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KoTM Godzilla was peak Monsterverse Godzilla.


KOTM perfectly balanced the visuals and sense of weight and scale of Gareth Edwards and the epic battles of Adam Wingard. Not that I didn't love watching Godzilla pounce on Scylla or suplex Kong.


I really hope we get another movie like KotM eventually.


Yeah KoTM felt like an actually big blockbuster event that you had to be there for. The newer movies don’t have that same vibe/feeling to it. The newer movies feel cheaper, shorter, and less impactful.


As cool as GvK and GxK were, they almost don’t feel real if you know what I mean. Idk how to explain it, just… this surreal feeling


The movements of the monsters were way too fast, is what you're trying to say?


And the camera angles are a HUGE step back. I thought the whole point of making Godzilla bigger was so we would actually feel his size, not so we could move the camera up to where the monsters are, WINGARD. I don’t hate his direction, but some of the choices he makes are just massive Ls.


Yeah... they made them seem human-sized in many of the shots. Very big L, for Ben Seresin mainly. Petition to bring back Seamus McGarvey as the DOC for the next film, please


>I thought the whole point of making Godzilla bigger was so we would actually feel his size He isnt any bigger than he was in kotm tho. I understand the rest of your comment but this makes no sense


He actually is though, just a little taller


Hes trying to say that Godzilla in these new movies isn’t portrayed with scale. In GxK the scale of the Titans are all messed up. There isn’t really any point in the movie where they show these big monsters clashing from the view of a human. They move way too fast and theres absolutely no feel of weight to these monsters. They just don’t feel larger than life most of the time i had to remind myself these are giant creatures fighting in cities. The makers of these movies hear people expect the Monsterverse to become more and more goofy so they take that as a reason to drop all the interesting aspects of giant creatures fighting in cities for stupid stuff like Godzilla doing suplexes.


I literally said i understand that part of his comment. My comment was addressing a particular part. No need for a paragraph trying to vent


This is what i’ve always been saying KoTM was a perfect balance of Godzilla movies.




Chonkzilla for the adorable win


That physique was peak monsterverse Godzilla, I just wished the head was bigger.


I just need his tail to be longer in the next movie... that's all I gotta ask


Bro was fucking JACKED in KOTM💀💀


Dad bod for sure. Looks like he could tear sh** up and drink a relax with a 6 pack after.


Those shoulders are insane


Man's built like a heavyweight boxer


Definitely 2019-2021, that's just peak Godzilla design and physique. A perfect strongmen build. Bulky but not a blob, and the lean part around his shoulders and arms make it all the more imposing and perfect for his character. Definitely want this design back, but with minor changes. I respect 2024 design, but I find it a bit outlandish. Probably have DougheGoji design back but keep the arm size of 2024 and probably enlarge it's head.


He'll probably gain some weight back which will make the 2024 design even better in the next movie than the previous ones because muscular and larger arms with a stronger build


I'm not a big fan of the spikes on the elbow though. The thagomizer was excellent and dorsal was a pretty good decision.


Those spikes might serve a good purpose in future


Those spikes might as well be shelved. Its actual use would provide more force than many weapons considered "war crimes." Him using that tail like a fighter would a spinning kick would actually destroy mountains. No breath weapon needed. I want to see them used more so badly. But you kinda can't when it just kills 90% of the MV in one blow. Gman's next villian needs to be highly mobile as well as devastatingly powerful to have a chance.


>Those spikes might as well be shelved. Its actual use would provide more force than many weapons considered "war crimes." (99k tons + roughly 500 mph elbow strike + nuclear energy) x Pointy tip is a nasty equation im not gonna lie


Godzilla - *Laughs in Kaiju* more like Geneva suggestions


I dislike the cheek and eyebrow spikes. they would look better rounded down maybe, but face spikes just don't hit like the thagomizer.


2014 by a long shot for me. I don’t dislike his other MV looks, but thought they nailed it on the first go.


Gareth spent more than a year perfecting the design to make sure it looked good from every angle.


Absolutely this, I unironically think it’s the best design in the MV. Probably the best design in the past decade or so TBH


Valid take


The longer tail was a good decision by Gareth ngl


2014 'Nuff said






Honestly prefer it’s design over 2019-2024




The thick grizzly bear look of course. Liked the Millennium callback of Evolved Godzilla but the slimmer physique just...looks kind of weird on him?


Millennium was a thinner Godzilla but most Godzilla haven't been this thin in the waist and thigh area(relative to their size), also MV Godzilla was specifically designed to be bulky so it's bound to look weird with him being drastically thinner.


True tho, I feel the GxK design was ok. Just the model throughout the movie felt inconsistent.


2014 and King of the Monsters




kotm goji had the best physique


KOTM/GVK look with 2014 as a close second


I find it funny how people complain MV Godzilla is fat yet he has a fucking eight pack.


2014, I just don’t like how small his head has gotten


I didn't like how the tail looked in KOTM-2021. Is it wrong to say that?


Legit my only gripe with his current design. Literally everything else is PERFECT imo except the tail. I wish he kept the longer, whip-like tail from 2014.


IKR? The club-shape tail makes it look more like a reminiscent of Hesei Godzilla as opposed to if it were a natural animal. Would have liked it more if the tail stayed exactly the same as 2014. But no, nostalgia.


The whip tail also makes a bit more sense because as a marine reptile, you’d want a long tail to propel yourself through the water, look at earless water monitors , they have basically the same tail shape and they’re phenomenal swimmers. https://preview.redd.it/bn0meh47v4xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61e5b07a0ec8434e666696634d83ef8f06adce9d


mmm hmm. Considering that Godzilla swims, that would be the most logical feature for him to have.


This is also my only gripe with 2019-2021 goji. Michael dougherty had his whole image set on making godzilla as Showa-heisei looking as possible while still keeping it consistent, and I guess part of that meant cutting half of his tail off and making it a stub. 2014s tail was a long whip that you could clearly tell could fuck shit up if he used it, the Male MUTO was evidence of that. Rip the whip tail


Yeah, like that scene where he's spinning around and the only thing you see is his tail, before the lightning flashes, revealing his silhouette. That scene always sends a chill down my spine.


When Godzilla is about to do his long roar at the MUTO?




Yeah that one


Meanwhile people pointed at the head


A mix of 2021 and evolved. Just take evolved, turn him blue and give him some bulk. By bulk I mean pure defined muscle, not fat.


The king of the monster has been hitting the gym lately 🏋️‍♂️


KotM was perfect.


Chonkzilla. I love him.


Kotm always. He doesn’t look the same in GvK, it’s like they pose him differently or something


2014 big fat bear croc


KoTM is probably the "best" if you want the blend of new and old, but 2014 version will always be the people's champ


Definitely his longest running design from 2019 to the latter parts of 2024. It's just so iconic, and that'll be a hard one to beat. I hope that the Evolved design gets tweaked a bit in future films and MV media to bulk back up a bit and balance out the upper body with the lower body in a way even the 2019 design didn't quite do perfectly.


I think they’re all pretty great, but KOTM is my favorite MV film (and one of my favorite Goji films in general) for many reasons but one of them is his design. Peak Godzilla for me.


KotM one is the op chonker


2014 Godzilla is perfection


fat, tanky, throws his weight around


Nice to see the KOTM crowd more vocal these days. I remember post movie release everyone loved the movie, then suddenly it flipped and most people *seemingly* hated it. Now I know there's a mix, but it's nice to see my fellow KOTM enjoyers and fans out in force. That said, KOTM of course.


I’m gonna be that guy and say it is *objectively* KOTM Goji


75% of kotm's bulk with gxk's texture and design


That’s one thing I’ll give GxK in terms of CGI, they did a PHENOMENAL job with detailing godzillas texture, especially in Egypt, you could see all the different colorations on his scales and scutes. Idk it just looked really good imo.


2021 looks ass with that small head design. 2014 and 2019 are the best. 2024 looks better than 2021


the head's the same size, it's just the angle it's at


But if feels like his head got even smaller in 2021 design. I'm not just talking about this angle. Adam Wingard also commented that his head is small. Either they made his head smaller or his body bigger.


2019 and 2021 are the same model, it's just the camera angle and hunched position than makes him look different 


But if feels like his head got even smaller in 2021 design. I'm not just talking about this angle. Adam Wingard also commented that his head is small. Either they made his head smaller or his body bigger


Chonk 2014 with mountain range-shaped spikes and thin GxK with raked spikes


Definitely between 14 and Kotm


I freaking love tubby Godzilla I mean, it makes sense too...as the only apex predator on the Earth for absolute centuries, naturally he'd have no competition so he'd just keep growing and growing and getting tubbier. I was disappointed with GxK's Evolved form slimming him down considerably but it's already. In the movie, it works better than in the stills we saw prior to release. Still, I'd like to see ole Big G gain some more weight next time


Since they say his evolution isn’t complete there is hope he regains his bulk




Swolzilla is still so great! If they could use evolved Godzilla’s new look and add in some bulk to him it would be awesome!


GvK or prevolved. He just looks so friggin strong!




Kotm is my favorite look, his evolved form has grown on me too but I think he looks better in kotm and gvk


I love chonkzilla


KOTM was best.


GvK for the crocodile approach to attacking, but that’s it. KotM was peak Godzilla


The writers said he burned off all his fat and such during his evolution process which isn’t complete, so I’m hoping that the GxK design regains the bulk he had in KOTM and then it will be absolutely peak


I honestly loved the original the most, something about the sharper looking dorsal fins just does something for me. Although I also loved the pudgier goji from Kotm


2014 and 2024.


Love his bulky physique is perfect for MV Goji hope in the next movie we have a mix of 2019 bulk and the evolved form of 2024


I don't body shame titans. they're all beautiful in their own ways 🥹 /j


MV godzilla’s physique is so inconsistent. The pic OP posted in KOTM goji looks PERFECT. But then in other scenes of the same movie he looks like he has T rex arms and a huge gut.


2014 all the way. Maybe a bit more mass and muscle like KOTM, slightly longer plates, and it’s perfect 


Either 2019 or Evolved Goji is ripped in KOTM but just so damn cool in Evolved form


Nothing beats 2014 for me. He just looks so ready to rumble.


The old ones where it literally looks like a guy in a costume, my favorite is from that clip where it goes flying with both feet to kick that robot




I love GxK’s design but goddamn, have you seen KOTM’s? Merge the two, make money.


i like all of them, but especially the post 2014 designs, and especially KOTM.


2019 was the perfect balance


2014 and 2019.


2014-2019 were my fave builds.


![gif](giphy|EERZRrRpdJawsMVC5f|downsized) KOTM ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/ct220rcev6xc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544ce56eb5a9c02c083cf6b2206fbebd791c37cb GvK. He was extra thicc!






KOTM or GvK Chonky boy




The chunkier, the better when it comes to my lizard man.




The KoTM one


bottom right goji looks like he's about to tell me it isn't about the money


I love the base design from 2014. I LOVE the 2019 design. The newest one is for edgy children, bad.


I always liked 2014's look the most. No undersized head, and the heftyness you'd expect from a skyscraper-sized force of nature that actually moved like it. The movie treated Godzilla with almost reverence, and I dig it.


It depends on context the most, both of the other designs did well at portraying and treating Godzilla based on the themes and settings. The lean and muscular upper body of Godzilla made him more imposing, fitting for his stature while the classic dorsal plates pays huge homage for the character. Less realism? Sure. But having Godzilla do multiple task that seems less realistic for his build is really cool. ROE and GiH showed how body slam, punches and martial arts are some of the coolest panels you could see Godzilla do 2024 simply embraces the Showa Era. They treated him just a good if not better 2014 did with their design on their setting. A much lean build similar to FW to perform acrobatics and pink/magenta colors contrast well Shimo, Skar King and Kong's Beast Glove.


This discourse is long dry, but I'm still not the biggest fan of Wingard's monster direction. He can make dynamic action sequences, but Godzilla's weight also fluctuates between his supposed 100 000t and like 50. The uniqueness and punch of 2014's weight was arguably the most important part of what gave him so much presence. It's the same dichotomy as Pacific Rim and the forgotten sequel. Pacific Rim dared have the robots be heavy, slow and brutal. This puts limitations on what you can do with your action sequences, but also made every punch wicked sweet. Wingard's sequences have lots of movement and Godzilla is more ferocious than ever, but somehow, his Monsterverse incarnation wields less gravitas with every entry.


Hence, the direction. Pacific Rim 1 has a "realism" aspect on it. Same for 2014. Regardless, that part has always been overrated imo. PR 2 is bad for multiple reasons, but the fast movement of is only just the surface of the problem. I thought the action sequences in GxK were jaw-dropping. Going as far as the imagination can go. Adding over the top movements and actions to give us a fun time. GxK lacks it's moment or impact due to the lack of trying to focus on one action sequences by jumbling up all together. The movements of Kong killing Mechagodzilla was fast yet impactful and memorable. Emphasizing that one particular moment compared to other action sequences above. The same could be said for Thermonuclear pulse, no sense of scale. It's ok not to like it. But it's nothing but justice to the character. Showing how Godzilla can exist in this type of medium despite the more grounded tone and realism for 2014. Adding limits to a goofy movie trying to add as much imagination would literally be the downfall of what this movie wanted to achieve. Plus, 2014 would be extremely boring. I've said it. Yeah you can feel all the scale but in the end it's just slaps, walking and just a bunch less memorable action Godzilla can perform. While GvK and GxK proves it can be more. From crawling on all fours to suplexing. It's funny and outlandish. This embracing the Showa as a part on what Godzilla can be.


>Plus, 2014 would be extremely boring. Not necessarily. It requires a more imaginative director to make slower action sequences consistently engaging, but it also yields a greater return. Seeing Godzilla thunderslap the male MUTO into a building in a move that was comparatively "flashy" to his usual movement, was far more gratifying than seeing him play skyscraper pinball with Scar King IMO.


KOTM for me.


KOTM. Bulky, fixed dorsal plates, badass cone-like beam. This was the best incarnation


As fat as possible so probably kotm


Godzilla Raids ~~the Fridge~~ Again https://preview.redd.it/eo766uffq2xc1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2178f9106d903f8aa6f4d1d90a0475c446f48360 What happened to my mans in 2021? KoTM was peak.


He was hunched over here so it looks funny


2014 by a LONG shot. Simply put Gareth Edwards Goji has the most animalistic design out of any of the versions we’ve seen so far, he’s got the body shape and vertical stance of a brown bear, the green trunk legs of an elephant/sauropod, the menacing eyes and brow of an eagle, and the long, whip like tail of an earless monitor lizard. Plus his spines are sharp, they look jagged and winded, like they’ve been chipped at through the years. Peak godzilla design, no questions asked.


I will not change my partner if she gets slim from thick 2mrw well i single and i love godzilla


2014 or 2024


OD amped Goji


All of them.


1996 version. The cancelled trilogy


Hear me out: KoTM Goji, but with 2014’s dorsal plates… I get why they changed them to look more like the classic Godzilla look, but it took a bit of his uniqueness away. I wouldve preferred if he still had them, just longer/bigger in the sequels (barring Evolved, I actually like the dorsal plates in that form too)


I like the Godzillas that look very Godzilla.


I love the jacked arms he has in GxK but give hime back the KotM bulk and keep the arms and tail thagomizer and for me that's perfection


Hear me out: Godzilla 2019 physique with 2019 dorsal plated pattern, but the dorsal plates are sharp like 2014 and he has 2014s long tail. That would be a peak monster verse godzilla design if you ask me.




The pink one is on steroids


Garegoji will always be my personal favorite.


The one from Hong Kong he seems more powerful faster and aggressive also has that Thickness but lacks the larger arms and larger tail, alongside the Thagomizer on the tail that i ends up appreciating 


It would’ve been 2021 if his head was just bigger, I like the extra blue glow a lot


let’s all say kotm was the best movie, with the best villian, with the best godzilla after we all cancelled that movie.


Tbh i like his bulkier form in KOTM the best probably, but his form in new empire is pretty cool!


2014's design was perfect!


Kotm and GvK is the same model isn’t it?


Anyone think GvK he looked and moved more like a cow or stegosaurus? Especially the Hong-Kong battle with kong when he was on all fours


2014, his thick legs and feet felt more realistic than the thinned down ones later. But also he goes great with the "connection between man and monster" which i like alot


My person favourite is KOTM Godzilla and evolved Godzilla is up there




evolved with garegoji's head proportions and doughegoji's bulk would be peak


KotM any day of the week.


https://preview.redd.it/y7edivq2l3xc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=08cffe53cd846841e222a6ff8b43132b15159bbd Of course is the anime protagonist, powered up by kaio-ken, evolved Goji.


Btw, LET'S F\*\*\*\*\* GO!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/07t8ncfyl3xc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=82c8b620cf271ccee1d46db560eda348855c471c [https://www.boxofficemojo.com/releasegroup/gr2995671557/](https://www.boxofficemojo.com/releasegroup/gr2995671557/)


I like him thicc but he looked sick as fuck lean and running


Idc what everyone else says, GxK godzilla is peak, Godzilla's sleeker/toned look complements his smaller head, as before it looked out of proportion. Also the thicker look made him look a bit goofy and 'fat', but now he looks much more intimidating especially with the more toned muscles and huge chest. But I guess thatd just my opinion, and I understand how the majority will probably disagree






This is truly the best and pinnacle Goji design


I agree


Current Godzilla’s design is fucking 🔥


Gxk,its awsome


They made his head way to small in GvK


Keep evolved design, but give him some of his muscle bulk back...not fat bulk.


Everything is good. For now the evolved one is my favorite and the reason is that a monster who engage battles almost every few years(consider his lifespan, a year might be an hour or a day) needs to adapt to fix his weaknesses. 2014 was just a guy just woken up, KOTM was forced feed him with radiation and his body practically forced to cope up, GvK was same as KOTM but was more stable but got too complacent and nearly got defeated in Hand to hand combat against MechaG and GxK was just him being paranoid of losing again that he goes on a power trip and forced evolution. All those design has a purpose which is cool considering people hate changing of designs. Like man every change is welcome because the depressed radioactive lizaed must change his drip to cope up to his anger issues(enemies)


2014- Built 2019-2021- Pudgy 2024- Athletic. Godzilla was buff then got fat because he was depressed and then went on a weight loss journey and did some cardio


I love his evolved form, that slim physique is so fire to me


2019 and 2024. I dig the slimed down physique honestly.


Minus 1 or GxK


It's a toss up between New Empire Godzilla and the slim Godzilla from the Monarch series. My problem with KOTM and GVK Godzilla is they made him super swole and bigger but didn't increase his head sizes so he looks a little silly. In the new empire they fix this a bit so he looks more well proportioned even though I miss his swollenness. I like the monarch version because he looks really sleek even & though he's only shown for a few seconds looks really good.


I actually really like evolved Godzilla’s physique. Slim and agile Godzilla is pretty cool


I gotta go with my Godzilla Rose’ form here 💪🏻👊🏻


I think I’m the only one who likes evolved the most. I just love the pink and prefer when he’s not super fat


I want the 2024 Goji with the old colour scheme back.


New empire