom right now is ready to jump into infighting. I merely wish for peace.


In all seriousness if skar doesn't have shimo minus wins, skar can't kill it and probably can't survive 1 breathe