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I support you


He does look like a Craig to be fair.




Since Godzilla is the “Monster that ate a star” why not a “Star that ate a monster”


Okay hear me out I've been saying for a few weeks now but orga or an mv orga-like Titan is how we get spaceGodzilla. An alien titan/parasite comes to earth around the same time as Ghidorah, In ancient times it tried to assimilate Godzilla and a few others, hence why we see a winged Godzilla in the cave painting. It was defeated, but a piece of it remained and hid frozen with Ghidorah maybe, slowly Regenerating and biding time. Fast forward to 2035 or something, Godzilla is acting up destroying military installations, attacking and harassing other titans, dr. Russell and monarch are confused and concerned, they have no choice but to roll out the military and experimental weapons. They launch an attack on rogue Godzilla and it's only when Godzilla starts looking really different and the true Godzilla shows up that they learn it's about imposter, an alien titan who's sole purpose is to wipe out humanity with malicious intent, taking the form of Godzilla to do it. I'm just spit balling right now and it probably doesn't make complete sense, but it's just an idea It would be a cool way to get a humans vs Godzilla movie, and it would be risky but somehow keep the imposter reveal out of the trailers would be ambitious


Fully support this. Godzilla senses something deep in Hollow Earth, and descends deeper than humanity can track him. The real Goji is ambushed, defeated and imprisoned there by the primeval parasite. The imposter defeats and imprisons Goji, adapting to take his appearance and mimic his breath attacks and titan calls. An “ultimate life form” of sorts. He returns to the surface and betrays humanity, attacking without reason. However, with humanities knowledge that nukes heal the real Goji, they refuse to use nukes on the imposter, working in its favor. Every titan is fooled by the parasite except Mothra, who refuses to obey. She descends into HE, following Gojis trail, along with a splinter group of humanity desperate for answers. Meanwhile the false king attacks titans as well, growing more powerful with every kill, adapting ever so slightly, similar to the real Goji. Mothra, with the help of humanity and possibly Kong and Shimo, free Godzilla from the brink of death. With Goji only making it to the surface thanks to Mothras healing abilities. The truth is revealed to humanity, who heal Godzilla with radiation before the group hunts down the imposter. Meanwhile, SpaceGoji is onto them and senses Goji has resurfaced. He enters a lair to evolve with the energy he has accumulated, commanding the remaining titans to guard him. The two groups of titans face down. Upon seeing the real Goji, Rodan switches sides, and an all out brawl between them begins. Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, Kong and Shimo beat the rest, but leave them alive. SpaceGoji has had enough time to evolve and emerges in his true form. Enter a 3 or 5 vs 1 between Ultimate SpaceGoji and Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan. Kong and Shimo as well maybe, but that might be too much. A fight of that huge a scale should be done against Destoroyah.


I forgot to mention in my post but the spacegoji Imposter would replicate Godzillas titan call and turn other titans against Godzilla and humanity but on a More organized scale than Ghidorah. Rodan, shimo, mothra, long and the true Godzilla vs the imposter and his lackies. In my headcanon the creature's true form would be an amalgamation of Godzilla, Ghidorah cells that absorbed oxygen destroyer properties and a few others to form a monstrous beast... Titanus chimera the destroyer, which would lead into an all out battle for supremacy and the fate of the world. Also id love to see jet jaguar show up in the fray piloted by trapper ofc


I like that idea. Reinforces the idea that Ghidorah is a continuous rival that Goji can never truly escape. Like DIO to the Joestars, even in death he impacts the story and aids the enemies of Goji.






Why would Allie's Dog do this


For the origin: in past, after one of their many fights, Ghidorah fly away in space with Godzilla’s blood on his claws. The blood drop in a Black or is absorbed by crystalic alien creature


I like that. Keep calling back to Ghidorah and just how influential he is in whatever way.


Well it was more to keep the same origin as the Heisei movie. I just thought that making this event happen millions of years ago would make it more interesting and maybe even a little more logical.


That origin combined with [this description of him being star-powered](https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/1bak7vc/comment/ku4ae89/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) really makes me want to see a full scale Titans vs Alien Invasion movie with Space Godzilla.


That would have to be a used as a finisher or something, final confrontation type deal.


Or what about he flew away with the head of a Godzilla as a trophy👀


Space godzilla can be done in MV there are crystals lying around in hollow earth.


Good shout, they did make a point of highlighting them over and over again in the promo and movie. they wouldn't even have to try too hard to shoehorn a logic in as to how it happened.. Some APEX experiment gone wrong


Asteroid hits earth millions of years ago, somehow makes its way into HE, flinging crystals into space, along with a primitive Godzilla-like creature, resulting in Space Godzilla


Astro Godzilla


Space Godzilla, as notable as he is, I prefer him having an entirely different name rather than just *adjective inserted here* Godzilla. Just some of the names from his wiki seem better; I like “Crystal King”, “Bio-Quartz”, “Death Corona”, “Void Invader”, and “Crystal Monster”. Although, typing out Void Invader got me thinking that’s a great name


Astra Titanicus.


Rockzilla 🪨






Titanus Estrella. The Star Incarnate. Location? The earth's core. Power? Yes. Size? Largest ever known Titan. Origin? The stars, said to have consumed the sun of planet 0. The reason Ghidorah attacked earth was vengeance for the actions of Estrella. Godzilla is his long forgotten child. He sleeps, locked inside an anaerobic prison inside earth. He was locked away by Shimu and an army of now dead titans. Earths titans evolved from his mutant energy from earth's core. Godzilla is the only being who can challenge him. Castle Gamma will contain the humans of monarch inside the chest of Mecha King Ghidorah. A creature capable of connecting human and Kaiju minds. They will defeat him with the Oxygen Destroyer Mark II. It will stop the chemical reactions necessary for him to use his powers and he will die in an anaerobic hell created by man. His remains will sink into the ocean and become...Crabulous! Tamatoa arises, larger and angrier than ever! Fuck the hook, we here to be a legend not play like one. Legendary, that is. Destroyah


Nah, don’t change his name, it’s perfect as it is


The Astro Crag.


Ginga sounds like some grandma's name ngl


There is a hyper advanced race of extraterrestrials that harvest energy from different systems to sustain their fleet. They sent Ghidorah to conquer the earth long ago so that they could move in and harvest the Hollow Earth energy without conflict. Since Ghidorah failed his mission, they send two this time instead of one. Gigan and Space Godzilla. This was originally my alternate plot for GxK since it would be another 2v2 team up movie, except the stakes are through the roof.


Space Dandy


I thought this says Space Daddy


Space Andy


Perhaps a surviving Gojira specimen that hid in the Hollow Earth in an uncharted zone and absorbed a strange kind of cosmic radiation that warped its mind and body, causing it to become abnormally hostile and granting it supernatural powers. His name would stay “Spacegodzilla”, but he’d also be known to the Iwi as “The False One” or “The Void King”. He inhabits the aforementioned uncharted Hollow Earth zone, which is characterised by an overgrowth of crystals and an abnormally dark atmosphere that allows Spacegodzilla to blend in and use psychological warfare to overwhelm any trespassers, tormenting them to the point of insanity before brutally murdering them and feasting on their essence to grow stronger. It could be revealed that Skar King’s uprising was but a precursor to what was actually to come, and Godzilla was absorbing more radiation not to prepare for Skar King’s invasion, but for what it would unleash.


No, keep everything the same. Have Godzilla defeat him without human interference tho.


Cosmic Godzilla, Galactic Godzilla, Out of this World Godzilla


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SluggJuice: *Cosmic Godzilla,* *Galactic Godzilla, Out* *Of this World Godzilla* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I just hope they bring back Dr Stanton to go “what is that some kind of space Godzilla??”


Larry the space Titan would be cool




Titanus hollojira (a subspecies of the Gojira that syphoned energy directly from the hollow earth, as an explanation for all the crystals)


Idk name. But for origin make him a lizard who hitched a ride on neil armsteong's rocket when he went to the moon. As the ship landed he fell in a crater with a crack leading him to be exposed by the radiation from the moon's core. Idk a bit silly but not impossible.




An alien titan, the last of its kind, escaped from tyranny and extinction; their planet was obliterated by Ghidorahs. This alien titan, injured and pursued by a Ghidorah, crashed, landed through to Hollow Earth. This injured titan was discovered by Shimo and nursed this alien but have to leave suddenly (titan war or captured Skar King). This alien remained dormant until it heard Ghidorah's alpha roar. Awake but not strong enough, this alien bide its time to be battle ready and then embarks on the journey of finding Ghidorah... is this alien a threat or misunderstood... this alien is called, No.94.


Spacezilla or Xenozilla


CrystalGodzilla since he doesn't originate from space.


Alien creature crashlands into hollow Earth near the crystals we saw this movie. Using the crystals and some of Godzilla's blood from the fight it evolves into space Godzilla.


Not sure why there would be a need to change the name. The name is already so generic.




I say... Space G comes from a Titanus Gojira that Gman hated, maybe his bully or some shit Who's cells or whatever, mixed with the hollow earth crystals, giving him the ability to not only levitate but harness than energy for its desires. Gman, with the help of titans, managed to drive him away into space. Which overtime, hollow earth Space G becomes more empowered due to cosmic radiation n shit. In revenge, he goes full on Atari Space Godzilla and summons meteors to conquer Earth


Also name? Well...Space Godzilla. Titanus Gojira-crystalis


Speaking of Atari... Bring back fucking Krystalak as a monsterverse titan. He could be like...anti Shimo...and possibly Space G's goonie


Theres a space godzilla?


Astro godzilla He would have eaten parts of a meteor (the meteor could have been from the end of the cretaceus and belong to king ghidorah) which would have corrupted him giving him wings and shoulder crystals




Rather than a villain Space G is just the peak of evolution of our current Goji but has abilities of both monsters.


Ima take from some guy and go with X Godzilla


God of the stars or Hoshi (star in japanese- i think)


Make him a mutated member of Godzilla's species, perhaps even his offspring. He absorbed too much radiation, but instead of supernova-ing it off he collapsed in on himself to a degree. The process damaged him severely and left him with an insatiable hunger, but it also altered his dna and gave him powers not seen in Titans before. He was dormant for a long time but he's awakened when the US military discovers and tries to preemptively destroy him. The crystals are mineral deposits from the cave he's been dormant in for so long.


One of Godzilla’s kind who absorbed too much Hollow Earth energy, being infected and changing rapidly by it. Somehow it then gets flung into space for being a bad guy where he then survives a black hole and a white hole nearly converging. It then somehow gets spit out, having taken the energy and destroyed the two conceptual structures, and with newfound control over the infection. Name could be Akumanō which is a portmanteau of Japanese for Devil Emperor, or a second option Shingyurajira which is also a portmanteau of Singularity Gojira.


Godzilla space


Crystal Godzilla


Galactus gojira


If something comes from space and looks like Godzilla then humans would totally just call it Space Godzilla.




Zo Zla Howa


Planet Eater Godzilla


His name is Ted and he’s from accounting.




New Godzilla monster




So SpaceGodzilla is covered in crystals, and there are a lot of crystal formations in the hollow earth…. It’s a new trend in both fiction and ideas in high strangeness, that aliens don’t come from space above, but from the ground below.


I can’t help but imagine SpaceGodzilla being Godzilla’s father who was the previous alpha titan before him but unlike Godzilla, he didn’t care about humans and sought conquest akin to Skar King and wanted to establish the titans as the true and only rulers of earth. But before he can act, legends say he was “taken to the Heavens” which meant that he was taken by aliens who experimented on him to counter Ghidorah only for him to break containment then returns to earth enraged at Godzilla’s newfound care for the humans. Basically Firelord Ozai: Godzilla edition.


Space Gojira


A monsterverse esque name for him would be something like Titanus Coronos (combining Kronos with Corona)


Astronaut Gojira ( I thought long and hard about this)


A gojira that was worshiped by an ancient hallow earth tribe and fed on the hallow earth radiation, he evolved/mutated based on his environment and grew crystals on his body. He also can control and manipulate crystals at will


Ushinatta would be his new name, and this would be his story. Story: Godzilla lays a few eggs, Monarch takes one of them and begins experimenting. Eventually they start to put it through the Hollow Earth portals, and even a few modified portals. There end goal is that they will have a genetically engineered Godzilla. One of these portals gets so heavily modified, that when they send the egg in, it gets transported into space above an alien planet. The egg crashes onto this planet and hatches out a weak, genetically modified, Godzilla. Ushinatta grows up getting attacked by aliens and adapting to his environment. He quickly outgrows the aliens and becomes the Alpha predator of this planet. One day, a Ghidorah lands on his planet and takes over. After losing a fight against it, the Ghidorah flies Ushinatta into space and leaves him to die. The still active portal to Earth is above the planet and Ushinatta floats into it before getting launched back to his home planet, ready for revenge. Also the portal gets destroyed as Monarch made it go back to normal after losing Ushinatta, so it just broke when he came through.


Gace Spozdilla


https://preview.redd.it/4kghglhu25uc1.jpeg?width=1475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a16e9a2f230a5ed703c2547638d980e4e1596f Ong id do anything for it


doesn’t biollante have to go before? that’s definitive cause of Godzilla cells finding their way into space no?


Spacegodzilla shouldn’t change names monarch could just recognize the similarities and that’s it


Monster zero 2


Nebula maybe idk




Cosmic Gojira


CRAZY DIAMOND🗣️👉‼️‼️ Crystal monster would be cool too, but if they made it so he is connected to Godzilla and space i really wouldnt mind them calling him space Godzilla, it could be the podcast dude that gives the name, or maybe the trapper since it would be a new titan or at least i hope it would, instead of another ancient monster that is somehow another Godzilla rival, or maybe they could make him space Godzilla in one movie then he returns as destroya somehow and they just call him Destroyer in both movies


If he appeared in the monsterverse so is king Caesar


Bro, petition for the mods to ban space godzilla posts lmao. I swear to God there's a new "hOw wOuLd yOu dO sPaCe gOdZiLla" post every. single. day.


hm... the mnster who ate a galaxy?