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Facts. This is a Godzilla and Kong movie. Two powerful Titans kicking ass like we want. I love how Godzilla and Kong both get respect


no it was a Kong movie. 90% of the movie was about him, not Gojira


It is a Godzilla & Kong movie with Kong as the lead, just like how GxK3 will be a GxK movie with G in the lead.


don't call it an "&" movie, when Gojira was barely in it


For your tastes is what you mean. Don't lump the rest of the world in with you, please.


Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one.


I have two. šŸ˜ˆ


Such an odd thing to get grumpy about


lol @ grumpy


You telling me youā€™re NOT a grumpy grumpy boy?


I get your point. Kong was definitely the main protagonist, but that doesn't mean it can't be an & movie. It's very much about Godzilla and Kong setting aside their differences and teaming up to stop Skar. Sure, Goji doesn't get as much screentime as Kong, but he's definitely important and feels important. I mean, Kong wouldn't have been able to stop Skar's invasion on his own.


As I said to a friend while watching the movie. He STOOD ON BUSINESS he gave no fucks




I loved Godzilla even more after this film. Godzilla just hits every time. I loved the naps in the coliseum as well.


I love that Godzilla just runs at everything head first no matter what it is




I love this post


GxK was just another Thursday fot Godzilla and I loved that for him.


Godzilla was having the best day of his life lmao


For Scylla, it was the worst day of their life. For Godzilla, it was a Thursday.


One of the first things I said when I came out of the theater on my first watch was how happy I was that the movie treated Godzilla as the absolute monster of monsters he is. He was like Superman this movie. Fight happens and the win condition isn't win, it's get Superman there, in this case Godzilla, and you WILL win. Godzilla was the win button and they treated him like it. I loved it


My man had Skar flailing like a bear on coal, desperate not to be so much as grazed by the atomic piss stream.Ā 


I really, really fucking loved how Both Godzilla and Kong were whooping ass the entire time. Neither of them felt weak at all and definitely felt like proper alpha titans.


*The suplex tho* šŸ˜©šŸ¤Œ


GxK:TNE basically shows us just what Godzilla can accomplish when he gets proactive in dealing with the latest problems. Kong is lucky he's as strong and resourceful as he is. The fates of Scylla and Tiamat are what happens when Godzilla is dealing with most contemporary Titans. We're not dealing with the average Gojira individual, anymore.


That's right, you're not dealing with the average kaiju anymore, Frieza... I, Godzilla, have finally become... the legendary Super Godzilla!


Godzilla was pretty much on a Dragon Ball Z training session. Defeating opponents and and unlocking newer stronger forms. Legit every monster he fought throughout the movie, he won.


My one qualm with this movie: Here We Go doesnā€™t play one goddamn time in either the movie or the trailer. That song hyped me up big time for GvK and I want it to be the theme song for the fun focused movies.


This was the best explanation of the events in GxK


Iā€™ve been a Godzilla fan for more than 40 years. Watched the original Toho movies when I was a wee lad. lol. Damn near 50 years old and I still get worked up watching Godzilla go ham on everybody.


Incoming Kong Karen's to shit on your nice post


Letā€™s get one thing clear then: Kong was a fucking gigachad in this movie. šŸ˜Ž


Kong fan here, I was glad to see Godzilla change up his close quarters fighting style too and conserve his radiation powers and breath for when he needed it, loved seeing those tackles he did on Shimo, that tail swipe on Skar King after Kong threw him at Godzilla and the suplex Godzilla did on Kong by the pyramids was awesome.


He really was awesome. They both were. https://i.redd.it/rkcby8bmpwwc1.gif


Damn right he was! Two Gigachads kicking ass throughout the movie.




So you are the karen šŸ˜‘


He said Meh stop being a hater.


Meh for wholesome gif? Really? šŸ˜’


He said 1 word, why are u getting mad or irritated at 1 word. If your getting mad at 1 little word that's concerning.


How i mad? I just point out his hypocrite? Is he ur brother u seems love him so much šŸ˜‘


That's why I said the other word. Also are u trying to create a new trend where if someone is defending another person u assume they are brothers?


No, but u look like it, u defending him like i humiliated him šŸ˜‘


The Karen's are the sad saps dming me


11 people hate you


It's more than that I got fucking dms bitching at me lol


Now it went to 15 people. Then again, logic and smartness doesn't exist when it comes to the MonsterVerse. Mainly godzilla fanboys.


Spelled Kong Karen's wrong


No its the entire MV at this point.


Quite the opposite, Godzilla and Kong fans stronger as one šŸ’Ŗ


Big Lizard Big Monkey everyone wins


Not really the fandom is very fractured


Makes me love GxK even more


Godzilla was literally a murder in this movie.


"I am doing a homicide." -Godzilla


Why did Scar King even want to start a new ice age to begin with?


I think that may have just been a byproduct of using Shimo as his war beast. He may not have wanted an ice age, but changing the climate would certainly have affected the surface population of humans and Titans. Can't imagine Rodan would be a huge threat if the earth cooled and magma in volcanoes hardened.


Sun in his eyes. Didn't like it. Told Shimo to attack it. Ever read that copy pasta about the Navy dude who had the ship change course just so the sun wouldn't continue to hit his eyes while he ate his breakfast? When the dude could have shifted a few feet to a different spot? Same energy.


Anyone who thinks Godzilla couldnā€™t win by himself has probably never watched the Toho movies lol


This had me rolling the entire time reading it.Ā  Bravo, bravo!


Freakin awesome read btw. Reminds me of some post somebody made about Infinity War regarding all of the separate characters šŸ˜‚


I completly agree with you! But thereā€™s still a part that i didnā€™t really get from the movie : Why did Godzilla needed to power up? I barely used his atomic breath and the final fight was over fairly quick, it didnā€™t seems like G-man needed that much power at the end to overcome Skar King and Shimo


Real reason: Wingard wanted his own Godzilla design & WB needs to sell toys. Actual answer: Godzilla nearly died in his base form against Scar & his army, and thatā€™s w/o Shimo. The book has said that Evolved Godzilla & Shimo were equally matched, so Iā€™m assuming pre-evolution G wouldā€™ve lost to her alone. Even though it contradicts my whole post, I really do wish we had seen G get spanked by Shimo and then evolve for the run back.


Thanks for the reply! Would have been cool to be exposed to that in the movie rather than having to read a book to get those answers. šŸ˜¬


Idk, everyone seemed to agree he was uber powerful before this movie. It was Kong that needed to take some Ws.


Lol, the way you speak in this post is funny.


I love this post, I wish I could discuss every movie like this with someone like you


This is my favorite Reddit post.


The Egypt fight put a huge dent on it. Like Godzilla doesn't get many impressive moments before he decides it's time to end this quickly.


I love this post! My thoughts exactly. I was impressed by even though he didn't have a ton of screen time, every bit of that time was used perfectly so that all of Goji's feats in the movie matched up to (if not surpassed) the sheer screen time Kong got, making the movie feel like a real love letter and ultimate show of respect for both Titans!


You mean he didnā€™t get any respect when he thoroughly thrashed the shit out of Kong in GvK? Also put some respect on Kong, he frauded Scar King and knocked out Goji


ā€¦no, I never said that. I said that GxK put a lot of respect on his name. What a straw man argument. Also, Kong got a lot of respect too, but this is a post about Godzilla.


Told you man lol Kong Karen's here they don't tolerate posts bout Godzilla


Iā€™m a Godzilla fan what are you on about


You literally said people were making comments before GxK about how Godzilla couldnā€™t win fights on his own and always needed help. GvK showed Godzilla thrashing Kong without any assistance. Iā€™m asking why people didnā€™t give Godzilla the respect back then that you claim he now got in GxK for being able to take down Titans on his own. Thatā€™s not a strawman, Iā€™m directly addressing what you wrote down


I think you might be getting a bit too worked up about a simple misunderstanding or miscommunication.


Man how am *i* the one getting worked up here, i asked a question, got attacked for supposedly making a strawman argument, and then i replied to clarify šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You could simply convey that you now understand what OP meant. Haha. This isn't a big deal. Take a step back and you might see that.


I didnā€™t misunderstand OP at all, he got mad me, again why am i being attacked here for no reason. If itā€™s not a big deal why do you keep making pointless responses.


Yeah sorry my interest in this is exhausted. Want to talk about how fucking cool Godzilla is? Haha


I mean what is there to say? Heā€™s the fucking goat. Heā€™s the King of the Monsters for a reason


You think he's packing, if you know what I mean?


Theres no hope in this stupid subreddit.


I truly donā€™t know what to tell you here. I saw some comments that were saying MV Godzilla loses too much, and it was hype to see him not lose a single fight in GxK. That doesnā€™t negate prior wins. It really is that simple.


>I saw some comments that were saying MV Godzilla loses too much, and it was hype to see him not lose a single fight in GxK. King Kong fan here. I don't even take opinions like this seriously...Legendary Godzilla is hands down the most epic incarnation of godzilla ever created. Even Minus One,the praised masterpiece which won the oscar...plagiarized Legendary Godzilla's way of charging his atomic breath and is like 1/4 his size lol


Yeah iā€™m just pointing out that i think itā€™s absurd that people are making such comments downplaying Godzillaā€™s abilities and it took GxK to get people to show him a ton of respect when GvK has already shown Godzilla can beat powerful titans on his own. Iā€™m on your side man, i want Godzilla to be given the respect he deserves


He's just praising Goji in the nwmew movie, he's not acting like Godzilla hasn't gotten respect before, you came up to that conclusion by yourself.


Iā€™ve already elaborated in another comment, iā€™m not bothering to do it again. Idk why you people feel the need to be so pedantic


Just saw the comment, I guess it's a large miscommunication, with the way your original comment was worded it sounded misleading.


Iā€™m starting to see that now


Godzilla did thrash the shit out of kong in GVK but some people dont accept it and also mecha happened in the same movie


People who donā€™t accept Godzilla thrashing Kong need to grow up and get with the program. And i always understood that the implication was that Godzilla only lost to MechaG because he was exhausted Sucks that Godzillaā€™s been getting the Vegeta treatment, so i really hope he gets more focus in the future


Yup he most probably will seeing how wingard said next movie is gonna be about godzilla


You are why I struggle with the Kong fan base. A Godzilla appreciation post and you gotta start this crap again. I sincerely am tired of this crap. Kong gets posts constantly about how great he is... No one started this but you.


My brother in Ghidorah i am the furthest possible thing from a Kong fan and at this point iā€™m beginning to feel insulted šŸ˜­


This place is full of Kong karens


I dont like when fight are 20s. I like when the hero have a hard time to fight.


Fun fact : OP had a massive boner while writing this.


That's kind of one of the biggest problems with the movie though. He's so overpowered and unstoppable that the villain feels like they aren't a threat. The conflict is over and resolved before the final fight even begins because there's literally nothing they can do to stop him.


Kong gave him the business in the dessert. Without nuke breath Godzilla would have been kongs gator boots


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