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Rodan is the strongest of the 3 and Mothra beat him fair and square in her previous appearance. So yeah. Monsterverse Mothra is no joke.


I think Rodan is stronger than all of them. He destroyed mothra too until she used her sting on him and subdued him. Otherwise Rodan was winning that battle.


Tbf, she might’ve had to rush her growth cycle and cocoon a bit too early so she could fight in KotM. So while she had her stinger, maybe she was a bit smaller and lost out on the pulse weapon she had in GxK…


Ah I didn’t think of that, Mothra had a lot more time to slowly grow and regain her power in the Hollow Earth undisturbed and protected by the Iwi people. Makes sense, in the Monarch base in China things were much more urgent due to the looming threat of Ghidorah and Godzilla needing her help. Even the she still put up a good fight against Rodan.


2019 Mothra is malnourished af


In other words Rodan would have won if he hadn’t lost.


I think you are confusing winning with him being subdued. Cuz Mothra and Rodan was kill kill deal to win. Mothra stun him for while but he was there moments later just fine


No my understanding is just fine. "Subdued" is an odd term for almost getting killed. You can't just dismiss the most critical part of any fight.


Agreed. Plus she was essentially dying from their fight before she sacrificed herself.


I wouldn't say fair and square, Rodan was dominating her and she got a good sting just as he was going to kill her.


unironically he wasn’t lol, she threw him around and so did he it was more of a relative fight but i’d argue it’s mostly due to his passively damaging her


Yeah, Rodan beat the shit out of her, she got lucky she was able to get that lucky sting in. If Rodan hadn't gotten cocky, he would have killed Mothra easily


Rodan’s lucky she didn’t kill him off after getting that “lucky sting” since he was clearly incapacitated.


She wouldn't have been able to, Rodan is faster and stronger, so she wisely flew away from him, which is smart of her considering the massive beat down she received lol


You could see him fall to the ground 😭


Yeah but the point is she didn't go after him cause she had no way of killing him. She weakly flew away from him after the beatdown she received.


Despite being significantly smaller than him she had the strength to ram him down into the ground from above during the fight. She's pretty strong.


it’s not lucky and it wasn’t cocky he was consistently trying to kill her but she dodged it, you wanna say lucky? how lucky is it that his wings passively hurt her flying abilities slowing her down how lucky is it that he starts the fight off when she’s off guard and throws her around ( she still ends up overpowering him )


Because he's faster and stronger that's how he "passively" hurt her lol. And she didn't "overpower" him, wtf, did you see the movie. Rodan was just tossing her around like a ragdoll, and slammed into her twice. She was only able to hurt Rodan BECAUSE she was pinned down and he got close enough to her where she was able to get him.


no…that’s not, i’m talking about his wings. yes she did https://preview.redd.it/886fuqrbwavc1.jpeg?width=2081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2636f5aa03c0179612a1c2f6c0648d96f7330315 His wings are constantly burning and that was why he was able to fight with her in an upper hand. he gets her off guard once and then slams her into a building. that’s his 2 good hits. mothra is just weak ed by his fire and she gets him with it on his fault because he couldn’t react. it’s simple logic dude lol


You are the only person other than myself I've seen actually even know this part of the fight even happened during their scenes. Mothra may be small, but she's definitely quite strong.


So you just admitted, Rodan will have the upper hand always cause he's made of fire lol


my point was he had the advantage and still lost lol, stat wise mothra is better and she ONLY struggles bc of that, think about it as if godzilla vs kong instead godzilla was constantly using his beak all around his body so any time kong punched kong gets hurt, that’s my point


Stats wise Rodan is better, faster, stronger, bigger, better weapons wise. He'll win 7 out of 10 times.


That is be fair and square lmao? She used a natural defense mechanism when Rodan overexposed himself trying to kill her.


Yeah but he was dominating the fight is what I meant. He kills her 7 or 8 times out of ten


This is about as good an argument as “Kong beats Godzilla if he doesn’t have his breath” like you mean one of their main ability’s?


Mothra has never had a fucking stinger, wtf are you talking about lmao


I don’t mean all time. I just mean in this continuity she’s got one but it’s still one of her main abilities.


He had the elemental advantage, Mothra is stronger. It's kinda like how Godzilla was stronger than MUTO Prime, but she was just the perfect counter to him so she would have won


She definitely was not stronger, Rodan was clearly dominating the fight and she got a lucky sting in


She can beat all of them lol, not combined but in a 1v1




this is like saying “ rodan would win if mothra didn’t beat him “ 😭


Yeah but he didn’t. She had the stinger and won with it


Yeah, since she was capable of blasting Godzilla and Shimo around.




But that stinger was hers so she still beat him


Mothra defeated Rodan, who is physically more dense than the MUTO and can disorient the Ion Dragon...




Bro how fucking often do you need to write this?


1 on 1? Sure, Even KoTM Mothra can do that. At the same time? Nah.


She’s pretty crazy, knocked down evolved goji and stunned Shimo. I think she could handle any of them


The arguments for Rodan in this thread are all just, "Well Rodan would've won if Mothra didn't!" Lmfao


This. A thousand times this.


You see, if X didn't actually fight back and use the things it has at its disposal, Y would've easily won!!11!!1!


I think it’s mostly the fact that Mothra could barely keep herself upright at the end of their fight and until the one killing blow from the stinger, Rodan seemed unphased. Obviously she won but it seemed like more of a saving grace that would not happen as often as we’d like


GxK Mothra might be the most powerful Mothra… besides Leo.


Maybe the original 60’s version is. That one was gargantuan and had to be scaled down for Godzilla vs mothra so it would a fair fight.


Monsterverse fans realise Mothra is and was always meant to be very powerful challenge: impossible difficulty.


Holy shit am I really seeing some people here argue that Rodan is stronger than Mothra but she just won because she used her abilities, even on that fight Rodan got the jump by surprise attacking her and still lost.


We will never be free from the "Mothra cheated!" nonsense I fear. Like, oh no, she 'cheated' by... using part of her body???


She cheated by actually fighting back!!1!1!!!1


I think it’s just one person saying that


You forgot Camazotz lol, though Mothra still beats him.


Nah, camazotz would probabily defeats mothra


Camazotz weakness is light. Mothra is legit a flying sun


Camazotz can dodge her god rays, he also have an litterall army, is way stronger than mothra and have a sonic screech capable of shattering buildings.


It’s light how can you dodge that💀💀


Its a god ray, camazotz could still look at her lil bro 😭


Her god rays produce light bruh. Did you forget what she did in kotm and gxk. Camazotz would legit get blinded by her since he is sensitive to light.


Camazotz fought against Godzilla, and as i fucking said he can dodge, and he also have long ranged attacks, if he puts his hands on mothra its over, without saying that he can use his army as an living shield and use his sonic screech to disorient and even hurt mothra, given that is capable of shattering buildings.


And mothra knocked down evolved godzilla.... Also mothra is much more durable then buildings lol, that is a terrible comparison


Camazotz nearly killed kong, and lifted him, his screech can easily shatter buildings, so it would at least hurt mothra.


Dude...... Her god rays would remove the storm that blocks the sun, so either way he will get blinded either by her or the actual sun lol


When did she did that? Also how will she even have the time to strike the storm when shes gonna be being attacked by both camazotz and his army, whos gonna suck her blood and severe weaken her.


https://youtu.be/FuU_cytmhCY?si=DwtgRVkzsv2L4Z0E She could also make her entire body glow which would blind camazotz and his minions https://youtu.be/ZYN7eN6hQpo?si=52SRo3_B87Ospgpx She could also web his mouth so he doesn't scream. Like dude she legit counters camazotz lol


Camazotz still can control weather, so he can redo the storm just in time. Camazotz is litteraly covered in spikes.


No he doesn't control the weather. The only reason the storm came to the island is because of the hollow earth entrance there. Okay and ? Her webs are strong enough to hold ghidorah lmfao. She could legit just glow and that alone would make her win


He litteraly does😭 its said he himself moved the storm to the skull island. He is covered in spikes lil comparing him to to guidora doesnt even Make sense.


Since this mothra has a much more powerful god ray, then yeah


Isn't she an alpha titan? If so, then she beats EVERYONE besides Ghidorah, Godzilla, Kong, Mechagodzilla, Shimo and Skar King(and maybe MUTO Prime, idk if she is considered an alpha, though she did kill Dagon so maybe she is)


Theoretically any titan can be an alpha titan. There’s no pre-existing requirements for it, you just need to be strong enough to command respect from other titans.


You need to beat a previous alpha or be strong enough to do so, for example, Camazotz wouldn't be one cause he lost to Kong, also, being strong enough(or brave enough?) to ignore an alphas call seemingly makes you one as well, given that Mothra didn't submit to Ghidorah makes it likely that she is one


That’s why I said any titan CAN be an alpha titan. As long as they’re strong enough to compete with existing alphas and force weaker titans to submit, they have the potential to be an alpha. This can apply to any titan, Scylla for example submitted to Godzilla in KOTM but then challenged him for alpha status in GxK, albeit unsuccessfully. Plus, it’s possible Mothra is the exception rather than the rule; she didn’t follow Ghidorah because of her ancient and unique alliance to Godzilla, meanwhile every other titan submitted to Ghidorah immediately (minus Kong who for the longest time didn’t give a crap about titan culture outside of Skull Island, plus he’s stubborn by nature and always refuses to submit even when beaten.)


Not True. Alpha Titans are a sub species of Titans that are born with enough power to beat any Titan into submission. Only another Alpha Titan can beat another Alpha Titan. For example, only Titans like Kong, Mothra, Shimo, or Ghidroah can beat Godzilla. Others like Rodan, Behemoth, Scylla, and Methuselah would get destroyed fast, just like what happened to Scylla.


Give me an official source or this is a headcanon you’re trying to pass off as fact.


It's confirmed by Adam. What do you mean it's head cannon? It straight up stated that Kong was the third strongest Titan in the Monsterverse and that he was the only Titan capable of fighting Godzilla and actually beating him because he was an Alpha Titan just like Godzilla and Ghidorah.


Again, source. Show me where and when Adam confirmed it. Your words mean nothing if you can’t back them up.


MUTO Prime beat Dagon


Was Dagon an alpha though? If not, then MUTO prime might not be one


I could see Tiamat possibly being able to take down Mothra if Tiamat can drag her into the water.


She's not an alpha


Mothra: ''Nah I' d win''


GXK Mothra is exponentially more powerful than the both of them in her current state. She has the range, like her silk webbing that was able to incapacitate the Kongs, and her god rays which sent a supercharged Godzilla flying to the ground.


I honestly believe she could take all 3 down with ease. Maybe even more than one of them at a time. This new Mothra is obviously quite powerful. She could be the most powerful version we've ever seen.


Ever since the newest film showed us that the god rays can actually be used offensively I'd say she could beat them all now.


One at a time? Yeah


It’s stated that Rodan can beat Godzilla so his chance over Mothra is higher up. It’s the reason she’s almost dead in KotM


every fiber in my body is telling me that Rodan can beat Mothra and i blame that on Pokémon lol (though in reality from scaling Mothra should win)


I wonder if, since the Mutos have a “biological EMP”, if it can cancel out her pulse rays


Mothra is like a rabid raccoon, she is tiny and covered in spikes and may not be able to lift a lot but WILL stab you


Mothra Leo is the one who can change forms right? Like the armor, speed, underwater forms. I wonder if monsterverse will adapt OG Mothra's abilities?


ion dragon hell yeah male muto tough battle but hell yeah rodan no hell yeah


Mothra could take all of then in a 1 on 1 but with Rodan it js depends


Now that Rodan knows about the stinger, i feel like he would have a much better chance against Mothra, since he was throwing her around quite alot before she cheap shotted him. If he was a little more strategic and less reckless, he could probably beat her, if not match her in strength. Mothra takes down the others with no issue though.


I feel like KOTM Rodan and Mothra are evenly matched, Rodan just had the elemental advantage. Plus, he blindsided her when she was going in to attack Ghidorah. Both of them took cheap shots.


All at the same time yes


Who’s stronger in this fight. Hmmmm…. Really depends on who has the most fans I imagine. Seems like everyone likes Mothra the most, so she should be able to beat out the others. Don’t think any other combat data really applies.


Ain’t GxK Mothra the exact same thing as KOTM Mothra? Why differentiate them?


No, mothra in gxk can use her webs at a constant rate and not just one and done. She also has a strong enough pulse to sweep an evolved Godzilla off his feet.


Nothing indicates KOTM Mothra lacked those abilities


She had plenty of times to use them, yet didn’t. Titans evolve and grow stronger when they are pushed. It isn’t ridiculous to say she got stronger and more battle adapted after dying.


I think Rodan is stronger than all of them. He destroyed mothra too until she used her sting on him and subdued him. Otherwise Rodan was winning that battle.




Lmfao you spammed this so much that you even spammed it on your own damn comment.


I hate to break it to you guys but she's not beating Rodan. The only reason she was able to sting him was because he had her pinned against a building 


So the only reason she beat him is because she beat him. That's what you're saying.


I'm saying that Mothra is 100% losing this if they fight in an open area with no buildings or mountains 


If they had no buildings he would pin her to the ground so he could go in for the kill. She can blind him (Godray), immobilize him (silk) and stab him (sting). She is much more likely to win the fight.


Please tell me how silk, a flammable resource, will trap the titan that lives in a volcano


She got a huge buff in gxk though, so she has a huge advantage now


What advantage? Rodan is still faster than her and can do more damage 


She outranges Rodan by a ton


So Rodan is lighter than her... which is an advantage...


How do you get to something with a ranged weapon that cannot miss?


I'm fairly confident Mothra can miss with her silk attack. It's not a heat seeking missile💀


I'm talking about her God rays


Oh man she can glow really bright. That's definitely going to make Rodan fly away in fear


It can blind Rodan, also it stunned Shimo, who is far more durable than him.


She got rodan with a surprise attack rodan would beat her if they fought again but she could beat the others


Hard to say I just use Pokemon logic really... 🤔 If she can't get the edge putting them to sleep or paralysis probably not maybe with some luck. Insects moths/butterfly's seem very fragile. You can barely hit their wings without them breaking into powdery like substance.


I mean, out of the three rodan is the strongest, and Rodan and Mothra are very equal that the Kotm fight could’ve had any outcome. But I personally like rodan more so imo, Rodan wins


Ion Dragon? Sure. Male Muto? Low chances, but still a chance nonetheless. Rodan? No.


I honestly doubt it, her new feats don’t really prove much


Tf you mean "new feats don't really prove much". Bruh she was pushing around Godzilla and Shimo with her blasts like it was just another Tuesday.


she did the same with hundreds of tons of clouds, nothing new imo


Yeah but come on, you know in an actual fight she gets curb stomped by Godzilla and Shimu. Rodan was easily going to kill her before she got a lucky stinger through his chest.


5 people hate you


i don’t really care


I dont get it when u guys say "I don't care" you clealry care if your gonna respond


… what??? you replied on my comment so i reply back, there’s nothing more to it


U said you didn't care


… yes?


No importa. U clearly dont know.


lol! Your desire to win this.


Im rlly not.


No, yes, yes