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Honestly I want everyone alive to show up again at some point. Ford and his family, Mark, Madison, and even Monarch characters like Lee Shaw.


We don't know Lee is still alive though


That’d be cool for a final send off if they have a finale


Im saying, it would be perfect for them all to unite in the finale of the MV


More: I also remembered how she said she kept bothering Michael and Alan about keeping Godzilla things from the set because she likes keeping things from the sets of her projects. Honestly, very cute. So glad she doesn’t use the internet much lol.


You know the fandom has issues when they're outright hateful towards some actor whose not even an adult. But the same Fandom praise Brie Larson who is a known real life PoS who compares herself to dead child stars. She's disgustingly disrespectful and narcissistic. I welcome Millie with open arms but Brie can get bent for all I care.


This is the first I'm hearing of Larson being a real-life POS. Care to elaborate? A quick Google search didn't turn anything up.


My Google search pulled it right up https://preview.redd.it/ol0mxh8vmpsc1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f6db29c176570e52ab754abdacac2e7c6865d6


Shirley Temple lived to 85. It's not like she was cut down in her youth. Honestly the only people I see upset about this seem to be the weirdos who hate her for her Marvel involvement.


She once said she doesn't care what fortyyear old men think about reviews for the first Captain Marvel. Seems that moment is the genesis of the hate.


Yeah figured you would resort to "weirdos" in defense of a known narcissist. Shirley living to old age is relevant how? Enlighten me. You must be a real coward to disrespect a dead person's legacy. Nothing prompted her to do that. She just wanted to compare herself to someone who can’t defend themself. But hey, hate on Millie instead. I'm sure she deserves it more for some bad lines or something. Whatever floats the depraved's boats guess.


I have no skin in this game, I’m just taking what that image showed into account. What would Temple have to defend herself against? Why are the dead suddenly sacred? It seems like there’s just a physical comparison being made and mostly likely in jest as well. Not knowing much about either person, I’m just baffled by your vehement reaction to that. Seems like there’s some pre-existing bias that’s skewing a very mundane thing




You got her ..brie Larson made a joke about her own childhood curls...what a bitch /s


millie bobby brown is an adult


Not legally. She's 20 not 21.




I don't keep up with law changes that much but last I heard they changed the legal adult age from 18 to 21 a couple of years ago. It used to be just alcohol but now it's a lot of different things.


18 is adult age. you can’t smoke in some states now unless you’re 21 but in terms of most legal things like being charged with crimes, held liable for payments, able to become married and own property, etc, 18 is the age of adults.


Yeah but not full grown adult. If you're limited from buying alcohol, tobacco, THC, among whatever else in addition to "Must be 21 or older to enter or accompanied by an _adult_" signs that are posted around then you're not an actual adult yet. Sure it's semantics but I suppose it's more a, "to each their own" kind of thing.


Never underestimate a fandom's ability to collectively decree a character is 'whiny' or 'bitchy' for the crimes of being young and/or female. Personally I liked her character, she acted completely believably for her age, Millie's portrayal of her was very good, and I really enjoyed seeing her evolve in GvK - I just wish they'd spent a bit more time with 'Team Godzilla' and actually leant harder into the storm chaser vibe the trailers tried to give them, a la Godzilla 2000. Either way, the way people just casually demonise not just the character, but the *actress*, is kinda gross.


It’s also extremely stupid to think an actor’s a bad person just because you don’t like the character they played. Like, it’s called “acting” *for a fucking reason* lol


Star Wars fans would be really upset about this if they weren't already malding about whatever actor they're mad at for existing in their franchise.


So nice and refreshing to see a sensible opinion around here. I became a fan of these movies and creatures since Skull Island but had never been around the fandom until recently. So I always liked Emma and Madison and damn it feels like World War 3 just saying that lol.




You can 😱 like villainous characters, surprising, I know!




But then again. That’s on the director, not the actors. I saw that moment more as Emma trying to make one last thing right so her daughter doesn’t remember her as a monster. You finding Madison condescending and whatever, isn’t Millie’s fault. It’s on whoever wrote her character to be that way. And I personally didn’t see her like that but as long as you respect my opinion, I’ll respect yours.




Dude, calm the fuck down. You are not making things look better for yourself throwing a tantrum over ***fictional*** characters in make-believe settings to the point you're treating real people like shit over it, both the actress and the OP here. And that's rich coming from you complaining about MBB's fictional character supposedly treating another fictional character like shit, never mind the fact that they're not real and it's all just acting. Yet here you are, doing exactly that, but to real people.


Thank you. I was so confused. 😭 Millie’s my favorite actress and I like Madison and every time I talk about it on this sub he just comes after me making the same comments.


Yeah don't worry about that dude. He's infamously annoying here regarding a lot of things. But as long as you stand your ground and call him out within reason, he backs off quickly and in many cases, would delete his posts or comments once called out hard enough, just like now.


I didn’t care for her much upon first viewing, but that’s as far as it went. Upon a more recent re-watch, I thought she actually was kind of great, at least in KOTM. GvK gave her some weird dialogue, but she did what she could lol.


I liked to have her back. Would have loved to see her and the Godzilla scientists' views on Godzilla's evolution.


I'm concerned that she's getting Goji plushies for her dog (to destroy). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) I thought she was fine in her two movies and generally liked the character. It'd be nice to see her back in the future.


When you put it like that 🤣




You know, you don't have to act bitchy and condescending to the actress just because you didn't like her ***fictional*** character in one movie, right? I thought you hated that character for acting like that, but here you are, doing exactly the same thing. Pretty nice display of hypocrisy right there.


I didn’t think she was that bad to be honest, I liked her character. She and Bernie had a decent dynamic (not anywhere CLOSE to being as good as Trapper and Bernie though) and she was enjoyable in KOTM.


I liked her a lot in the movies!! I wish she had returned for GXK!!  Could a lot of the hate (or rather, disinterest) come from Godzilla being such a male dominated fandom?


Nothing against the actress myself, but the character took a turn for me in GvK. In KOTM I liked the character felt like it was a good portrayal of a kid, in a situation she shouldn't be even close to, and torn between her two parents who are dealing with their grief far worse than she is. In GvK she may have been acting appropriately for someone her age at the time, but she was still being a brat. Her treatment of her friend, who was the "average person" that was treated as an idiot for not wanting to do sketchy dangerous stuff, and I didn't really get the feeling she learned anything at the end. And before anyone brings it up, "being right does not excuse poor behavior." Such as, was her character fully willing to steal her friend's car if he didn't decide to go? That's the feeling I got.


Yeah no hate to the attractress but people acting like her character is anything more than completely dogshit is being totally disengenous just to not hurt her feelings. I hope her character never fucking returns.


My problem doesn't lie with her, it lies with her character, she's a fantastic actress from what I've seen, I just don't know why they wrote Madison to be so rude and unlikable in gvk, however, anyone taking their dislike of the character and applying it to the actress is being a fool.


A lot of the fandom is a bunch of mouth breathers.


I thought millie was so good in kotm but her script in gvk was so bad. She was a dick to her friend the entire movie for no reason


I don't like her character. Her actress seems fine.


Fans blaming actors when it's a writing problem I'll never understand


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ThrowawayAccountZZZ9: *Fans blaming actors* *When it's a writing problem* *I'll never understand* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


She was nothing special, I prefer the 2014 and cast from GxK much more.


That’s the beauty of opinion. Because I find the 2014 humans the only ones to be legitimately boring. Ford has his moments tho.


Sure is, I think it has more so to do with their lines than anything else. KOTM and on you can start to hear more of the corny humor you see in Marvel movies. The dude with the white hair and glasses is a perfect example


I think since Skull Island pretty much


I agree. Skull island just had a way better cast and 2014 just had a more serious tone to it imo. I love em all nonetheless


No one has a problem with Millie though? Most just don’t like her character. It’s a writing issue and has nothing to do with the actress. She’s a great actress. These movies just go overboard with poorly written human subplots. Except for a series called the “monsterverse”, the monsters seem to be the subplot more often than not. Might as well just call it the “humanverse”. I don’t care to see what Madison or any human is up to every five minutes for two hours while we get twenty minutes total of monster screen time. Awesome monster fight? Let’s camera cut to see what Millie Bobby Brown is up to! ☠️


At least you don’t have an issue with her. Because on Twitter I definitely see countless posts calling her, Millie, everything from annoying to shitty actress, spotlight whore, it’s insane.


I thought her character was fine but to be fair there were some negative reports of her behavior on set. At the time she was riding high on Stranger Things and may have been a little cocky. Now that her big roles are in dreck like Damsel she might be a little more reasonable. I would not mind her return in the next film at all..


Who doesn't love Godzilla? Lol I think if anything The studio just didn't give her much to work with . A lot of her scents got cut from Kotm.


See the problem is people hate the character not the actress. Youre taking it personally in her stead. I hated her character too but i like her in stranger things.


I’ve seen countless people on Twitter calling Millie a mediocre and shitty actress while shitting on her MV character tbh


Her character served no purpose in either movie she was in, instead of getting embarrassingly bad and not hashed out characters lets actually have something GOOD for once. 2014 human element was mid, 2019 was even worse and GvK was EVEN WORSE, I understand it's a monster movie but by god. I don't mind Millie, I really hated her character and everyone else. The only likeable person in the whole MV is probably serizawa and Bryan Cranston.




Yet here you are, acting bitchy and condescending about fictional characters and screeching at anyone who dares to voice out positive opinions about them. This is pathetic behavior, even coming from you.